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This letter provides a comprehensive overview and extension of recent results on outage probabilities and bit-error rates (BER) for optimal combiners in the presence of multiple interferers and additive noise. Desired signal and interferers are subject to flat Rayleigh fading and all channels are independent. In addition to summarizing previous work, this letter also derives the BER for a wider range of modulations than previously considered. We show that previous approximate results on the equal power interferer case where the number of interferers is less than the number of antenna elements can be made exact in a straightforward way. Finally we extend previous work on the single and double interferer case to the general case of arbitrary numbers of interferers.  相似文献   

dThis paper is concerned with the error-performance analysis of binary and quadrature differential phase-shift keying with differential detection over the nonselective, Rayleigh fading channel with combining diversity reception. The diversity channels are independent, but have nonidentical statistics. The fading process in each channel is assumed to have an arbitrary Doppler spectrum with arbitrary Doppler bandwidth. Both optimum diversity reception and suboptimum diversity reception are considered. Results available previously apply only to the case of second-order diversity and require numerical integration for their actual evaluation. Our results are more general in that the order of diversity is arbitrary. Moreover, the bit-error probability (BEP) result is obtained in an exact, closed-form expression which shows the behavior of the BEP as an explicit function of the one-symbol-interval fading correlation coefficient at the matched-filter output, the mean received signal-to-noise ratio per symbol per channel, and the order of diveristy.   相似文献   

Simultaneous existence of multipath fading and shadowing leads to worsening conditions in wireless channels. This is further compounded by the interference from other base stations operating at the same frequency. The effect of this cochannel interference (CCI) and shadowed fading in error rates is studied when maximal ratio combining is used to mitigate short term fading. The CCI channels were also treated as undergoing shadowed fading. The generalized K distribution was used to model the signal-to-noise ratio of composite shadowed fading channel. The probability density functions of the signal-to-noise ratio taking into account the presence of multipath fading, shadowing and CCI were derived and used for the estimation of error rates. Results demonstrated the existence of degradation in the channel manifested as increased error rates and higher error floors. The improvements in the channel obtained through diversity were also demonstrated. The approach presented here can be easily adapted to the analysis of other diversity schemes in shadowed fading channels.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the error performance of wireless communication systems using M-branch maximal ratio combining (MRC) with multiple cochannel interference. Three cochannel interference models are considered: (A) L independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) Nakagami-m cochannel interferers; (B) L independent cochannel interferers consisting of L-N Nakagami-m interferers and N Rayleigh interferers; (C) L independent cochannel interferers in which each interferer follows Nakagami-m distribution for a fraction of time and Rayleigh distribution for the remaining time. In addition, the desired signal assumes Nakagami-m fading. This paper considers that an exponential correlation model is assumed for the desired signals received on each branch, while the interferers are assumed independent. Closed-form expressions are derived for the probability density functions (PDFs) of the instantaneous signal-to-interference power ratio (SIR) at the output of the MRC for the three interference models. Using these SIR PDFs, further closed-form expressions to evaluate the outage probability (OTP) and the average bit error probability (BEP) of differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) are derived. Numerical results showing the impacts of the system parameters on the OTP and the average BEP are then presented.  相似文献   

Expressions for the throughput and average packet delay for a Pure-ALOHA single-hop packet radio system operating in slow Rayleigh fading are derived. For noncoherent frequency-shift-keying (NCFSK), an exact closed form expression is presented. For coherent phase-shift-keying (CPSK) an excellent approximation for large packet sizes is derived. This approximation technique is valid in general for other modulation schemes and for other fading channel statistical characterizations. The packet length which maximizes the useful data throughput in slow Rayleigh fading is found. The results of this investigation indicate that a packet radio system can be designed with a modest link margin for fading and achieve identical throughput performance over a nonfading channel and a fading channel with only a small increase in average packet delay for the fading channel.  相似文献   

System performances of dual selection combining over fading channels are analyzed. Fading between the diversity branches and between interferences is correlated and Rician distributed. Infinite series expressions for the probability density function, and the cumulative distribution function of the output signal-to-interference ratio are derived, which is the main contribution of this paper. Outage probability and the average bit error probability for noncoherent modulation schemes are also presented. Numerical results, presented in this paper, point out the effects of fading severity and correlation on the system performances.  相似文献   

