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We have recently demonstrated that a single injection of 4,900 IU of interleukin-12 (IL-12) on the day of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) markedly inhibits acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in a fully major histocompatibility complex plus minor antigen-mismatched BMT model (A/J --> B10, H-2(a) --> H-2(b)), in which donor CD4(+) T cells are required for the induction of acute GVHD. We show here that donor CD8-dependent graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effects against EL4 (H-2(b)) leukemia/lymphoma can be preserved while GVHD is inhibited by IL-12 in this model. In mice in which IL-12 mediated a significant protective effect against GVHD, marked GVL effects of allogeneic T cells against EL4 were observed. GVL effects against EL4 depended on CD8-mediated alloreactivity, protection was not observed in recipients of either syngeneic (B10) or CD8-depleted allogeneic spleen cells. Furthermore, we analyzed IL-12-treated recipients of EL4 and A/J spleen cells which survived for more than 100 days. No EL4 cells were detected in these mice by flow cytometry, tissue culture, adoptive transfer, necropsies, or histologic examination. Both GVL effects and the inhibitory effect of IL-12 on GVHD were diminished by neutralizing anti-interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) monoclonal antibody. This study demonstrates that IL-12-induced IFN-gamma production plays a role in the protective effect of IL-12 against GVHD. Furthermore, IFN-gamma is involved in the GVL effect against EL4 leukemia, demonstrating that protection from CD4-mediated GVHD and CD8-dependent anti-leukemic activity can be provided by a single cytokine, IFN-gamma. These observations may provide the basis for a new approach to inhibiting GVHD while preserving GVL effects of alloreactivity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endogenous interleukin (IL)-10 production has been associated with the lack of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in human recipients of MHC-disparate donor grafts. Paradoxically, we have shown that the exogenous administration of high doses (30 microg/dose) of IL-10 to murine recipients of MHC-disparate grafts accelerates GVHD lethality. METHODS: The effects of IL-10 on GVHD mediated by either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells was examined in studies involving exogenous IL-10 administration or the infusion of T cells from IL-10-deficient (-/-) donor mice. The role of interferon (IFN)-gamma on IL-10-induced GVHD acceleration was studied using IFN-gamma-deficient (-/-) donor mice or neutralizing monoclonal antibody. RESULTS: IL-10 was found to have a dose-dependent effect on the GVHD lethality mediated by either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. High doses of exogenous IL-10 accelerated GVHD lethality. IFN-gamma release was not responsible for the IL-10 facilitation of GVHD lethality. Paradoxically, low doses of IL-10 protected mice against GVHD lethality. The GVHD protective effect of the bioavailability of small amounts of IL-10 was confirmed by demonstrating that the infusion of T cells from IL-10 -/- donors accelerated GVHD lethality. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that IL-10 has a dose-dependent effect on the GVHD lethality mediated by CD4+ or CD8+ T cells, such that high doses accelerate lethality, while low amounts of bioavailable IL-10 are protective.  相似文献   

