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张溪  曲佳  李莹 《山西建筑》2008,34(14):334-335
简要论述了目前对钢结构桥梁进行疲劳问题研究的3种主要方法:传统疲劳分析方法、断裂力学分析方法和损伤力学分析方法,对每种方法的优缺点以及适用性进行了分析,可为工程中选择正确方法进行钢桥疲劳分析提供指导。  相似文献   

Actual fatigue life of an existing offshore platform typically deviates from that intended by its designer because aging platforms commonly experience some degradations, mechanical damages, repairs and modifications, and come across demands for the service extension. The current multidisciplinary paper focuses on different aspects of the remaining fatigue life assessment of an aging offshore platform. In the course of a case study, it describes a hindcasting technique for quantitative estimation of the long-term wave climatology, methods for geotechnical/structural modelling of the platform foundation to evaluate the piles fatigue damages accumulated during their driving and in-place service and the outlines for a spectral fatigue modelling and analysis of the fatigue damages to welded structural joints. Potential limitations in the available codes of practice, regarding the fatigue life assessment of existing offshore structures, are highlighted. The reliability of the fatigue life evaluations, possible remedy measures and some fatigue integrity monitoring techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Fatigue damage prognosis for long-span steel bridges is of the utmost importance in bridge maintenance and management. In this study, a multi-scale fatigue damage prognosis algorithm is developed to calculate the trans-scale fatigue damage accumulation of newly-built long-span steel bridges under vehicle loading. The necessity and procedure of establishing a multi-scale finite element (FE) model of a newly-built long-span bridge for fatigue damage prognosis are first introduced. The future vehicle loading on the bridge is forecasted using the recorded weigh-in-motion (WIM) data and the agent-based traffic flow micro-simulation method. Then, the multi-scale fatigue damage prognosis algorithm is developed based on the multi-scale FE model and using the future vehicle loading. Finally, the proposed algorithm is applied to a newly-built long-span cable-stayed bridge for the time period from 2010 to 2020. The results show that the macro-scale fatigue damage accumulation and micro-scale short crack evolution of the critical components of the bridge can be simultaneously predicted and visualized. The proposed algorithm can be used as a numerical tool for fatigue damage prognosis of steel bridges where (or near where) WIM station is installed.  相似文献   

Railway bridges are exposed to repetitive high stress due to the live load which may lead to failure even when the stress level is lower than the allowable stress. Therefore, components and connections need to be analysed for possible damage caused by fatigue. The basic approach for estimating the remaining fatigue life of a structure element is to use SN curves. However, those laboratory specimens tested with a constant-amplitude stress range show a wide range variability in the results. This means that fatigue resistance has to be considered as a random variable. If load and resistance parameters are random variables, structural performance should be measured in terms of reliability. The objective of this study is to present a reliability model for the fatigue limit states demonstrated on a typical steel railway bridge. The results from the reliability analysis for the fatigue limit state are presented for various time periods from 10 to 100 years and three cases of operating conditions. In each considered case of load, the lowest reliability indices were obtained for the riveted angle in the stringer-to-floor-beam connection which means that this member has the highest probability of fatigue crack development in the entire bridge.  相似文献   

针对风机交变荷载下平板网架产生整体疲劳的问题,采用总寿命法进行了分析.该方法考虑了G oodm an平均应力影响,运用雨流计数法统计应力-应变历程,并用M iner理论对不同应力幅值产生的损伤进行线性叠加,得到杆件的疲劳损伤程度,找出结构的疲劳薄弱区域.研究发现,平板网架的疲劳薄弱区域始终从放置风机的位置开始,随着风机荷载振幅的增大,疲劳薄弱区域逐步向四周扩散,疲劳损伤度呈指数增长.风机工作频率接近网架前几阶自振频率时,结构易出现疲劳;两风机竖向振动相位差在90~°135°及水平同步振动时,结构易出现疲劳.  相似文献   

