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王春云 《珠宝科技》2003,15(2):45-49
通过回顾近半个世纪以来有关翡翠输入中国年代研究的进展情况和存在问题,阐述了在中缅边境地区流行的有关民间传说进行研究的必要性;在考证了西方学者对于1784年翡翠输入中国的普遍认识以及徐霞客对于滇西翡翠文化的历史记述的贡献的基础上,详细考证了记录有关翡翠输入中国传说的中外文献,同时分析了这些传说所涉及的科学性问题,并提出了对于今后相关研究工作开展的几点建议,以期对翡翠输入中国的时代问题研究有所突破。  相似文献   

通过考证古代有关玉符的文献记述,评述了古代对玉符的朴素和科学的认识;通过回顾有关玉德本质以及其玉致色机理的研究历史,探讨了与古代玉符对应的玉村材质,认为古代玉符学说描述的红玉、黄玉、黑玉以及那些“绿如翠羽”或“色如新草”的青玉最有可能是来自缅甸的各色翡翠。由此可以推论,翡翠输入中土大约在北宋时代或更早。  相似文献   

曹丽 《珠宝科技》1998,10(4):45
翡翠玉器市场上大量出现处理翡翠(即B货和C货)已让不少消费者感到头痛,谁知近来又出现了一种“八三玉”,某些商家将之冒充优质翡翠出售,上当的消费者更是懊恼又气愤。“八三玉”究竟是何物?记者就此请教了上海市宝玉石协会理事许耀明教授。许耀明介绍道:翡翠的科...  相似文献   

世间的事常常是无独有偶,此次讲到的这个马踏玉的故事与“绮罗玉”的故事几乎如出一辙。同样是在绮罗,同样是被马蹄踩踏了才显现出来的上等翡翠,它就是翡翠名玉之一——段家玉。  相似文献   

翡翠鸟·翡翠·反光镜下的翡翠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、翡翠鸟和翡翠翠玉——翡翠的颜色是多姿多彩的,也是十分诱人的。翡翠的主要色调,传统的观点当然是绿色和红色为最优。一般认为其含Cr、Ni微量元素时,多呈绿色;含Fe时,多呈红色;而含Co时,常呈粉红色,等。主色调为绿色的翡翠,人们根据其颜色的深浅、浓淡和明亮程度等,又形象地划分为:艳绿(祖母绿)、玻璃绿、苹果绿、葱心绿、鹦鹉绿、菠菜绿、蛙绿、梅花绿、灰绿、蓝绿、油  相似文献   

缅甸翡翠(辉石玉)的分类   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

玉是美好的,但玉也常常需要人们去认真琢磨、辨别、欣赏和衡量。光泽度、透明度、净度及完美度,是人们识别玉件种类,判断玉件质量,欣赏玉件美感及衡量玉件价值的常用指标。对于翡翠来说,尤其是这样。  相似文献   

吕璐  熊燕  袁婷 《珠宝科技》2009,(3):54-57
通过傅立叶红外光谱仪(Nicolet 550型)对天然翡翠及其优化处理品种进行测量,分析出翡翠的样品特征红外峰为1162cm^-1,1079cm^-1,950cm^-1,其中1050cm^-1的频带最强,且400cm^-1~600cm^-1之间有四个频带。而B货的红外鉴定最主要的吸收峰为2870cm^-1、2927cm^-1、2960cm^-1、3035cm^-1、3058cm^-1。此外,在2200cm^-1~2600cm^-1范围,还可见到不太明显的多个吸收峰。  相似文献   

近期在检测中发现一批仿黄色翡翠的玉石品种,由于其混在黄色翡翠中,且在外观和部分测试数据上与翡翠接近,因此极具欺骗性。对该批样品进行了常规宝石学测试、红外光谱以及X射线粉末衍射分析,结果表明,该批样品的主要矿物组成为黝帘石,并含少量石英,因此定名为黝帘石玉。在检测中可以通过粒状结构、折射率1.69(点测)、红外光谱很好的将黝帘石玉与翡翠区分开。  相似文献   

