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The mere exposure effect is the increase in positive affect that results from the repeated exposure to previously novel stimuli. We sought to determine if judgments other than affective preference could reliably produce a mere exposure effect for two-dimensional random shapes. In two experiments, we found that brighter and darker judgments did not differentiate target from distracter shapes, liking judgments led to target selection greater than chance, and disliking judgments led to distracter selection greater than chance. These results for brighter, darker, and liking judgments were obtained regardless of whether shape recognition was greater (Experiment 1) or not greater (Experiment 2) than chance. Effects of prior exposure to novel shapes were reliably observed only for affective judgment tasks. These results are inconsistent with general predictions made by the nonspecific activation hypothesis, but not the affective primacy or perceptual fluency hypotheses which were discussed in terms of cognitive neuroscience research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Among spinal cord injuries, secondary injury is considered to be a "reversible" process and seems to be a key target for the treatment of spinal cord injury. Recently, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has been reevaluated as being one of the most important cytokines which act during wound healing, proliferation and differentiation of cells. However, the expression of MIF in the spinal cord has not been investigated yet. PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the MIF expression in normal rat spinal cord and to evaluate the kinetics of MIF after spinal cord injury. MATERIALS & METHODS: Female Wistar (280-320 g) rats were studied. Spinal cord injury was made by the clip compression method at the level of C7/Th1 (56 g, For 1 min.). The expression of MIF was examined by immunohistochemistry and northern blot analysis. MIF content in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Furthermore, to examine the MIF function on neuronal cell, cell proliferation assay (MTS assay) was carried out using PC12, pheochromocytoma cell line, and LN444, glioblastoma cell line, in the presence of anti-MIF monoclonal antibody. RESULTS: MIF stain was positive in normal rat spinal cord white matter. The expression of MIF decreased between 1 hour and 6 hours after injury. It was found to have re-appeared 24 hours after injury. The kinetics of MIF mRNA expression showed reverse-correlation with those of the MIF positive stain. MIF content in CSF was found to be elevated soon after injury. MTS assay suggested that MIF had some proliferative function on neuronal cells. CONCLUSION: MIF exists in the rat white matter. And it's immediately released into the CSF and then re-synthesized 24-hr after injury. MIF shows a cell proliferative function on neuronal cells. These results suggest that MIF plays an important role for secondary spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was the first cytokine to be described, but for 30 years its role in the immune response remained enigmatic. In recent studies, MIF has been found to be a novel pituitary hormone and the first protein identified to be released from immune cells on glucocorticoid stimulation. Once secreted, MIF counterregulates the immunosuppressive effects of steroids and thus acts as a critical component of the immune system to control both local and systemic immune responses. We report herein the x-ray crystal structure of human MIF to 2.6 angstrom resolution. The protein is a trimer of identical subunits. Each monomer contains two antiparallel alpha-helices that pack against a four-stranded beta-sheet. The monomer has an additional two beta-strands that interact with the beta-sheets of adjacent subunits to form the interface between monomers. The three beta-sheets are arranged to form a barrel containing a solvent-accessible channel that runs through the center of the protein along a molecular 3-fold axis. Electrostatic potential maps reveal that the channel has a positive potential, suggesting that it binds negatively charged molecules. The elucidated structure for MIF is unique among cytokines or hormonal mediators, and suggests that this counterregulator of glucocorticoid action participates in novel ligand-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Filarial nematode parasites establish long-term chronic infections in the context of an antiparasite immunity that is strongly biased toward a Th2 response. The mechanisms that lead to this Th2 bias toward filarial antigens are not clear, but one possibility is that the parasites produce molecules that have the capacity to proactively modify their immunological environment. Here we report that filarial parasites of humans secrete a homologue of the human proinflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) that has the capability of modifying the activity of human monocytes/macrophages. A cDNA clone isolated from a Brugia malayi infective-stage larva expression library encoded a 12.5-kDa protein product (Bm-MIF) with 42% identity to human and murine MIF. MIF homologues were also found to be expressed in the related filarial species Wuchereria bancrofti and Onchocerca volvulus. Bm-mif was transcribed by adult and larval parasites, and the protein product was found in somatic extracts and in the parasite's excretory-secretory products. Immunohistocytochemistry revealed that Bm-MIF was localized to cells of the hypodermis/lateral chord, the uterine wall, and larvae developing in utero. Unexpectedly, the activities of recombinant Bm-MIF and human MIF on human monocytes/macrophages were found to be similar. When placed with monocytes/macrophages in a cell migration assay, Bm-MIF inhibited random migration. When placed away from cells, Bm-MIF induced an increase in monocyte/macrophage migration that was specifically inhibited by neutralizing anti-Bm-MIF antibodies. Bm-MIF is the first demonstration that helminth parasites produce cytokine homologues that have the potential to modify host immune responses to promote parasite survival.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a relatively small, 12.5-kDa protein that is structurally related to some isomerases and for which multiple immune and catalytic roles have been proposed. MIF is widely expressed in tissues with particularly high levels in neural tissues. Here we show that MIF is able to catalyze the conversion of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylaminechrome and norepinephrinechrome, toxic quinone products of the neurotransmitter catecholamines 3,4-dihydroxyphenylamine and norepinephrine, to indoledihydroxy derivatives that may serve as precursors to neuromelanin. This raises the possibility that MIF participates in a detoxification pathway for catecholamine products and could therefore have a protective role in neural tissues, which as in Parkinson's disease, may be subject to catecholamine-related cell death.  相似文献   