The need to combat the severe effects of fading and interferencein the rapidly increasing number of communication systemsproviding wireless services has motivated the study of diversityin the presence of interference.Hence the analysis of wireless systems with both transmit andreceive diversity and subject to cochannel interference is animportant tool for system design.We consider here a K-transmit dual-receive diversitycommunication systememploying K antennas for transmission and two antennasfor reception. The desired signal is corruptedby N interfering sources apart from additive whiteGaussian noise. The channel is Rayleigh fading.As a result, the channel matrix for the desired signaland the propagation vectors of the interferers havezero-mean complexGaussian entries; the entries are assumedto be independent and identically distributed.The complex receive weight vectorused for combining the received signalsis chosen so as to maximize the outputsignal-to-interference-plus-noiseratio (SINR).From the statistics of the channel matrix and thepropagation vectors of the interferers,we derive a closed-form expressionfor the probability density function (p.d.f.)of the maximum outputSINR. This p.d.f. can be used to obtainthe symbol errorprobability for different digital modulation schemes.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to outage probability analysis of predetection maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception in Nakagami-m fading channels. We generalize prior work in that we consider L independent cochannel interferers with arbitrary powers and fading parameters as well as the effects of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Our approach results in a general expression for outage probability under very broad assumptions. Moreover, our approach leads to a closed-form expression for outage probability in most cases of interest. We also provide numerical results that demonstrate the performance improvement obtained through MRC diversity combining in the presence of cochannel interferers.  相似文献   

王先义  江长荫 《电子学报》1995,23(7):107-109
本文提出一种适合于瑞利衰落信道多进制差分相移键控系统相位比较解调的性能分析方法,推导出符号错误率解析表示式,考虑了瑞利衰落、时间选择性衰落和高斯白噪声对体制性能的影响,并针对衰落功率谱为高斯型和矩形分别对二进制、四进制和八进制情形进行了数值计算。  相似文献   

The performance of space-time transmit diversity is examined in a multiuser direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system over fast- and slow-fading channels. The underlying space-time system employs transmit antennas and receive antennas at the mobile user and receiver base station, respectively. We consider the performance of the space-time multiuser system when using the linear decorrelator detector to combat the effect of multiuser interference. In our analysis, we derive a closed-form expression for the probability of bit error for both fast- and slow-fading channels. These theoretical results are shown to be very accurate when compared to system simulations. Both simulations and theoretical results prove that, regardless of the system load, the full diversity order of for fast-fading channels and for slow-fading channels is always maintained, and only a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss is incurred. This SNR loss is proved to be a function of only the number of users (i.e., level of interference) and independent of the number of transmit and/or receive antennas. Using our theoretical results, we show that the loss in SNR from the single-user bound can be well approximated by , where represents the level of multiuser interference.  相似文献   

Generalized diversity combining (GDC), also known as hybrid selection/maximal ratio combining or generalized selection combining, is a low-complexity diversity combining technique by which a fixed subset of a large number of available diversity channels is chosen and then combined using the rules of maximal ratio combining. In this paper, we analyze the performance of GDC on time-correlated Rayleigh fading channels with noisy channel estimates. We derive expressions for the probability of error for various linear modulation schemes with coherent detection, and discuss the conditions under which the analysis can be extended to noncoherent and differentially coherent receiver structures. Throughout the paper, using a fundamental approach to obtain the decision statistic at the combiner output, a number of new expressions for the error probabilities are obtained in a rigorous way, along with a presentation of their performance with channel estimation errors. The final expressions have roughly the same complexity of evaluation as that for the channel with only additive Gaussian noise. Our results correct various inaccuracies in the literature, and show that coherent receivers based on imperfectly estimated channel knowledge incur a significant performance loss.   相似文献   

This paper proposes a new MIMO based CDMA code acquisition scheme. The pilot codes consist of a number of short Gold code sequences which are transmitted in parallel using a group of transmit antennas. Reception diversity is performed by multiple receive antennas at the receiver. Three different acquisition detection techniques are proposed and compared. Corresponding threshold optimizations are investigated as well. Detection and false alarm probabilities are derived in closed form based on the outputs of non-coherent matched filters. The acquisition performance is evaluated in terms of mean acquisition time (MAT) in Rayleigh fading environment. It is shown that the proposed MIMO acquisition scheme exhibits a much better MAT performance than the conventional single-antenna acquisition scheme. The results reveal that multiple receive antennas can be utilized to significantly reduce the MAT at the expense of receiver complexity increase. On the other hand, increasing the number of transmit antennas makes the MAT performance more robust in the presence of strong interference.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a multiple-access scheme in which different users share the same bandwidth and the same pulse, and are discriminated at the receiver on the basis of the received energy using successive decoding. More specifically, we extend the performance analysis from the case of additive white Gaussian noise channels (presented in a previous work Salvo Rossi in Wirel Pers Commun, in press) to the case of fading channels. The presence of channel coefficients introduces a new degree of freedom in the transceiver design: unlike the AWGN case, different ordering among the users provides different transmitted energy, thus different overall system performance. Optimal ordering, in terms of minimum transmitted energy, is derived analytically. Analytical and numerical results, in terms of bit error rate and normalized throughput, are derived for performance evaluation in fading environments with optimal ordering exhibiting significant gains w.r.t. static ordering.  相似文献   

