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A rapid geomorphological reconnaissance survey of the 112 km Baitadi-Darchula road currently under construction in the Middle Himalaya of West Nepal is described. The first 39 km of the proposed road was under construction when this 5 day survey commenced, to cover both the initial segment as well as an examination of the stability and practicability of the remainder of the alignment. A combination of landslide and erosion mapping along the proposed alignment and interpretation of air photographs led to the recommendation to abandon the remainder of the alignment and adopt an alternative route, considered to be more stable. The findings were later endorsed by a detailed feasibility study and preliminary design thus supporting the cost-effective use of rapid geomorphological surveys for engineering projects in unstable mountain terrain.  相似文献   

水患、滑坡及软土 ,是土木工程建设中经常遇到的问题 ,如何处理好这些问题 ,关系着工程的质量、造价及结构服务年限 .这也是工程技术人员一直研究及探索的课题 .就南昆线长坡岭不良地质段存在的问题 ,提出了以排为主 ,排、堵、截相结合的治水原则 ;以防为主 ,尽量绕避的对待滑坡 ;改变软土物理性能 ,提高其承载力的治理软土措施 .并对具体施工方法内容及治理效果作以介绍 .最后指出 ,对于各种不良地质 ,要采用综合的治理方法 ,使各种设施联合作用 ,才能经济、有效的控制各种病害的发生  相似文献   

 近年来,随着环境保护观念的提升,减少地表开挖的理念已逐渐落实在隧道设计及施工上。在隧道洞口浅覆段采用的明挖法已逐渐被暗挖法所取代,即使在地质、地形条件上不尽理想的区段,考虑到整体路线及水资源保护等因素,也是如此。以台湾北部一正施工中的双线双车道公路隧道为例,探讨管幂工法在浅覆盖采用暗挖法所面临的困难及其对策。由于该案例处于山凹处,洞口浅覆盖厚度约100 m。开挖过程中,因为遭遇到地质变异,多雨的气候与谷部入洞的地形,使得降雨所汇集的地表水,不断入渗至隧道内,开挖面自立性极差。故施工进洞时,原设计采用的管幂工法几乎难以进行。经采取拱盖培厚及双层管幂等补强对策后,勉强施工,其处理经验与心得,可为以后类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

土木工程国际化专业建设的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在工程建设项目国际化的发展过程中,需要培养具有国际化视野和国际竞争力的土木工程专业人才。文章讨论了土木工程国际化专业建设各教学环节的探索与实践,从人才培养方案、课程建设、教学内容和教学方法、实践教学环节、全英文授课团队建设、留学生教学质量监控体系等方面提出了可操作的措施。  相似文献   

Girls often don't consider a career in engineering because they don't know much about it. Schemes such as those initiated by Schools into Science and Engineering, or WISE (Women into Science and Engineering) do much to promote knowledge and insight. Role models too, can be inspirational. When girls have contact with an enthusiastic relative, or close friend, they are much more likely to consider a career in engineering seriously. In this paper three women engineers (Katherine Jackson, Sue Lyon, and Elizabeth Laverick) describe what motivated them to take up engineering as a profession  相似文献   

通过产品技术性能的对比,提出当前国内设计使用土工格栅中存在的一些问题和发展我国土工格栅的对策。为了使土工格栅达到与国际接轨的目的,以英国耐特龙集团公司的产品标准作为一个相对的基准对国内产品进行了评价。强调了对使用周期长的工程,设计时必须选用格栅的蠕变强度,而不是质量控制强度。介绍了蠕变强度的一系列评价方法,提出了国产塑料土工格栅与世界接轨的建议。  相似文献   

 Deep weathering, residual material (colluvium) and random rainfall intensity are mainly responsible for landslides in tropical monsoon regions. These parameters are often not taken into consideration in a landslide susceptibility assessment. Sustainable resources development in this region requires information on the spatial distribution of areas susceptible to landslides. This study highlights various aspects of the landslides that take place on the west coast of India and a methodology developed for landslide susceptibility mapping. Received: 12 August 1998 · Accepted: 15 August 1999  相似文献   

The application of the total engineering geology approach to the investigation, design, construction and operation of several major iron ore railways in the ancient cratonic Pilbara region of Western Australia is described. The approach is based on developing a thorough understanding of the geological and geomorphological history of the area and adopting strategies such as staged investigations, an emphasis on geo-mapping, establishing reference conditions, the development of models and applying the observational method. The role of engineering geologists in such projects, their objectives and responsibilities, and the range of issues that have to be dealt with are reviewed and used to illustrate how inputs from engineering geologists are critical to project implementation. Some conclusions are drawn regarding what is good practice in heavy civil engineering projects.  相似文献   

监理制度已经在土木工程领域得到很好的应用,但在测绘业斧中开展测绘监理工作的项目还不是很多。本文主要针对在数字测图中测量监理模式进行了探讨,包括目前测绘监理的现状,数字测图测绘监理的组织机构的建立,监理的工作程序,并从工程质量、工程进度、工程费用监理方面作了讨论。  相似文献   

近几年我国的房地产开发速度加快,设计项目增多,通过对施工图设计文件的审查,虽避免和减少了许多安全隐患及不合理之处,但仍有许多经常出现的问题,希望设计人员少走弯路,提高设计质量。  相似文献   