Allogeneic CD8+ T cells mediate both a graft-vs-leukemia (GVL) effect and graft-vs-host disease (GVHD). To evaluate whether CD8 cells of defined cytokine phenotype differentially mediate these processes, alloreactive donor CD8+ T cells preferentially secreting type I or type II cytokines were generated by alloantigenic priming in vitro in the presence of IL-12 or IL-4, respectively. Both cytokine-secreting subsets lysed allogeneic tumor targets in vitro ("Tc1" and "Tc2" subsets). A transplantation model was established (B6 into B6C3F1, 1050 cGy host irradiation) using the 32Dp210 myeloid line (bcr/abl transfected, H-2k; 1 x 10(4) tumor cells/recipient). Compared with leukemia controls (death at 12.9 days post-bone marrow transplantation), both Tc1 and Tc2 recipients were conferred a survival advantage. At cell doses of 2 to 2.5 x 10(7), the Tc1-mediated GVL effect (mean survival of 34.2 days) was more potent than the Tc2-mediated GVL effect (mean survival of 20.5 days; Tc1 > Tc2, p = 0.009). On day 15, histologic examination showed that Tc1 recipients had undetectable tumor burdens, whereas Tc2 recipients had extensive leukemic infiltrates. However, Tc2 recipients had essentially no histologic evidence of GVHD, whereas Tc1 recipients had mild to moderate GVHD (average GVHD scores of 1/40 and 9.3/40, respectively). In contrast, recipients of uncultured CD8+ donor T cells developed severe GVHD (average GVHD score of 26.7/40). Because in vitro-generated, alloreactive Tc1 and Tc2 populations mediated GVL with reduced GVHD, we conclude that both subsets may improve the therapeutic outcome of allogeneic T cell transfers in patients with leukemia.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated, in a fully MHC-mismatched murine bone marrow transplantation model, that administration of a short course of high dose IL-2 markedly diminishes graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) without compromising alloengraftment or the graft-vs-leukemia (GVL) effect of allogeneic T cells. We have now evaluated the mechanism of the dissociation of GVL and GVHD observed in this model. We demonstrate that CD4+ T cells were required to produce severe, acute GVHD in the fully MHC-mismatched plus minor histocompatibility Ag-mismatched A/J-->B10 strain combination. The GVHD-producing activity of A/J CD4+ T cells administered without CD8+ T cells was inhibited by IL-2 treatment. In contrast, CD8+ T cells alone mediated the GVL effect observed in the EL4 leukemia/lymphoma model, and CD4+ cells did not contribute to this effect. This CD8-mediated GVL activity was not inhibited by IL-2 treatment. Because naive A/J CD8+ T cells administered without CD4+ T cells did not produce acute GVHD, we were unable to evaluate the effect of IL-2 in this model. However, when A/J donors were presensitized with B10 skin grafts, CD4-depleted A/J spleen cells were capable of causing acute GVHD in B10 recipients. This CD8-mediated GVHD was not inhibited by treatment with IL-2. However, IL-2 did partially inhibit the GVHD produced by nondepleted presensitized A/J spleen cells, probably due to selective inhibition of the function of presensitized A/J CD4+ T cells. The dissociation of GVHD and GVL against the EL4 leukemia/lymphoma in IL-2-treated mice can therefore be explained by selective inhibition by IL-2 of CD4 activity.  相似文献   

The CD2 glycoprotein has been implicated in both positive and negative regulation of T-cell mitogenesis. To study the involvement of CD2 in T-lymphocyte development and immune responses, we have analyzed two lines of CD2-null mice, each expressing a distinct class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T-cell receptor (TCR). In both situations, the absence of CD2 appeared to promote the positive selection of cells in a manner that is similar to that which occurs in the absence of CD5. Consistent with this, compound homozygotes that lacked both CD2 and CD5 showed evidence of enhanced positive selection even in the absence of a transgenic TCR. Despite the observed enhancement of positive selection, the lack of CD2 was associated with defects in proliferative responses and interferon-gamma production when transgenic thymocytes and mature T lymphocytes were stimulated with the appropriate antigens. These findings raise the possibility that impaired sensitivity to selecting ligands in the thymus may provide a selective advantage that improves the efficiency of positive selection for certain TCRs. Furthermore, the results highlight the potential for a differential role for CD2 in thymocyte selection and T-cell immune responses.  相似文献   

These studies defined SRV-2 envelope peptides 96-102, 127-152, and 233-249 as T cell epitopes that induce significant T cell proliferation. Peripheral blood lymphocytes of Celebes macaques (Macaca nigra) exposed to SRV-2 and currently virus- antibody+, cultured with SRV-2 virus show strongly suppressed T cell responses and have two immunoregulatory T cell populations.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the role of CD4+ T cells in regulating immune responses, orchestrating both the amplification and deletion of immune cells, particularly CD8+ T cells. These two functions, which represent only an apparent contradiction, appear to be two faces of the same process of regulation. In fact, because the immune response, once activated, needs to be carefully controlled or switched off when the antigenic stimulus is eliminated, the immune system has developed several strategies either to regulate clonal amplification or to avoid useless expansion of activated cells. In particular, we have reported many data demonstrating that CD4+ T cells may be indicated as the regulatory element in the activation as well as the deletion of CD8+ T cells. New data are also reported on the ability of anergic CD4+ T cells to suppress CD8+ T-cell activation through induction of apoptosis, and on the need for CD8+ T cells for antigen recognition in inducing cell death in CD4+ T cells. Moreover, the central role of CD4+ T cells in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been widely described.  相似文献   