In this paper, the capacity and error probability of maximal ratio combining (MRC) reception are considered for different modulation schemes over correlated Nakagami fading channels. Based on an equivalent scalar additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, we derive the characteristic function (CF) and the probability density function (PDF) of the signal to noise ratio for MRC reception over Nakagami fading channels. Using these CF and PDF results, closed form error probability and capacity expressions are obtained for PSK, PAM and QAM modulation. Wei Li received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Victoria in 2004. He is now a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria. He is a Member of the IEEE. His research interests include ultra-wideband system, spread spectrum communications, diversity for wireless communications, and cellular communication systems. Hao Zhang was born in Jiangsu, China, in 1975. He received his Bachelor Degree in Telecom Engineering and Industrial Management from Shanghai Jiaotong University, China in 1994, his MBA from New York Institute of Technology, USA in 2001, and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Victoria, Canada in 2004. His research interests include ultra-wideband radio systems, MIMO wireless systems, and spectrum communications. From 1994 to 1997, he was the Assistant President of ICO(China) Global Communication Company. He was the Founder and CEO of Beijing Parco Co., Ltd. from 1998 to 2000. In 2000, he joined Microsoft Canada as a Software Engineer, and was Chief Engineer at Dream Access Information Technology, Canada from 2001 to 2002. He is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria. T. Aaron Gulliver received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada in 1989. From 1989 to 1991 he was employed as a Defence Scientist at Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada. He has held academic positions at Carleton University, Ottawa, and the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He joined the University of Victoria in 1999 and is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, Canada. In 2002, he became a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada. His research interests include information theory and communication theory, algebraic coding theory, cryptography, construction of optimal codes, turbo codes, spread spectrum communications, space-time coding and ultra wideband communications.  相似文献   

Both adaptive modulation and diversity combining represent important enabling techniques for future generations of wireless communication systems. In this paper, capitalizing on recent developments in adaptive combining, we propose three joint adaptive modulation and diversity combining (AMDC) schemes. With these schemes, the modulation mode and diversity combiner structure are adaptively determined based on the fading channel condition and error-rate requirement. We accurately analyze these three AMDC schemes in terms of processing power consumption, spectral efficiency, and error-rate performance. Selected numerical examples show that the proposed AMDC systems meet the target error-rate requirement while achieving high spectral efficiency with low processing power consumption  相似文献   

相关莱斯信道下最大比合并的性能分析在现有的文献中很少见。该文提出了一种线性变换的方法以及借助于一定的数学工具,获得了相关莱斯信道下最大比合并后输出信号信噪比的概率密度函数,并且在此基础上得到了频移键控与相移键控相干检测与非相干检测在相关莱斯信道下的误比特率封闭表达式。  相似文献   

An accurate approximation is obtained for the average probability of error in an asynchronous binary direct-sequence spreadspectrum multiple-access communications system operating over nonselective and frequency-selective Rician fading channels. The approximation is based on the integration of the characteristic function of the multiple-access interference which now consists of specular and scatter components. For nonselective fading, the amount of computation required to evaluate this approximation grows linearly with the productKN, whereKis the number of simultaneous transmitters andNis the number of chips per bit. For frequency-selective fading, the computational effort grows linearly with the product KN2. The resulting probability of error is also compared with an approximation based on the signal-to-noise ratio. Numerical results are presented for specific chip waveforms and signature sequences.  相似文献   

Chaos-Coded Modulations Over Rician and Rayleigh Flat Fading Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this brief, we analyze a kind of chaos-coded modulations over both Rician and Rayleigh frequency non-selective uncorrelated fading in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. We provide bounds both for the case when perfect channel-state information (CSI) is available at the decoder and when there is no CSI. We show that the bounds proposed can be tight enough to give reason of the behavior of these systems in a flat fading channel. We compare the results with a related trellis-coded modulation and show that the degradation in performance can be at least as low as with conventional coded modulation systems.  相似文献   

Three non-data-aided signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimator techniques are derived and compared for turbo decoding, in conjunction with block-coded binary-phase-shift-keying (BPSK) signals received over fully interleaved (i.e., uncorrelated) Rayleigh fading channels. These estimators, which do not require knowledge at the receiver of the channel SNR nor the power of fading amplitude, are optimized in terms of minimizing the estimation error by choosing an appropriate curve fit model and comparing their estimation errors, as well as their turbo decoding bit-error-rate (BER) performance. Turbo decoding performance evaluation results have demonstrated that the two SNR estimators, which use the ratios of the second moment to the square of the mean absolute value and the fourth moment to the fourth power of the mean absolute value of the received signals, respectively, result in comparable BER performance to the case of perfect SNR knowledge at the receiver. Furthermore, they outperform the third SNR estimator, which makes use of the ratio of the square of the second moment to the fourth moment, particularly in applications with relatively short code blocks.   相似文献   

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