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饮料现调机及其品控管理王金凤南京中萃食品有限公司1.饮料现调机概况饮料现调机是一种饮料零售机,它在零售现场自动地将糖浆、水、二氧化碳按设定的要求调配成合格的饮料,即调即售。现调饮料具有清凉爽口、方便快捷,卫生价廉等优点,深受广大消费者的喜爱。使用现调...  相似文献   

近年来,现调饮料在全国软饮料市场上异军突起,由于方便、迅速,倍受人们青睐。本次对南京市中萃食品有限公司现调饮料92个销售点的105份样品卫生学调查表明:95.2%的现调饮料是符合国家饮料卫生标准的,但现凋饮料的现场卫生管理方面都存在着一系列亟待解决的问题,由于目前国家没有对现调饮料的卫生管理办法,因此,建议尽早制订现调饮料的卫生管理办法。  相似文献   

上海市食品卫生监督检验所日前对10余种饮料纸杯及食品包装纸进行检测,均发现有荧光物质。为保障人们的健康,食品卫生专家呼吁,国内应尽快建设食品专用纸厂。现调饮料使用的纸杯及敞开食品使用的包装纸因非食品专用纸厂生产,其中混入了荧光增白剂。上海市食品卫生监督检验专家认为:荧光物质有致癌作用。用含有荧光物质的纸杯灌装饮料时,荧光物质就会溶入食品之中,对人们的健康构成潜在危害。目前市场上的饮料纸杯,凡里面涂有食用及塑料薄膜,荧光物质则不会被溶出。国外早已建成食品专用纸品厂,国内至今还是空白。有些食品企业对这…  相似文献   

近年来,各地塑料软包装饮料发展很快,其生产设备多样。为了解决饮料在存放过程中卫生质量的变化,进行了本次调查。1 生产工艺和卫生学调1.1 实验组 A:采用日本生产的“蝶理TGS”软管生产线,它的主要特点是:  相似文献   

我国饮料工业结构将作重大调整轻工部已决定,将在肝\五”期间F千’《卜算九五”期间,将对全国饮料行业实行大规模改组改造,使饮料工业以名优饮料为龙头,实现规模化生产,产品档次和质量将显著提高.首先是实施优质饮料主刑集中、分散灌装的产业政策.现在各饮料厂自己生产主刑,追求小而全.有的主剂质量差,严重浪费资源,今后更以予优产品为龙头,山少数人厂生产优质主剂,众多的饮料厂可购买主剂防部俊生产,这是世界饮料工业共同遵循的现怵。轻〕h邓决定,全国重点支持八个牌号饮料主剂的推广,即天津的”津美乐”、上海的“雪菲…  相似文献   

为提高我市现制饮料的卫生质量状况 ,保护消费者的健康 ,根据《食品卫生法》及《饮料厂卫生规范》的要求 ,我站对市区 18家经营现制饮料单位进行规范化管理 ,在管理前后分别抽样检测 ,发现规范化管理后现制饮料卫生质量有明显提高 ,现将有关情况报告如下。1 材料与方法1 1 材料 抽样对象为从事现制饮料的经营单位 ,其中现配饮料 7家 ,现榨果汁 11家。取现场配制供顾客饮用的饮料进行检测。1 2 方法统一使用化验室准备的 2 5 0mL无菌盐水瓶 ,现场无菌采样 ,专用保温冷藏箱运输 ,按GB4 789 1 2 3— 94检验 ,按GB 2 75 9 1— 86评价…  相似文献   

上海市食品卫生监督检验所日前对10余种饮料纸杯及食品包装纸进行检测,均发现荧光物质,为有效保障人们的健康,食品卫生专家呼吁,国内应尽快建设食品专用纸厂。 现调饮料使用的纸杯及敞开食品使用的包装纸因非食品专用纸厂生产,其中混入了荧光增白剂。上海市食品卫生监督检验专家认为:荧光物质有致癌作用。用含有荧光物  相似文献   

