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Yersinia enterocolitica is enteropathogenic for man and rodents. Previous studies provided evidence that Y. enterocolitica invades the lymphoid follicles of the Peyer's patches (PP) of the small intestine. In this study Y. enterocolitica-induced tissue alterations of the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) and the underlying PP tissue were analysed by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as well as by conventional histological examination. For this purpose, an experimental mouse infection model including orogastric infections as well as ileal loop experiments were used. A rapid and selective colonisation of the FAE after orogastric yersinia infection was observed by SEM. TEM studies confirmed that Y. enterocolitica adhered closely to the FAE including M cells and enterocytes. Histological studies and TEM revealed that Y. enterocolitica selectively invaded the PP via M cells but not via other cells of the FAE. One day after Y. enterocolitica infection the FAE was altered and small micro-abscesses comprising yersiniae expressing the major outer-membrane protein YadA were observed immediately beneath the FAE. Adjacent villi were dilated from lymphangiectasis and transmigrating polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNL) were found within the epithelium. At 5-7 days after infection the FAE and parts of PP were destroyed. Profound alterations of the cyto-architecture of the PP were due to the enormous recruitment of PMNL. By day 5 after infection, abscesses were found in the mesenteric lymph nodes. However, TEM studies revealed evidence that Y. enterocolitica may disseminate from the PP not only via the lymphatics but also by invasion of blood vessels. Taken together, the results of this study demonstrate that the FAE is the primary site of host-pathogen interaction in Y. enterocolitica infection and that this pathogen penetrates M cells and subsequently induces destruction of the PP.  相似文献   

Invasive enteric bacteria must pass through the intestinal epithelium in order to establish infection. It is becoming clear that a common target for intestinal mucosa penetration is the specialized epithelial cell of Peyer's patches, the M cell. In order to gain a better understanding of how bacteria interact with M cells, we have compared the interactions of Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, and Shigella flexneri with M cells by using a murine ligated-loop model. Our results indicate that S. typhimurium possesses a highly efficient mechanism for M cell entry that targets and destroys these cells, while L. monocytogenes and S. flexneri appear to be internalized into M cells in a less disruptive fashion. Early uptake of Listeria or Shigella into M cells appeared to lead to the death of some cells, as evidenced by the appearance of holes in the intestinal epithelium. At later time points, the follicle-associated epithelium of animals infected with these bacteria displayed extensive destruction. These data indicate that enteric pathogens use different strategies to interact with M cells and initiate infection of a host.  相似文献   

