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高技术战争条件下,装备保障任务的动态性特点更加显著。如何柔性调度装备保障动态任务成为研究装备保障指挥控制系统柔性问题的关键。在对装备保障任务Agent和动态任务柔性调度框架进行描述的基础上,提出了一种基于Agent的装备保障动态任务的柔性调度策略。  相似文献   

十几年前推广CIMS工程时,由于各种因素,尤其是受经济实力和发展战略的制约,“实施CIMS不强调底层自动化”曾是中国CIMS的特色。而当今,我国政府十分重视基础装备工业的发展。《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》中强调“大力振兴装备制造业,依托重点技术改造和重大工程项目,提高设计和制造水平,推进机电一体化,为各行业提供先进和成套的技术装备。”2000年国家机械工业工作会议上决定,机械工业重点抓四大产业:重大技术装备、农业机械、轿车及数控机床。可见,我国已把数控机床的发展作为了机械工业发展的重点,…  相似文献   

针对国内装备制造业特点,分析了全球供应链条件下的供应商评价体系.分析了国内装备制造产品的主要特征,如产品装配过程复杂、供应链管理复杂、产品构型管理复杂等.提出了一种新的供应商评价方法.设计了一种基于三角模糊数的评价指标体系构建方法.应用层次分析得到评价指标权重,采用灰色关联度对企业供应商综合能力进行评估;以某装备制造企业供应商管理为研究背景,建立了供应商评价模型,通过应用实例分析说明了本方法的实用性  相似文献   

在刚刚结束的上海国际车展上,各大汽车厂商们“新款车型全球首发”的噱头给笔者留下很深印象:大部分全球首发的新车仅仅是从排量或者款式等方面做了或多或少的调整,严格意义上以全新车型设计和技术平台为标准的新车,并不多。这一方面证明上海车展距离全球第一车展的目标还有相当的差距,另一个方面,也证实了广大用户对汽车制造行业愈来愈盛的个性化和柔性化要求。  相似文献   

分析了装备制造企业生产物流的特点,属于典型的离散型复杂装备制造企业,生产过程复杂、物流供应链复杂,产品批量小,以定制生产为主。提出了基于离散事件建模的生产物流过程模型,研究了影响企业生产物流的约束条件及其相互关系;设计了装备制造企业生产物流仿真系统,实现了生产全过程的物流仿真。基于生产物流仿真系统,以某大型企业为研究应用背景,量化分析了生产过程物流的关键因素,并给出了相应建议。  相似文献   

十几年前推广CIMS工程时,由于各种因素,尤其是受经济实力和发展战略的制约,"实施CIMS不强调底层自动化"曾是中国CIMS的特色.而当今,我国政府十分重视基础装备工业的发展.<中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议>中强调"大力振兴装备制造业,依托重点技术改造和重大工程项目,提高设计和制造水平,推进机电一体化,为各行业提供先进和成套的技术装备."2000年国家机械工业工作会议上决定,机械工业重点抓四大产业:重大技术装备、农业机械、轿车及数控机床.  相似文献   

随着我国科技的不断发展,信息技术也得到长足发展,且其发展促进了制造业发展的网络化、数字化、全球化,使得制造企业能充分利用外部先进制造资源,提高企业快速响应制造的能力,促进企业的发展壮大。其中网络化制造强调各企业间、我国社会资源乃至全球范围内的资源共享,企业加以整合利用以此提高制造工艺的设计技术及创新能力。另外,网络化能更好的构建企业间制造资源共享的平台,并将该平台转化成能为企业服务的重要工艺技术设计工具。合理的从网络化平台上获取可用的资源并加以整合利用,提高制造工艺的设计技术并将其合理的利用到机床装备制造中。本文基于国内外网络制造研究成果,结合相关知识浅显谈谈基于网络化制造工艺的设计技术以及在机床装备制造中的应用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国CIMNET公司的MES产品Factelligence IP在郑州飞机装备有限责任公司(简称郑飞)的实施和应用。郑飞是典型的机械制造企业,其产品是飞机机载设备。从抽象的意义上看,由于郑飞所具有的生产特点、生产要素以及管理模式具有普遍意义,因此经验和体会适合所有机械制造业,当然,也可供机床制造企业参考。[编者按]  相似文献   

该文在塑料家居制品柔性制造系统基础上,将关节机器人技术、机器视觉技术、PLC控制技术和现场总线技术等相结合,设计了基于机器视觉的塑料家居制品柔性制造系统。设计的机器视觉系统,有效解决了塑料家居制品柔性制造过程中把手、轮子组件规格多,工件形状、大小、高低各异,正反面识别和把手堆叠等技术难题,提高了系统的智能化水平。实际应用结果表明,该系统具有良好的通用性,能有效提高柔性制造系统的稳定性和优化柔性制造系统的生产节拍。  相似文献   

The manufacturing industry is shifting towards smart manufacturing, in which both energy efficiency and flexibility are some of the main objectives of this digital transformation. In this regard, the control strategies for manufacturing systems should be able to support the requirements of this transformation with a low computational burden towards their implementation in real time. To this end, in this paper, a dual mode control strategy based on two control approaches is proposed to minimise the energy consumption of manufacturing systems without affecting their productivity, even when scenarios of flexible manufacturing are considered. The first control mode is based on model predictive control to determine an optimisation-based strategy for the constrained behaviour of the system. Then, the second mode builds on the assumption that the system exhibits a periodic behaviour and, thus, it will be able to switch to an autonomous control mode that avoids the resolution of an optimisation problem online. The proposed control strategy is tested in a manufacturing process line in which changes in the production programs are considered with the aim to test the performance in flexible manufacturing scenarios. The obtained results show that the computational burden could be significantly reduced while reducing global energy consumption without affecting the system productivity.  相似文献   

