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We used stimulus-triggered averaging (StTA) of electromyographic (EMG) activity to investigate two major questions concerning the functional organization of the magnocellular red nucleus (RNm) for reaching movements in the macaque monkey. The first is whether the clear preference toward facilitation of extensor muscles we have reported in previous studies for distal (wrist and digit) forelimb muscles also exists for proximal muscles (shoulder and elbow). The second question is whether distal and proximal muscles may be cofacilitated from RNm suggesting the representation of functional muscle synergies for coordinated reaching movements. Two monkeys were trained to perform a prehension task requiring multijoint coordination of the forelimb. EMG activity was recorded from 24 forelimb muscles including 5 shoulder, 7 elbow, 5 wrist, 5 digit, and 2 intrinsic hand muscles. Microstimulation (20 microA at 20 Hz) was delivered throughout the movement task. From 137 microstimulation sites in the RNm, a total of 977 poststimulus effects was obtained including 733 poststimulus facilitation effects (PStF) and 244 poststimulus suppression effects (PStS). Of the PStF effects, 58% were obtained from distal muscles; 42% from proximal muscles. Digit muscles were more frequently facilitated (35%) than the wrist, elbow, or shoulder muscles (20, 24, and 18%, respectively). The intrinsic hand muscles were infrequently facilitated (3%). At all joints tested, PStF was more common in extensor muscles than flexor muscles. This extensor preference was very strong for shoulder (85%), wrist (85%), and digit muscles (94%) and weaker for elbow muscles (60%). Of the PStS effects, 65% were in distal muscles and 35% in proximal muscles. Interestingly, the flexor muscles were more frequently inhibited from RNm than extensor muscles. At 72% of stimulation sites, at least two muscles were facilitated. The majority of these sites (61%) cofacilitated both proximal and distal muscles. At the remaining sites (39%), PStF was observed in either the proximal (17%) or distal muscles (22%). Facilitation most often involved combinations of shoulder, elbow, and distal muscles (30%) or shoulder and distal muscles (26%). Only rarely were intrinsic hand muscles part of the total muscle synergy. Our results show that the RNm 1) controls both proximal and distal muscles but the strength of influence is biased toward distal muscles, 2) preferentially controls extensor muscles not only at distal forelimb joints but also at proximal joints, and 3) output zones cofacilitate synergies of proximal and distal muscles involved in the control of forelimb reaching movements.  相似文献   

Modeling of musculoskeletal structures requires accurate data on anatomical parameters such as muscle lengths (MLs), moment arms (MAs) and those describing the upper limb position. Using a geometrical model of planar arm movements with three degrees of freedom, we present, in an analytical form, the available information on the relationship between MAs and MLs and joint angles for thirteen human upper limb muscles. The degrees of freedom included are shoulder flexion/extension, elbow flexion/extension, and either wrist flexion/extension (the forearm in supination) or radial/ulnar deviation (the forearm in mid-pronation). Previously published MA/angle curves were approximated by polynomials. ML/angle curves were obtained by combining the constant values of MLs (defined by the distance between the origin and insertion points for a specific upper limb position) with a variable part obtained by multiplying the MA (joint radius) and the joint angle. The MAs of the prime wrist movers in radial/ulnar deviation were linear functions of the joint angle (R2 > or = 0.9954), while quadratic polynomials accurately described their MAs during wrist flexion/extensions. The relationship between MAs and the elbow angle was described by 2nd, 3rd or 5th-order polynomials (R2 > or = 0.9904), with a lesser quality of fit for the anconeus (R2 = 0.9349). In the full range of angular displacements, the length of wrist, elbow and shoulder muscles can change by 8.5, 55 and 200%, respectively.  相似文献   

