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Within the literature, concerns have been raised that centralised urban water systems are maladapted to challenges associated with climate change, population growth and other socio-economic and environmental strains. This paper provides a critical assessment of the discourse that surrounds emerging approaches to urban water management and infrastructure provision. As such, ‘sustainable urban water management’ (SUWM) concepts are scrutinized to highlight the limitations and strengths in the current lines of argument and point towards unaddressed complexities in the transformational agendas advocated by SUWM proponents. Taking an explicit infrastructure view, it is shown that the specific context of the urban water sector means that changes to infrastructure systems occur as an incremental hybridisation process. This process is driven by a range of factors including lock-in effects of legacy solutions, normative values and vested interests of agents, cost and performance certainty and perceptions of risk. Different views of these factors help explain why transformational agendas have not achieved the change SUWM proponents call for and point to the need for a critical reassessment of the system effects and economics of alternative service provision models.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):151-160
Urban water management in the southern cities of Namibia is composed through both a formal and an informal system. In the formal system, controlling demand is the key issue, and in the informal system, an improved accessibility to water is fundamental. The main issue raised in this paper is how authorities can support an ever-increasing poor population with water and at the same time keep demand among households with private water connections at a reasonable level. To decrease the demand for water in Windhoek, a thorough water demand management strategy (WDM) was launched in 1994. Water managers showed a high level of adaptability to the alarming water situation. One of the lessons learned from the implementation in Windhoek is that dedicated people with active involvement and vision are important for successful WDM. The budget must be allocated on a continuous basis for the implementation of certain WDM measures and a degree of flexibility among water users is important for the strategy to be successful. The dual situation experienced in cities in the South where both a need to expand services, and at the same time control demand, calls for a new approach in urban water management. Strategies need to be socially specific and flexible to changing pre-conditions. Therefore, a context driven policy design is advocated.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(1):9-17
The present paper presents the main results of a research project. It deals with consumers' perception of water issues in the industrial sector, and examines and analyses water use patterns, water conservation methods and water pricing issues. Issues presented are the contribution of water to production processes, water consumption levels, water conservation options, the possibility of construction of a dual water supply system, the evaluation of different pricing policies, the willingness to pay (WTP) and the potential impact of a price increase. The study has shown that there is limited use of recycling methods, few pollution control practices and small effect of industrial water price on water consumption levels. As far as industrial consumers are concerned, they present inaccurate perception of water consumption levels and low willingness to pay for the improvement of water services.  相似文献   

李睿  张宏伟  王媛 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):13-15
对北方地区的水资源现状与配置状况进行了分析,指出了目前北方地区水资源利用存在的问题,提出水资源的合理开发利用需要一套行之有效的管理途径,并从政府政策管理方面研究了该管理途径,以合理有效地利用水资源。  相似文献   

The Jordan River Basin is under great hydric stress. Increases in population and agricultural demand are contributing to the closure of the basin. This paper analyses the results of integrated water resources planning model (WEAP) by studying the vulnerability of water resources in the lower Jordan River under a changing climate pattern and growing water demands. Water balance models show that all aquifers supplying the city of Amman will be depleted within the next few decades. Mitigation measures should include the introduction of additional water into the basin through the Red Sea–Dead Sea canal, in addition to demand management measures such as water conservation and increase in irrigation efficiency. The findings of this study would provide a useful guide to the co‐riparians for policy formulation, decision making and dispute resolution. Cooperation among the five riparian countries may be improved by building a Geographic Information System (GIS) database that provides access to accurate data for hydrological analysis.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is occurring at an unprecedented scale worldwide, with developing countries claiming the biggest share. Developing countries are increasingly facing enormous pressures to manage their urban and rural areas challenged by limited resources, exploding numbers of population and rising expectations for a higher quality of life. Sustainability is central to the management of existing and newly developed areas. It can offer a comprehensive discourse for understanding the functioning of cities and their hinterlands, with an aim to achieve a balance between environmental, economic and social issues for current and future generations. Managing the urbanization of newly developed areas requires innovative thinking and an ability to predict and evaluate the impacts of possible futures. As the new map of Egypt is redrawn and much hope lies on the development of its deserts constituting 95% of the total land area, an efficient process of directing and facilitating urban development is urgently required. This paper presents an Urban Sustainable Management System (USMS) using the process of Integrated Assessment to assess three possible development scenarios based on different economic bases for new developments on desert reclaimed land. Indicators of a quantitative and qualitative nature are used to describe environmental, social and economic capitals of three scenarios as well as setting targets towards the aim of sustainability. Pressure points hindering the sustainable development of reclaimed land are drawn under the three different scenarios. The USMS provides an urban management system that overcomes difficulties of data availability, combines interdisciplinary knowledge and deals with uncertainties of future developments; struggles decisionmakers confront across the divide but more so in developing countries.  相似文献   