采用快冻法将混凝土盐冻或水冻至不同损伤程度后进行弯曲疲劳试验。以相对动弹性模量为损伤变量,从损伤的角度分析冻融循环作用对混凝土疲劳寿命的影响,对疲劳试验数据进行威布尔分布检验,建立冻融损伤混凝土的疲劳方程。结果表明,在疲劳荷载相同的情况下,混凝土的真实应力水平随冻融损伤的增加而显著变大,疲劳寿命则急剧降低;在损伤度相同的情况下,盐冻对混凝土疲劳寿命的影响比水冻大;冻融损伤混凝土的疲劳寿命服从两参数威布尔分布,但其离散性要大于未损伤混凝土的离散性;当损伤混凝土与未损伤混凝土的真实应力水平相同时,两者的疲劳寿命基本接近;冻融损伤后混凝土的疲劳寿命与真实应力水平之间的关系可用未损伤混凝土的疲劳方程进行表示。  相似文献   

为研究工字形截面支撑低周疲劳性能,进行了18根Q235和21根ST12材质焊接工字形钢支撑在等幅轴向循环位移作用下的OpenSEES有限元分析,在验证模拟结果和试验结果吻合较好的同时,提出利用支撑几何参数(长细比、宽厚比、高厚比、屈服点)修正的表征应变作为预测支撑低周疲劳寿命的控制参量,给出了对应修正公式和寿命预测公式。表征应变与支撑低周疲劳寿命满足对数线性关系,据此预测的支撑低周疲劳寿命离散性较小且基本位于试验值1.5倍分散带内。对于变幅加载条件下的支撑寿命预测,利用Miner线性损伤理论对39组支撑试验数据进行以裂纹萌生寿命为终止点的损伤值统计,给出了容许损伤建议值作为预测寿命对应损伤值。而后,引入5组单斜工字钢支撑框架低周疲劳试验结果进行验证,其预测寿命均接近试验裂纹萌生寿命,可以较为保守地评估该类支撑的低周疲劳寿命,且支撑截面损伤分布与试验破坏模式保持一致。以上均证明该数值模拟方法和低周疲劳寿命预测方法的准确性和高效性,可为框架支撑结构低周疲劳性能的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

借鉴已有结构剩余寿命研究的成果,以损伤力学为基础,从房屋结构损伤角度,结合近代建筑的特点,通过无损检测、损伤参数的无损识别,将损伤参数和寿命评估有机地结合起来,建立了以损伤参数为核心的近代建筑剩余寿命预估公式,定量地给出了其剩余使用年限,并提出了结构维修后的使用寿命预测方法,对工程应用十分方便、实用。  相似文献   

随机变幅疲劳荷载下预应力混凝土梁疲劳寿命的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于实测的钢筋混凝土吊车梁疲劳荷载谱,经过适当的简化得到试验用随机变幅疲劳荷载谱,并通过MTS疲劳试验机实现了该随机变幅疲劳荷载谱作用下部分预应力混凝土梁的疲劳试验。试验结果表明,由随机变幅疲劳试验得出的构件疲劳寿命远低于由疲劳荷载上限值取为荷载谱均值的等幅疲劳试验得出的疲劳寿命,因此如果采用后者的试验结果去估算实际服役中的预应力混凝土构件的疲劳寿命是非常危险的。然后分别利用Miner准则、相对Miner准则和Corten-Dolan累积损伤准则对承受随机变幅疲劳荷载作用的试件疲劳寿命进行了估算。计算结果表明,改进的Corten-Dolan累积损伤准则精度最高,相对Miner准则也具有较高的精度,Miner准则的精度最低且偏于不安全。建议对预应力混凝土受弯构件进行随机变幅疲劳分析时采用改进的Corten-Dolan累积损伤准则或相对Miner准则。  相似文献   

Miner’s rule is generally accepted as the fatigue criteria for life estimation of railway bridges. Similarly, it has always been acknowledged as a simplification that is easy to use in design where detailed loading history is unknown. But in the case of existing railway bridges where the detailed loading history is known, Miner’s rule might provide incorrect results because of its omission of load sequence effect. Recently, a new damage indicator-based sequential law has been proposed to capture the load sequence effect more precisely. However, application of this sequential law to estimate the remaining fatigue lives of existing railway bridges has not been properly studied. Therefore, the major objective of this paper is to estimate the remaining fatigue life of a railway bridge using the sequential law and hence introduces a new approach to estimate remaining fatigue life of riveted railway bridges. This approach is specially based on combination of real stress histories, sequential law and fully known Wöhler curve. The practice of sequential law to obtain the remaining fatigue lives due to both uniaxial and multiaxial stresses are described by estimating remaining life of a considered railway bridge. Further, the obtained fatigue lives are compared with Miner’s estimations. Hence it could be concluded that it is advisable to apply the sequential law for assessment of remaining fatigue lives of riveted railway bridges, where the detailed stress histories are known.  相似文献   

