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Interpretation of health related quality of life (HRQOL) results in cancer patients is facilitated by knowledge of the levels of HRQOL in the general population. However, direct comparisons can be misleading unless age and gender are considered. We demonstrate the derivation of age- and gender-specific 'expected' values from population reference values by means of simple calculations. This survey included 3000 randomly selected Norwegians above 18 years of age who received the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30 (+3) by mail. 1965 responses from 2,892 eligible persons (68%) were received. The population was divided into six disease groups based on self-reported health problems. The observed mean scale scores of the different groups deviated greatly from those obtained in the general population. The score for physical function, for example, was 72 for cancer patients and ranged from 73.3 to 82.5 in other disease groups, as opposed to 89.9 in the general population and 98.9 in those with no health problems. The range for one of the quality of life (QOL) scales was 57.7 to 84.7 compared with 73.7 in the general population. Expected mean scores for the patient groups were computed from the reference values, based on the concept of equivalence of age and gender. The differences between the observed mean scores and the reference values were strongly mediated by this method. The expected scores for physical function then ranged from 83.3 to 93.1 and from 70.3 to 75 for the QOL scale. The impact of age and gender on the reference data from the EORTC QLQ-C30 (+3) obtained in a general population shows that these variables must be considered when interpreting data on HRQOL for cancer patients. The demonstration of how to generate mean values which are adjusted according to the age and gender distribution of a population should increase the usefulness of this questionnaire among clinicians.  相似文献   

A total of 60 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in the area of Pisa, Italy, over a period from April 1993 to December 1995, were analyzed for the IS6110-based restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP). Isolates were found to show a great heterogeneity and only few isolates shared identical DNA banding patterns. In particular, 55 distinct IS6110 patterns were found (average number of isolates per pattern: 1.09) and only 9 strains (15%) occurred in 4 clusters of 2-3 identical clones. Computer analysis of genetic similarities among the strains revealed a family of 17 isolates including the clustered clones implicated in recently acquired infections. No correlation was found between the RFLP DNA patterns of the isolates and drug susceptibility. Of the 5 isolates from immigrants only one showed abnormal DNA fingerprinting. Our data indicate that the patterns of M. tuberculosis isolates in Pisa area are comparable to those of countries with low-prevalence TB and that a low level of TB transmission occurs in this area.  相似文献   