The magnocellular red nucleus (RNm) becomes highly active when a monkey reaches to grasp an object. However, the only spike-triggered averaging studies of the RNm to date have been restricted to a simple wrist tracking paradigm and electromyographic (EMG) measurements of muscles of the forearm. We have now measured EMG signals from a large number of muscles throughout the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand during a variety of tasks, including unconstrained reaching and grasping movements. Relations between these EMG signals and single-unit activity were assessed by on-line spike-triggered averaging and revealed significant post-spike effects among muscles of the shoulder and proximal arm, as well as intrinsic hand muscles. Although there remained a strong bias toward the extensor muscles of the forearm, as has been shown earlier, these results reinforce the importance of the RNm in the control of coordinated, whole-limb reaching movements.  相似文献   

1. Four subjects performed fast flexions of the elbow or shoulder over three different distances. Elbow flexions were performed both in a horizontal, single-degree-of-freedom manipulandum and in a sagittal plane with the limb unconstrained. Shoulder flexions were only performed in the sagittal plane by the unconstrained limb. We simultaneously recorded kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) patterns at the "focal" joint, that which the subject intentionally flexed, and at the other, "nonfocal" joint that the subject had been instructed to not flex. 2. Comparisons of the elbow EMG patterns across tasks show that agonist and antagonist muscles were similar in pattern but not size, reflecting the net muscle torque patterns. Comparisons at the shoulder also revealed similar EMG patterns across tasks that reflected net muscle torques. 3. Comparisons of EMG patterns across joints show that elbow and shoulder flexors behaved similarly. This was not true of the extensors. The triceps EMG burst was delayed for longer distances but the posterior deltoid had an early, distance-invariant onset. 4. Similarities in EMG reflect torque demands required at the focal joint to produce flexion and at the nonfocal joint to reduce extension induced by dynamic interactions with the focal, flexing joint. These similarities appear despite very different kinematic intentions and outcomes. This argues against a strong role for length-sensitive reflexes in their generation. 5. These results support the hypothesis that movements are controlled by muscle activation patterns that are planned for the expected torque requirements of the task. This general rule is true whether we are performing single-joint or multiple-joint movements, with or without external constraints. The similarities between single-joint and multijoint movement control may be a consequence of ontogenetic development of multijoint movement strategies that prove useful and are therefore also expressed under the constrained conditions of specialized tasks such as those performed in single-joint manipulanda.  相似文献   

We recorded reaching movements from nine infants longitudinally from the onset of reaching (5th postnatal month) up to the age of 3 years. Here we analyze hand and proximal joint trajectories and examine the emerging temporal coordination between arm segments. The present investigation seeks (a) to determine when infants acquire consistent, adult-like patterns of multijoint coordination within that 3-year period, and (b) to relate their hand trajectory formation to underlying patterns of proximal joint motion (shoulder, elbow). Our results show: First, most kinematic parameters do not assume adult-like levels before the age of 2 years. At this time, 75% of the trials reveal a single peaked velocity profile of the hand. Between the 2nd and 3rd year of life, "improvements" of hand- or joint-related movement units are only marginal. Second, infant motor systems strive to obtain velocity patterns with as few force reversals as possible (uni- or bimodal) at all three limb segments. Third, the formation of a consistent interjoint synergy between shoulder and elbow motion is not achieved within the 1st year of life. Stable patterns of temporal coordination across arm segments begin to emerge at 12-15 months of age and continue to develop up to the 3rd year. In summary, the development toward adult forms of multijoint coordination in goal-directed reaching requires more time than previously assumed. Although infants reliably grasp for objects within their workspace 3-4 months after the onset of reaching, stereotypic kinematic motor patterns are not expressed before the 2nd year of life.  相似文献   

