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High gain shaped beam antennas for satellite frequency reuse applications are almost exclusively obtained by the use of complex multielement feed arrays to provide pattern control in conjunction with offset reflectors to remove blockage effects. In the design of complex multielement feed arrays for offset reflectors, the element excitations are usually synthesized using the isolated element properties. Proper performance of the array often requires that these theoretical excitations be modified to account for the effects on the feed elements due to the array environment. Near-field planar probing of the fields of the feed array have been found to provide an efficient and accurate method of predicting the secondary performances, including cross polarization and axial ratio. The nearfield measurement technique, moreover, provides an extremely effective method of determining the element performance and for determining the required compensation for desired antenna performance. 相似文献
A new array antenna synthesis method, which we call the virtual array synthesis method, is presented. In this method, the excitation values of a virtual array are synthesized using some known synthesis method. The geometry of the virtual array can be chosen so that there will be a suitable synthesis method for that geometry and the synthesis of the virtual array can be done accurately enough. In the synthesis method presented, the excitation values of the virtual array are transformed into the excitation values of the actual array geometry. Matrix operations are simple and large arrays can be easily synthesized 相似文献
Yaccarino R.G. Rahmat-Samii Y. Williams L.I. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1994,42(2):196-204
A novel customized bi-polar planar near-field measurement technique is presented in a two-part paper. This bipolar technique offers a large scan plane size with minimal “real-estate” requirements and a simple mechanical implementation, requiring only rotational motions, resulting in a highly accurate and cost-effective antenna measurement and diagnostic system. Part I of this two-part paper introduced the bi-polar planar near-field measurement concept, discussed the implementation of this technique at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and provided a comparative survey of measured results. This paper examines the data processing algorithms that have been developed and customized to exploit the unique features of the bi-polar planar near-field measurement technique. Near-field to far-field transformation algorithms investigated include both interpolatory and non-interpolatory algorithms due to the a typical arrangement of the bi-polar near-field samples. The algorithms which have been tailored for the bi-polar configuration include the optimal sampling interpolation (OSI)/fast Fourier transform (FFT), Jacobi-Bessel transform, and Fourier-Bessel transform. Additionally, holographic imaging for determination of antenna aperture fields has been incorporated to facilitate antenna diagnostics. Results for a simulated measurement of an array of infinitesimal dipoles and a measured waveguide-fed slot array antenna are included. Appropriate guidelines with respect to the advantages and disadvantages of the various processing algorithms are provided 相似文献
Error analysis techniques for planar near-field measurements 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
A combination of techniques is described for reliably estimating the magnitude of each error arising in planar near-field measurements. They include mathematical analysis, computer simulation, and measurement tests. There are three primary applications for these tests: in designing a measurement facility, the requirements of each part of the measurement system can be specified to meet a given level of accuracy; during actual measurements, the experimenter can identify, and reduce where necessary, potential sources of error in the measurement; and when a measurement has been completed, the estimated uncertainty in the measurement can be obtained with confidence and ease. The latter application has been used in many measurements to verify that the planar near-field technique produces high-accuracy results competitive with any other measurement technique 相似文献
介绍了二维多波束天线的特点和实现二维多波束的几种方法,针对空馈的Rotman透镜推导出了由它馈电的平面天线阵的相位计算公式及设计方法,在此基础上成功地实现了空馈透镜的平面天线阵样机,并给出了相应的测试结果。 相似文献
A novel technique, conceived and baptized the immunity tactic will be presented in this paper. As one will see, we classify the technique under the stochastic processes while governed by deterministic rules. This technique was greatly inspired by the immune activity, which has the tendency to eliminate the strange bodies and to preserve the self-organism. The analogy with the synthesis will be as follows:
- • Elimination of all the weak solutions.
- • Preservation of the best solution.