Recently researchers have suggested that clinical subsets of Crohn's disease occur, which are variously described as inflammatory, fibrostenotic, and fistulizing. In addition, it has been observed that within families with multiple cases, often there is concordance of the site and type of disease. The lesions of Crohn's disease occur in segments that suggest that distribution of Peyer's patches. When the age-related incidence of Crohn's disease was plotted for all countries from which such data were available, the peaks of greatest case frequency occurred at ages 15 to 25 years and paralleled a similar peak representing the number of Peyer's patches as a function of age. This correlation suggests that Crohn's disease may develop as an inflammatory process specifically targeting these important lymphoid structures. Similar peaks of activity in the adolescent to early adult years occur for appendicitis and tonsillitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: In the small intestine, lymphocytes migrate through Peyer's patches. The distribution of lymphatic microvessels in rat Peyer's patches and lymphocyte traffic through them were studied. METHODS: Vital dyes were injected via a micropipette into the Peyer's patches tissue to fill lymphatic microvessels and to stain lymphocytes in lymphatic microvessels. RESULTS: Direct microscopic observation revealed a dense plexus of lymphatic microvessels in the perifollicular and interfollicular areas. Injection of the dyes into the germinal center failed to delineate lymphatic microvessels. The lymphatic microvessels in the perifollicular area were filled with lymphocytes. Most lymphocytes in the perifollicular lymphatics stayed in the lymphatic microvessels. Some lymphocytes became detached and drained into lymphatic microvessels in the interfollicular areas. Lymphocytes then moved toward the submucosal lymphatics beneath the villi around the Peyer's patches. The interfollicular lymphatics did not display contractile activity but had valves. Opening and closing of valves was synchronized with the respiration and the back and forth flow of lymphocytes. CONCLUSIONS: There are numerous lymphocytes in a dense lymphatic network in the perifollicular and interfollicular areas of Peyer's patches. This well-developed lymphatic network has the potential capacity for storage of lymphocytes and modulation of lymphocyte migration.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecules and cytokines are involved in regulation of cellular host responses in infection processes. In this study the roles of the integrins Mac-1 and VLA-4, as well as those of the cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), in defense mechanisms against Yersinia enterocolitica in Peyer's patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were investigated by blocking these molecules with antibodies in vivo prior to orogastric Yersinia infection. Intestinal Yersinia infection caused abscesses composed of polymorphonuclear (Mac-1+ VLA-4+ Pgp-1+ ICAM-1-) and mononuclear (Mac-1+ VLA-4+ Pgp-1+ ICAM-inhibited phagocytosis of yersiniae by macrophages, (ii) reduced Yersinia-specific proliferation and IFN-gamma production of T cells from PP and MLN, and (iii) caused increased bacterial growth in PP and MLN followed by profound tissue destruction. Neutralization of TNF-alpha or IFN-gamma had comparable effects, suggesting that cell-mediated host responses including activated macrophages are required for control of yersiniae in intestinal tissues. The number of Mac-1+ cells in PP and MLN increased after yersinia infection, and recruitment of these cells was not blocked by administration of anticytokine or anti-integrin antibodies. While anti-VLA-4, -TNF-alpha, or -IFN-gamma antibody treatment caused an increased dissemination of yersiniae from PP to the spleen systemic dissemination was reduced by anti-Mac-1 antibodies. The results of this study suggest that the cytokines IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha as well as the integrins Mac-1 and VLA-4 are involved in protective cellular host defense mechanisms in PP and MLN against Y. enterocolitica, the latter probably being involved in both cell-cell and cell-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Local and systemic lymphocyte proliferation and antibody production were tested in five dogs 35 days after primary experimental infection with Echinococcus granulosus. A significant cell proliferation was demonstrated by [3H] thymidine incorporation in mesenteric, popliteal and/or Peyer's patches (PPs) cells in response to E. granulosus protoscolex or adult worm antigen in three of five infected dogs, but not in five control animals. In contrast, blood mononuclear cells responded very weakly in only two of the infected dogs to parasite antigens. Elevated levels (compared with preinfection status) of protoscolex- and adult worm antigen-specific serum IgG were detected (ELISA) in four of the five dogs 35 days after infection. Furthermore, slightly elevated levels of parasite-specific IgE and IgA were observed in the sera of three and four in four infected dogs, respectively. Specific serum IgM was not significantly higher 35 days after infection than before infection. Local antibody production was studied in vitro using PPs, mesenteric and popliteal cells isolated from three infected and three uninfected dogs by ELISA using adult worm antigen. In two of three cultures of unstimulated PPs cells of infected dogs, parasite-specific IgG was detectable. Parasite-specific IgA and IgM were detected in one of the unstimulated PPs cell culture derived from an infected dog. Following in vitro stimulation with parasite antigen, PPs cells from two infected dogs showed increased parasite-specific IgG and PPs cells of all three infected dogs produced parasite-specific IgA. PPs cells from uninfected dogs did not produce significant quantities of parasite-specific antibodies and cells from mesenteric and popliteal lymph nodes of infected or uninfected dogs neither produced antibodies whilst in in vitro cultures.  相似文献   