1. An anatomical peculiarity allows the hand to be positioned so that the terminal phalanx of the middle finger cannot be moved by voluntary effort. When positioned in this way only joint and cutaneous mechanisms subserve position sense. By altering the position of the hand the muscles are again engaged and able to move the finger. Moving the joint then also excites muscular afferents. 2. The position sense of twelve subjects was assessed with and without engagement of the muscles at the joint. Three tests were used in which either angular displacement, angular velocity or duration of displacement were held constant. 3. When muscular attachment was restored, performance in all tests was greatly enhanced. As engagement of the muscles caused little change in the 'stiffness' of the joint, it is unlikely that the improved performance resulted from increased discharges from the joint receptors. Cutaneous mechanisms are unlikely to mediate this improvement as they are likely to have been unaffected by engagement of muscles. It is concluded that intramuscular receptors are partly responsible for normal position sense. 4. In seven of the twelve subjects the test finger was anaesthetized to isolate the contribution of intramuscular receptors. This muscle sense was variable. In some subjects it provided accurate kinaesthetic information but in others the information was crude. If with the test finger anaesthetized subjects exerted voluntary tension with the muscles that move the joint the muscle sense was improved.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of these experiments was to determine the accuracy with which human subjects could discriminate proprioceptive (nonretinotopic) targets during movement. The targets were located at either a specified angle in joint space, or a specified angular distance from an initial joint angle. 2. In these experiments the right elbows of normal human subjects were passively extended from either predictable or unpredictable starting angles. The subjects were instructed to open the right hand to indicate that the elbow was passing through a target joint angle or a target angular distance. The subjects were not given visual information about the location of the elbow, so they had to rely on proprioceptive input to perform this task. The target (criterion joint angle or angular distance) was learned by the use of proprioception during 8-15 practice trials. 3. Four experiments were conducted. In three experiments the target was located at a constant joint angle, and in the fourth experiment the target was located at a constant angular distance from the starting angle. The starting angle in all four experiments was pseudorandomly varied from trial to trial. 4. On the basis of an analysis of constant errors, subjects were more accurate at discriminating angular distance than joint angle. The slope of the relationship between the starting position and the constant errors was dictated by the task requirement. 5. In the distance discrimination experiment, when the starting angle was more flexed than the intermediate (i.e., central) position, the subjects slightly overshot the target distance. Conversely, when the starting angle was more extended than the intermediate position, the subjects slightly undershot the target distance. 6. In the joint angle discrimination experiments, the opposite results were obtained. Subjects overshot the target when the starting position of the elbow was more extended than the intermediate starting position, and they undershot the target when the starting position was more flexed than the intermediate starting position. The amplitude of these systematic errors increased when the subjects were unaware that the initial angle of their elbow was variable. 