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正1.代可可脂巧克力与巧克力有何不同大家印象中的传统巧克力都是用可可脂做的,怎么突然冒出来一个代可可脂巧克力?它们有什么不同呢?按照我国标准规定,巧克力是以可可制品和(或)白砂糖为主要原料制作成的产品,这里的可可制品就是可可豆做成的含有可可脂、可可块等的原料。可可脂其实就是可可豆中的脂肪。  相似文献   

正英国《自然·通讯》杂志近日发表的一项化学研究发现,在巧克力制作过程中加入一种磷脂分子,就有可能无需调温这种复杂的工序,制作出优质巧克力。这种方法有望简化当前的巧克力加工工艺。人们熟悉的巧克力,是将经过发酵、干燥和焙炒之后的可可豆加工成可可液块、可可脂和可可粉,会产生浓郁而独特的香味。巧克力的品质是巧克力的"生命",一块优质的巧克力,其品质包括口感、光泽度、脆度、融化行为等,而这些都取决于可可脂的晶体结构。  相似文献   

巧克力是一种营养成分比较全面,发热量比较高的一种食品。它有着棕祸而光亮的色泽,坚实而容易施裂的组织,细腻而润滑的味觉,特别是可可和乳的香味交织在一起,形成了巧克力特有的风味,给人们留下了十分美好的印象。然而,世界上可可胀的资源十分有限,造成可可胀的价格极其昂贵。目前,世界上对代可可脂的研究和制造都有了重大突破和深入的发展,使得以代可可脂代替天然可可脂生产巧克力成为一种趋向。使用代可可脂制成的巧克力与天然可可脂制成的产品相比较,无论在产品的光泽、形态、色泽、香气、组织、滋味和其它理化指标上,均无明…  相似文献   

<正> 近些年,随着人民生活水平的提高,休闲食品的消费随之得到发展,其中巧克力糖果的发展潜力相当大。不少外资企业纷纷将产品销往我国或在国内投资生产。然而,产品是否受广大消费者的欢迎,巧克力浓郁的香味和滑腻的口感,是消费者所考虑的重点因素。这些又有赖于其主要成分——可可豆的提纯  相似文献   

巧克力是高油脂糖果,主要原料是可可脂。可可产地主要分布在赤道两侧。由于受气候和地理条件的限制,其产量远远满足不了巧克力生产的发展。而可可脂代用品是用和可可豆完全不同的原料油脂制成的,其资源丰富,价格低廉,是巧克力生产中必不可少的重要原料。  相似文献   

目的采用微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)快速鉴别巧克力中的可可脂来源。方法分别准确称取巧克力和代可可脂巧克力及可可原材料0.5000 g,加入5 m L浓硝酸经微波消解后定容至50 m L,上机检测铜离子含量。结果铜元素在添加水平为0.10、0.15 mg/kg的回收率为90.52%~100.83%,方法精密度1.4%,方法检出限为0.5 mg/kg。巧克力中铜元素含量大小关系:可可固形物50%以上可可固形物50%以下代可可脂巧克力。巧克力中可可固形物含量在85%以上铜元素含量和可可固形物和可可粉中的铜元素含量相当。结论通过ICP-MS法快速检测巧克力中的铜元素可以简单便捷地鉴别巧克力中可可脂来源属性。  相似文献   

凡是代可可脂添加量超过5%的产品,今后都不能直接标注为巧克力。商务部日前发布的《代可可脂巧克力及代可可脂巧克力制品国内贸易行业标准(SB/T10402-2006)》将于12月1日起正式实施。中国商业联合会标准化处参与起草该标准的专家介绍,代可可脂巧克力与巧克力其实是两种不同的产品,其主要区别在于代可可脂含量的不同。代可可脂巧克力指的是代可可脂添加量超过5%的产品,标注为“巧克力(代可可脂)”,以白砂糖或甜昧料、代可可脂为主要原料,口感与巧克力相似,但代可可脂胆固醇含量高,易变质,口感、香味都无法和可可脂相比;而巧克力的主要成分…  相似文献   

<正>作为巧克力和可可粉原料的可可豆原产于南美洲亚马逊河、奥里诺斯河流域,现主要生产于西非、中南芙、东南亚的热带雨林地区.可可树系梧桐科可可属一种,可可豆营养价值较高,富含生物硷和多酚等功能性物质,具强身之效.可可(theobrama)希腊语意为“似神食物”,古时曾仅皇族和富贵阶级才能享用贵重食物.一、可可营养成份可可豆主要营养成份之一可可脂占可食部份50~60%,可可脂脂肪酸组份主要为棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸.该三种酸共计占90%以上.近年,根据有关生物体对油脂利用性研究进展.已知硬脂酸等长链脂肪酸吸收性较棕榈酸等酸为低,故长链酸含量显著油脂其生理热量反而比原  相似文献   

