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通过用进口/国产拔色材料,对国产/进口染料所染毛皮进行交叉拔色实验,研究了二氧化硫脲、保险粉、亚硫酸氢钠、硫脲的拔色性能以及一些常用染料的可被拔色性能。  相似文献   

董恒献 《毛纺科技》2007,(12):17-19
文章详细介绍了使用拔染盐H进行拔白或色拔,段染风格别致花样的关键技术.指出了选择合适的易拔底色染料和色拔染料的方法以及防染盐H的合理用量;介绍了防拔染技术应用于纯毛绒段染的原理,并具体介绍了一种纯毛绒线的色拔实例.  相似文献   

<正>问:如何做好弹力牛仔拔印染印花?答:1.选择好耐拔染料和可拔染料,染料性能要稳定,可拔染料拔白度要好,能提高耐拔染料的鲜艳度。2.色浆调制。①糊料和染料先充分搅拌均匀,过滤后,再加入过滤过的加工锡。千万不能把加工锡与染料同时搅拌,否则染料很难溶化,导致印花时堵网、色点、塞点等现象的出  相似文献   

五十年代以来,我国曾以易雕性的酸性、直接染料为地色染料,以还原染料为耐雕性的花色染料,以雕白块为拔印剂,在碱性介质中进行拔白和色拔,生产了大量真丝拔染印花绸。由于该工艺较为复杂,还原染料价格昂贵,色泽不够鲜艳,渗白圈现象严重,以及脆绸作用较大,相继停顿下来。后又转入氯化亚锡拔染印花,生产实践表明,氯化亚锡拔印工艺无法生产出鲜艳蓝、绿、青莲等地色真丝拔染印花绸,唯有亚磺酸型还原剂才能对这种地色施以拔印。因此在七十年代中期,我们对雕白粉、德古林等亚磺酸型还原剂拔印工艺重新进行了研究,以易雕性的酸性、直接、中性染料为地色染料,重点以柴林艳蓝G、柴林湖蓝5GM为鲜艳  相似文献   

深圳市圳邦工艺品有限公司推出的DBN-15针织拔印浆为高分子盐类合成化合物,经使用实践证明,品质稳定,可拔活性染料色布、酸性染料色布、直接染料色布、冰染染料色布、阳离子染料色布,拔染效果好。  相似文献   

贾宁 《丝网印刷》2000,(3):42-42
一、什么是拔染拔染印花是在染色织物上,印上含有还原剂的白浆,以破坏地色染料,达到局部消色Z或在消色的同时又印上另一种颜色的印花工艺,前者叫拔白,后者叫色拔。二、拔染用布的选择采用非工业化的拔染方法只能用红色尼龙绸,而不能用涤纶绸,原因是尼龙绸用直接或酸性染料染色,染料发色基团较易破坏;而涤纶绸用分散染料染色,染料发色基团不易被破坏。鉴别尼龙绸和涤纶绸的方法是取绸上一小段丝线放入甲酸溶液中,丝线溶解的是尼龙,不溶解的是涤纶。并不是所有红色尼龙绸都可拔染,只有采用具有偶氮结构的直接或酸性染料染色的尼…  相似文献   

一、用于合成纤维的防染剂和拔染剂 主要用于聚酯纤维,最广泛应用的是采用氯化亚锡还原法。由于应用氯化亚锡有很多缺点,故采用加工锡的方法,如日本林化学公司生产的Uniston系列产品。 Uniston系列产品有很多品种,使用者可按加工方法和机器而选用合适的产品。 例如: 对高压染色的聚酯织物上的可拔染的染料采用高压汽蒸法(130℃,20~30分钟)时,拔染剂采用Uniston YK(加工锡)10~30%。 对高压染色的聚酯织物上的可拔染的染料采用高温汽蒸法(170~175℃,7~10分钟)时,拔染剂采用Uniston AM300(加工锡)10~30%。 对聚酯纤维的碱剂拔染印花,采用Uniston AD-15(碱剂)10~15%。 对聚丙烯腈纤维的拔染印花采用间歇式汽蒸箱时,拔染剂采用Uniston CR-Z 10~30%。 对聚丙烯腈纤维的拔染印花采用连续式汽蒸箱时,拔染剂采用Uniston CR-309 10~30%。 二、用于天然纤维的防染剂和拔染剂 由于棉织物印花时应用的染料种各异,因此用于不同组合的染料有很多防印和拔印方法,见表1、2。 其中,以活性防活性、活性染料为地色的还原染料色拔和涂料色拔为主。活性防活性的原理是使用不同活性基团的活性染料。地色染料采用加成型活性染料(如Remazol)。防印着色染料采用取优型活性染料(如Procion  相似文献   