7. It is concluded that, in kinesthetic tasks of this type, the discrimination of angular distance is more accurate than the discrimination of joint angle. We hypothesize that the nervous system extracts kinematic information related to both joint angle and angular distance from proprioceptors, and that the encoding and or decoding of angular distance is more accurate than that of absolute joint angle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate different arm supports by comparing the activity of shoulder and arm muscles during various work tasks, with and without the lower arm supported. Twelve female subjects, aged between 23 and 37 years, were asked to perform three types of tasks: typing, simulated assembly work (in two different positions), and pipetting. The supports used were: fixed arm support (FIX), horizontal movable arm support (HOR), and spring-loaded arm support (SLA). During the experiments, the electromyograms (EMG) of four muscles were simultaneously recorded: m. deltoideus anterior and lateralis, m. trapezius pars descendens and m. extensor carpi radialis brevis. Normalization was made against maximum isometric contraction. The mean values of the normalized EMG levels showed a reduced EMG level of the shoulder muscles when using arm supports in all the tasks, and for all muscles but the wrist extensor, compared to the EMG levels without arm supports. The horizontal movable support was more effective in reducing the EMG levels of the shoulder muscles than other arm supports, in tasks at table height. Thus, it is possible to reduce muscle activity of the shoulder region by using arm supports. Further research is needed to make biomechanical calculations to compare the EMG level of these muscles using suspension and the effects of inclination of work task.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate four tests of explosive force production (EFP). Specifically, the main aims of the study were to assess the reliability of different EFP tests, to examine their relationship with maximum muscle strength, and to explore the relationship between EFP tests and functional movement performance. After an extensive preliminary familiarization with the tasks, subjects ( n=26) were tested on maximum explosive strength of the elbow extensor and flexor muscle, as well as on rapid elbow extension and flexion movements performed in both an oscillatory and a discrete fashion. In addition to maximum force ( F(max)), four different EFP tests were assessed from the recorded force-time curves: the time interval elapsed between achieving 30% and 70% of F(max) ( F(30-70%)), the maximum rate of force development (RFD), the same value normalized with respect to F(max) (RFD/ F(max)), and the force exerted 100 ms after the contraction initiation ( F(100 ms)). Excluding F(30--70%), all remaining EFP tests revealed either good or fair reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients being within 0.8-1 and 0.6-0.8 intervals, respectively) which was also comparable with the reliability of F(max). RFD and F(100 ms) demonstrated a positive relationship with F(max), but not T(30-70%) and RFD/ F(max). Stronger elbow flexor muscles also demonstrated higher values of RFD and F(100 ms) than weaker elbow extensor muscles, while no difference was observed between either T(30-70%) or RFD/ F(max) recorded from two muscles. Despite the simplicity of the tested movement tasks, the relationship observed between the EFP tests and the peak movement velocity remained moderate and partly insignificant. It was concluded that most of the EFP tests could be reliable for assessing neuromuscular function in their muscle-force- (or, indirectly, muscle size) dependent (such as RFD and F(100 ms)), or muscle-force-independent ( T(30-70%) and RFD/ F(max)) forms. However, their "external validity" when applied to assess the ability to perform rapid movements could be questioned.  相似文献   