由于循环外荷载和腐蚀性环境的共同作用,近海桥梁结构易受疲劳破坏.本文提出了一种考虑钢材锈蚀的桥梁结构改进疲劳可靠度评估模型,并基于青马大桥长期结构健康监测数据对其典型焊接节点的概率疲劳寿命进行了评估.通过建立有效截面衰减模型和材料疲劳性能退化函数,利用Miner损伤累积准则的连续概率函数表达式,提出了考虑钢材锈蚀的疲劳可靠度解析模型.同时考虑交通载荷(包括汽车载荷和火车载荷)和台风影响,通过统计分析长期应变监测数据建立了标准日应力谱.采用有限混合分布方法及基于遗传算法的混合参数估计算法,得到了标准日应力谱多模态有限混合分布函数.比较分析了考虑和未考虑钢材锈蚀的焊接节点疲劳寿命失效概率和可靠度指标,研究结果表明钢材锈蚀因素对桥梁焊接节点的疲劳可靠度评估结果有较大影响.  相似文献   

The evaluation of existing structures, in particular bridges, is becoming increasingly important. In particular for railway bridges, service loads and stress cycles accumulated under traffic loads, and the consequent ageing of existing structures, lead to the need for an assessment of their remaining fatigue life, in order to decide on retrofit or structure replacement. In this context, a 12.4 m span railway bridge near Sacile, Italy, with a common structural scheme for railway bridges, about ninety years old, was taken out of service, transported to a structural laboratory and subjected to both material characterization, monotonic and high-cycle fatigue shear tests. Materials exhibited a yield strength and a tensile strength of about 322 and 421 MPa, respectively, and the hot-spot critical details resulted in the riveted connections of the shear diaphragms that carried the rails. Other material properties that affected the fatigue endurance in a favorable way, and are not taken explicitly into account in structural Codes, were determined. As a result, the equating of riveted shear splices with splices jointed with non-preloaded bolts has been shown, and Eurocode 3-1-9 [EN 1993-1-9. Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures — part 1-9: Fatigue, Brussels: CEN; 2005] design rules have resulted on the safe side, even though no specific category of riveted details has been found to be available.  相似文献   

为给桥梁缆索高强度钢丝损伤容限分析提供实用的裂纹扩展计算参数,根据钢材相关试验的结果统计了珠光体钢丝门槛值ΔKth和裂纹扩展计算数据,建立适用于不同屈服强度和应力比的钢丝裂纹扩展经验模型。在此基础上,提出基于一维裂纹扩展假定的预腐蚀钢丝疲劳寿命预测方法,并对锈蚀钢丝恒幅和变幅疲劳寿命进行实例分析。结果表明,珠光体钢材的屈服强度和门槛值之间的相关性随着屈服强度和应力比的提高而增强|提出的钢丝裂纹扩展模型和初始裂纹深度假定可较好地模拟腐蚀钢丝恒幅疲劳试验的离散性和疲劳极限性质|腐蚀钢丝变幅疲劳评估结果对门槛值变化较敏感|按保守门槛值的预测寿命显示,轻微均匀锈蚀钢丝若及时采取养护措施,可在桥梁常规检修期内继续使用。  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed in this work for the assessment of the remaining fatigue life and fatigue reliability of concrete bridges subjected to random loads. The fatigue reliability of a bridge is a function of the fatigue damage accumulation; a stochastic fatigue damage model (SFDM) with physical mechanism is introduced for deriving the fatigue damage process. In order to implement the probabilistic analysis, based on the probability density evolution method (PDEM), the generalised density evolution equation (GDEE) for the remaining fatigue life is developed. Finally, a prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge located in China is illustrated. The random fatigue load acting on the bridge is modelled as the compound Poisson process, and the simulation of the random load uses the stochastic harmonic function (SHF) method. To simplify the reliability analysis, an equivalent constant-amplitude (ECA) load process is introduced based on energy equivalence. By employing SFDM, the finite element analysis of the bridge under the fatigue loading is performed. Then, the fatigue damage accumulation process of the bridge under the fatigue loading is obtained. Through solving the probability density evolution equation for the remaining fatigue life, the probability density functions (PDFs) of the remaining fatigue life evolving with time is obtained. The fatigue reliability is then calculated by integrating the PDF of the corresponding remaining life.  相似文献   