高树民 《福建建筑》2009,(11):91-93
分析了房地产开发中给排水工程施工前期阶段,质量控制管理的方法、重点和难点,以透彻领悟如何搞好房地产开发中给排水工程的前期管理,促进房地产项目顺利开展,保证房企在经济危机“寒流”中生存下来并获得稳步发展。  相似文献   

Kuwait, an arid country, has an acute lack of natural groundwater resources, an increasing demand for water supply, but no clear plan for water management. On this basis, a future water crisis will be inevitable. This paper offers proposals that could lead to the sustainable management of water resources in Kuwait. The objective should be less the increase of supply than the improvement of its reliability and quality. The establishment of a unified water authority is desirable.  相似文献   

As the traditional supply-driven urban water management is not sustainable, water utilities should embrace water demand management (WDM) measures to meet increasing water demand. Developed countries are using different technological and management measures to reduce urban water demand as a part of their integrated urban water management strategy. However, all these measures might not be directly applicable for the developing countries. Furthermore, the developing countries might not have access to the technologies and skilled manpower as well as institutional set-up to apply these measures properly. In this context, this paper reviews the different tools, techniques and measures of urban water demand management (UWDM) applied in the developed countries and critically analyses the prerequisites, prospects and constraints likely to be faced in developing countries in adopting these techniques and measures. Furthermore, it outlines a set of activities that will best help the developing countries in attaining the full benefit of UWDM.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to investigate the attitudes and preferences of the residential water users of the city of Thessaloniki, in order to evaluate the demand management aspects of the urban water policy. A field survey has been conducted in the city of Thessaloniki and investigated among others the reliability of the utility’s services and infrastructure, the acceptability of various water demand options, the willingness to pay of the consumers and the level of public awareness. Straightforward comparisons with the results of a similar survey five years ago help extract useful remarks and conclusions concerning the shift of the urban water policy towards integrated and therefore more sustainable directions.  相似文献   

The Dutch Working Group on Sustainable Urban Development has recently delivered its publication Sustainable Urban Design, The Next Step (Meijer & Dubbeling, 2010). The book (to be referred to here as The Next Step) includes six examples of sustainable urban design and three major essays. The Working Group is a broad group of experts from the Dutch professional societies for urban designers and planners (BNSP) and landscape architects (NVTL). (The working group consists of urban designers, urban planers and landscape architects from the Netherlands.) It seeks to take the thinking and practice of sustainable urban design a step further: from sustainable urban design to sustainable spatial development. This paper explains this next stage which has been developed through a review of the literature, the inputs of the Working Group and the lessons learned from the case studies described in the book. Although the case study projects are sometimes more than 12 years old and are rooted in a specific Dutch societal and spatial context, they provide interesting, even up to date, insights for the planning of sustainable and durable cities. They are also compared to some projects in other European countries.This paper looks at why a renewed approach to sustainable urban design is both necessary and rewarding. It then turns to the renewed approach and putting it into practice. Based upon the case studies, new possibilities for the design of sustainable and durable cities are highlighted.  相似文献   

