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李竟达 《山西建筑》2009,35(32):68-69
介绍了结构损伤的定义及发展,对损伤识别工作要解决的问题和常用的结构损伤诊断方法进行了分析,阐述了将小波分析与人工神经网络结合起来进行结构损伤检测的方法,并通过算例与传统BP神经网络作比较,以推广其应用。  相似文献   

Due to a lack of adequate information about seismic design and the performance of airport traffic control (ATC) towers, structural engineers often rely on building codes. However, seismic performance and the demands of ATC towers differ significantly from common structures. In this paper, the seismic performance of Kuala Lumpur International Airport traffic control tower, with a height of 120 m, was investigated. The results showed that in comparison to modal response spectrum analysis, equivalent static analysis overestimated overturning moments, drifts, maximum displacement and demand/capacity ratio. In addition, linear analysis underestimates base shear, drifts and overturning moments in comparison to the results of nonlinear time history and pushover analysis.  相似文献   

基于小波函数对损伤前后的结构挠度曲线进行多层分解,提出了一种梁式结构的损伤识别方法。该方法可以通过小波变换系数的变化和分布情况来识别结构是否损伤并确定出损伤的具体位置,数值模拟悬臂梁桥的结果显示该方法对于梁式结构的单一损伤和多损伤情况具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

Viscoelastic (VE) dampers, composed of VE layers sandwiched between relative rigid steel plates, have been widely used as dissipation devices to improve performance of structures under dynamic loads. Corresponding analytical and experimental investigations have been carried out by many scholars. However, most of VE dampers studied before are typically traditional dampers applied in regular structures. This paper introduces a new type of VE damper with strong nonlinearity used in the complex and irregular structure of Nanjing Dabaoen Temple. The new VE dampers show obvious nonlinear behavior, improved capacity of dissipation, and larger additional stiffness compared to the traditional ones. Nanjing Dabaoen Temple is a high‐rise steel structure by use of 112 new VE dampers. To investigate dissipation characteristics and control effect of the VE dampers in the complex structure, we established a suitable finite element model using SAP2000 software in which the VE dampers were simulated by Maxwell and Wen models connected in parallel, and then nonlinear time history analysis is executed using seven ground motions of moderate earthquakes and three of major earthquakes. Analytical results indicate that control effect of the VE dampers on structural displacement is preferable to that on structural acceleration and shear force due to dampers' additional stiffness. In addition, owing to incremental deformation of VE dampers under major earthquakes, damping effect of the VE dampers on all structural responses under major earthquakes is more obvious than that under moderate earthquakes. Analytical methods and conclusions in this paper will provide significant reference for analysis, design, and application of complex high‐rise structures added with VE dampers.  相似文献   

Grille-type steel plate composite (GSPC) shear wall is an innovative wall system consisting of concrete cores, steel faceplates, steel tie plates, and steel channels with more advantages than conventional reinforced concrete (RC) walls, including better ductility, higher bearing capacity, and easy-modular characteristics. This paper mainly discusses the seismic performance and damage resistance of GSPC walls to the entire structure from the aspect of the structural level. Three nonlinear numerical models of high-rise structures with different structural heights and types were established by PERFORM-3D software to study the influence of GSPC walls on the change in structural internal forces and deformations compared with RC walls. One of these structures was selected to conduct the seismic fragility analysis based on the incremental dynamic analysis and to assess the structure's seismic performance with GSPC walls. Finally, the seismic damage prediction method was used to evaluate the damage levels of the GSPC wall structure. Results indicate that the structures with GSPC walls suffer more significant seismic forces than those with RC walls, although they experience lesser structural deformations. Moreover, GSPC walls can effectively improve the structure's collapse and seismic damage resistance.  相似文献   

Faria-Oliver损伤本构模型是一种模型参数少、标定方便、计算效率较高的混凝土弹塑性损伤本构模型,但此模型对循环荷载作用下混凝土受拉行为的描述略有不足;针对此点提出了修正模型,并基于大型有限元软件ABAQUS编制了修正模型的用户材料子程序VUMAT,对钢筋混凝土高桥墩进行了地震损伤分析。分析结果表明:基于提出的修正Faria-Oliver损伤模型对高桥墩进行地震损伤分析,能有效识别高桥墩在地震作用下的典型损伤破坏过程。并进而发现高桥墩在地震作用下易发生多处损伤,且损伤位置以及损伤演化过程对地震动频谱特性具有敏感性的特点。  相似文献   