刘美娟 《染整技术》2013,35(1):26-30,36
采用一种新型纤维,一种扁平形截面的变性腈纶纤维,开发仿貉子毛皮织物。介绍了其生产过程(包括纤维净洗、染色、梳条、电子提花编织、底布上浆、烫光整理、拔色、毛尖染色、柔软整理)及其工艺配方、技术参数及控制要点。实践显示,采用阳离子拔白染料和阳离子耐拔染料同浴为变性腈纶纤维染色,对织物毛绒进行拔色,毛尖染色,恰当控制拔色压力与毛尖染色深度,恰当控制烫光温度与烫光压力,可获得色泽层次分明,毛尖和毛干由几种颜色组成,酷似天然裘皮特征的仿貉子毛皮产品。  相似文献   

鲁幼根 《印染》2001,27(4):33-33
在深地色棉织物上用阴丹士林染料进行色拔印花,以获得直接印花法不能达到的印花效果。  相似文献   

管志勇 《丝绸》1995,(2):20-21
叙述了真丝拔印织物地色染料的选择和应用,讨论了影响地色变化和染色的因素,列举了地色染色的设备和工艺,为提高地色染色质量提供了经验。  相似文献   

为满足肉制品保水性能的不同加工目的,选择六偏磷酸钠、多聚磷酸钠和焦磷酸钠进行复合磷酸盐的优化配比,采用响应曲面法(response surface methodology,RSM)进行试验设计,研究磷酸盐对蒸煮损失、成品率及感官评定指标的影响,研究不同质量目标时复合磷酸盐的优化配比。结果表明:蒸煮损失最小时复合磷酸盐(六偏磷酸钠:多聚磷酸钠:焦磷酸钠)的最佳配比为20:28:13,灌肠成品率最大但不考虑其感官指标时三者比例为10:30:19;灌肠感官评定最好时多聚磷酸钠:焦磷酸钠为1:1;灌肠成品率最大且其感官评定最好时三者比例为为10:30:11;蒸煮损失最小,灌肠成品率最大且其感官评定最好时三者比例为10:30:17。  相似文献   

脂肪氧化是导致肉制品品质劣化的重要原因。以猪背脂肪为原料,在90℃、高氧条件下研究氯化钠、氯化钾、硝酸钠、亚硝酸钠、异抗坏血酸钠和三聚磷酸钠6种肉制品加工常用添加剂以及常温下超高压处理对其氧化诱导期的影响。结果表明:添加盐类会导致猪背脂肪的氧化稳定性下降,氧化诱导期缩短,影响作用依次为异抗坏血酸钠亚硝酸钠氯化钾三聚磷酸钠氯化钠硝酸钠;超高压处理会降低猪背脂肪氧化稳定性,其作用随压力增大而增大。  相似文献   