Concentrations of albendazole and its active metabolite in echinococcal cyst of the human liver were determined in order to evaluate drug effects of the decrease of protoscolex vitality. Albendazole concentration of 0-64.9 micrograms/ml and albendazole sulfoxide of 0-40.8 micrograms/ml were found in cysts. The protoscolexes showed markedly manifested morphologic changes up to the disintegration. The postoperative follow up of patients within 24 months discovered no recidives of the disease and the patients were regarded as cured. On the basis of the results obtained it has been concluded that the use of albendazole in the dose of 800 mg/day within 28 day is sufficient for achievement of therapeutic drug level in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1991 the Valencian Health Service (SVS) introduced a system of prospective payment per process to reimburse some surgical interventions to coordinated private hospitals which, until then, had invoiced by retrospective payment per hospital stay. The impact of this change on the mean length of stay in seven groups of surgical interventions is evaluated. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the mean stay of 2025 admissions in private hospitals coordinated under both systems of payment (payment per process 66%, October 91 to February 92; payment by stay 64%, March 91 to February 92) for seven groups of surgical procedures: cataract surgery, cholecystectomy, hernioraphy, prostate resection, tonsillectomy-adenoidectomy, varicose vein and proctologic procedures was carried out. RESULTS: Mean hospital stay decreased (mean = 5.4 days; p < 0.001) in all the groups reimbursed under PRP (from 72% in proctologic conditions to 43% for adenoidectomy-tonsillectomy) avoiding 8727 stays. The coinciding period under both systems demonstrated a decrease of mean hospital stay similar to the total period. CONCLUSIONS: The coordinated hospitals demonstrated a surprisingly rapid capacity to modify their organizative behaviour or influence the styles of clinical practice or both to adopt the patterns of length of stay which optimize profits according to the system of payment used by the SVS.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was studied in 21 Jindo dogs inhabiting Jin Island off the Korean peninsula. The polymorphism was analyzed with 10 restriction endonucleases that recognize six base pairs. The sizes of the mtDNA fragments produced by digestion using each endonucleases were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, and the polymorphisms were detected with Japanese mongrel dog mtDNA as a probe. The mtDNA polymorphism in Jindo dogs was observed with four restriction endonucleases, Apa I, EcoR V, Hinc II, and Sty I. However, no polymorphism was detected with BamH I, Bgl II, EcoR I, Hind III, Pst I, or Xba I. The observed restriction endonuclease morphs were classified into 4 types of distinct cleavage patterns. The average number of nucleotide substitutions per nucleotide site in Jindodogs was estimated to be 0.0086. By UPG phylogenetic analysis, the 4 mtDNA types showed only one cluster. This suggests that Jindo dogs have not diverged from the other cluster up to the present and the species is considerably pure.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping of traits and mutations in mammals is dependent upon linkage analysis. The resolution achieved by this method is related to the number of offspring that can be scored and position of crossovers near a gene. Higher precision mapping is obtained by expanding the collection of progeny from an appropriate cross, which in turn increases the number of potentially informative recombinants. A more efficient approach would be to increase the frequency of recombination, rather than the number of progeny. The anticancer drug cisplatin, which causes DNA strand breakage and is highly recombinogenic in some model organisms, was tested for its ability to induce germ-line recombination in mice. Males were exposed to cisplatin and mated at various times thereafter to monitor the number of crossovers inherited by offspring. We observed a striking increase on all three chromosomes examined and established a regimen that nearly doubled crossover frequency. The timing of the response indicated that the crossovers were induced at the early pachytene stage of meiosis I. The ability to increase recombination should facilitate genetic mapping and positional cloning in mice.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of a randomized trial of gowning on length of visit and number of physical examinations performed in an outpatient clinic. Nineteen senior internal medicine trainees saw 110 patients without gowns and 113 patients with gowns. Patients without gowns were with the trainees 25.2 +/- 11.9 (mean +/- SD) minutes versus 24.2 +/- 10.3 minutes for gowned patients (p = .51). Ungowned patients were in the examination room a total of 38.5 +/- 15.9 minutes versus 42.9 +/- 17.6 minutes for gowned patients (p = .06). The number of patients that underwent physical examinations was the same (89) for gowned and ungowned groups, and the distribution of the number of examinations by patient group differed only slightly (p = .88). Gowning did not significantly decrease the length of visit or increase the number of physical examinations performed.  相似文献   