姜东  李红星  刘明秋 《特种结构》2011,28(6):115-118
地下结构在火力发电厂土建结构中占据重要地位,其结构设计复杂且工程量巨大,长期以来成为设计优化关注的重点.采用合理的计算方法,准确模拟结构实际受力,成为优化设计和降低工程造价的关键.本文以地下输煤隧道这一简单结构入手,采用弹性地基理论和有限元分析方法,针对不同的边界约束、不同的单元类型和不同的地基刚度分析结构受力的变化,探索较为符合实际的计算方法,为设计提供参考.  相似文献   

工程教育认证是在新时代工程教育同国际接轨的背景下提出来的,其“学生中心、成果导向、持续改进”的理念对指导现代工程教育、培养兼具技术能力和非技术能力的工程人才具有重要意义。重庆大学土木工程学院结构力学课程组根据成果导向的要求,从学习者的建构主义认知发展规律出发,分析结构力学课程的内容特点及其在人才培养体系中的地位,逆向设计结构力学课程的混合式教学模式,将传授式教学、在线学习、任务导向式教学、对话框架等教学方法和工具用于结构力学课程混合式教学。同时在教学设计时注重引入实际工程,培养学生解决复杂工程问题的能力,达到课程目标所对应的工程教育认证毕业要求。  相似文献   

伴随着高速公路的快速发展,西部山区由于高填深挖诱发大量的大型和特大型工程滑坡,工程治理的难度和费用逐年增加,且传统单排或多排抗滑桩也无法满足很多工程对变形和稳定性的要求,工程师们经过大量工程实践通常采用能抵御大变形和整体结构形式较好的h型抗滑桩。以贵州省沿德高速公路龙家岩特大型滑坡的h型抗滑桩为研究对象,为了深入了解h型在滑坡治理中的变形规律和内力分布特性,采用传统的深部位移测试手段和先进的BOTDA全分布式光纤传感测试技术对h型抗滑桩在滑坡治理全过程中的变形及内力响应进行测试。分别在h抗滑桩的前、后侧桩及连系梁均布设传感光缆,完整地采集了从滑坡治理过程到稳定后的应变,并结合深部位移成果对h型抗滑桩的变形特性及内力进行研究。研究结果表明:h型抗滑桩治理特大型滑坡的效果显著,从监测结果可知h型抗滑桩形成整体后的一段时间内,滑坡变形收敛,边坡趋于稳定,通过监测桩身变形和应变真实反映抗滑桩的变形和内力的传递规律,对h型抗滑桩的理论及其工程应用具有一定的参考价值,也对光纤传感技术在桩体变形监测中的应用具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

赵铭媛 《山西建筑》2012,38(7):89-90
通过某工业广场的工程实例,查明滑坡区地形地貌、水文、气象、地层岩性、地质构造特征,查明滑坡规模及破裂壁、滑床、滑带、滑坡台地、滑坡裂缝等滑坡要素特征,根据滑坡体现状及勘探结果提出了滑坡治理的措施与建议,具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

The author discusses Dr. Stan Jones' career which has been varied ranging from electronics, to power engineering, to software engineering, in both the UK and the USA, and nearly always with management responsibility. Some of the management lessons he has learned over the years, including the need to give good engineers overall responsibility for projects at an early age, are discussed. The partnership between employer and employee is discussed  相似文献   

毕业设计是土木工程专业本科教育阶段最重要的综合性实践教学环节,也是卓越工程师培养的关键环节之一。文章针对应用型本科院校毕业设计中存在的典型问题,根据教育部"卓越工程师教育培养计划"精神,从选题设计、教学内容优化、创新机制建立、教师素质提升、管理考核制度、安全土木理念等六个方面对毕业设计进行了探索研究和实践,取得了一些初步成果,可为基于卓越工程师培养目标的毕业设计教学方案修订提供参考。  相似文献   

Three small, six medium and two large UK building and/or civil engineering contractors took part in the survey which is analysed by B.A. Young, Director of short courses, Construction Management Unit at the Department of Civil Engineering, Salford, and A.R. Duff of the Building Engineering Department, UMIST. The results confirm that the production function in the building and civil engineering sectors is highly controlled, and jobs are sequential. There is an ordered movement of individuals through the hierarchy which is substantiated by the relative uniformity of skills and knowledge.  相似文献   

数字测图技术在土木工程专业课程教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过十多年的发展,数字测图技术已经是一门非常成熟的技术。在土木工程专业课程教学中一直没有得到推广和使用的重要原因之一是软硬件设备不足。章详细介绍了在土木工程测量课程的教学与实习中引入了数字测图技术,培养学生使用数字测图软件CASS获得数字地图并解决土木工程设计与施工问题能力的完整解决方案。  相似文献   

Three small, six medium and two large UK building and/or civil engineering contractors took part in the survey which is analysed by B.A. Young, Director of short courses, Construction Management Unit at the Department of Civil Engineering, Salford, and A.R. Duff of the Building Engineering Department, UMIST. The results confirm that the production function in the building and civil engineering sectors is highly controlled, and jobs are sequential. There is an ordered movement of individuals through the hierarchy which is substantiated by the relative uniformity of skills and knowledge.  相似文献   

在整个20世纪,无论从概念还是方法论的层面来看,结构工程师和兼任建筑师的结构工程师们针对形、力、体量彼此关系的工作方法都有了重大改变。这个改变得益于设计、工程学和建造技术的协同努力。作者雷莫·佩德雷斯基教授讨论了罗伯特.马亚尔、皮埃尔-奈尔维、爱德华多.托罗哈、菲利克斯.坎德拉、海因茨.伊斯勒和埃拉迪蒂.迪埃斯特的作品,展现了这些重要的改变和贡献,以及它们如何影响我们今天从工程学角度来理解性能的方式。  相似文献   

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