Changes in the number and distribution of lymphocyte subtypes were investigated in Peyer's patches in the jejunum and ileum, and mucosa-associated lymphoid nodules in the proximal colon and rectum of cattle with end-stage mucosal disease. Mucosal disease had been induced experimentally in seven of 13 animals by inoculation with cytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus (cp BVD-virus). For comparison, six clinically healthy, persistently viremic cattle were used. IgM+, IgA+, BoCD4+, BoCD8+ and gamma delta TCR+lymphocytes, and the cp BVD-viral antigen were visualized in tissue sections by immunohistochemistry. In cattle with mucosal disease, the size of lymphoid follicles was significantly decreased in all localizations resulting in decreased numbers of B-lymphocytes per average follicular area. In most animals domes were missing and epithelium was invaginated into the lymphoid follicles. Numbers of BoCD4+ and BoCD8 + T-lymphocytes were increased per mm2 of lymphoid follicle. Conversion of these counts into number of cells per average follicular area revealed, however, that the absolute number of BoCD4 + T-lymphocytes had decreased within lymphoid follicles and there was no distinct change of BoCD8 + T-lymphocytes in comparison to the controls. Interfollicular areas were less densely populated due to reduced numbers of BoCD4 + and BoCD8 + T-lymphocytes. cp BVD-viral antigen was detected predominantly in epithelial cells and in cells with dendritic morphology within lymphoid follicles. This may indicate that the severe depletion of B-lymphocytes in the lymphoid follicles is due to alterations of the microenvironment. The decrease of BoCD4 + and BoCD8 + T-lymphocytes does not support the hypothesis of T-cell-mediated tissue damage. Destruction of mucosa-associated lymphoid nodules does not only lead to local disruption of the gastrointestinal barrier, but will reduce the seeding of effector cells to the mucosa and therefore impair the defense mechanisms of the gastrointestinal barrier.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte trafficking into Peyer's patches requires beta 7 integrins and L-selectin. Here, we use intravital microscopy to examine leukocyte rolling and adhesion in Peyer's patch high endothelial venules (HEV) of wild-type, L-selectin-deficient (L-/-), beta 7 integrin-deficient (beta 7-/-), and beta 7/L(-/-) mice. Although the leukocyte rolling flux fraction was reduced by 70%, Peyer's patches in L-/- mice were of normal size and cellularity. In beta 7-/- mice, the rolling flux fraction was normal, but the number of adherent leukocytes in HEV was greatly reduced. The median leukocyte rolling velocity was reduced in L-/- mice and increased in beta 7-/- mice, suggesting that beta 7 integrins and L-selectin mediate rolling in Peyer's patch HEV at different velocities. beta 7/L(-/-) exhibited both a low rolling flux fraction and low adhesion and had severely reduced Peyer's patch size and cellularity. The residual rolling in these mice was completely blocked by a P-selectin mAb. A significant P-selectin component was also detected in the other genotypes. Twenty-six percent of B and T lymphocytes isolated from Peyer's patches of wild-type mice expressed functional ligands for P-selectin, and this fraction was increased to 57% in beta 7/L(-/-) mice. Peyer's patch HEV were found to express P-selectin under the conditions of intravital microscopy, but not in situ. Our data suggest a novel P-selectin dependent mechanism of lymphocyte homing to Peyer's patches. In situ, beta 7 integrins and L-selectin account for all lymphocyte homing to Peyer's patches, but P-selectin-dependent rolling, as induced by minimal trauma, may support trafficking of effector T lymphocytes to Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte migration into lymphoid organs is regulated by adhesion molecules including L-selectin and the beta7 integrins. L-selectin and alpha4beta7 are predominantly hypothesized to direct the selective migration of lymphocytes to peripheral lymph nodes and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues, respectively. To further characterize interactions between L-selectin and beta7 integrins during lymphocyte recirculation, mice deficient in both receptors (L-selectin/beta7 integrin-/-) were generated. The simultaneous loss of L-selectin and beta7 integrin expression prevented the majority of lymphocytes (>95% inhibition) from attaching to high endothelial venules (HEV) of Peyer's patches and other lymphoid tissues during in vitro binding assays. Moreover, the inability to bind HEV eliminated the vast majority of L-selectin/beta7 integrin-/- lymphocyte migration into Peyer's patches during short-term and long-term in vivo migration assays (>99% inhibition,p < 0.01). The lack of lymphocyte migration into Peyer's patches correlated directly with the dramatically reduced size and cellularity (99% reduced) of this tissue in L-selectin/beta7 integrin-/- mice. High numbers of injected L-selectin/beta7 integrin-/- lymphocytes remaining in the blood of wild-type mice correlated with markedly increased numbers of circulating lymphocytes in L-selectin/beta7 integrin-/- mice. Loss of either L-selectin or the beta7 integrins alone resulted in significant but incomplete inhibition of Peyer's patch migration. Collectively, the phenotype of L-selectin/beta7 integrin-/- mice demonstrates that these two receptors primarily interact along the same adhesion pathway that is required for the vast majority of lymphocyte migration into Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

Immunopathological studies suggest that the target of immune attack is different in the subtypes of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). In acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), the attack appears directed against the axolemma and nodes of Ranvier. In acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), the attack appears directed against a component of the Schwann cell. However, the nature of the antigenic targets is still not clear. We prospectively studied 138 Chinese GBS patients and found that IgG anti-GD1a antibodies were closely associated with AMAN but not AIDP. With a cutoff titer of greater than 1:100, 60% of AMAN versus 4% of AIDP patients had IgG anti-GD1a antibodies; with a cutoff titer of greater than 1:1,000, 24% of AMAN patients and none of the AIDP patients had IgG anti-GD1a antibodies. In contrast, low levels of IgG anti-GM1 antibodies (> 1:100) were detected in both the AMAN and the AIDP forms (57% vs 35%, NS). High titers of IgG anti-GM1 (>1:1,000) were more common in the AMAN form (24% vs 8%, NS). Serological evidence of recent Campylobacter infection was detected in 81% of AMAN and 50% of AIDP patients, and anti-ganglioside antibodies were common in both Campylobacter-infected and noninfected patients. Our results suggest that IgG anti-GD1a antibodies may be involved in the pathogenesis of AMAN.  相似文献   