We recently showed that brief complement inhibition induces accommodation of hamster cardiac transplants in nude rats. We have reconstituted nude rats carrying an accommodated xenograft with syngeneic CD4+ or CD8+ T cells to investigate the cellular mechanism of xenograft rejection. We show that CD4+ T cells can initiate xenograft rejection (10 +/- 1.7 days) by promoting production of IgG xenoreactive Abs (XAb). These XAb are able to activate complement as well as to mediate Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Adoptive transfer of these XAb into naive nude rats provoked hyperacute xenograft rejection (38 +/- 13 min). The rejection was significantly (p < 0.001) delayed by cobra venom factor (CVF; 11 +/- 8 h in four of five cases) but was still more rapid than in control nude rats (3.3 +/- 0.5 days). CVF plus NK cell depletion further prolonged survival (>7 days in four of five cases; p < 0.01 vs CVF only). CD8+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats rejected their grafts later (19.4 +/- 5.8 days) and required a larger number of cells for transfer as compared with CD4+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats. However, second xenografts were rejected more rapidly than first xenografts in CD8+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats (9 +/- 2 days), indicating that the CD8+ T cells had been activated. This study demonstrates that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells can both reject xenografts. The CD4+ cells do so at least in part by generation of helper-dependent XAb that act by both complement-dependent and Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity mechanisms; the CD8+ cells do so as helper-independent cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

We have determined partial sequences of the gyrA and parC genes of Enterobacter cloacae type strain including the regions analogous to the quinolone resistance-determining region of the Escherichia coli gyrA gene. The deduced 65- and 49-amino acid sequences of the determined regions of the E. cloacae gyrA and parC genes were identical to the corresponding regions of the E. coli GyrA and ParC proteins, respectively. We examined 40 clinical strains of E. cloacae isolated from patients with urinary tract infection for susceptibilities to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin. Based on the nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin MICs, these isolates were divided into 19 quinolone-susceptible strains (MICs of nalidixic acid, 3.13-25 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, < or = 0.025 mg/L) and 21 quinolone-resistant strains (MICs of nalidixic acid, 400 to > 800 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, 0.39-100 mg/L). We analysed five quinolone-susceptible and 21 quinolone-resistant strains for alterations in GyrA and ParC. The five quinolone-susceptible strains had amino acid sequences in GyrA and ParC identical to those of type strain. Of the 21 quinolone-resistant isolates, three (MICs of nalidixic acid, 400 to > 800 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, 0.39-3.13 mg/L) had a single amino acid change at the position equivalent to Ser-83 in the E. coli GyrA protein and no alterations in ParC; one (MIC of nalidixic acid, > 800 mg/L; MIC of ciprofloxacin, 3.13 mg/L) had a single amino acid change at Ser-83 in GyrA and a single amino acid change at the position equivalent to Glu-84 in the E. coli ParC protein; two (MIC of nalidixic acid, > 800 mg/L; MIC of ciprofloxacin, 25 mg/L) had double amino acid changes at Ser-83 and Asp-87 in GyrA and no alterations in ParC; and 15 (MICs of nalidixic acid, > 800 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, 25-100 mg/L) had double amino acid changes at Ser-83 and Asp-87 in GyrA and a single amino acid change at Ser-80 or Glu-84 in ParC. This study suggests, that in clinical isolates of E. cloacae, DNA gyrase is a primary target of quinolones, that only a single amino acid change at Ser-83 in GyrA is sufficient to generate high-level resistance to nalidixic acid and to decrease susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, and that the accumulation of amino acid changes in GyrA and the simultaneous presence of the ParC alterations play a central role in developing high-level resistance to ciprofloxacin.  相似文献   

Effector functions of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) alpha beta TCR+ cells were examined. Among mouse DN alpha beta TCR+ thymocytes, NK1.1+ cells expressing a canonical V alpha 14/J alpha 281 TCR but not NK1.1- cells produce IL-4 upon TCR cross-linking and IFN-gamma upon cross-linking of NK1.1 as well as TCR. Production of IL-4 but not IFN-gamma from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+ cells was markedly suppressed by IL-2. Whereas V alpha 14/J alpha 281 TCR+ cells express NK1.1+, these cells are not the precursor of DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+CD16+B220+ large granular lymphocytes (LGL). IL-2 induces rapid proliferation and generation of NK1.1+ LGL from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1- but not from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+ cells. LGL cells exhibit NK activity and produce IFN-gamma but not IL-4 upon cross-linking of surface TCR or NK1.1 molecules. In contrast to IL-2, IL-7 does not induce LGL cells or NK activity from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1- cells but induces the ability to produce high levels of IL-4 upon TCR cross-linking. Our results show that DN alpha beta TCR+ T cells have several distinct subpopulations, and that IL-2 and IL-7 differentially regulate the functions of DN alpha beta TCR+ T cells by inducing different types of effector cells.  相似文献   