Certain unique features of a recently constructed plane-polar near-field measurement facility for determining the far-field patterns of large and fragile spaceborne antennas are described. In this facility, the horizontally positioned antenna rotates about its axis while the measuring probe is advanced incrementally in a fixed radial direction. The near-field measured data is then processed using a Jacobi-Bessel expansion to obtain the antenna far fields. A summary of the measurement and computational steps is given. Comparisons between the outdoor far-field measurements and the constructed far-field patterns from the near-field measured data are provided for different antenna sizes and frequencies. Application of the substitution method for the absolute gain measurement is discussed. In particular, results are shown for the 4.8-m mesh-deployable high-gain antenna of the Galileo spacecraft which has the mission of orbiting Jupiter in 1988. 相似文献
In this work, two planar near-field scan-plane reduction techniques are considered and results are presented. It is shown how truncation based on field-intensity contours, instead of simple geometric truncation, can in some cases improve the efficiency of the truncation process. Both techniques are applied to measured data sets, and it is shown how these methods can be used to reduce data-acquisition times, while also assessing the impact of the total acquisition surface reduction on the far-field radiation-pattern integrity. 相似文献
The material discussed can be divided into two parts. In the first part, an iteration method is presented for calculating the distances between the elements of a symmetrical nonuniformly spaced linear array antenna for sidelobe reduction. The amplitude of the excitation is assumed to be constant. The iteration method is applied to linear array consisting of 24 elements. After a few iterations, the sidelobe-to-mainlobe power ratio was reduced to over 22 dB from its value of 13.2 dB for uniform array spacing. In the second part, several symmetrical nonuniformly spaced planar array antennas have been designed, using the nonuniform linear array spacings of part one. The planar arrays include square-shaped and circular structures, with the number of elements ranging from 284 to 576. The iteration method discussed can be applied to linear arrays with any number of elements to obtain nonuniform grid spacings for sidelobe reduction. A number of planar grid structures can be constructed using the nonuniform linear grids. The nonuniform linear and planar arrays utilize fewer radiating elements and result in desirable sidelobe structures. 相似文献
Microwave diagnosis of antennas is considered as a viable tool for the determination of reflector surface distortions and location of defective radiating elements of array antennas. A hybrid technique based on the combination of the spherical near-field measurements and holographic metrology reconstruction is presented. The measured spherical near-field data are first used to construct the far-field amplitude and phase patterns of the antenna on specified regularized u -v coordinates. These data are then utilized in the surface profile reconstruction of the holographic technique using a fast-Fourier-transform (FFT)/iterative approach. Results of an experiment using a 156-cm reflector antenna measured at 11.3 GHz are presented for both the original antenna and the antenna with four attached bumps. Several contour and gray-scaled plots are presented for the reconstructed surface profiles of the measured antennas. The recovery effectiveness of the attached bumps has been demonstrated. The hybrid procedure presented is used to assess the achieved accuracy of the holographic reconstruction technique because of its ability to determine very accurate far-field amplitude and phase data from the spherical near-field measurements 相似文献
Vahid Dehghanian Majid Okhovvat Mohammad Hakkak 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2009,63(4):241-248
In near-field antenna measurements various forms of uniform and non-uniform sampling techniques have been widely deployed. Considering the fact that the near-field pattern of any antenna is a spatially quasi-band-width-limited function of space coordinates, Shannon's theorem simply defines the sampling frequency. Based on the sampling theorem, in order to precisely reconstruct a band-limited signal from its samples, the sampling frequency must be at least twice as much as the signal's bandwidth. Through the simulations and theoretical evaluations this research shows that if the near-field pattern is either uniformly or non-uniformly under-sampled due to any practical reasons, yet a good estimation of far-field pattern can be obtained especially if the antenna under test (AUT) is a directive high-gain or super high-gain antenna. Also the time efficiency of far-field prediction from under-sampled near-field data is discussed and the advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. 相似文献
A technique is presented which allows array antennas to be synthesised under the constraint of optimum directivity, taking into account the fact that the antenna is embedded in a complex environment, and near-field null conditions to be imposed at a set of given points 相似文献
The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (fdtd) method is used to calculate the cellular phone far and near field and the specific absorption rate (sar) in the user’s head. The conventional λ/4 monopole and a simple planar antenna are simulated and measured. The simulated results are in good agreement with those measured for thevswr and for the radiation patterns on the horizontal and vertical planes. These results show that significant improvements in the antenna radiation efficiency and in the reduction of thesar in the head are obtained when planar antennas are used. 相似文献
The sidelobe level of a planar array antenna with equal amplitude excitation can be suppressed by element thinning. The method of element thinning employed here is a kind of multistage decision procedure or steepest descent approach. Although this method gives the local optimum results, the reduced sidelobe level is assured to be within the obtained level over the whole radiation region. The sidelobe level, for example, can be suppressed -29.7 dB where the array contains 3120 elements arranged within a circular aperture capable of 5815 elements if fully filled. The computation time is also discussed, and it is shown that the computation time decreases drastically by the use of the design method. 相似文献