Whole muscle contractile characteristics and fatigue resistance were studied in male patients with chronic heart failure (n = 6) and in healthy control subjects (n = 6). Maximum voluntary isometric strength in the major muscle groups of leg (plantar flexors and knee extensors) and arm (elbow extensors and elbow flexors), was found to be similar for both groups of subjects. However, a faster isometric twitch time course was observed in the plantar flexor and knee extensor muscles of heart failure chronic patients. The poor resistance to fatigue in the knee extensors of chronic heart failure patients was confirmed in the present study, but using twitch interpolation this was shown not to be due to poor activation. The plantar flexors of chronic heart failure patients also showed a tendency to be less resistant to fatigue, even when the muscle was activated by direct electrical stimulation. The present study shows that independent of muscle strength, patients with chronic heart failure may possess muscles that are faster to contract and less resistant to fatigue. However, it seems this increased fatigability is not due to poor muscle activation.  相似文献   

We have examined EMG-movement relations in two-joint planar arm movements to determine the influence of interactional torques on movement coordination. Explicitly defined combinations of elbow movements (ranging from 20 to 70 degrees) and wrist movements (ranging from 20 to 40 degrees) were performed during a visual, step-tracking task in which subjects were specifically required to attend to the initial and final angles at each joint. In all conditions the wrist and elbow rotated in the same direction, that is, flexion-flexion or extension-extension. Elbow movement kinematics were only slightly influenced by motion about the wrist. In contrast, the trajectory of the wrist movement was significantly influenced by uncompensated reaction torques resulting from movement about the elbow joint. At any given wrist amplitude, wrist movement duration increased and peak velocity decreased as elbow amplitude increased. In addition, as elbow amplitude increased, wrist movement onset was progressively delayed relative to this elbow movement. Surprisingly, the changes between joint movement onsets were not accompanied by corresponding changes between agonist EMG onsets at the elbow and wrist joints. The mean difference in onset times between elbow and wrist agonists (22-30 ms) remained unchanged across conditions. In addition, a basic pattern of muscle activation that scaled with movement amplitude was observed at each joint. Phasic agonist activity at the wrist and elbow joints remained remarkably similar across conditions and thus the changes in joint movement onset could not be attributed to changes in the motor commands.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Noninvasive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex was used to evoke electromyographic (EMG) responses in persons with spinal cord injury (n = 97) and able-bodied subjects (n = 20, for comparative data). Our goal was to evaluate, for different levels and severity of spinal cord injury, potential differences in the distribution and latency of motor responses in a large sample of muscles affected by the injury. The spinal cord injury (SCI) population was divided into subgroups based upon injury location (cervical, thoracic, and thoracolumbar) and clinical status (motor-complete versus motor-incomplete). Cortical stimuli were delivered while subjects attempted to contract individual muscles, in order to both maximize the probability of a response to TMS and minimize the response latency. Subjects with motor-incomplete injuries to the cervical or thoracic spinal cord were more likely to demonstrate volitional and TMS-evoked contractions in muscles controlling their foot and ankle (i.e., distal lower limb muscles) compared to muscles of the thigh (i.e., proximal lower limb muscles). When TMS did evoke responses in muscles innervated at levels caudal to the spinal cord lesion, response latencies of muscles in the lower limbs were delayed equally for persons with injury to the cervical or thoracic spinal cord, suggesting normal central motor conduction velocity in motor axons caudal to the lesion. In fact, motor response distribution and latencies were essentially indistinguishable for injuries to the cervical or thoracic (at or rostral to T10) levels of the spine. In contrast, motor-incomplete SCI subjects with injuries at the thoracolumbar level showed a higher probability of preserved volitional movements and TMS-evoked contractions in proximal muscles of the lower limb, and absent responses in distal muscles. When responses to TMS were seen in this group, the latencies were not significantly longer than those of able-bodied (AB) subjects, strongly suggestive of "root sparing" as a basis for motor function in subjects with injury at or caudal to the T11 vertebral body. Both the distribution and latency of TMS-evoked responses are consistent with highly focal lesions to the spinal cord in the subjects examined. The pattern of preserved responsiveness predominating in the distal leg muscles is consistent with a greater role of corticospinal tract innervation of these muscles compared to more proximal muscles of the thigh and hip.  相似文献   

Influences exerted by tactile stimuli on the muscle activity were investigated with two methods: (1) analysis of kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activity of eight forelimb muscles during contact placing (CP) reactions elicited by tactile stimuli applied to the dorsal, medial or lateral sides of the paw in cats, and (2) the Hoffmann (H)-reflex technique to quantify the effects of the tactile stimuli on the excitability of the alpha motoneurones of the soleus muscle in awake rats. The first group of the data showed that the tactile stimuli applied to dorsal, medial or lateral aspects of the paw led to different strategies of the forelimb movements during CP reactions. These differences arose from various patterns of activation of the elbow flexor and extensor muscles at the beginning of CP reactions and a various involvement of the medio-lateral components of movements, depending on the site of the tactile stimulus application. With the H-reflex technique it was found that the tactile stimulus diminished the excitability of alpha motoneurones of the soleus muscle when applied to the skin overlying the lateral side of the ankle joint. This effect was in line with the observation that the tactile stimulus applied to the lateral side of the paw activated the elbow flexor muscles but not their antagonists to initiate CP reaction.  相似文献   

