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人类活动对河川径流的影响日趋强烈,一定程度上破坏了样本的一致性,以致部分实测资料已无法满足水资源评价和水利水电工程设计的要求。尤其是在地下水强扰动地区,受地下水开发利用数据缺乏、不确定性大、计算过程复杂等因素的影响,常规逐项还原法的还原精度很难保证,存在还原失真问题。因此,探索一种简单实用、精度满足规范要求的面向地下水强扰动区的径流还原计算方法尤为迫切。为此,在常规分项调查法的基础上,借鉴河川基流分割的思路,提出基流还原与分项调查法相结合的改进方法。通过对陕北地区3个资料条件较好的水文站开展实例研究,发现改进方法与常规方法的还原效果较为接近,且对不同地貌类型和不同地下水扰动程度的地区皆表现出较好的适用性。研究表明:改进分项调查法与常规方法相比,对数据范围和数量的要求更小,仅需实测径流和地表分项调查资料即可完成径流还原计算,可避免由于地下水开发利用资料缺乏或序列过短而造成的还原失真问题,且可获得较为合理计算结果,满足水资源评价和工程设计要求。该方法对于地下水强扰动且资料缺乏地区的径流还原计算具有参考价值。  相似文献   

水资源评价是水资源的合理开发利用、水资源保护和水资源统一管理的基础。地表水是土壤水和地下水的主要补给来源,也是人类可以直接取用的水资源,因此对地表水资源进行评价非常重要,对地表水资源数量的评价是其中的重要组成部分。由于人类活动对天然河川径流量的影响,改变了河川径流系列的一致性,因此对径流量的一致性进行分析是进行地表水资源数量评价的首要任务。本文的基本思想是:针对降雨径流的非线性关系,引入处理高维数据的投影寻踪法,在产汇流理论的基础上,通过对降雨径流之间的多元非线性关系进行了分析,根据分析结果对非一致性的径流系列进行还原计算。  相似文献   

针对传统小扰动稳定域未考虑系统可能出现的持续振荡和阻尼比过低的情况,提出一种基于保护映射(Guardian map)的改进小扰动稳定域计算方法。首先,借助映射理论将系统从改进小扰动稳定域映射到负半平面上,并通过直和运算构成保护映射,然后利用能够精确求解Hurwitz矩阵稳定域的保护映射方法准确快速地求解出改进小扰动稳定域的边界。IEEE 4机11节点系统仿真结果表明:基于保护映射的电力系统改进小扰动稳定域描绘方法具有较高的精确度和有效性。最后,进一步分析发电机励磁系统参数对改进小扰动稳定域的影响,对指导系统调度运行,预防系统出现小扰动失稳具有参考意义。  相似文献   

本文根据恒定均匀流及非均匀流方程,推导出顺直、扩散及收缩三种河段的洪水比降公式,且用“海河638”及“淮河758”最大洪水资料进行了验证。其计算方法均指在无水位资料地区,根据设计流量,糙率及大断面资料,推求设计洪水位,对电力工程建设有广泛的实用价值。  相似文献   

无资料地区湿球温度计算方法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
电厂冷却塔设计气象条件中,最近5年夏季10%湿球温度及其相应气象条件是重要的设计气象参数。近年来,由于湿球温度应用范围较狭窄,不少气象站已经停止了湿球温度的观测,这给电厂气象参数的分析计算造成了一定困难。本文根据有关湿球温度的计算公式,总结出一种通过大气压强、干球温度、相对湿度和平均风速计算湿球温度的方法。  相似文献   

递归投影方法(recursive projection method,RPM)通过对现有时域仿真程序(time-domain simulation code,TDSC)的黑箱调用来获取电力系统平衡点以及小扰动稳定信息.在RPM作用下,全状态空间被解耦为不稳定/慢不变子空间及其正交补子空间两部分,分别采用牛顿型算法以及TDSC原有的不动点迭代格式进行计算.采用QR分解方法或Arnoldi方法来构造不变子空间的基底,并通过具体算例验证RPM增强不动点迭代收敛性以及判别系统小扰动稳定状态的有效性;同时,还分析不同基底构造方式和参数设置方案对RPM计算性能的影响,并得出了RPM适宜与显式积分法结合使用的结论.  相似文献   

