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对分布式能源系统的冷热电三联供系统进行了热力学分析,比较了原动机(燃气轮机与燃气内燃机)和制冷机组(单效与双效制冷溴化锂机组)的优缺点及其在三联供系统中的应用特点,揭示了微型燃气原动机三联供系统的设计优化原则。  相似文献   

冷热电三联供分布式能源系统(CCHP)由于其高效、清洁、可靠的优点在能源行业日益受到重视.系统建模是CCHP系统的重要研究方向.将基于不同层次的CCHP系统建模加以分析、总结,将建模目的与建模层次和建模方法联系起来,回顾了国内外CCHP系统建模研究现状.重点讨论了基于全系统的运行模型,并对典型建模过程加以阐述.最后根据CCHP系统自身特点,总结了科学的建模方法并对重点研究方向做出了展望.  相似文献   

太阳能冷热电联供分布式能源系统的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以太阳能应用为背景,讨论了能够实现独立建筑冷热电联供的两种分布式能源系统的原理。以太阳能作为唯一热源,用于加热气体工质,进行闭式Brdyton循环发电。其透平释放的余热通过余热制冷方式供冷或通过换热器直接供热.可实现独立建筑的冷热电联供。当把燃料电池系统和该热动力系统组合起来,则可实现白天和夜间连续的独立建筑冷热电联供。该系统不消耗化石能源,无污染,能源利用效率高,具有进一步理论研究的价值和推广应用潜力。  相似文献   

陈效孺 《上海节能》2005,(6):109-121
分布式能源系统包括风能,太阳能,燃料电池,小/微型涡轮机等等。本文特指由天然气驱动的小/微型燃气轮机热(冷)电联产系统。  相似文献   

冷热电分布式供能系统的应用和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了冷热电三联产分布式供能系统在国内外的发展动态和应用现状,对其工作原理进行介绍,对特点进行归纳和总结,并且阐述采用该技术对改善环境、节能降耗及提高人民生活水平的重要作用和深远意义.最后对该技术在我国的发展进行展望,同时建议政府应给予相应的支持和优惠政策.  相似文献   

浅谈分布式区域冷热电联供系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑节能已成为我国节能技术领域的重要议题。冷热电三联供技术是充分利用低品位热能的一种有效手段,该系统能源综合利用率高,一般均可达到70%以上。本文阐述了分布式区域冷热电联供系统的原理和特点,提出一种基于热气机的天然气能源岛系统。并指出充分推动分布式区域冷热电联供技术的应用,对于能源节约、环境保护、能源安全以及资本有效运作具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

论燃气轮机热电冷联产分布式电源系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了燃气轮机热电冷联产分布式电源的系统装置、工作性能、优势及国内外发展现状;并从燃料成本、系统能效等方面分析了发展这种电源的经济性;建议我省在引进LNG之后,应当建设燃气轮机热电冷分布式电源的示范工程。  相似文献   

为解决传统高铁客运站供能系统中能源利用率较低的问题,以日运行购气费用和购电费用最优为优化目标,以系统运行过程中实时能量平衡为约束条件,以可再生能源出力和吸收式制冷占比为优化变量,建立多能源协同供能的分布式能源系统,并将该模型应用于北方某高铁客运站,分析可再生能源的利用率、制冷系统中可再生能源电出力的电制冷占比以及电网出力的节电率。仿真计算结果表明,分布式能源系统的使用提高了可再生能源的利用率,其中风电机组出力占其出力极限的96.5%,光伏机组出力94.7%;相比于参比系统,分布式能源系统的成本节约率为12.5%;电制冷占比为13%;电网的节电率为53.9%。  相似文献   