Ciguatera is a significant food-borne disease caused by potent polyether toxins (ciguatoxins) which accumulate in the flesh of ciguateric reef fish at risk levels > 0.1 ppb for Pacific ciguatoxins. Research on ciguatera has been severely hindered by the lack of analytical methods that detect and characterize low levels of ciguatoxin in crude extracts of fish. Here we report a new procedure for ciguatoxin analysis based on gradient reversed-phase HPLC/tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS). The method gave a linear response to pure Pacific and Caribbean ciguatoxins (P-CTX-1 and C-CTX-1) and the structurally related brevetoxin (PbTx-2) spiked into crude extracts of fish. Levels equivalent to 40 ppt P-CTX-1, 100 ppt C-CTX-1, and 200 ppt PbTx-2 in fish flesh could be detected by HPLC/MS/MS. Using P-CTX-1 as an internal standard, the analysis of extracts of 30 ciguateric fish from the Caribbean Sea (8 toxic, 12 borderline, and 10 nontoxic by mouse bioassay) confirmed the reliability of the method and allowed an estimated risk level of > 0.25 ppb C-CTX-1 to be established. HPLC/MS/MS provides a sensitive analytical approach, not previously available, for the determination of Pacific and Caribbean ciguatoxins at sub-ppb levels in fish flesh.  相似文献   

The AKR lymphoma-leukemia is a T lymphocyte neoplasm, most suitable as a model for human T cell malignancies. We have been interested in the process of tumor progression in the AKR lymphoma system. In the present study, two newly isolated variants, the TAU-42 and TAU-44, were characterized with respect to their biological behavior, by comparing them to a previously studied low-malignancy variant, the TAU-39. While the TAU-44 variant formed large s.c. local tumors, the TAU-42 variant formed only small growths or none at all. The TAU-42 lymphoma was found to have the highest malignant potential: it displayed very marked dissemination to spleen, lymph nodes, liver and lungs. The TAU-44 variant had an intermediate degree of metastatic potential but presented a predilection for spread to lymph nodes and spleen and was sometimes found to metastasize to peculiar organs, such as heart and pancreas. Cells derived from the different lymphoma variants varied in their immunophenotype: the highly malignant variant cells expressed more CD4 antigen than the low-malignancy one. The opposite was observed with regard to CD8. The variant cells also differed in their migrating capacity, the more malignant one exhibiting a higher motile activity. Studies on the tumor progression model of AKR lymphoma might contribute to the elucidation of the features determining the aggressiveness of T lymphocytic malignancies.  相似文献   

