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恶意代码检测识别技术的研究方向是基于行为特征的分析,当前的研究主要针对孤立的行为特征进行分析,导致较高的漏报和误报率。文中提出一种基于二维行为特征的恶意代码检测识别算法。该算法通过归纳和分析反汇编后的代码的系统调用序列图、调用流图特征,结合代码的语义结构和代码结构特征来表现恶意代码的"行为"特性。通过使用加权多数投票算法,并综合分类器的特征优势,给出判定结果。实验表明,使用该算法进行恶意代码检测识别具有较低的漏报误报率。  相似文献   

代码迷惑可以使恶意代码绕过基于特征匹配的恶意代码检测器的检测.本文利用抽象解释理论,从程序语义的角度对高鹰等人提出的基于语义的恶意代码检测算法处理代码迷惑的能力进行了分析.在对该算法形式化描述的基础上,建立了一个与其等价的基于迹语义的检测器,并通过证明基于迹语义的检测器对于保持变体关系的代码迷惑算法的谕示可靠性和谕示完备性,从理论上阐述了高鹰等人的恶意代码检测算法的谕示可靠性和谕示完备性.  相似文献   

在当前的恶意代码家族检测中,通过恶意代码灰度图像提取的局部特征或全局特征无法全面描述恶意代码,针对这个问题并为提高检测效率,提出了一种基于感知哈希算法和特征融合的恶意代码检测方法。首先,通过感知哈希算法对恶意代码灰度图样本进行检测,快速划分出具体恶意代码家族和不确定恶意代码家族的样本,实验测试表明约有67%的恶意代码能够通过感知哈希算法检测出来。然后,对于不确定恶意代码家族样本再进一步提取局部特征局部二值模式(LBP)与全局特征Gist,并利用二者融合后的特征通过机器学习算法对恶意代码样本进行分类检测。最后,对于25类恶意代码家族检测的实验结果表明,相较于仅用单一特征,使用LBP与Gist的融合特征时的检测准确率更高,并且所提方法与仅采用机器学习的检测算法相比分类检测效率更高,检测速度提高了93.5%。  相似文献   

勒索病毒近年来数量呈爆发式增长,但其中真正的新型家族并不多,多数为已有家族变种。通过研究恶意代码行为特征,提出一种基于序列比对的同源性分析方法。使用沙箱提取勒索病毒动态行为特征,抽取API调用类别,并进行编码、去重,结合序列比对算法计算不同恶意代码之间的相似性,从而分析同源性。数据集选取6类勒索家族及其变种。实验结果表明该方法能较好地分析勒索病毒同源性,并能很好地区分正常软件和勒索病毒。  相似文献   

由于变种和多态技术的出现,恶意代码的数量呈爆发式增长。然而涌现的恶意代码只有小部分是新型的,大部分仍是已知病毒的变种。针对这种情况,为了从海量样本中筛选出已知病毒的变种,从而聚焦新型未知病毒,提出一种改进的判定恶意代码所属家族的方法。从恶意代码的行为特征入手,使用反汇编工具提取样本静态特征,通过单类支持向量机筛选出恶意代码的代表性函数,引入聚类算法的思想,生成病毒家族特征库。通过计算恶意代码与特征库之间的相似度,完成恶意代码的家族判定。设计并实现了系统,实验结果表明改进后的方法能够有效地对各类家族的变种进行分析及判定。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于结构化指纹的静态分析模型,用于辅助逆向工作者对恶意代码及其变种进行分析.该方法依据所提取的恶意代码及其变种的结构化指纹特征,在调用图和控制流图两个层次对两个文件进行同构比较,找出发生改变的函数以及发生改变的基本块,从而帮助逆向工作者迅速定位和发现恶意代码及其变种的不同之处,便于进一步分析.该模型采用了结构化特征及素数乘积等方法,可以较好地对抗一些常见的代码迷惑手段,从而识别出一些变形的代码是等价的.  相似文献   