加强饮料市场质量监督,使消费者喝到质量放心的饮料国家食品质量监督检验中心李家瑞1历年来饮料国家监督抽查概况分析为阐述方便还是按饮料的分类来逐一介绍。11碳酸饮料国家和部对汽水的质量监督抽查从1989年开始,一直到1995年连续进行了六年,其中后三年...  相似文献   

叙述了酸性豆乳饮料的制作方法,由于该饮料不稳定而使产品质量欠佳.因此,本文从二次调酸、乳化剂的选择、均质、杀菌工艺等方面对酸性豆乳饮料的稳定性进行了研究.  相似文献   

晶状、粉状的固体饮料只要用水一冲就可饮 用,十分方便。但要注意,不能用开水冲 调。 饮料中所含的糖化酵素和一些营养 素在高温的条件下很容易分解变质。实 验证明,当温度达到60℃-80℃时,饮料 中的某些营养成分就会发生变质。饮用 这种变质饮料,很难从中获得全面的  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2013,40(3):44-51
阐述棉纺牵伸胶辊、胶圈的应用技术和牵伸原理,重点探讨了胶辊、胶圈的牵伸工艺特性及其合理配置、胶辊制作、周期管理、质量管理、使用管理、产品缺陷与其机械波分析、纺纱环境和挡车工操作水平对纺纱性能的影响,提出胶辊、胶圈有关机件的质量要求等。  相似文献   

赛络纺纱钢领、钢丝圈的选配实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈玉峰 《纺织器材》2010,37(6):27-29
为了提高赛络纺纱成纱质量,减少细纱断头,从钢领、钢丝圈的种类,卷绕过程中对纺纱的影响及其运动配合等诸多因素出发,论述了钢领、钢丝圈的选配原则,重点阐述了赛络纺纱钢丝圈运动形态的变化及钢领、钢丝圈的选配要求,通过纯棉、非棉纤维纺纱的选配实践,指出赛络纺纱线毛羽少,结构紧密,应根据纺纱纤维性能和纺纱特点,以纱线通道通畅降毛羽、运行平稳少断头、散热良好延长使用寿命为原则对钢领、钢丝圈进行选配。  相似文献   

通过回顾高校宝石及材料工艺学专业的创建历程,深入探讨了该专业未来发展所面临的、深层次的理论问题,即学科属性与文化背景,学科构成与知识内涵,学科方向与实践定位,学科任务与社会功能。在此基础上,建立了多层次技术教育的社会功能模型,由此推断:高校中的宝石及材料工艺学专业属于多层次技术教育中的高等职业技术教育。同时,还构建了该专业的技术教育的社会功能模型和学科构成模型,进一步确立了该专业的社会实践定位。  相似文献   

服装的空间形态辨析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从分析服装空间形态的构成要素入手,通过中西方服装空间形态的比较,阐述服装形态在空间关系上的相关问题,对服装的形态类型、要素构成和内外构成等方面进行了较详细的探讨和分析,印证了人类在同一服装原生状态基础上所产生的造型差异,是由于不同人对服装空间形态的认识方式和服饰审美观念存在差异所致。认为无论是东方式的平面构成或是西方式的立体构成,服装的形态都是在不同时代、不同地域和文化中被人们以不同的空间构成方式创造出来的。辨析服装空间形态及其构成方式,为现代服装的造型设计提供了一条丰富服装创意思维的现实途径。  相似文献   