CD4+ and CD8+ T cells can be divided based on the cytokines that they secrete into type 1 (Th1, Tc1) and type 2 (Th2, Tc2) subsets. Schistosoma mansoni infection in mice is characterized by a type 2-dominated response. We have used intracellular cytokine staining to demonstrate dramatic changes in the relative numbers of Tc1 and Th2 cells in the spleens of mice during acute schistosome infection. In infected mice prior to egg laying a generalized type 1 response dominated, and was associated with an expansion in the frequency of Tc1 and Th1 cells. By week 7 after infection the cytokine response was of type 2, with an increase in the numbers of Th2 cells and a dramatic reduction in the frequency of Tc1 cells. Following the onset of egg laying there was apoptosis of cells in the spleens of mice, with CD4+ and in particular CD8+ T cells undergoing apoptosis. The loss of CD8+ T cells may in part be attributable to the development of a type 2 environment, following egg laying, with type 2 responses mediating the apoptosis of Tc1 cells. Schistosome regulation of Tc1 during egg laying may be required to prevent type 1 inflammatory responses from exacerbating egg-induced pathology.  相似文献   

Type I IFNs have a broad array of immunoregulatory functions that include up-regulation of type 1 immune responses through enhancing differentiation and activation of CD8+ T cells and CD4+ Th1 cells. Ovine trophoblast IFN-tau is a recently described type I IFN with the potential for therapeutic use, based on its potent antiviral activity yet low toxicity. Studies were designed to determine the immunoregulatory effects of IFN-tau on Ag-stimulated T cells, and a novel effect of type I IFNs on gammadelta T cells was observed. In cultures of parasite Ag-stimulated bovine T cells that contained a mixture of alphabeta and gammadelta T cells, both IFN-tau and IFN-alpha suppressed the expansion of WC1+ CD2- CD6- CD8- gammadelta T cells, yet stimulated the growth of WC1- CD2+ CD6+ CD8+ gammadelta T cells and CD8+ alphabeta T cells. The CD8+ gammadelta T cell subset expressed high levels of the IL-2R alpha-chain. Furthermore, we showed that type I IFN enhanced IL-2 production by these Ag-stimulated T cell lines. In short term cultures of PBMC, IL-2 stimulated an expansion of WC1- CD6+ CD8+ gammadelta T cells, which was significantly increased by IFN-tau, even though IFN-tau alone did not support cell survival. These studies demonstrate for the first time that type I IFNs differentially modulate the proliferation of different subsets of gammadelta T cells, which appears to act in part via IL-2.  相似文献   

Fiducial markers are reference points used in the registration of image space(s) with physical (patient) space. As applied to interactive, image-guided surgery, the registration of image space with physical space allows the current location of a surgical tool to be indicated on a computer display of patient-specific preoperative images. This intrasurgical guidance information is particularly valuable in surgery within the brain, where visual feedback is limited. The accuracy of the mapping between physical and image space depends upon the accuracy with which the fiducial markers were located in each coordinate system. To effect accurate space registration for interactive, image-guided neurosurgery, the use of permanent fiducial markers implanted into the surface of the skull is proposed in this paper. These small cylindrical markers are composed of materials that make them visible in the image sets. The challenge lies in locating the subcutaneous markers in physical space. This paper presents an ultrasonic technique for transcutaneously detecting the location of these markers. The technique incorporates an algorithm based on detection of characteristic properties of the reflected A-mode ultrasonic waveform. The results demonstrate that ultrasound is an appropriate technique for accurate transcutaneous marker localization. The companion paper to this article describes an automatic, enhanced implementation of the marker-localization theory described in this article.  相似文献   

Evidence that T cells can down-regulate the immune response by producing or consuming certain cytokines or by lysing APCs or Th cells has been provided in various systems. However, the generation and characterization of suppressor T cell lines have met with limited success. Here we show that xenospecific suppressor T cells can be generated by in vitro stimulation of human T cells with pig APCs. Similar to allospecific suppressors, these xenospecific suppressor T cells carry the CD8+CD28- phenotype and react to MHC class I Ags expressed by the APCs used for priming. TCR spectratyping of T suppressor cells showed oligoclonal usage of TCR-Vbeta families, indicating that xenostimulation of CD8+CD28- T cells results in Ag-driven selection of a limited Vbeta repertoire. Xenospecific T suppressor cells prevent the up-regulation of CD154 molecules on the membrane of Th cells, inhibiting their ability to react against the immunizing MHC class II xenoantigens. The mechanism of this suppression, therefore, appears to be blockade of CD154/CD40 interaction required for efficient costimulation of activated T cells.  相似文献   