针对现有电能质量扰动源定位方法中对扰动方向表征不足的问题,引入扰动测度概念,测量扰动的大小和方向,提出一种扰动方向的定量表示方法以及相应的扰动源定位算法。首先利用基本信度分配函数对扰动方向进行量化处理,然后通过隶属度函数对扰动功率和扰动能量进行综合定位,得出多测点的扰动方向测度列向量,结合覆盖矩阵得出最终的定位结果.仿真结果表明:在原方法定位不准确的情况下,新方法仍然能够正确定位扰动源,证实了此方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

孟晓琳  谢炜 《电站系统工程》1997,13(4):24-27,52
从实用的角度提出了径流式水电站水能的计算机辅助计算方法。采用三次样条函数分段拟合水库特性曲线及水库上下游水位流量关系曲线;采用正交网络离散水轮机运转特性曲线,并利用二维B样条插值方法求解水轮机任意工况点的效率  相似文献   

Contents This paper discusses practical aspects of the calculation of stochastic load flows in power networks. The great bulk of the investigation is focused on the preparation and the interpretation of input data for computations. A computational example illustrates the results.
Praktische Aspekte der Berechnung des stochastischen Leistungsflusses
Übersicht In der vorliegenden Abhandlung wurden Bedingungen für die Berechnung des stochastischen Leistungsflusses angegeben. Behandelt wird die Datenvorbereitung, und insbesondere die Berechnung der Varianz und Kovarianz der Leistungen in den Netzknoten. Die Theorie wird mit einem numerischen Beispiel illustriert.

This paper presents a new sparse formulation for the solution of unbalanced three-phase power systems using the Newton-Raphson method. The three-phase current injection equations are written in rectangular coordinates resulting in an order 6n system of equations. The Jacobian matrix is composed of 6×6 block matrices and retains the same structure as the nodal admittance matrix. Practical distribution systems were used to test the method and to compare its robustness with that of the backward/forward sweep method  相似文献   

The key to properly sizing cables, overcurrent devices, and batteries is correctly calculating load current. The load current for constant-power devices increases as voltage decreases. The opposite is true for constant-resistive devices. If the effects of voltage are neglected, the designer can over-design circuits for constant-resistance loads and under-design circuits for constant-power loads. The authors describe how computerized techniques have existed for some time for AC system analysis and how these techniques can easily be adapted for DC analysis. This will allow designers to quickly perform the what-if games required to strike a balance between conservative design and costs  相似文献   

This paper presents the implementation of a Solid State Transformer (SST) model in OpenDSS. The goal is to develop a SST model that could be useful for assessing the impact that the replacement of the conventional iron-and-copper transformer with the SST can have on the distribution system performance. Test distribution systems of different characteristics and size have been simulated during different time periods. The simulations have been carried out assuming voltage-dependent loads and considering that power flow through either the HV/MV substation transformer or any of the MV/LV distribution transformers can be bidirectional. Simulation results prove that a positive impact should be expected on voltages at both MV and LV levels, but the efficiency of current SST designs should be improved.  相似文献   