粟耘 《中国宝石》2010,(2):50-51
翡翠是漫长的时间和复杂的地质变化的产物,是大自然的恩赐,围绕着翡翠天然所具有的神秘高贵的气质,有着太多精彩的故事和传说:异邦烟瘴缭绕的原始森林,“一刀穷一刀富”的赌玉传说,闻名腾越的“段家玉”,连出四大国宝的“卅二万种”。这一次.翡翠成为了电视剧的主角,围绕着三只翡翠凤凰,展开了一个精彩的故事。  相似文献   

王春云 《珠宝科技》2002,14(4):64-68
对中国古籍中出现的涉及“翡翠”的几个关键概念,如“翡翠珠玑”、“翡翠火齐”、“翡翠玫瑰”、“翡翠笔床”、“点翠”、“明珠翡翠”、“翠玉”等,运用历史的、训诂的、矿物学的和考古学的方法进行了重新诠释。认为这些“翡翠”概念都只能理解为翡翠鸟类或者翡翠羽毛类,而不是此前学者们所普遍认为的应该是翡翠玉类。  相似文献   

和氏璧材质研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王春云 《珠宝科技》2003,15(3):47-52
通过评述上个世纪以来有关和氏壁材质研究的各种观点,指出传统大众媒介在报道和氏壁材质研究方面的误区,同时得出结论认为,和氏壁既不是寓言,也不是传说,而和氏壁的材质既不可能是拉长石、月光石、绿松石、南阳石或者冰洲石(方解石),也不可能是软玉(不管是所谓石包玉还是猫眼软玉),更不可能是三峡奇石。  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years numerous studies, both fundamental and applied, have ensured for gibberellic acid (GA3) a firm place in the routine commercial malting of barley and the production of fruits. A large number of the thirty-eight gibberellins so far characterized occur naturally, e.g. gibberellic acid in germinating barley. Commercial application of gibberellic acid during malting therefore supplements the natural endogenous levels of this hormone. Small additions of gibberellic acid accelerate the production and release into the endosperm of enzymes which degrade the hemicellulosic-protein-starch complex into essential brewing materials such as sugar, peptides and amino acids. A combination of abrasion with gibberellic acid application results in further acceleration of the malting process. Abrasion of the pericarp at the distal end of barley grains allows them, in the presence of normal levels of gibberellic acid, to malt simultaneously from both their embryo and non-embryo ends: malting time is drastically reduced and soluble malt extract is increased. In spite of the widespread industrial use of gibberellic acid, the cellular mechanisms through which gibberellic acid elicits its various actions on plant growth and development are not yet known; however, with barley aleurone cells gibberellic acid can induce drastic reorganization and synthesis of subcellular organelles. The net result of gibberellin treatment may be vigorous production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes or, in other circumstances a rapid acceleration of growth and development. It is as yet unknown whether these apparently diverse expressions of gibberellin action have a similar biochemical basis.  相似文献   

Today there is an ever-increasing consumer demand for safe and high-quality foods of prolonged life. Several quality/safety management systems (e.g., ISO 9000, Total Quality Management, and HACCP) were developed for the food industry. The importance of implementing such systems for rather biochemically unstable products like cheese, a product characterized by great variety worldwide, is apparent. The application of HACCP in the cheese-making industry proved to be beneficial and profitable because the industry managed to cut down the raw material (milk) and final product (cheese) losses and to build up consumer confidence by producing safe cheese of enhanced and consistent quality.  相似文献   

Today there is an ever-increasing consumer demand for safe and high-quality foods of prolonged life. Several quality/safety management systems (e.g., ISO 9000, Total Quality Management, and HACCP) were developed for the food industry. The importance of implementing such systems for rather biochemically unstable products like cheese, a product characterized by great variety worldwide, is apparent. The application of HACCP in the cheese-making industry proved to be beneficial and profitable because the industry managed to cut down the raw material (milk) and final product (cheese) losses and to build up consumer confidence by producing safe cheese of enhanced and consistent quality.  相似文献   

Today's fish industry is facing new challenges, with more complex products and processes that require intensive controls during their processing, storage and distribution. The HACCP concept can guarantee the safety of fish products, enhancing consumer confidence in the fish industry, while at the same time can motivate exporting developing countries to build a solid food-safety control system. This review intends to provide an update of HACCP implementation in various fields of the international fish industry and apply the basic principles of HACCP in flow diagrams of fish/seafood products in an effort to improve and assure their food safety.  相似文献   

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