The expression of CD23 on PHA-activated human PBT (peripheral blood T) cells of healthy donors was investigated. It appears that CD23 is expressed solely on activated CD4+ T cells. Cytofluorotometric analysis revealed that 6% of PHA-activated CD4+ T cells expressed CD23, while unstimulated CD4+ T cells express no detectable CD23. The addition of IL-7 (1000 U/ml) to activated CD4+ T cells resulted in a marked augmentation of CD23 expression (29%). CD23 expression was blocked by M20 and M26 mAbs, but no reduction was detected by anti-IL-2R (CD25) mAb. This suggests that IL-7 has a specific regulatory effect on CD23 expression independent of IL-2. Northern Blot analysis showed a marked increase of CD23 mRNA detected in PHA-activated CD4+ T cells plus IL-7. IL-7 was also able to upregulate the expression of HLA-DR on activated CD4+ T cells. Optimal HLA-DR and CD23 induction by IL-7 occurred at 48 and 72 h of culture. The addition of CHX revealed that the induction of CD23 and HLA-DR by IL-7 required intact protein synthesis. Furthermore, PHA activated CD4+ T cells cultured in the presence of IL-7 are polarized to a Th-2 pattern of cytokine production.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of IL-12 administration on the generation of lymphoid cells that exhibit cytotoxicity against tumor cells expressing Fas Ag. Systemic injection of rIL-12 into BALB/c or (B6C3)F1 mice bearing syngeneic CSA1M or OV-HM tumor induced complete tumor regression. CSA1M tumor cells expressed Fas Ag, and exposure of these cells to IFN-gamma enhanced Fas expression. In contrast, Fas Ag was hardly detected on OV-HM cells even after IFN-gamma exposure. Only CSA1M cells were lysed by anti-Fas mAb or cells expressing Fas ligand (FasL), indicating that Fas on CSA1M cells is functional in mediating cell death. An increase in the frequency of lymphoid cells characterized as CD3+ CD4- CD8- B220+ was observed in spleens from both CSA1M and OV-HM tumor-bearing mice after IL-12 treatment. A splenic population enriched in cells with these unique phenotypes exhibited considerable degrees of cytotoxicity against Fas+ CSA1M, but not against Fas- OV-HM tumor cells. The lysis of CSA1M cells was almost completely blocked by addition of Fas-Fc, a fusion protein between the extracellular domain of mouse Fas and the Cgamma1 domain of human Ig. Regressing CSA1M and OV-HM tumor masses after IL-12 treatment exhibited a massive lymphoid cell infiltration and expressed significant levels of FasL mRNA, suggesting the infiltration of FasL-expressing cells to tumor sites. These results indicate that IL-12 induces the expansion of lymphoid cells that exhibit FasL-mediated cytolytic activity and accumulate into regressing tumor masses.  相似文献   

Both CD4+ and CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are part of the human immune response to Toxoplasma gondii infection. To further our understanding of Toxoplasma immunity, we investigated factors influencing stimulation of CD4+ or CD8+ human T. gondii-specific immune cells. Both antigen-pulsed and Toxoplasma-infected antigen-presenting cells (APC) induced cell proliferation. Toxoplasma-infected APC elicited strong proliferation of CD4+ cells, but little or no proliferation of CD8+ cells, unless high antigen loads were used. Toxoplasma-infected APC stimulated specific cytotoxicity poorly or not at all, owing to death of stimulated cultures, whereas antigen-pulsed APC strongly elicited specific cytotoxicity. Cytotoxicity elicited by either type of APC resided exclusively in CD4+ T cells in polyclonal cultures. Thus, Toxoplasma-infected APC elicited stronger CD4-mediated than CD8-mediated cell proliferation and generated CD4+ CTL more readily than CD8+ CTL. Nonetheless, specific CD8+ memory cells were demonstrated, and rare CD8+ Toxoplasma-specific CTL were subcloned. Fixed Toxoplasma-infected APC (which induce CD8+ CTL) also elicited cell proliferation, but polyclonal cultures stimulated with these infected APC did not die. Unfixed Toxoplasma-infected APC strongly inhibited phytohemagglutinin-induced cell proliferation, whereas fixed APC did not. These data suggested that infected APC were inhibitory or lethal to some immune cells. Further investigations into interactions between immune cells and Toxoplasma-infected cells likely will help elucidate factors involved in the immunopathogenesis of Toxoplasma infection. As other intracellular parasites, including Plasmodium spp. and Leishmania spp., also elicit CD4+ CTL, such work may help establish paradigms governing immunity to intracellular parasites.  相似文献   

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