基于特征码匹配的静态分析方法提取的特征滞后于病毒发展,且不能检测出未知病毒。为此,从病毒反编译文件及其灰度图出发进行特征提取及融合,采用机器学习中的随机森林(RF)算法对恶意代码家族进行分类,提取恶意代码的操作码指令和灰度图纹理2个局部特征,并将颜色直方图作为恶意代码的全局特征。实验结果表明,融合恶意代码特征与RF算法可实现恶意代码家族的有效分类,平均准确率达到99.59%。  相似文献   

张健飞  陈黎飞  郭躬德 《计算机应用》2012,32(10):2761-2767
各种迷惑恶意代码能够轻易躲避传统静态检测,而动态检测方式虽有较好的检测率,却消耗大量系统资源。为提高低系统开销下迷惑恶意代码的检测率,提出一种层次化特征选择方法,依次在引导层、个体层、家族层和全局层上生成并选择特征。层次方法以逐层精化特征的方式寻求特征冗余和信息漏选之间的平衡。实际数据集上的实验结果表明所提方法的迷惑恶意代码检测率较高,与传统特征选择方法相比,具有所需训练样本集小、泛化能力强的优点。  相似文献   

对新出现的恶意代码进行快速准确的分类有利于提高对它们的分析效率,从而缩短应急响应时间.提出了一种分支序列模型用来描述恶意代码对系统函数的调用行为,同时介绍了计算这种分支序列间距的算法,基于此距离采用kNN算法对恶意代码进行分类测试的结果表明,介绍的分支序列模型能更加有效地描述恶意代码对系统函数的调用行为,从而提高了对恶意代码的分类准确度.  相似文献   

代码迷惑是一种以增加理解难度为目的的代码变换技术,主要来保护软件免遭逆向分析。恶意代码的作者为了躲避检测经常采用代码迷惑技术对程序进行转换。但是商用反病毒软件采用基于特征码的模式匹配技术而忽略了恶意代码的语义,因此最容易受到代码迷惑或病毒变种的攻击。文章中提出一种基于语义匹配的检测算法,能准确的检测出经过代码迷惑处理的恶意代码。该方法应用数据流分析技术,以变量定义使用链为单元检测每个模板及程序节点。最后通过部分实验展示了原型系统的检测效果。  相似文献   

A similarity metric method of obfuscated malware using function-call graph   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Code obfuscating technique plays a significant role to produce new obfuscated malicious programs, generally called malware variants, from previously encountered malwares. However, the traditional signature-based malware detecting method is hard to recognize the up-to-the-minute obfuscated malwares. This paper proposes a method to identify the malware variants based on the function-call graph. Firstly, the function-call graphs were created from the disassembled codes of program; then the caller–callee relationships of functions and the operational code (opcode) information about functions, combining the graph coloring techniques were used to measure the similarity metric between two function-call graphs; at last, the similarity metric was utilized to identify the malware variants from known malwares. The experimental results show that the proposed method is able to identify the obfuscated malicious softwares effectively.  相似文献   

提出了一种检测恶意程序中隐式系统调用的方法.该方法使用地址栈和地址栈图来检测恶意程序中隐式的系统调用信息,其中,地址栈将每个栈的元素和栈操作的指令相结合,而地址栈图抽象地表示可执行体并且检测恶意的系统调用.通过实验表明,这是一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

吴月明  齐蒙  邹德清  金海 《软件学报》2023,34(6):2526-2542
自安卓发布以来,由于其开源、硬件丰富和应用市场多样等优势,安卓系统已经成为全球使用最广泛的手机操作系统。同时,安卓设备和安卓应用的爆炸式增长也使其成为96%移动恶意软件的攻击目标。现存的安卓恶意软件检测方法中,忽视程序语义而直接提取简单程序特征的方法检测速度快但精确度不理想,将程序语义转换为图模型并采用图分析的方法精确度高但开销大且扩展性低。为了解决上述挑战,本文将应用的程序语义提取为函数调用图,保留语义信息的同时采用抽象API技术将调用图转换为抽象图以减少运行开销并增强鲁棒性。基于得到的抽象图,以Triplet Loss损失训练构建基于图卷积神经网络的抗混淆安卓恶意软件分类器SriDroid。对20246个安卓应用进行实验分析之后,发现SriDroid可以达到99.17%的恶意软件检测精确度,并具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