Using the complex of histological methods (staining with toluidine blue, silver nitrate impregnation and application of retrograde fluorescent dye primulin) the data on the neural elements spatial localization within Peyer patches of the small intestine and their connections with the rest of enteric metasympathetic nervous system in rat was obtained. Submucosal plexus that is significantly developed within this lymphoid organ and is divided into internal and external plexuses was found to be most essential to the innervation of rat Peyers patches. These plexuses innervate all Peyers patch areas:nodules, cupula and internodular zones and the nodule-associated epithelium. Moreover, it was shown that within Peyers patch the plexuses form an integral part with the rest of the enteric nervous system and possess close connections with ganglia that are distant from the patch and are related both to submucosal and myenteric nervous plexuses. Direct inputs into Peyers patch nervous plexuses from extramural ganglia are present as well. These data was considered as a morphological basis for functional interaction of nervous and immune systems within the enteric immune organ and for possible enteric nervous system regulation of immune functions.  相似文献   

Antibodies to the cytosolic leucocyte L1 protein (or calprotectin) were examined for reactivity with macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils identified by paired immunofluorescence staining in sections of normal human ileal mucosa, including Peyer's patches. Macrophages were recognised by expression of the myelomonocytic antigen CD68 (monoclonal antibody KP1). Neutrophilic granulocytes were identified by their content of neutrophil elastase, and eosinophilic granulocytes by monoclonal antibody EG2. Virtually all CD68+ macrophages in normal lamina propria and Peyer's patches were L1- and the same was true for most extravasated macrophages in normal peripheral lymph nodes. Some mesenteric lymph nodes, however, and all peripheral lymph nodes with overt pathological processes (malignant lymphoma) contained many CD68+L1+ macrophages. Numerous L1+ cells were also localised to the crypt region and to some extent beneath the villous epithelium in normal lamina propria, but they were mainly identified as EG2+ eosinophils. Such cells were remarkably scarce or absent beneath the follicle associated epithelium in the dome region of Peyer's patches, where CD68+L1- macrophages were abundant. Also subepithelial and interfollicular CD68- interdigitating dendritic cells in Peyer's patches (recognised by antibody to S-100 protein) were usually unreactive with L1 antibody. The L1 protein shows a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities in vitro, and its putative antiproliferative properties are interesting in relation to the immunosuppression postulated to take place in lamina propria. The virtual absence of L1 producing cells beneath the follicle associated epithelium in Peyer's patches may support the immunostimulatory function of these macrophage rich structures, which are held to be crucial for induction of specific mucosal immunity.  相似文献   

Complex effects of altering intracellular [Ca2+] on M-type K+ currents have previously been reported using whole-cell current recording. To study the direct effect of Ca2+ on M-channel activity, we have applied Ca2+ to the inside face of membrane patches excised from rat superior cervical sympathetic ganglion cells. Ca2+ rapidly and reversibly inhibited M-channel activity in 28/44 patches by up to 87%, with a mean IC50 of 100 nM. This effect persisted in the absence of ATP, implying that it was not due to phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. A similar effect was observed in 13/13 cell-attached patches when cells were transiently "Ca(2+)-loaded" by adding 2 mM Ca2+ to a 25 mM K+ solution bathing the extrapatch cell membrane. These observations provide new evidence that Ca2+ can directly inhibit M channels, so supporting the view that Ca2+ might mediate M current inhibition following muscarinic receptor activation.  相似文献   

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) has been recognized as a therapeutic drug for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and chronic viral hepatitis. As one of the mechanisms by which UDCA improves liver function tests in those patients, its immunomodulatory effect is currently considered important. Although the suppressive effects of UDCA on some cytokine productions, T-cell mediated cytotoxicity and immunoglobulin production were observed from in vitro studies, the immunomodulation in vivo by UDCA remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the effect of UDCA administration on the number of immunoglobulin secreting cells in liver, peripheral blood, spleen and Peyer's patches in mice using the enzyme linked immunospot assay and assessed whether the UDCA-mediated immunomodulation is liver-specific. It was demonstrated that intragastric administration of UDCA reduced immunoglobulin secretion by lymphocytes from liver, but not from peripheral blood, spleen, or Peyer's patches. However, immunoglobulin production of those lymphocytes cultured in the presence of UDCA was suppressed, irrespective of their distribution sites, in a UDCA dose-dependent manner. When the concentrations of UDCA in portal and peripheral blood were measured using high performance liquid chromatography, UDCA was detectable in the portal blood in UDCA-treated mice, but not in peripheral blood, suggesting that the concentrations of UDCA in the environment surrounding lymphocytes may be an important factor for the modulation of lymphocyte functions.  相似文献   