The physical strain and mechanical efficiency of manual wheelchair propulsion using handrim and hubcrank propelled racing wheelchairs were studied during a submaximal wheelchair exercise test on a stationary roller ergometer. Ten healthy male able-bodied subjects conducted two exercise tests in a random order and measurements of phyical strain (oxygen uptake, minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate) and gross mechanical efficiency were obtained. During the experiment torque data, speed and power output were determined at a sample frequency of 0.1 Hz. Analysis of variance for repeated measures (p < 0.05) was used to establish differences. The hubcrank propulsion mechanism showed a significantly lower physical strain and higher gross mechanical efficiency in comparison with the handrim propulsion mechanism. The lower strain and higher efficiency in propelling the hubcrank partly seems to be due to the continuous biphasic cyclic propulsion movement, which allows both push and pull forces to be exerted. This involves flexor and extensor muscles around elbow and shoulder, leading to a reduced tendency to fatigue in individual muscles in the upper extremity. The more natural and neutral wrist-hand orientation also seems to diminish finger flexor activity and wrist-stabilizing muscle activity, and will thus reduce physical strain both with respect to the cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal systems. The latter may influence the tendency to develop carpal tunnel problems positively. The reduced strain of the hubcrank propulsion mechanism clearly has a number of advantages over handrims for the human engine in the short and long run. However, technical innovation should address current practical problems of steering and braking. Clearly, hubcranks can be used in low-seated wheelchairs (i.e. racing wheelchairs) only, and in subjects with a sufficiently large range of motion in the upper extremity. Moreover, the increased width is a drawback of hubcranks. Care should be taken while negotiating door posts.  相似文献   

Human arm viscoelasticity is important in stabilizing posture, movement, and in interacting with objects. Viscoelastic spatial characteristics are usually indexed by the size, shape, and orientation of a hand stiffness ellipse. It is well known that arm posture is a dominant factor in determining the properties of the stiffness ellipse. However, it is still unclear how much joint stiffness can change under different conditions, and the effects of that change on the spatial characteristics of hand stiffness are poorly examined. To investigate the dexterous control mechanisms of the human arm, we studied the controllability and spatial characteristics of viscoelastic properties of human multijoint arm during different cocontractions and force interactions in various directions and amplitudes in a horizontal plane. We found that different cocontraction ratios between shoulder and elbow joints can produce changes in the shape and orientation of the stiffness ellipse, especially at proximal hand positions. During force regulation tasks we found that shoulder and elbow single-joint stiffness was each roughly proportional to the torque of its own joint, and cross-joint stiffness was correlated with elbow torque. Similar tendencies were also found in the viscosity-torque relationships. As a result of the joint stiffness changes, the orientation and shape of the stiffness ellipses varied during force regulation tasks as well. Based on these observations, we consider why we can change the ellipse characteristics especially in the proximal posture. The present results suggest that humans control directional characteristics of hand stiffness by changing joint stiffness to achieve various interactions with objects.  相似文献   

Angle-specific (AS) torque/velocity data have been used to avoid angle related variation in peak torque capacity. However, series elastic structures cause the contractile velocity of active force-producing tissue to differ from external joint velocity except at peak torque. Alternatively, angle related variation may be removed by normalizing peak torque to the isometric maximum at that angular position. The AS, peak (P), and normalized peak (NP) methods were compared in isovelocity knee flexion and extension at velocities between 50 and 250 degrees s-1 for 8 male subjects. The P and NP methods gave more similar torque/velocity relations than the AS method. Further, very little variation in peak torque was attributed to differences in joint angle. Both the P and AS methods illustrate that relative quadriceps/hamstrings torque capability (flexor/extensor ratio) increases slightly with velocity. It is proposed that antagonist muscle torque capabilities should be compared at different angular positions to assess muscular imbalance.  相似文献   