To evaluate the impact of uremia and associated caloric restriction on physiologically pulsatile growth hormone (GH) release, we used deconvolution analysis of spontaneous plasma GH profiles in 5/6-nephrectomized male rats (NX, N = 9). Three different normal renal function sham-operated groups were used: rats fed a normal diet ad libitum (SAL, N = 9); NX pair-fed rats (SPF, N = 6); NX rats pair-fed for protein ingestion but calorically supplemented up to the energy intake of SAL (SPF+, N = 8). Severe renal failure was confirmed by much higher (P < 0.001) BUN in NX than sham groups. NX rats were growth retarded as shown by reduced (P < 0.01) weight and length gains as compared with sham animals. Deconvolution analysis (mean +/- SEM) of plasma samples obtained every 10 minutes over 6 hours, and 14 to 16 days after second stage nephrectomy showed that NX rats had a longer GH t(1/2) (17.0 +/- 1.8 vs. 11.6 +/- 0.8 min), less GH mass secreted per burst (48 +/- 15 vs. 95 +/- 16 ng/ml/pulse), lower secretory pulse amplitude (1.9 +/- 0.5 vs. 5.8 +/- 0.9 ng/ml/min), and a reduced total GH secretion (240 +/- 69 vs. 400 +/- 56 ng/ml/6 hr) than SAL rats. Corresponding data were not significantly different between NX and SPF, or between SAL and SPF+ groups. In summary, stunted rats with chronic renal failure exhibit a prolonged GH t(1/2) and suppression of GH secretory pattern burst mass. Control data from rats with normal renal function suggest that the amplitude-specific depression of GH secretion may be attributed, at least in part, to chronic renal failure-associated calorie deficiency.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) plays a pivotal role in immune-mediated diseases. Despite the long-standing association of MIF with the delayed-type hypersensitivity response, the potential role of MIF in allograft rejection is unknown. METHODS: MIF expression was assessed by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry staining in 62 biopsies of human renal allograft rejection and in normal human kidney. RESULTS: MIF mRNA and protein is constitutively expressed in normal kidney, being largely restricted to tubular epithelial cells, some glomerular epithelial cells, and vascular smooth muscle cells. In both acute and chronic renal allograft rejection, there was marked up-regulation of MIF mRNA and protein expression by intrinsic kidney cells such as tubular epithelial cells and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. There was also MIF expression by infiltrating macrophages and T cells. Of note, macrophage and T cell infiltrates were largely restricted to areas with marked up-regulation of MIF expression, potentially contributing to the development of severe tubulitis and intimal or transmural arteritis. Quantitative analysis found that increased MIF expression in allograft rejection gave a highly significant correlation with macrophage and T cell accumulation in both the glomerulus and interstitium (P<0.001). In addition, the number of MIF+ tubules and interstitial MIF+ cells correlated significantly with the severity of allograft rejection (P<0.01), and the loss of renal function (P<0.01). In contrast, no up-regulation of renal MIF expression and no leukocyte accumulation was seen in allograft biopsies without evidence of rejection. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to demonstrate that local MIF expression is up-regulated during allograft rejection. The association between up-regulation of MIF expression, macrophage and T cell infiltration and the severity of renal allograft rejection suggests that MIF may be an important mediator in the process of allograft rejection.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a secreted protein that activates macrophages, neutrophils and T cells, and is implicated in sepsis, adult respiratory distress syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis. The mechanism of MIF function, however, is unknown. The three-dimensional structure of MIF is unlike that of any other cytokine, but bears striking resemblance to three microbial enzymes, two of which possess an N-terminal proline that serves as a catalytic base. Human MIF also possesses an N-terminal proline (Pro-1) that is invariant among all known homologues. Multiple sequence alignment of these MIF homologues reveals additional invariant residues that span the entire polypeptide but are in close proximity to the N-terminal proline in the folded protein. We find that p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, a catalytic substrate of MIF, binds to the N-terminal region and interacts with Pro-1. Mutation of Pro-1 to a glycine substantially reduces the catalytic and cytokine activity of MIF. We suggest that the underlying biological activity of MIF may be based on an enzymatic reaction. The identification of the active site should facilitate the development of structure-based inhibitors.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was discovered as a cytokine that inhibits random migration of macrophages and concentrates them at inflammatory loci. We recently reported the tertiary structure of MIF, and revealed its similarity to that of 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate isomerase. Moreover, MIF was found to have isomerase activity converting D-dopachrome, a stereoisomer of naturally-occurring L-dopachrome, to 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid. In this study, we examined the effects of a series of compounds analogous to D-dopachrome on the enzyme activity to obtain vital information for identification of a natural substrate of MIF. Adrenochrome, lacking a carboxyl group at position 2 of the indolinequinone ring, could not be a substrate. Several indole-ring-containing compounds with a carboxyl group were inhibitory to D-dopachrome isomerase activity, of which indole-3-acrylic acid was the most potent inhibitor, with an inhibitor constant (Ki) of 2.8 mM. 2,3-Indolinedione, which lacks a complete indole ring or a carboxyl group but has carbonyl groups at positions 2 and 3, apparently inhibited the enzyme activity in a competitive or mixed manner with a Ki of 0.9 mM. Taken together, these facts suggest that the 2-carboxyl group of the substrate is essential for interaction with the active site of MIF.  相似文献   

The absence of MHC class I Ags on the corneal endothelium, which lines the anterior chamber of the eye, makes this cell layer potentially vulnerable to lysis by NK cells. However, aqueous humor (AH), which bathes the corneal endothelium, contains a 12-kDa protein which inhibits the NK-mediated lysis of corneal endothelial cells. An amino acid sequence analysis of AH revealed that this factor shared >90% homology with macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF). The NK inhibitory effect of AH was neutralized with anti-human MIF Ab. Moreover, mouse rMIF produced a similar inhibition of NK cell activity. However, neither rMIF nor AH inhibited the CTL-mediated Lysis of allogeneic cells. rMIF prevented the release of perforin granules by NK cells but not CTLs. Although MIF displays proinflammatory properties, these results indicate that it can also inhibit at least one immune effector element, NK cells, and thereby contribute to immune privilege in the eye.  相似文献   