目的:在制备绿豆清爽饮料过程中,确定护色效果好且总黄酮提取率高的护色剂最佳配方。方法:对护色剂柠檬酸钠、异VC钠、三聚磷酸钠单独使用及其复合配方的护色效果和总黄酮含量进行单因素及正交试验研究,总黄酮含量采用分光光度法测定。结果:三种护色剂柠檬酸钠、异VC钠和三聚磷酸钠复合使用时均显著影响护色效果,对绿豆中总黄酮的提取率也有显著影响,各因素影响顺序为柠檬酸钠〉异VC钠〉三聚磷酸钠;得出最佳护色剂配比为:柠檬酸钠0.02%、异VC钠0.018%和三聚磷酸钠0.1%;通过重复试验制备的绿豆清爽饮料中的总黄酮含量为12.8±0.42mg/L。结论:柠檬酸钠的酸度调节作用、异VC钠的抗氧化作用和三聚磷酸钠的螯合作用,三者结合后方可显著提高绿豆色素的稳定性。  相似文献   

To develop sausage with inhibition of 60% sodium intake, using biopolymer encapsulation technology and sodium replacer, the sausages were subdivided into five treatment groups: control was the normal sodium amount without sodium substitution and biopolymers; and four treatments involved encapsulation with four different biopolymers (T1: pectin, T2: chitosan, T3: cellulose, T4: dextrin), with sodium substituted by 55% with sodium replacers (a mixture of potassium, magnesium, and calcium chlorides). The experimental sausages were fed to mice for 48 h, and sodium absorption and its inhibition were measured. T2 sausage (3% chitosan with a sodium replacer) and T3 sausage (3% cellulose with a sodium replacer) showed the highest rates of inhibition of sodium absorption: 69.65 and 67.34%, respectively. These results indicated that the final goal of 60% inhibition of sodium intake was accomplished by 55% sodium replacement and more than 15% inhibition of sodium absorption with minimal deterioration of sausage quality.  相似文献   

Reduction of dietary sodium by reduction of sodium in foods is a current industry target. Quantitative information on consumer knowledge of sodium and reduction of dietary sodium is limited. The objectives of this study were to characterize consumer knowledge and awareness of sodium and salt reduction in foods. Consumers (n= 489) participated in a quantitative internet survey designed to gather knowledge and attitudes towards dietary sodium, sodium in foods, and health. Eating habits and food consumption characteristics, knowledge of salt and sodium, and interest in health and wellness were probed. Saltiness believe and sodium knowledge indices were calculated based on correct responses to salt levels in food products. Kano analysis was conducted to determine the role of nutrition labels and satisfaction/dissatisfaction of foods. Consumers were aware of the presence of sodium in "salty" foods, and that sodium was part of salt. People who had a family history of certain diseases associated with a higher intake of dietary sodium did not necessarily have more knowledge of the relationship between sodium intake and a specific disease compared to consumers with no family history. Sodium content on the food label panel did not influence consumer dissatisfaction; however, sodium content did not necessarily increase consumer product satisfaction either. The addition of a healthy nutrient (that is, whole grain, fiber) into a current food product was appealing to consumers. For nutrient labeling, a "reduced" claim was more appealing to consumers than a "free" claim for "unhealthy" nutrients such as fat, sodium, and sugar. Practical Application: This study demonstrated the current state of consumer knowledge on sodium and salt reduction, and consumer perception of the relationship between diets high in sodium and many chronic diseases. Information that may contribute to consumer satisfaction on nutrition panel labeling was also determined.  相似文献   

三株植物乳杆菌降胆固醇机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了已筛选出的具有较高胆固醇去除能力和胆盐水解酶活性的3株植物乳杆菌(KLDS6.0330,KLDS6.0333,KLDS6.0335)的胆固醇同化作用,胆汁盐的去结合作用和胆固醇共沉淀作用。这3株植物乳杆菌能够同化较多的胆固醇(﹥43μg/mL);所有的菌株都表现出了对甘氨胆酸钠和牛磺胆酸钠的去结合作用,与牛磺胆酸钠相比,甘氨胆酸钠的去结合能够释放较多的胆酸;所有菌株都表现出了胆固醇与甘氨胆酸钠和牛磺胆酸钠去结合释放胆酸的共沉淀,与牛磺胆酸钠相比,甘氨胆酸钠去结合产生的胆酸表现出了与较多的胆固醇共沉淀;随着pH值的下降,解聚态的胆汁酸与胆固醇的共沉淀量增加,结合态胆盐与胆固醇的共沉淀量较少。结果表明这3株植物乳杆菌在体外可以通过3种机制去除胆固醇。  相似文献   