分析了我国水资源特点,研究了水资源开发利用中存在的问题,以工程水利向资源水利、可持续发展水利的转变为指导,提出了实现水资源可持续利用应重视的几个问题.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):127-143
Water scarcity and household water consumption has received increasing attention on national public agendas in recent years. At the same time a number of important demand-side management (DSM) studies have been reported on by non-academic institutions, and there is a need for a comprehensive, up to date review of the impacts of DSM tools and the factors which influence their effectiveness. This paper aims to address an apparent lack of coverage in the academic literature by presenting a review of residential DSM tools using reports of recent DSM campaigns in the western (developed) world. The central objectives are to understand the potential for residential DSM tools to save water in different types of household under varying conditions and to identify influences on implementation effectiveness. In the discussion, we explore causes of uncertainty in DSM planning including the non-transferability of trends and existing methods of evaluation, and describe some of the resulting problems. The conclusions offer recommendations as to areas that require, and offer the greatest scope, for future research. This review article will be of interest to, among others, water company professionals, policy makers, regulators, researchers, and environmental agencies.  相似文献   

Cities are complex ecosystems affected by social, economic, environmental, and cultural factors. The problem of attaining urban sustainable development is thus an important challenge. The development of evaluation indicators and a method for assessing the status of urban sustainable development will be required to support urban ecological planning, construction, and management. By using Jining City in China's Shandong Province as a case study, the authors developed a system of 52 indicators of urban sustainable development that address economic growth and efficiency, ecological and infrastructural construction, environmental protection, social and welfare progress. The authors developed a Full Permutation Polygon Synthetic Indicator method to evaluate the capacity for urban sustainable development at different times during the next two decades. The results of our research indicate that the value of a synthetic indicator for sustainable development of Jining City was 0.24 in 2004, which indicates a low level of sustainable development. According to the ecological planning of Jining City (2004–2020), the indicator will improve to 0.45 in 2007 and 0.62 in 2010, indicating significant improvements in sustainable development, and will reach 0.90 in 2020, indicating excellent potential for sustainable development. The Full Permutation Polygon Synthetic Indicator method provides a comprehensive, intuitive approach that reflects the system integration principle that the whole can be more than the sum of its parts. The approach thus provides a promising basis for decision-making to support urban sustainable development and monitoring of the effectiveness of these decisions.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Liu X  Luo Y  Zhang M 《Water research》2008,42(14):3685-3696
In the last decade, the detection of organophosphate (OP) pesticides in the San Joaquin River watershed has raised concerns about water quality. This study examined the influences of almond pest management practices (PMPs) on water quality. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was employed to simulate pesticide concentration in water as affected by different PMPs. California Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) data were used to investigate PMP use trends. Stepwise regression analysis was performed to test the correlation between specific PMP use and pesticide concentrations in surface water and sediment. Our results showed an increasing use of reduced risk pesticides and pyrethroids on almonds. SWAT simulation over the period of 1992-2005 showed decreases in OP concentrations in surface water. High OP and pyrethroid use in dormant sprays was associated with high pesticide concentrations in water and sediment. Almond pesticide use was proved to have significant impacts on the pesticide load in the San Joaquin River watershed. The PMP which combines the use of reduced risk pesticides with no dormant spray was recommended for almond orchard use. This paper presented a novel method of studying the environmental impacts of different agricultural PMPs. By combining pesticide use surveys with watershed modeling, we provided a quantitative foundation for the selection of PMPs to reduce pesticide pollution in surface water.  相似文献   

The use of indicators constitutes internationally an important tool for assessing the progress achieved towards sustainable development. Measuring the sustainability in urban areas – which are crucial engines of local socio-economic development, but at the same time present concentration points of environmental decay – is a major challenge for environmental managers and decision-makers. This paper aims at the development and utilisation of a system of indicators as a dynamic tool for the management of environmental, social and economic information in order to evaluate sustainability in urban areas. In this context, guidelines for the system’s development and use are proposed, together with a suggestion for its communication among local stakeholders. An application of this system is demonstrated through a case study using the Greater Thessaloniki Area, Greece, a domain with considerable socio-economic development, which is also encountering significant environmental pressures.  相似文献   