土壤次生盐渍化和土地荒漠化与灌区地下水位埋深密切相关。将灌区地下水调控在合理的埋深范围内,可更有效地防治土壤次生盐渍化,从而改善自然植被或作物赖以生存的土壤环境,更有利于自然植被或作物的生长发育,进而提高植被的繁茂程度或作物的产量。根据干旱内陆河流域水资源开发利用及农业生产管理的特点,总结并探讨了灌区地下水位调控的措施。以新疆阿瓦提灌区为例,依据生产实践设置了维持现状、加大灌区节水改造、改变洗盐压碱模式和优选井灌井排等4个情景方案,以现状数据为基础设置相应的参数,应用区域水盐平衡模型对灌区的水平衡、耗水平衡、地下水平衡、供需水平衡和盐平衡等5个平衡进行模拟和预测,得到各方案各子灌区水盐平衡结果,分析了不同地下水位调控措施对地下水的影响。分析表明:不进行冬春灌而采用滴水适播或干播湿出,可使土壤冻融期地下水位下降到临界深度以下,将有效地抑制浅层土壤的返盐和积盐;井灌井排是灌区地下水调控最有效的措施,既开发利用地下水资源,又可控制地下水位、防治或改良盐碱地等。地下水位调控措施的选择需因地制宜,综合考虑灌区土壤盐碱化程度、地下水位埋深现状、灌溉排水条件等合理选择。  相似文献   

This paper provides a unified method to model three-phase transformers for distribution system load flow calculations, especially when the matrix singularity caused by the transformer configuration arises. This paper shows that the singularity appears only in certain transformer admittance submatrices and only in certain transformer configurations. The unified method presented in this paper can solve the voltage/current equations in the forward/backward sweep algorithm for various types of transformer configurations, whether or not the corresponding admittance submatrices are singular. Comprehensive comparisons have been made between the proposed approach and other methods. Test results demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

暂态电压扰动模式识别面临两个挑战,一是局限于单一监测点的扰动识别不能准确解释复杂扰动的完整过程,另一是离线分析很难满足辅助决策实时性的要求。提出基于Storm流式计算框架,结合logstash和Kafka消息中间件,构建面向多监测点的实时数据监测处理平台。采用滑动时间窗口算法,实现Storm编程逻辑拓扑。通过设置基本时间窗口大小和数量,实现面向区域电网的多时空尺度、多业务模型的暂态电压扰动模式识别。实验结果表明,合理设置Storm组件的任务数目能够最大限度发挥并行处理能力。通过仿真数据测试得到的吞吐量和平均处理延迟结果,能够满足电网对流数据实时处理的高吞吐量、可扩展性、实时性和准确性的要求。  相似文献   

The problem of load-frequency control is investigated using disturbance-accommodation control. It is shown that the optimal accommodation of load disturbances can lead to significantly better performance than that of conventional controllers. It is further shown that the complete cancellation of all disturbance effects in the class of power systems considered is impossible. Nevertheless, the disturbance effects in system frequency can be cancelled completely. Simulation results are presented for the case of an ideal one-area system and the data clearly demonstrates the degree of performance improvement made possible by a DAC controller.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive preconditioner is constructed for Jacobian-free Newton-GMRES(m) [JFNG(m)] methods, which is devised for solving coordination equations in distributed simulations of power systems. The preconditioner is updated during both Newton iterations and GMRES iterations by means of a rank-one update algorithm. The proposed preconditioned JFNG(m) is applied to power flow calculations for test. The results show that the adaptive preconditioner can enhance convergence of Newton-GMRES(m) iteration schemes greatly and has stronger robustness compared with other precondition methods. Moreover, the proposed method has strong parallelism and scalability, which makes it feasible to solve distributed simulation problems of power systems.  相似文献   

Fault level considerations may be an inhibiting factor for the interconnection of distributed generation (DG) to the network, particularly at the medium voltage level. In this paper, the latest edition of the IEC 60909 Standard is applied for the calculation of the resulting fault level in medium and low voltage distribution networks with DG. First, an outline of the IEC calculation methodology is presented, including all relevant equations for DG cases studies. Then the short-circuit contribution of the various DG types is extensively discussed. The application of the methodology is demonstrated on a study case medium voltage distribution network, which includes all representative types of DG sources. Emphasis is placed on the contribution of the upstream system, which is the dominant source of short-circuit current. A discussion is also included on potential measures for fault level reduction.  相似文献   

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