随着移动终端恶意软件的种类和数量不断增大,本文针对Android系统恶意软件单特征检测不全面、误报率高等技术问题,提出一种基于动静混合特征的移动终端恶意软件检测方法,以提高检测的覆盖率、准确率和效率。该方法首先采用基于改进的CHI方法和凝聚层次聚类算法优化的K-Means方法构建高危权限和敏感API库,然后分别从静态分析和动态分析两个方面提取移动终端系统混合特征。在静态分析中,首先反编译APK文件,分析得到权限申请特征和敏感API调用特征;在动态分析中,通过实时监控APP运行期间的动态行为特征,分别提取其在运行过程中的敏感API调用频次特征和系统状态等特征信息;接着分别使用离差标准化、TF-IDF权重分析法和优序图法对混合特征进行归一化和特征权重赋值处理。最后,通过构建测评指标对本文所提基于混合特征恶意软件检测方法进行对比测试验证和评价分析。实验结果表明:本方法针对Android系统恶意软件的检测具有好的准确率和效率,可有效提高移动终端恶意软件检测的精确度。  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior-based malware analysis and detection is considered to be one of the most promising ways to combat with the obfuscated and unknown malwares. To perform such analysis, behavioral feature abstraction plays a fundamental role, because how to specify program formally to a large extend determines what kind of algorithm can be used. In existing research, graph-based methods keep a dominant position in specifying malware behaviors. However, they restrict the detection algorithm to be chosen from graph mining algorithm. In this paper, we build a complete virtual environment to capture malware behaviors, especially that to stimulate network behaviors of a malware. Then, we study the problem of abstracting constant behavioral features from API call sequences and propose a minimal security-relevant behavior abstraction way, which absorbs the advantages of prevalent graph-based methods in behavior representation and has the following advantages: first API calls are aggregated by data dependence, therefore it is resistent to redundant data and is a kind of more constant feature. Second, API call arguments are also abstracted particularly, this further contributes to common and constant behavioral features of malware variants. Third, it is a moderate degree aggregation of a small group of API calls with a constructing criterion that centering on an independent operation on a sensitive resource. Fourth, it is very easy to embed the extracted behaviors in a high dimensional vector space, so that it can be processed by almost all of the prevalent statistical learning algorithms. We then evaluate these minimal security-relevant behaviors in three kinds of test, including similarity comparison, clustering and classification. The experimental results show that our method has a capacity in distinguishing malwares from different families and also from benign programs, and it is useful for many statistical learning algorithms.  相似文献   

针对Android恶意软件持续大幅增加的现状以及恶意软件检测能力不足这一问题,提出了一种基于非用户操作序列的静态检测方法。首先,通过对恶意软件进行逆向工程分析,提取出恶意软件的应用程序编程接口(API)调用信息;然后,采用广度优先遍历算法构建恶意软件的函数调用流程图;进而,从函数流程图中提取出其中的非用户操作序列形成恶意行为库;最后,采用编辑距离算法计算待检测样本与恶意行为库中的非用户操作序列的相似度进行恶意软件识别。在对360个恶意样本和300的正常样本进行的检测中,所提方法可达到90.8%的召回率和90.3%的正确率。与Android恶意软件检测系统Androguard相比,所提方法在恶意样本检测中召回率提高了30个百分点;与FlowDroid方法相比,所提方法在正常样本检测中准确率提高了11个百分点,在恶意样本检测中召回率提高了4.4个百分点。实验结果表明,所提方法提高了恶意软件检测的召回率,有效提升恶意软件的检测效果。  相似文献   