Quantifying the irrigation water demand of green spaces (IWDG) is an important part of smart urban water management. However, the IWDG in humid cites is not well characterized. Moreover, the alteration of natural hydrological processes caused by urbanization leading to the dependence of green spaces on irrigation is becoming more common. To better understand the IWDG in humid areas, we developed an estimation model and used the Yangtze River Delta in China as a case study. Results showed that the amount of water required by the green spaces in the Yangtze River Delta was approximately 354 × 106 m3, which was equivalent to 12% of the urban residential water consumption in 2011. This study also investigated the spatial-temporal changes of urban green spaces and estimated their effects on irrigation water demand. These findings provide policymakers an integrated view of the water demand of green spaces associated with sustainable management.  相似文献   

The presence of 28 antibiotics in three hospital effluents, five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), six rivers and a drinking water storage catchment were investigated within watersheds of South-East Queensland, Australia. All antibiotics were detected at least once, with the exception of the polypeptide bacitracin which was not detected at all. Antibiotics were found in hospital effluent ranging from 0.01-14.5 μg L− 1, dominated by the β-lactam, quinolone and sulphonamide groups. Antibiotics were found in WWTP influent up to 64 μg L− 1, dominated by the β-lactam, quinolone and sulphonamide groups. Investigated WWTPs were highly effective in removing antibiotics from the water phase, with an average removal rate of greater than 80% for all targeted antibiotics. However, antibiotics were still detected in WWTP effluents in the low ng L− 1 range up to a maximum of 3.4 μg L− 1, with the macrolide, quinolone and sulphonamide antibiotics most prevalent. Similarly, antibiotics were detected quite frequently in the low ng L− 1 range, up to 2 μg L− 1 in the surface waters of six investigated rivers including freshwater, estuarine and marine samples. The total investigated antibiotic concentration (TIAC) within the Nerang River was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than all other rivers sampled. The absence of WWTP discharge to this river is a likely explanation for the significantly lower TIAC and suggests that WWTP discharges are a dominant source of antibiotics to investigated surface waters. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was identified between TIACs at surface water sites with WWTP discharge compared to sites with no WWTP discharge, providing further evidence that WWTPs are an important source of antibiotics to streams. Despite the presence of antibiotics in surface waters used for drinking water extraction, no targeted antibiotics were detected in any drinking water samples.  相似文献   

Population growth, urbanisation and climate change represent significant pressures on urban water resources, requiring water managers to consider a wider array of management options that account for economic, social and environmental factors. The Dynamic Urban Water Simulation Model (DUWSiM) developed in this study links urban water balance concepts with the land use dynamics model MOLAND and the climate model LARS-WG, providing a platform for long term planning of urban water supply and water demand by analysing the effects of urbanisation scenarios and climatic changes on the urban water cycle. Based on potential urbanisation scenarios and their effects on a city's water cycle, DUWSiM provides the functionality for assessing the feasibility of centralised and decentralised water supply and water demand management options based on forecasted water demand, stormwater and wastewater generation, whole life cost and energy and potential for water recycling. DUWSiM has been tested using data from Dublin, the capital of Ireland, and it has been shown that the model is able to satisfactorily predict water demand and stormwater runoff.  相似文献   

The publication of the UKCP09 climate change projections for the United Kingdom provides the opportunity for more rigorous inclusion of climate change uncertainty in water resources planning. We set out how the current approach to incorporating climate change and other uncertainties in water resources planning may be updated to incorporate the UKCP09 projections. In an uncertain future, the frequency with which customers will experience water shortages cannot be predicted for sure, so a water company cannot predict definitely whether it will or will not fulfil its Level of Service commitments. We therefore go on to propose that the probability of failing to meet Level of Service (for given populations of customers) provides an appropriate metric of risk, which conveniently summarises the uncertainties associated with supply and demand, including climate change uncertainties. We sketch out how this risk metric can be calculated based upon simulation modelling of the water resource system.  相似文献   

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