The functionality maintenance of European infrastructures like bridges is acquiring more and more importance due to the huge economic losses related to the interruption of their regular service. In particular, fatigue represents one of the most common failure modes occurring in steel and steel–concrete composite bridges: most failures in steel structures are related to fracture and fatigue. Railway bridges endure millions of stress cycles during their life and they are expected to be highly vulnerable to such phenomena. Phenomena like ‘vibration induced’ and ‘distortion induced’ fatigue are still partially uncovered by actual design codes and they represent critical aspects for the assessment of existing bridge remaining life and for the design of new bridges. The European research project FADLESS ‘Fatigue damage control and assessment for railways bridges’, funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, aims at defining innovative technical guidelines for the assessment and control of existing and new bridges with regard to fatigue phenomena induced by vibrations and distortions produced by train passages. The project combines experimental and numerical techniques to study fatigue cracking induced by vibration and distortion phenomena taking into account the dynamic train–bridge interaction effects and the actual traffic spectra on European railway lines. In the present paper, preliminary analyses performed on the Italian case study, the Panaro Bridge, are being reported upon. Results obtained by standard fatigue assessment according to Eurocode rules were compared with the actual fatigue cracks found in the deck secondary components. A preliminary critical review of adopted fatigue assessment methodologies was carried out. Moreover, experimental tests were designed and performed on the bridge in order to identify global and local vibration modes and to evaluate the strain time-histories under train passages of critical details. Finally, experimental global/local mode shapes were compared to numerical results from the preliminary FE bridge model.  相似文献   

杜建文  汪莲 《山西建筑》2010,36(36):304-305
针对橡胶的特性,建立橡胶支座的疲劳损坏模型,通过对应变幅度的求解,估算支座的疲劳寿命,结合具体实例,对产生纵向变形的圆形板式橡胶支座进行疲劳寿命的估算,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

预应力混凝土结构疲劳研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邓鹏麒 《山西建筑》2005,31(1):30-31
系统地综述了预应力混凝土疲劳研究的历史、现状和发展方向,指出目前对预应力混凝土结构疲劳问题进行研究的思路包括:等幅使用荷载下疲劳寿命曲线,疲劳累积损伤理论,并对有待进一步研究的问题进行了讨论,以期为预应力混凝土结构的疲劳研究提供参考。  相似文献   

钢桥面沥青混合料铺装体系疲劳特性的损伤力学分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用损伤力学原理及方法,从力学近似法角度分析了单纯的沥青混合料铺装层矩形截面梁疲劳损伤特性,推导出梁的应变场和疲劳寿命预测公式。按抗弯刚度等效简化原则,将疲劳试验复合梁模型中的实际桥面用钢板简化为沥青混合料铺装层叠加到下面的沥青混合料铺装层上,共同组成准单纯的沥青混合料铺装层矩形截面梁,应用该原理及方法推导出梁底缘的应变场,以南京长江第二大桥钢桥面环氧沥青混凝土铺装体系复合梁疲劳试验为例,进一步推导出复合梁的疲劳寿命预测公式。通过实例分析,表明损伤力学原理及方法可用于分析钢桥面沥青混合料铺装体系疲劳特性,其疲劳寿命预测结果是较为精确的,它的实际应用还需给出相应的修正,此外指出了环氧沥青混凝土铺装具有很好的抗疲劳性能。  相似文献   

阐述了公路现役桥梁结构损伤检测及安全评估的重要性,介绍了目前国内外采用的桥梁检测、安全评估及剩余寿命预测的主要方法,特别是基于振动测试的结构损伤识别方法,指出桥梁损伤检测和安全评估对桥梁发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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