The concept of toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) has been developed to facilitate risk assessment and regulatory control of exposure to complex PCDD, PCDF and PCB mixtures. Recently the European Centre for Environment and Health of the World Health Organization (WHO-ECEH) and the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) jointly reevaluated the TEFs of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs for mammals and derived consensus TEFs for birds and fish (Stockholm, 1997). From a mechanistic point of view it can be concluded that, although the quantitative response will vary depending on the congener involved, the occurrence of a common mechanism (binding to the Ah receptor) legitimates the use of the TEF concept across species. But there also is criticism regarding the TEF concept. Pharmacokinetic differences between species can significantly influence the TEF value, and uncertainties due to additive or nonadditive interactions, to differences in species responsiveness and to differences in the shape of the dose response curve might hamper the derivation of consensus TEF values. In this context it should be noted, however, that using TCDD alone, as the only measure of exposure to dioxin-like PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs, would severely underestimate the risk from exposure to these compounds. Therefore, it can be concluded that, for pragmatic reasons, the TEF concept remains the most feasible approach for risk assessment purposes, in spite of the uncertainties associated with its use.  相似文献   

为提高空纱管安装效率,分析集体落纱细纱机特点,介绍了锭子杆盘结构型式,说明目前国内铝杆锭子多采用支持器弹簧加支持器帽的结构,虽能基本满足集体自动落纱细纱机的生产需要,但仍存在机械手安装空纱管时动作较多、动作精度不高、且易撞到锭子问题,易对锭子造成损坏并缩短锭子使用寿命的缺陷,重点对新设计的快速安装纱管的铝杆锭子的结构及原理进行分析,指出将弹簧支持器帽换成钢珠,可以大大缩短集体落纱细纱机机械手安装空纱管时间、降低对机械手动作精度的要求,且不损坏锭子、不影响锭子使用寿命,实现了节能降耗、安装效率高的目的。  相似文献   

A. Samson 《纺织学会志》2013,104(10):551-572
The effects on the conditions of flow of the surface and configurational properties of the fibres in a compressible porous layer are discussed. The characteristics of a layer of wool are evaluated, and its compressibility is determined. It is shown that, when a liquid of initial uniform pressure flows through a compressible porous medium, the pressure gradient within the medium increases with the distance of flow. The resulting pressure drop is found to depend on a function of the ratio of the downstream to the upstream porosity of the compressible medium. Experimental results are reported for permeable flow through various layers of loose wool; these indicate that, when the flow is disturbed turbulent, the pressure drop through the layers is proportional to the square of the filter velocity. This result is not readily apparent from the graphs of pressure drop against filter velocity because of the compressibility of the fibres.  相似文献   

Experiments aimed at investigating the mechanism of the air-jet bulking or texturing process led to an interesting observation that the textured yarn emerging from the venturi was rotating in such a way as would temporarily untwist the yarn while it was in the jet. The indication is that false-twisting (or untwisting) occurs owing to the vorticity of the turbulent air in the wake of the yarn feed needle that bifurcates the air-stream. The various yarn-processing conditions separately affect the amount of false twist inserted. There is evidence to show that the direction of the vortex, and hence of the untwisting action, is dependent on whether the angular displacement of the feed needle from its central position is in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. A suggested mechanism of the process based on the untwisting and retwisting of the overfed filaments offers an explanation for the characteristic locked-in loop structure of air-bulked yarns.  相似文献   

The microstructural and large deformation rheological properties of model food gels were studied by performing notch propagation tensile testing on the gels using a tensile stage and observing changes in the microstructure of the gels during tensile testing using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Heat-set whey protein (WP) gels containing either added sodium caseinate (NaCN) or sunflower oil droplets emulsified with WP or NaCN as the emulsifier protein were prepared in 0 or 50 mM NaCl. The WP gel structure strengthened in the presence of added NaCl and NaCN. The rheological properties of WP gels containing sunflower oil droplets emulsified with WP or NaCN were influenced by the NaCl concentration, oil concentration and extent of oil droplet aggregation in the gel or by the type of emulsifier protein used. During tensile testing, the notch length in all gels increased above a certain critical stress, leading to fracture of the gels through the notch. Also, the microstructural changes in the oil phase of emulsion filled gels subjected to tensile testing were influenced by the structural properties of the WP gel matrix and the proximity of the oil droplet to the fracture path.  相似文献   

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