Acuity for elbow joint position sense (JPS) is reduced when head position is modified. Movement of the head is associated with biomechanical changes in the neck and shoulder musculoskeletal system, which may explain changes in elbow JPS. The present study aimed to determine whether elbow JPS is also influenced by illusory changes in head position. Simultaneous vibration of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the contralateral splenius was applied to 14 healthy adult human subjects. Muscle vibration or passive head rotation was introduced between presentation and reproduction of a target elbow position. Ten out of 14 subjects reported illusions consistent with lengthening of the vibrated muscles. In these 10 subjects, absolute error for elbow JPS increased with left SCM/right splenius vibration but not with right SCM/left splenius vibration. Absolute error also increased with right rotation, with a trend for increased error with left rotation. These results demonstrated that both actual and illusory changes in head position are associated with diminished acuity for elbow JPS, suggesting that the influence of head position on upper limb JPS depends, at least partially, on perceived head position. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study shows that the discharge of many motor cortical cells is strongly influenced by attributes of movement related to the geometry and mechanics of the arm and not only by spatial attributes of the hand trajectory. The activity of 619 directionally tuned cells was recorded from the motor cortex of two monkeys during reaching movements with the use of similar hand paths but two different arm orientations, in the natural parasagittal plane and abducted into the horizontal plane. Nearly all cells (588 of 619, 95%) showed statistically significant changes in activity between the two arm orientations [analysis of variance (ANOVA). P < 0.01]. A majority of cells showed a significant change in their overall level of activity (ANOVA, main effect of task, P < 0.01) between arm orientations before, during, and after movement. Many cells (433 of 619, 70%) also showed a significant change in the relation of their discharge with movement direction (ANOVA, task x direction interaction term, P < 0.01) during movement, including changes in the dynamic range of discharge with movement and changes in the directional preference of cells that were directionally tuned in both arm orientations. Similar effects were seen for the discharge of cells while the monkey maintained constant arm postures over the different peripheral targets with the use of different arm orientations. Repeated data files from the same cell with the use of the same arm orientation showed only small changes in the level of discharge or in directional tuning, suggesting that changes in cell discharge between arm orientations cannot be explained by random temporal variations in cell activity. The distribution of movement-related preferred directions of the whole sample differed between arm orientations, and also differed strongly between cells receiving passive input predominantly from the shoulder or elbow. The electromyographic activity of most prime mover muscles at the shoulder and elbow was also strongly affected by arm orientation, resulting in changes in overall level of activity and/or directional tuning that often resembled those of the proximal arm-related motor cortical cells. A mathematical model that represented movements in terms of movement direction centered on the hand could not account for any of the arm-orientation-related response changes seen in this task, whereas models in intrinsic parameter spaces of joint kinematics and joint torques predicted many of the effects.  相似文献   

Sixteen infants with conducting neuromas-in-continuity at primary brachial plexus exploration underwent microsurgical neurolysis of their lesions. For each patient, the immediate preoperative scores for individual joint movements were compared with scores at the last examination. In the Erb's palsy group (n = 9), significant improvement was seen in shoulder movements, elbow flexion, supination, and wrist extension (paired t test, p < 0.05). Clinically useful improvements in function was seen at the shoulder and elbow (Fisher's exact test, p < 0.05). In the total palsy group (n = 7), significant improvement in shoulder abduction, shoulder adduction, elbow flexion, and extension of the wrist, fingers, and thumb was seen (paired t test, p < 0.05), but there was no significant improvement in the proportion of patients with useful functional outcomes. Neurolysis in Erb's palsy improves both muscle grade and the functional ability of patients. Neurolysis does not provide useful functional recovery in patients with total plexus palsy.  相似文献   

We have used the muscle history dependence of the sensitivity of muscle spindles to stretch, to provide evidence for their contribution to kinaesthesia, the sense of position and movement. Stretch sensitivity is altered depending on whether or not slack has been introduced in intrafusal fibres [13]. At the human elbow joint detection threshold was measured to passive movements applied at different speeds to the forearm after a conditioning co-contraction of muscles of the upper arm, with the arm held either flexed ('hold short') or extended ('hold long'). Test measurements were made with the elbow joint at 90 degrees. For the three speeds of movement, 2 degrees s-1, 0.2 degree s-1 and 0.02 degree s-1, after 'hold short' conditioning thresholds were lower for movements into extension, after 'hold long' conditioning they were lower for movements into flexion. It is concluded that when muscle conditioning introduces slack in the intrafusal fibres of muscle spindles, this must be taken up by the test movements before they can be detected by the subject. It means that whenever detection thresholds to passive movements are measured at a joint, the contraction history of the muscles acting at that joint must be taken into account.  相似文献   

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