RMS中的基于时间的设备选择方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据生产需求快速确定制造资源是可重组制造系统高效快速响应市场变化的关键功能之一。文中提出了以系统整体加工时间消耗最少为目标的时间虚负荷矩阵算法,这种算法通过矩阵进行运算,计算简单直观,在计算过程中同时实现设备优化选择和工序分配,这种算法还可应用于车间作业调度。  相似文献   

Tolerance evaluation of flexible manufacturing architectures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Within the framework of FMS dependability, this article aims to apply the concept of tolerance to flexible manufacturing architectures. This enables flexible architectures to be studied and the one that could best react if failure occurs to be chosen. The methods proposed here are based on a process representation. They could be used on a designed architecture in a feedback process: The analysis is performed off line in order to check whether the workshop is tolerant or the addition of some flexibilities can make the system more tolerant.  相似文献   

Methods of adaptive-intelligent control of robots and technological equipment of intelligent manufacturing (IM) with incomplete information on the plant conditions are discussed. Flexible algorithms are proposed for programming and sensor correction of movements which provide adaption to obstacles and uncertainly factors. Robust and adaptive control algorithms which compensate the uncontrollable disturbances and ensure the wanted character of transient process are synthesized. The conversational means and computeraided design technology for multi-microprocessor adaptive control systems of robots and technological equipment are described. The results of using the proposed methods in adaptive-intelligent control systems of robots and flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) for powder metallurgy, laser processing are presented.  相似文献   

A genetic manufacturing environment is considered. The emphasis is on small-lot, discrete, and asynchronous type of manufacturing systems rather than high volume and continuous type. Two classes of scheduling policies are proposed to render the machine stable. The policies are of feedback type. The decision is made in real-time and on-line.  相似文献   

Scheduling plays a vital role in ensuring the effectiveness of the production control of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The scheduling problem in FMS is considered to be dynamic in its nature as new orders may arrive every day. The new orders need to be integrated with the existing production schedule immediately without disturbing the performance and the stability of existing schedule. Most FMS scheduling methods reported in the literature address the static FMS scheduling problems. In this paper, rescheduling methods based on genetic algorithms are described to address arrivals of new orders. This study proposes genetic algorithms for match-up rescheduling with non-reshuffle and reshuffle strategies which accommodate new orders by manipulating the available idle times on machines and by resequencing operations, respectively. The basic idea of the match-up approach is to modify only a part of the initial schedule and to develop genetic algorithms (GAs) to generate a solution within the rescheduling horizon in such a way that both the stability and performance of the shop floor are kept. The proposed non-reshuffle and reshuffle strategies have been evaluated and the results have been compared with the total-rescheduling method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of dynamic due-date assignment models (DDDAMs), routing flexibility levels (RFLs), sequencing flexibility levels (SFLs) and part sequencing rules (PSRs) on the performance of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) for the situation wherein part types to be produced in the system arrive continuously in a random manner. The existing DDDAMs considered are dynamic processing plus waiting time and dynamic total work content. A new model known as dynamically estimated flow allowance (DEFA) has also been developed and investigated. The routing flexibility of the system and the sequencing flexibility of parts are both set at three levels. A discrete-event simulation model of the FMS is used as a test-bed for experimentation. The performance measures evaluated are mean flow time, mean tardiness, percentage of tardy parts and mean flow allowance. The statistical analysis of the simulation results reveals that there are significant interactions among DDDAMs, RFLs, SFLs and PSRs for all the performance measures. The proposed DEFA model provides the minimum percentage of tardy parts in all the experiments. Regression-based metamodels have been developed using the simulation results. The metamodels are found to provide a good prediction of the performance of the FMS within the domain of their definition.  相似文献   

夏良华  龚传信 《计算机工程与设计》2004,25(8):1245-1247,1257
高技术战争要求装备保障指挥控制系统具有高度的柔性。工作流过程模型是装备保障指挥控制系统的基础,模型描述能力的强弱是解决系统柔性问题的关键。通过将任务类型分为基本任务类型和扩展任务类型,提出柔性过程模型主要由基本任务要素、柔性任务要素以及这些要素间的连接方式构成。将装备保障指挥控制工作流中的任务分解为基本任务要素和柔性任务要素增强了系统的柔性。描述了扩展后的柔性过程模型及其特点。  相似文献   

智能制造装备视觉检测控制方法综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为满足智能制造装备产业对机器视觉技术的巨大需求,本文结合装备技术特点和特殊应用环境,提出了通用的机器视觉检测控制技术体系,弥补了当前研究的不足.本文首先对该技术体系的成像系统、自动图像获取、图像预处理、标定与分割、识别检测、视觉伺服与优化控制等关键核心技术,进行了总结和阐述.然后提出了视觉检测控制系统设计的一般原理,并结合3种典型装备,对其具体应用进行详细说明.最后根据智能制造装备不断增长的高可靠性、智能化、高速高精度作业等需求,探讨了视觉检测控制技术所面临的新问题和新挑战.  相似文献   

为实现多品种变批量生产制造系统阵列式布局的动态重构,提出一种新的设备布局优化方法.建立了可重构制造系统(RMS)设备优化选择数学模型,设计了基于蚁群优化和阶序聚类算法的可重构制造单元(RMC)动态重构算法.以交货期内最小成本为目标,引入系统复杂度和系统响应度从系统能力角度完善了实现RMS重构的约束条件,最终完成了可重构制造系统设备布局优化.最后通过布局实例仿真验证该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

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