华贲 《中外能源》2012,17(2):18-22
“十二五”期间中国15.7万亿元的增量经济大部分将在新规划的新区实现,但从各地正在规划和建设的新区情况来看,缺少从一次能源到终端需求的冷、热、电、汽全过程高效联供的分布式供能规划.据推算,若“十二五”期间新区能效不变,工业和建筑物燃料需求将增加3×108t标煤/a,而这显然是不可能的.新规划区域能源模式创新、提高能效是“十二五”中国经济发展的关键,采用天然气分布式冷热电联供能源系统(DES/CCHP),可使能源终端供应能效成倍提高.“十二五”期间中国必须从区域经济发展的能源保障高度来规划分布式冷热电联供,规划决策中要按照具体情况,以经济性、能效和碳排放指标是否最优为判据.CCHP可以调峰换取电价,实现互利双赢.制订区域DES/CCHP规划时应注意区域能源规划先行,摆脱热电联产的思维定势,树立冷热电联供的科学理念,不可忽视向居民供应生活热水起到的提高能效的作用,以及如何确定电力负荷、装机容量和节能减排指标等问题.  相似文献   

为了提高能源利用效率,缓解中国供暖期天然气紧张的局面,提出了一种基于高效清洁燃烧技术的煤基冷热电三联供系统,建立了系统的热力学模型,并对系统进行了热力学分析,重点研究了背压机负荷和排气压力变化对系统性能的影响规律。研究结果表明:所提系统进行冷热电三联供时一次能源利用率为105.04%,■效率为32.23%;在变工况状态下,背压机负荷大于60%时,背压机负荷的变化对一次能源效率的影响很小;背压机排气压力为0.6 MPa时,系统的一次能源效率和■效率均达到最大值。  相似文献   

楼宇冷热电联供系统的产品成本分摊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
处理多产品系统的成本分摊问题,是运用热经济学方法分析能量系统的关键环节之一。本文较详细的分析了现有的热电联供系统成本分摊方法,并分别运用作功能力法以及在作功能力法基础上得出的“等效折算法”分摊了楼字冷热电联供(BCHP)系统热电之间的成本,并在此基础上进一步计算制冷部分的成本。通过将联供带来的好处合理分配给冷热电三部分,有效解决了三联供系统的成本分摊问题,并对一实际的BCHP系统进行了分析,给出了结论。  相似文献   

余热发电单级能量转换系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用对中低温余热的热水发电提出了可供选择的3种单级能量转换系统.给出每种系统的热力计算数学模型,对电站的功率和效率进行了计算与分析.计算结果表明,对于双工质循环方式采用过热系统是不可取的.通过对闪蒸系统和双工质循环系统的比较表明,对中低温热水发电来说,前者是一种可供选择的、较好的单级能量转换系统.  相似文献   

王镔 《节能》2007,26(2):24-25
对大连石化公司自备电厂锅炉和汽轮发电机组进行全面的测试,在此基础上进行了锅炉正、反平衡计算,汽轮机机相对内效率、汽轮机械效率和汽机发电机效率的计算,综合各项数据,得出了热电厂余热资源的综合热效率,并分析了热效率低的原因。  相似文献   

The paper presents an optimization model of a distributed cogeneration system with a district heating network, applied to a real city centre situation. The distributed urban cogeneration system includes both a set of micro-gas turbines, located inside some public buildings, and a centralized cogeneration system based on a Internal Combustion Engine. The objective function adopted for the optimization is the Total Annual Cost for owning, maintaining and operating the whole system. To face the problem a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) is defined and solved by a commercial software. Starting from the thermal and electrical demand of the buildings, the MILP model allows to define the possible installation of the centralized cogeneration ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) and the number of microturbines in the different buildings, the optimal lay-out of the district heating network and the optimal operation strategy for the whole system as well. In particular the energy performance and global CO2 emissions are evaluated.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid solar/gas system intended to provide cooling/heating and electricity generation for buildings was developed. The system is based on the combination of an ejector heat pump cycle with a Rankine cycle. It is driven by solar energy and supplemented by a gas burner. The system also uses an environmentally friendly refrigerant to have minimal impact on the environment. Results of system computer modelling, prototype tests and economic analysis are reported. The system was judged to be viable and reliable. Technical improvements still have to be achieved to improve system economics.  相似文献   