High immunological specificity of the direct and indirect macrophage migration inhibition tests was demonstrated in the H-2 system. The capacity of immune lymphocytes for the MIF production was revealed under their incubation with splenic cells of the congenic or recombinant strains of mice sharing particular private or public H-2 specificities with the donor strains. Selective removal of cytotoxic fraction of lymphocytes resulting from their absorption on the corresponding target cells failed to reduce the capacity of the non-adherent cell population for the MIF production. A fraction of the MIF-producing lymphocytes was found to adhere to the target cells and thereafter to be eluated with the cytotoxic lymphocytes. MIF-producing and target-destroying T-lymphocyte populations are supposed to have antigen-binding receptors differing in their affinity and structural arrangement on the cell surface.  相似文献   

As an index of delayed hypersensitivity in vitro halothane macrophage migration inhibition factor tests (halothane-MIF tests) were performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes from five patients with halothane hepatitis. Twenty-two subjects exposed to halothane, but with no evidence of jaundice, five 'healthy' hospital anaesthetists, nine jaundiced subjects without halothane exposure, and 10 healthy subjects with no history of exposure to halothane were also tested. The halothane-MIF test was positive in four of the five patients with halothane-induced hepatitis; the negative result was in a patient on steroid treatment. The test was negative in all other subjects. Our findings suggest that the halothane-MIF test may be of value in the diagnosis of halothane-induced hepatitis and as a screeening procedure for the identification of susceptible subjects.  相似文献   

Expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and HGF receptor (HGFR, product of the met proto-oncogene) mRNA were examined by nonisotopic in situ hybridization in a spectrum of benign and malignant human breast tissues. mRNA for both HGFR and HGF was detected in benign ductal epithelium. Epithelial expression of HGF mRNA was particularly intense in regions of ductal epithelial hyperplasia. Positive expression of HGF (but not HGFR) mRNA was also found in adipocytes, endothelial cells, and to varying degrees in stromal fibroblasts. In 12 of 12 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ and infiltrating ductal carcinoma, carcinoma cells showed a heterogeneous pattern of expression for both HGFR and HGF mRNA. In infiltrating ductal carcinomas, intense expression of HGFR mRNA was not restricted to ductular structures but as also seen in non-duct-forming carcinoma cells. The same zones of the tumors (most commonly at the advancing margins) that expressed strongly HGFR mRNA often were also strongly positive for HGF mRNA, suggesting a possible autocrine effect. The expression pattern of HGFR protein in 25 cases including the same series of tissues used for in situ hybridization analysis was similar to that of HGFR mRNA, as determined by an immunoperoxidase technique. The finding that HGFR is expressed by both benign and malignant epithelium, and its not restricted to duct-forming structures, suggests that, although the potential for HGF/HGFR binding is maintained in malignancy, the response to ligand binding at the level of the receptor or the cellular response to receptor activation may change at some point during progression.  相似文献   

Neuronal growth inhibitory factor (GIF), a metallothionein-like protein (metallothionein-3), impairs the survival and neurite formation of cultured neurons. Native GIF contains 4 Cu(I) and three Zn(II) ions organized in homometallic metal-thiolate clusters. However, the cluster localization is not known. In this study, the metal-thiolate clusters formed with monovalent and divalent metal ions in the C-terminal domain of human GIF [GIF(32-68)] containing 11 cysteines were investigated. The cluster formation was followed by using electronic absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy, and in the case of Cu(I) complexes also by luminescence spectroscopy at 77 K. Spectroscopic studies on the Cu(I)-GIF(32-68) complexes showed the successive formation of two air-sensitive Cu4S8-9- and Cu6S11-clusters. With Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions, a well-defined M4S11-cluster is formed in which each metal ion is tetrahedrally coordinated by cysteine thiolates. In the 113Cd NMR spectra of 113Cd4-GIF(32-68), recorded at 293 and 323 K, all four 113Cd resonances at 672.8, 620.9, 629.6, and 564.2 ppm were observed only at 323 K. Their detection at elevated temperature indicates a conformational flexibility of this domain. Evidence for the existence of a Cd6-GIF(32-68) complex, contaning two more weakly bound Cd(II) ions, was also obtained. The formation of this complex requires the transformation of some originally terminal thiolates of the Cd4S11-cluster to bridging thiolates, suggesting a more accessible cluster structure. Such properties of Cd4-GIF(32-68) have not been observed with the Cd4S11-cluster in the isolated alpha-domain (amino acids 31-61) of metallothioneins. The significance of Cu- and Zn-clusters for the structure of native GIF is discussed.  相似文献   

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