<正>9月5日,在继黑巧克力和牛奶巧克力之后的第三种——白巧克力问世80年后,世界领先的高品质巧克力和可可产品制造商百乐嘉利宝揭晓了巧克力的第四种形态——由红宝石可可豆制成的"红宝石"巧克力。当日在中国上海举办的独家发布会中,红宝石巧克力惊艳亮相。红宝石巧克力味道浓郁,有着鲜艳的红色色泽。红宝石可可豆的独特之处在于新鲜的浆果  相似文献   

任何人都能一眼就辨认出那是一块巧克力,如能一尝就更加可以确定无误。巧克力那种独特的风味,简直是风靡全世界,甚至令许多其他食品都增添了可可味的系列。然而,可可味与巧克力味之间存有很多分别,只是一般人不加细辨而已。要使巧克力的风味达到预设的要求,保持巧克力质量的一致性,就需要对巧克力的风味特征及其形成过程有充份的了解,进而就能使其他可可味食品拥有更加接近巧克力的风味,以及开发风味创新的巧克力。本文概述由可可豆加工至巧克力间风味组成的改变,同时简介风味类似巧克力的复合涂衣(compound coatings)。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how the addition of two cocoa butter equivalents and cocoa butter improver affect the physical and sensory properties of chocolate. The laboratory-made chocolate samples were tempered at three different pre-crystallization temperatures (25, 27, and 29°C), using different concentrations (3, 5, and 7%) of two commercial cocoa butter equivalents as well as commercial cocoa butter improver of the chocolate. The nucleation time of the chocolate mass primarly depended on pre-crystallization temperature while the value of maximum torque of chocolate mass were influenced by both, pre-crystallization temperature and concentration of fats. Sensory evaluation revealed that cocoa butter equivalents were acceptable in chocolate formulation without producing a negative impact on the sensory quality, while usage of improver required adjustment of raw formulations or process parameters. The results of the instrumentally measured hardness revealed that addition of cocoa butter improver significantly (p > 0.05) increased hardness of chocolate samples.  相似文献   

池娟娟 《中国油脂》2021,46(8):131-139
近年来纯脂巧克力日渐受欢迎,但可可原料面临产量有限且不稳定的制约因素,限制了纯脂巧克力的发展。作为与可可脂组分及特性最为接近的可可脂替代品,类可可脂的原料来源广泛,产品稳定性有提升空间,并且在提升纯脂巧克力品质方面有改善作用,因此类可可脂的相关研究也获得国内外广泛关注。通过对可可脂及类可可脂的组成、结晶特性、分析方法及纯脂巧克力的耐霜、抗热品质改善等方面进行综述,以期对纯脂巧克力用脂、巧克力品质改善等提供相关参考。  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1998,62(1):73-97
This work reviews the literature on the compositional data of vegetable fats used or proposed as alternatives to cocoa butter in chocolate and confectionery products. Cocoa butter is the only continuous phase in chocolate, thus responsible for the dispersion of all other constituents and for the physical behaviour of chocolate. Unique to cocoa butter is its brittleness at room temperature and its quick and complete melting at body temperature. There were, and are, strong efforts to replace cocoa butter in part for chocolate production for technological and economic reasons. Such cocoa butter alternatives are the so-called cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs), cocoa butter substitutes (CBSs) and cocoa butter replacers (CBRs). These are mostly mixtures of various vegetable fats (often modified) and can consist of palm and palm kernel oil, illipé fat, shea butter, sal fat and kokum butter. In addition, a large variety of other vegetable oils can be used. Their composition according to triglycerides, fatty acids, sterols and other unsaponifiable components is discussed in this report.  相似文献   

<正> 巧克力的物理性质很大程度上取决于制造过程中所用的可可脂质量,特别是可可脂融化、结晶和固化的方法。以下将对可可脂在巧克力制造过程中的物理与化学特性,以及各种可可脂如何充分地改变巧克力的风味、易碎程度及口感进行讨论。 可可脂的结晶性 晶形的形成 由于可可脂具有复杂的结晶性,可通过多种不同的变性而结晶成多晶型脂肪,正是这些  相似文献   