In order to define transmission routes of cryptosporidiosis and develop markers that distinguish Cryptosporidium parvum isolates, we have identified 2 polymorphic restriction enzyme sites in a C. parvum repetitive DNA sequence. The target sequence was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from 100 to 500 oocysts and the amplified product was subjected to restriction enzyme digestion. Typing of 23 isolates showed that 10/10 calf isolates had the same profile. In contrast, 2 patterns were observed among human isolates: 7/13 displayed the calf profile, and 6/13 presented another pattern. The PCR-RFLP assay described here is a sensitive tool to distinguish C. parvum isolates.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are important contributors to human ageing and degenerative diseases. Using PCR techniques, we demonstrated three types of mtDNA length mutations, a 4977 bp deletion, a 7436 bp deletion and tandem duplications, in normal human skin tissues. We found that these mutations started to appear in the third decade of life, and the age at which the mutations could be detected in sun-exposed skin was usually younger than in non-exposed skin. Moreover, the incidences of these deletions and tandem duplications of mtDNA in sun-exposed skin were all significantly higher than those in non-exposed skin (P < 0.05). The 4977 bp deletion was the most prevalant mtDNA mutation in human skin, and the 7436 bp deletion was the least frequent among the three types of mtDNA mutations examined. We first demonstrated the existence of tandem duplications with sizes of about 260 bp, 200 bp and 150 bp in the D-loop region of mtDNA in the skin of elderly individuals. Among the three tandem duplications, the 200-bp duplication was found to occur most frequently in ageing skin. The tandem duplications were found to coexist with either or both of the deletions in some elderly individuals. The frequency of occurrence of mtDNA deletions and tandem duplications in skin was found to increase in an age-dependent manner. However, the incidence of tandem duplications was not well correlated with the age of the subject.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Critical concentrations for the isotropic to cholesteric phase transitions of double-stranded DNA fragments in simple buffered saline (0.1 M NaCl) solutions were determined as a function of DNA contour length ranging from approximately 50 nm to 2700 nm, by solid-state 31P NMR spectroscopy and polarized light microscopy. As expected for semirigid chains, the critical concentrations decrease sharply with increasing DNA length near the persistence length in the range from 50 to 110 nm, and approach a plateau when the contour length exceeds 190 nm. The biphasic region is substantially wider than observed for xanthan, another semirigid polyelectrolyte approximately twice as stiff as DNA, primarily because of low critical concentrations for first appearance of the anisotropic phase, C(i)*, in DNA samples > or =110 nm (320 base pairs) long. The limiting C(i)* for DNA > or =490 nm long is exceptionally low (only 13 mg/ml) and is substantially lower than the C(i)* of approximately 40 mg/ml reported for the stiffer xanthan polyelectrolyte. The much higher values of the critical concentrations, C(a)*, for the disappearance of the isotropic DNA phase (> or =67 mg/ml) are modestly higher than those observed for xanthan and are predicted reasonably well by a theory that has been applied to other semirigid polymers, if a DNA persistence length in the consensus range of 50-100 nm is assumed. By contrast, the broad biphasic region and low C(i)* values of DNA fragments > or =190 nm long could only be reconciled with theory by assuming persistence lengths of 200-400 nm. The latter discrepancies are presumed to reflect some combination of deficiencies in current theory as applied to chiral, strong polyelectrolytes such as DNA, and sequence-dependent variations in DNA properties such as flexibility, curvature, or interaction potential. The propensity of DNA to spontaneously self-order at low concentrations well in the physiological range may have biological significance.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni serotype O19 strains associated with the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and other strains were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of polymerase chain reaction products of the flaA genes and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. RFLP analysis showed that regardless of LIO serotype, geographic origins, or association with GBS, the O19 isolates shared an identical digestion pattern by each of four restriction endonucleases, DdeI, MboI, MseI, and AluI. In contrast, among C. jejuni O1 or O2 strains, RFLP patterns were different even among strains of the same LIO serotype. The results of the RAPD analysis were consistent with the flaA RFLP data. These data indicate that all of the O19 strains that were tested were closely related to one another whether they were or were not associated with GBS.  相似文献   

A maximum likelihood approach of half tetrad analysis (HTA) based on multiple restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers was developed. This procedure estimates the relative frequencies of 2n gametes produced by mechanisms genetically equivalent to first division restitution (FDR) or second division restitution and simultaneously locates the centromere within a linkage group of RFLP marker loci. The method was applied to the diploid alfalfa clone PG-F9 (2n = 2x = 16) previously selected because of its high frequency of 2n egg production. HTA was based on four RFLP loci for which PG-F9 was heterozygous with codominant alleles that were absent in the tetraploid tester. Models including three linked and one unlinked RFLP loci were developed and tested. Results of the HTA showed that PG-F9 produced 6% FDR and 94% second division restitution 2n eggs. Information from a marker locus belonging to one linkage group was used to more precisely locate the centromere on a different linkage group. HTA, together with previous cytological analysis, indicated that in PG-F9, FDR 2n eggs are likely produced by diplospory, a mechanism common among apomictic species. The occurrence of FDR 2n eggs in plant species and their importance for crop evolution and breeding is discussed together with the potential applicability of multilocus HTA in the study of reproductive mutants.  相似文献   