汶川地震作用下约束砌体房屋的抗震能力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为验证约束砌体结构的抗震性能,取4栋7层砌体房屋为例进行非线性地震反应分析。4栋房屋中2栋(代号为A1、A2)选自汶川地震影响区的约束砌体房屋,另2栋(代号为B1、B2)为虚拟无筋(或非约束)砌体房屋,除了无任何约束作用的构造措施之外,其他都分别和A1、A2相同。分析中选取汶川地震中基岩和土层场地的共20条地震动作为地震输入。基于分析结果,做了两方面的比较:约束砌体结构房屋地震反应特征和汶川大地震现场调查所见的对比和约束砌体房屋和无筋砌体房屋地震性状的对比。主要结论有:①计算得到的约束砌体房屋在大地震下的震害特征和实际地震相当吻合,结构分析所用的计算模型、恢复力模型和参数取值的可靠性得到验证;②和无筋(或非约束)砌体房屋相比,约束砌体房屋使砌体结构的抗震强度和延性大为改善,具有很好的抗倒塌能力。  相似文献   

为研究低烈度区多层剪力墙结构采用比现行规范规定偏低配筋时的抗震性能和工程应用可能性,针对4种不同平面布置形式的多层剪力墙结构,依据现行结构设计规范,分别按抗震设防烈度6度、7度(0.10g和0.15g)进行抗震设计,并减少结构设计规范要求的墙身构造钢筋量,形成低配筋多层剪力墙结构。经对设计完成的相同平面布置的低配筋剪力墙结构的截面和配筋情况进行对比,发现6度和7度(0.10g)设防区的构件截面和配筋完全相同,而与7度(0.15g)设防区稍有差别。采用Perform-3D程序对设防烈度7度区低配筋多层剪力墙结构进行非线性动力反应分析,结果表明:结构在7度罕遇地震作用下的地震反应很小,进入非线性的区域不大,结构损伤轻微;对比墙身配筋率显著小于低配筋多层剪力墙结构的剪力墙试件试验结果发现,在7度罕遇地震作用下,低配筋多层剪力墙结构中剪力墙的损伤很小,且最大层间位移角远小于其极限位移角。因此,低配筋多层剪力墙结构的抗震性能良好,可以在低烈度抗震设防区(6度和7度区)采用。另外,根据分析结果,建议墙体水平和竖向分布钢筋配筋率分别为0.15%和0.10%。  相似文献   

结合结构当前的服役状况,分析了对结构进行损伤检测的必要性和重要性,并对基于结构动力响应的结构损伤检测方法进行了介绍,探讨了该方法的优缺点和适用范围,指出了该方法的应用前景和需进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Seismic analysis of steel structures considering damage cumulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The research on the development of a reliable analytical model for seismic analysis of steel structures is presented. The non-linear damage cumulation hysteretic model incorporating the deterioration of stiffness, strength and strain hardening for structural steel is proposed and validated. The complete loading history, energy dissipation and the effect of the maximum plastic strain are taken into account in the model. The constants in the model are determined from regression analysis of experimental results of simple standard tensile and cyclic tests. Finite element formulations for beam and structural solid element considering the damage cumulation are derived. A computer program capable of calculating the hysteretic model of steel members, predicting the damage state and crack initiation, and carrying out non-linear time history seismic analysis of steel structures is developed. Solutions obtained from the model are in good agreement with experimental results. It was demonstrated that the damage cumulation effect is considerable and important in structural seismic analysis.  相似文献   

通过一根实测简支梁的振动信号,利用小波包分解技术进行损伤识别研究,识别得到不同频带上的能量比分布,分析了8种损伤工况下的频带上的能量比分布变化,得出了一些初步的结果。  相似文献   

合理有效地控制地震作用下建筑结构的损伤机制,是提高建筑结构抗震性能的重要手段。体系设计、需求分析和构件设计是结构损伤机制控制的三个主要方面。在总结建筑结构抗震损伤机制控制发展过程的基础上,着重于需求分析,建议了一套基于建筑结构损伤机制控制的抗震设计方法。该方法采用两阶段设计:在多遇地震设计阶段,采用线弹性分析给出结构预期损伤部位的承载力需求;在罕遇地震设计阶段,采用等效线性化法定量给出结构在罕遇地震作用下实现预期损伤机制下损伤部位的变形能力需求和非损伤部位的承载力需求,为构件的抗震设计提供依据。通过一个钢筋混凝土延性框架结构算例说明了建议方法的实施流程,并通过动力弹塑性分析评价了建议方法的效果。分析结果表明,与现行规范方法相比,建议方法更有助于预期损伤机制的实现。  相似文献   