Fat Bloom and Chocolate Structure Studied by Mercury Porosimetry   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The structure of dark chocolate samples was analyzed by mercury porosimetry in order to determine whether the formation of fat bloom was related to the presence of pores. The influence of cocoa butter concentration and tempering conditions on porosity were determined by using samples containing 29.5 or 31.9% fat, which were under, well or over-tempered. All Mercury porosimetry analysis confirmed the presence of a porous structure in all chocolates. Empty spaces represented about 1% of the whole volume of a well-tempered chocolate containing 31.9% cocoa butter but made up about 4% of the over-tempered chocolate. A well-tempered chocolate with only 29.5% cocoa butter showed the presence of about 2% empty spaces. From these observations and gas permeability a possible model for the microscopic structure was developed.  相似文献   

从低可可脂用量巧克力的制备、低热量可可脂替代物的开发和低热量甜味剂替代蔗糖的研究3个方面论述了低热量巧克力制品的研究进展。主要涉及了结构化甘油三酯、功能性甘油二酯和碳水化合物基脂肪替代品等可可脂的低热量替代物的性质及其应用于巧克力制品中对流变性能、工艺特性等的影响,以期为低热量巧克力的研究与生产提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine how the conching time and the quantity of sucrose, lecithin, cocoa butter and whole milk powder affect consumer preference for milk chocolate. Untrained panelists performed a sensory study consisting of acceptability, preference and attribute intensity. Longer conching time produced significantly smoother chocolate with smaller particle size. The longest conche times had the smallest particle size and were the most mouthcoating. There was no change in flavor with conching. The longer conche times were preferred. Panelists preferred higher sucrose levels, and increasing sucrose decreased bitterness and increased chocolate flavor. Increasing lecithin increased smoothness, but less lecithin was preferred, possibly due to off-flavors at high levels of lecithin. Increasing cocoa butter yielded softer chocolate but did not affect bitterness. Panelists preferred 10% over higher levels of cocoa butter. More milk powder produced smoother chocolate with more caramel flavor and was preferred.


The perceived quality of milk chocolate is affected by conching time, sucrose, lecithin, cocoa butter and whole milk powder. Texture was affected the most by conching, milk powder, lecithin and cocoa butter. Flavor was affected the most by milk powder and sugar. The only variable that did not affect acceptability and preference of milk chocolate was time for underconched samples. While this study did not determine the optimum conditions for milk chocolate, the most preferred and/or acceptable samples were conched for at least 12 h, had 35 to 50% sucrose, 0–0.5% lecithin, 5–10% cocoa butter and 13–30% milk powder.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Oil migration from high oil content centers into chocolate coatings results in product quality changes. The objective of this study was to monitor and model peanut oil migration in 2-layer systems of increasing phase complexity. Three 2-layer systems were prepared: peanut oil/cocoa butter; peanut butter paste/cocoa butter; and peanut butter paste/chocolate. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure liquid oil signal as a function of position over a storage time of 193 days at 25 °C. The 3 types of samples exhibited appreciably different patterns of oil migration. The peanut oil/cocoa butter samples had mass transfer typical of oil being absorbed into a liquid/solid region. The peanut butter paste/cocoa butter magnetic resonance profiles were characterized by mass transfer with a partition coefficient greater than unity. The peanut butter paste/chocolate samples exhibited a time-dependent peanut oil concentration at the interface between the chocolate and peanut butter paste. The spatial and temporal experimental data of the peanut butter paste/chocolate samples were modeled using a Fickian diffusion model, fitting for the effective diffusivity. Values of the diffusivity for the 6 chocolate formulations ranged from 1.10 to 2.01 × 10−13 m2/s, with no statistically significant differences.  相似文献   

选用棕榈油中间分提物(PMF)、全氢化棕榈仁液油(HPKOL)、可可脂(CB)作为巧克力涂层的基料油,对其理化性质及其相容性进行分析。结果表明,当两相体系PMF-HPKOL中PMF含量在30%以下时,共晶现象较弱。PMF和HPKOL混合可以作为涂层油脂配方,用于开发无反式脂肪酸巧克力涂层。添加可可脂会导致三相体系(PMF-HPKOL-CB)严重的共晶现象,因此在代可可脂涂层配方中不宜再添加可可脂。  相似文献   

徐斌  王宏平  李健  董英 《中国油脂》2005,30(4):27-29
可可脂(CB)是高级糖果和巧克力中使用较多的油脂,但价格昂贵、资源有限.随着油脂加工技术的发展,人们可以通过氢化、酯交换、分提等方法对油脂改性,生产天然可可脂的代用品:类可可脂(CBE)、代可可脂(CBS、CBR).  相似文献   

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