Using the polymerase chain reaction a PvuII polymorphism at the lipoprotein lipase gene was studied. The distribution of the genotypes and alleles frequency in 90 unrelated Russians were determined. Comparative data on pVUII polymorphism in various populations are presented.  相似文献   

Sequence polymorphisms of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, hypervariable regions I and II, from 100 unrelated Japanese were determined by PCR amplification and direct sequencing. Sequences of 404 nucleotides for hypervariable region I and 379 nucleotides for region II were obtained. Variable sites (85 and 45) were revealed in region I and region II, respectively, as compared to the reference sequence, and a total of 96 different genetic patterns from both regions I and II were determined. A point mutation heteroplasmy was observed at the ratio of approximately 50:50 from one individual at the sequence position 151 showing a nucleotide transition from C to T. The probability of identity was estimated as 2.3% for region I, 3.9% for region II, and 1.1% combined for both regions. These results suggest that sequence polymorphism of mtDNA control region would be very useful in forensic practice as a marker for individual identification.  相似文献   

A simple method for scoring short tandem DNA repeats is presented. An oligonucleotide target, containing tandem repeats embedded in a unique sequence, was hybridized to a set of complementary probes, containing tandem repeats known lengths. Single-stranded loops structures formed on duplexes containing a mismatched (different) number of tandem repeats. No loop structure formed on duplexes containing a matched (identical) number of tandem repeats. The matched and mismatched loop structures were enzymatically distinguished and differentially labeled by treatment with S1 nuclease and the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

c-myc gene abnormalities associated with lymphomagenesis, including rearrangements and mutations in the regulatory region between exon I and intron I, have been studied in 54 MALT lymphomas (43 low and 11 high grade) and 36 nodal lymphomas (27 low and 9 high grade). By Southern blot analysis, none of the 54 MALT lymphomas but 2 of 36 nodal lymphomas had c-myc gene rearrangements. Defined tumour cell populations from all MALT lymphoma cases were isolated by microdissection from frozen tissue sections and analysed by polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and direct sequencing for somatic mutations in the exon I/intron I region of the gene. Point mutations in this region were identified in nine cases of MALT lymphomas (7/43 = 16.2 per cent of low grade; 2/11 = 18.1 per cent of high grade). These mutations were located at either the exon I/intron I border of myc intron factor (MIF) binding sites, which are critical in the negative regulation of c-myc expression. Of the nodal lymphomas, only the two cases (5-6 per cent) with c-myc gene rearrangement showed scattered or clustered mutations. These results suggest that c-myc mutations in MALT lymphomas are unlikely to be associated with chromosome translocation, which is the main cause of somatic mutations observed in other types of lymphomas. The mutations involving the c-myc regulatory regions may play a pathogenetic role in at least a proportion of MALT lymphomas.  相似文献   

Salmonellae often have the ability to express two different flagellar antigen specificities (phase 1 and phase 2). At the cell level, only one flagellar phase is expressed at a time. Two genes, fliC, encoding phase-1 flagellin, and fljB, encoding phase-2 flagellin, are alternatively expressed. Flagellin genes from 264 serovars of Salmonella enterica were amplified by two phase-specific PCR systems. Amplification products were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis by using endonucleases HhaI and HphI. RFLP with HhaI and HphI yielded 64 and 42 different restriction profiles, respectively, among 329 flagellin genes coding for 26 antigens. The phase-1 gene showed 46 patterns with HhaI and 30 patterns with HphI. The phase-2 gene showed 23 patterns with HhaI and 17 patterns with HphI. When the data from both enzymes were combined, 116 patterns were obtained: 74 for fliC, 47 for fljB, and 5 shared by both genes. Of these combined patterns, 80% were specifically associated with one flagellar antigen and 20% were associated with more than one antigen. Each flagellar antigen was divided into 2 to 18 different combined patterns. In the sample of strains used, determination of the phase-1 and phase-2 flagellin gene RFLP, added to the knowledge of the O antigen, allowed identification of all diphasic serovars. Overall, the diversity uncovered by flagellin gene RFLP did not precisely match that evidenced by flagellar agglutination.  相似文献   

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