This paper presents model-free damage identification and localisation methods based on two-sample control statistics as well as damage-sensitive features to be extracted from single- and multivariate regression models. For this purpose, sequential normalised likelihood ratio test and two-sample t-test are adopted to detect the change in two families of damage features based on the coefficients of four different linear regression models. The performance of combinations of these damage features, regression models and control statistics are compared through a scaled two-bay steel frame instrumented with a dense sensor network and excited by impact loading. It is shown that the presented methodologies are successful in detecting the timing and location of the structural damage, while having acceptable false detection quality. In addition, it is observed that incorporating multiple mathematical models, damage-sensitive features and change detection tests improve the overall performance of these model-free vibration-based structural damage detection procedures.  相似文献   

为使主结构的建筑功能与减震性能得到同时提升,提出了一种使用附加减震结构加固主结构的理论分析模型及关键参数算法.通过令主结构无阻尼幅频曲线峰值在不动点处取得最小值,得出了主结构的减震频率控制方程及附加结构的阻尼比计算式.利用数值方法,分析了主结构的幅频曲线特性.结果 表明:主结构幅频曲线上的不动点在频域范围存在极限位置,...  相似文献   

通过弹塑性动力分析,对超高层建筑结构的benchmark模型在地震作用下的破坏机理与损伤分布进行研究。该模型的总高度为606.1m,采用巨型框架-核心筒-伸臂桁架钢-混凝土混合结构体系。利用PERFORM-3D软件建立了整体结构的非线性数值分析模型,对其进行弹塑性时程分析,研究结构在多遇、设防、罕遇地震与超罕遇地震作用下的地震反应和结构的破坏过程。分析结果表明:结构的抗震性能良好,在9度罕遇地震输入下结构未发生倒塌;结构的损伤主要集中在4~8区加强层的相近楼层,并随输入地震动强度的增强逐渐向各区中部开展;各类构件在不同水准地震作用下依次进入塑性状态,实现了结构多道防线的抗震设防目的。  相似文献   

通过数值模拟研究了地震作用下高层结构多个调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)减震控制。根据实际工程,利用国际通用软件ETABS建立了结构三维有限元模型,进行了动力特性的分析,得到了结构的前几阶频率;根据不同场地类型,选取了4条典型的地震波;研究了调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的参数选取和有限元的模拟;运用时程分析方法,分别研究了不同地震作用下高层结构有无控制下的反应。研究结果表明,MTMD对高层结构的减震控制效果明显,场地类型对减震控制效果有一定的影响。所获得的结果为高层结构减震控制设计提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

张利宁 《山西建筑》2010,36(3):330-331
指出我国是个多地震灾害的国家,桥梁在地震中会遭受巨大的损害,基于大型有限元软件ANSYS,针对一预应力连续刚构桥进行了有限元分析,得出了桥梁的自振特性和桥梁地震时程反应特性的有关结论。  相似文献   

孙福维  陈泉 《山西建筑》2014,(11):189-190
结合工程实例,建立了空间有限元仿真模型,对其进行了相应的时程分析,并对固结墩在罕遇地震作用下的抗震性能进行了研究,结果表明该处桥墩在罕遇地震作用下塑性变形满足规范设计要求,分析结果可为该桥的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

以内蒙古沿黄一级公路某座在建桥梁为工程背景,借助通用大型结构分析程序MIDAS/Civil建立该桥动力分析模型,采用动态时程理论对其进行了地震反应分析。在此基础上研究了该桥的动力特性,并探讨了同类桥梁不同桥墩型式在相同地震波组合情况下桥墩墩顶位移、墩底轴力变化规律。结果表明,双肢薄壁空心墩地震响应比双肢薄壁实心墩小,更适合作为大跨度连续刚构桥墩。  相似文献   

昆明新国际机场主航站楼A区为复杂大跨钢-混凝土组合结构,位于抗震设防烈度为8度的昆明市,经多方论证最终对该结构采用了基础隔震技术,建成后它将成为目前世界上最大的单体隔震建筑。本文采用ANSYS有限元程序建立结构分析模型,模型主要由非线性杆单元、壳单元和非线性的隔震单元组成。首先介绍了隔震方案的论证过程及隔震支座的布置对结构隔震效能的影响,然后介绍了用于时程分析的地震波的选取过程,最后通过多遇和罕遇烈度下的弹性时程分析,研究了该结构的变形、内力和隔震效果。计算结果表明,该结构不仅可以实现小震下"降一度"的减震目标,还可以满足大震下隔震层最大剪切位移的控制指标,隔震层的设计是合理的,结构在隔震后的抗震性能是可以满足要求的。  相似文献   

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