在分别研究三聚磷酸钠、焦磷酸钠、六偏磷酸钠、柠檬酸钠、EDTA-2Na、植酸、异抗坏血酸钠、乳酸钙等护色剂对胭脂红、苋菜红、诱惑红、柠檬黄、日落黄、亮蓝、β-胡萝卜紊等单一护色作用的基础上,选择护色效果较好的护色剂.通过正交设计,优选复配护色剂的配方。结果表明,这些护色剂的护色作用明显,但EDTA-2Na对日落黄、异抗坏血酸钠对大部分色素有负作用;各色素较好的复配护色剂组成,胭脂红为植酸2/万、三聚磷酸钠2/万、EDTA-2Na1/万、六偏磷酸钠1/万,苋菜红为EDTA-2Na2/万、焦磷酸钠1/万、三聚磷酸钠2/万及植酸2/万,诱惑红为三聚磷酸钠2/万、六偏磷酸酸2/万、EDTA-2Na2/万及焦磷酸钠2/万,日落黄为植酸1/万、焦磷酸钠2/万、柠檬酸钠2/万及六偏磷酸酸1/万,β-胡萝卜素为异抗坏血酸钠1/万、EDTA-2Na2,万、植酸1/万及焦磷酸钠1/万。  相似文献   

Reduction of sodium in foods is a top priority in today’s food industry. However, sodium reduction, due to its vital importance as a tastant, as well as its contribution to many other food properties, is no simple task. This study investigated the mobility of sodium ions, the ionic binding of sodium ions to xanthan gum, a popular functional hydrocolloid used in many processed foods, and the effect of sodium ions on the apparent viscosity of full-fat and reduced-fat model emulsion systems with increasing concentrations of added sodium, ranging from 0 to 480 mg added sodium per 30 g serving. 23Na NMR spectroscopy was utilized to measure sodium ion mobility, determined by both longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation times, and sodium binding, expressed by the ratio of bound to total sodium peak areas as the sodium concentration in the system increased. It was found that apparent viscosity increased, then decreased with increasing sodium concentration, and the concentration at which apparent viscosity began to decrease was higher for the reduced-fat compared to the full-fat emulsion system. The sodium mobility and sodium binding did not seem to be directly affected by pH. The characterization of sodium mobility, binding, and apparent viscosity in full-fat and reduced-fat model emulsion systems provides a foundation upon which further effects of sodium binding and functionality, including saltiness perception, in food matrices can be investigated.  相似文献   

Vacuum-packaged ground beef patties containing sodium lactate (NaL), sodium propionate (NaP), sodium acetate (NaA) and sodium citrate (NaC) at various levels and combinations were stored up to 28 days at 4°C. Addition of sodium lactate alone or in combination with sodium propionate increased shelf life of the patties by decreasing microbiological growth and decreasing negative flavor notes associated with lipid oxidation. Lean color also was improved by addition of sodium lactate alone or in combination with sodium propionate. Lipid oxidation by TBA was only slightly affected by treatment addition or storage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Binding of sodium cholate, sodium taurocholate, and sodium glycocholate by guar gum, soluble oat fiber, xanthan gum, and inulin was studied. All soluble fibers were able to bind sodium cholate, sodium taurocholate, and sodium glycocholate from a mixture of the three, but when tested individually, the fibers bound little or no sodium cholate. In general, the fibers bound higher concentrations of conjugated bile salts than they did free bile salts. Soluble oat fiber, which bound as much or more sodium cholate and sodium glycocholate as did the other 3 fibers, was tested for its effect on deconjugation of glycocholate by Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei. The presence of the fiber significantly increased (P < 0.05) deconjugation by all cultures.  相似文献   

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