In recent years, micro combined cooling, heating and power generation (mCCHP) systems have attracted much attention in the energy demand side sector. The input energy of a mCCHP system is natural gas, while the outputs include heating, cooling and electricity energy. The mCCHP system is deemed as a possible solution for households with multiple energy demands. Given this background, a mCCHP based comprehensive energy solution for households is proposed in this paper. First, the mathematical model of a home energy hub (HEH) is presented to describe the inputs, outputs, conversion and consumption process of multiple energies in households. Then, electrical loads and thermal demands are classified and modeled in detail, and the coordination and complementation between electricity and natural gas are studied. Afterwards, the concept of thermal comfort is introduced and a robust optimization model for HEH is developed considering electricity price uncertainties. Finally, a household using a mCCHP as the energy conversion device is studied. The simulation results show that the comprehensive energy solution proposed in this work can realize multiple kinds of energy supplies for households with the minimized total energy cost.  相似文献   

建立带蓄能装置的分布式冷热电联产系统优化运行的数学模型,分析系统应用常规优化方法和敏感性分析法时各设备的运行策略。针对典型案例的分析表明:通过敏感性分析法的应用,可以解明蓄能装置蓄释状态的变化对系统运行策略产生的影响,在没有额外增加系统日运行能耗费用的情况下,蓄能装置可在更稳定的状态下进行蓄能或释能,减少因蓄释能策略大幅度的变化给装置本身带来的负担,有利于延长其使用寿命。  相似文献   

The optimum efficiency in the exploitation of a given energy resource in the cogeneration of electrical power and thermal energy requires the simultaneity of the electrical and thermal demands. Moreover, when the thermal demand is strongly time-varying or even discontinuous, the use of a thermal energy storage coupled with the cogeneration engine provides an attractive solution by allowing the production of dispatchable electrical power while more profitably exploiting the thermal energy available from the prime mover. The excess cogenerated heat can in fact be stored and then dispatched later when it is required by the thermal load. In the present work the simulation of a cogeneration facility coupled with a thermal energy storage system is considered. In order to assess and quantify the validity of such a solution, a practical case study is analysed: the model is applied to match the heating requirement of the buildings belonging to University of Parma Campus. The results of the energetic and economical analysis confirm the effectiveness of this solution strategy, based on the thermal energy storage system, by providing important guidelines in the choice of its optimal size.  相似文献   

J.M. Pearce   《Energy》2009,34(11):1947-1954
The recent development of small scale combined heat and power (CHP) systems has provided the opportunity for in-house power backup of residential-scale photovoltaic (PV) arrays. This paper investigates the potential of deploying a distributed network of PV + CHP hybrid systems in order to increase the PV penetration level in the U.S. The temporal distribution of solar flux, electrical and heating requirements for representative U.S. single family residences were analyzed and the results clearly show that hybridizing CHP with PV can enable additional PV deployment above what is possible with a conventional centralized electric generation system. The technical evolution of such PV + CHP hybrid systems was developed from the present (near market) technology through four generations, which enable high utilization rates of both PV-generated electricity and CHP-generated heat. A method to determine the maximum percent of PV-generated electricity on the grid without energy storage was derived and applied to an example area. The results show that a PV + CHP hybrid system not only has the potential to radically reduce energy waste in the status quo electrical and heating systems, but it also enables the share of solar PV to be expanded by about a factor of five.  相似文献   

In recent years, renewable energy sources have played an increasingly important role in potential energy production. The integration of renewables into energy production plants has therefore become a major challenge for many organizations. This study concerns the modernization of a small power plant in a large hospital. The design criteria include the possibility of utilizing renewable energy sources and providing a potential increase in heat production (with additional heat being supplied to a nearby university campus). The existing boiler conditions (i.e. controls, efficiency, etc.) are unable to satisfy the desired requirements and therefore require an extensive retrofit.  相似文献   

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