The T cell population in the intestinal epithelium, comparable in size to the T cell pool in the spleen, is characterized by the predominant distribution of T cells bearing gamma delta T cell receptors. To determine the functional significance of the intraepithelial lymphocytes, we observed gamma delta T cells present in the jejunal epithelium in cattle, in which there is predominance of gamma delta T cells. Immunohistochemistry of frozen sections demonstrated that gamma delta T lymphocytes were densely distributed in the villous epithelium but there were fewer in the lamina propria and they were not present in the crypt epithelium. Ultrastructurally, intraepithelial gamma delta T cells were characterized by possessing electron-dense granules and interdigitating with enterocyte cytoplasm. Enterocytes, which were inserted by processes of intraepithelial lymphocytes or contacted by their cell bodies, showed morphologic changes seen in apoptotic cell death, such as elevated electron density of the cytoplasm and condensation of the chromatin. Apoptotic cells and cell debris were found in macrophages, which gathered in the subepithelial region of villus tips. These findings suggest that in the small intestine of cattle, gamma delta T cells are involved in the renewal of epithelial cells by inducing apoptosis of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

In mouse Peyer's patches (PP), dendritic cells (DC) are localized in T cell areas as NLDC145+ CD11c+ cells, and in the dome and corona region of the follicle as NLDC145- CD11c+ cells, respectively, suggesting the presence of two different DC populations with distinct roles in antigen uptake, processing, and presentation. However, it is not clear how this relates to DC maturation. In this report, we demonstrate that freshly-isolated CD11c+ DC have the properties of immature DC since they endocytose soluble antigens, phagocytose particulate material such as latex beads, synthetize major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and invariant chain, but, at the same time, display low stimulatory activity for resting T cells, as shown in mixed-lymphocyte reaction and oxidative mitogenesis assays. When cultured for 24 h in the presence of the cytokines granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and tumor necrosis factor or anti-CD40, the cells undergo dramatic phenotypic and functional changes characteristic of DC maturation. After 24 h stimulation in vitro, CD11c+ cells lose the ability to take up proteins such as ovalbumin, and in parallel with this decline, the biosynthesis of MHC class II and invariant chain is dramatically down-regulated or eliminated. On the other hand cells treated in vitro exhibit on the cell surface higher levels of MHC class II, of co-stimulatory molecules (CD80, CD86), of adhesion molecules (CD44, intercellular adhesion molecule-1), and acquire expression of the interdigitating DC surface marker NLDC145. Concomitantly, the ability to stimulate naive T cells drastically increased after in vitro treatment with both stimuli. Taken together, our results indicate that the majority of DC in the PP are immature in terms of their antigen-uptake capacity. These sentinel antigen presenting cells are strategically positioned at the dome region of PP, where antigens are transcytosed via the M cells from the gut lumen. A second population of mature interdigitating NLDC145+ CD11c+ DC stimulates naive unprimed T cells in interfollicular areas by up-regulation of surface ligands and accessory signals.  相似文献   

The active protein components of initiation factor M2B (IF-M2B) have been resolved into two homogeneous factors. These proteins, IF-M2Balpha and IF-M2Bbeta, were purified 300- and 500-fold, respectively, with a yield of about 15% of the original starting activity. The low molecular weight (approximately 17,000) of these two proteins is in contrast with the much greater molecular weights that have been found for other initiation factors. IF-M2Balpha is also unique among the initiation factors in that it contains no tryptophan and is capable of self-association. Both proteins are required for model assays which utilize 40 S and 60 S subunits (poly(U)-directed polyphenylalanine synthesis or AUG-directed methionyl-puromycin synthesis). IF-M2Bbeta has been shown to be required for hemoglobin synthesis, however, the presence of high concentrations of IF-M2Balpha in the 100,000 X g lysate supernatant has precluded the demonstration of an IF-M2Balpha requirement in hemoglobin synthesis.  相似文献   

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