恶意程序往往使用各种混淆手段来阻碍静态反汇编,call指令后插入数据便是常用的一种,对该方式的混淆进行研究,提出一种有效的识别call指令后混淆数据的方法。该方法基于改进的递归分析反汇编算法,分两阶段对混淆进行处理。经测试验证,该方法可有效地对此种混淆做出判断,提高反汇编的准确性。  相似文献   

Malware behaviour analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several malware analysis techniques suppose that the disassembled code of a piece of malware is available, which is however not always possible. This paper proposes a flexible and automated approach to extract malware behaviour by observing all the system function calls performed in a virtualized execution environment. Similarities and distances between malware behaviours are computed which allows to classify malware behaviours. The main features of our approach reside in coupling a sequence alignment method to compute similarities and leverage the Hellinger distance to compute associated distances. We also show how the accuracy of the classification process can be improved using a phylogenetic tree. Such a tree shows common functionalities and evolution of malware. This is relevant when dealing with obfuscated malware variants that have often similar behaviour. The phylogenetic trees were assessed using known antivirus results and only a few malware behaviours were wrongly classified.  相似文献   

One of the major problems concerning information assurance is malicious code. To evade detection, malware has also been encrypted or obfuscated to produce variants that continue to plague properly defended and patched networks with zero day exploits. With malware and malware authors using obfuscation techniques to generate automated polymorphic and metamorphic versions, anti-virus software must always keep up with their samples and create a signature that can recognize the new variants. Creating a signature for each variant in a timely fashion is a problem that anti-virus companies face all the time. In this paper we present detection algorithms that can help the anti-virus community to ensure a variant of a known malware can still be detected without the need of creating a signature; a similarity analysis (based on specific quantitative measures) is performed to produce a matrix of similarity scores that can be utilized to determine the likelihood that a piece of code under inspection contains a particular malware. Two general malware detection methods presented in this paper are: Static Analyzer for Vicious Executables (SAVE) and Malware Examiner using Disassembled Code (MEDiC). MEDiC uses assembly calls for analysis and SAVE uses API calls (Static API call sequence and Static API call set) for analysis. We show where Assembly can be superior to API calls in that it allows a more detailed comparison of executables. API calls, on the other hand, can be superior to Assembly for its speed and its smaller signature. Our two proposed techniques are implemented in SAVE) and MEDiC. We present experimental results that indicate that both of our proposed techniques can provide a better detection performance against obfuscated malware. We also found a few false positives, such as those programs that use network functions (e.g. PuTTY) and encrypted programs (no API calls or assembly functions are found in the source code) when the thresholds are set 50% similarity measure. However, these false positives can be minimized, for example by changing the threshold value to 70% that determines whether a program falls in the malicious category or not.  相似文献   

荣俸萍  方勇  左政  刘亮 《计算机科学》2018,45(5):131-138
基于动态分析的恶意代码检测方法由于能有效对抗恶意代码的多态和代码混淆技术,而且可以检测新的未知恶意代码等,因此得到了研究者的青睐。在这种情况下,恶意代码的编写者通过在恶意代码中嵌入大量反检测功能来逃避现有恶意代码动态检测方法的检测。针对该问题,提出了基于恶意API调用序列模式挖掘的恶意代码检测方法MACSPMD。首先,使用真机模拟恶意代码的实际运行环境来获取文件的动态API调用序列;其次,引入面向目标关联挖掘的概念,以挖掘出能够代表潜在恶意行为模式的恶意API调用序列模式;最后,将挖掘到的恶意API调用序列模式作为异常行为特征进行恶意代码的检测。基于真实数据集的实验结果表明,MACSPMD对未知和逃避型恶意代码进行检测的准确率分别达到了94.55%和97.73%,比其他基于API调用数据的恶意代码检测方法 的准确率分别提高了2.47%和2.66%,且挖掘过程消耗的时间更少。因此,MACSPMD能有效检测包括逃避型在内的已知和未知恶意代码。  相似文献   

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