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A new type of horn antenna for operation at 1.6 THz, that can be fabricated monolithically with 1/4-height micromachined waveguide, is described. Height limitations imposed by the micromachining process are overcome by removing a tapered slot in the upper surface of a scalar horn, allowing the E-plane fields to extend outside the confines of the metallic structure before radiation, with a consequent reduction in E-plane beamwidth. 1.6 THz radiation pattern measurements for different designs show that, while there is scope for further optimisation, 3 dB beamwidths of 24/spl deg/ and 17.5/spl deg/ in the E- and H-planes, respectively, can be achieved.  相似文献   

A general theory of reflector antennas loaded by surface impedances is presented. Spatial variation of primary illumination is taken into account using a generalized slope diffraction coefficient. The theory is experimentally checked on surface loaded square plate scatterers and then used for computing the radiation diagram of parabolic and hyperbolic dishes. Computer programs and computed diagrams refer to the case of focal illumination and negligible tapering of primary illumination.  相似文献   

The paper provides a tutorial review of a number of offset parabolic reflector configurations including both single and double-reflector geometries. The author commences by describing some basic techniques which can be applied to predict the vector radiation fields and provides some indication of the validity of these methods. The formulation of a relatively simple analytical model for the offset reflector antenna is described based upon the physical-optics approximation. The electrical performance of the single-offset reflector is examined by comparison of predicted and measured data. The particular problems arising from the choice of polarisation and reflector dimensions are highlighted, and some practical applications involving multiplebeams, shaped and contoured beams, monopulse tracking and low sidelobes are briefly reviewed. Practical primary-feeds for offset-reflector antennas are discussed and the matched-feed concept is outlined, the matching of the electric fields in the primary-feed aperture to the reflector focal fields being illustrated. The advantages and disadvantages of dual-reflector antennas are then examined, with particular emphasis upon the open Cassegrainian configuration and the optimised doubleoffset configuration which offers, in principle, both freedom from blockage and low levels of cross-polarised radiation.  相似文献   

An iterative method is presented to find the reflector profile which minimises the mean-square error between a scattered and a desired field, thereby achieving pattern synthesis. This technique is applied to 3-dimensional circulary symmetric systems for either field- or power-pattern synthesis. Theoretical and experimental results are given for the problem of synthesising a uniform-amplitude sector beam between 20° and 66°.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the astigmatic phase error in large parabolic reflector antennas are described. A procedure for focusing an antenna and diagnosing the presence and degree of astigmatism is given.  相似文献   

Exact sampling approach for reflector antennas analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for computing the far field of a possibly shaped or deformed reflector antenna based on a sampling representation of the radiation integral is presented. Using a projection technique the required samples can be efficiently computed using a two-dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT), whereas the radiated field is reconstructed via standard sampling expansion. Numerical examples and computation time analysis are reported showing the effectiveness of the approach particularly for deformed reflectors and/or plane-cut field evaluation.  相似文献   

A primary feed network for doubly curved shaped-beam reflector antennas is described which allows simultaneous signal reception on two distinct elevation plane patterns such that the underside falloff separation between a fixed lower beam and a higher beam can be substantially varied in a lossless manner. A three-element feed array is employed wherein two elements of the array are interconnected by means of a sum-difference hybrid. The sum port generates the fixed low beam while the difference port generates an orthogonal beam pattern suitable for RF combining with an independent high beam generated by the third array element. Adjustment of the combining amplitude and phase relationships permits the variation of the underside falloff separation. The fixed low beam is, of course, also used for transmission at high power. Design parameters for a typical surveillance radar application axe discussed for a linearly polarized case. Calculated antenna patterns and free-space coverage diagrams are presented. The complexities of extending the feed network concept to handle switchable linear/circular polarization cases and an integral directional beacon pattern for L band systems are indicated.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for the synthesis of coated axially symmetric reflector antennas to provide specified far-field radiation patterns. The technique stems from ray tracing from the feed to the aperture plane via reflection from the reflector surface. The coating profile required to attenuate the aperture fields is determined based on the reflection of plane waves from metal-backed slabs. The procedure involves two steps. Initially the thickness required to produce the proper magnitude aperture distribution is obtained. Then the reflector is shaped to adjust the phase across the aperture. This procedure is demonstrated in the design of a -40 dB Taylor pattern. Comparison of the results with those obtained using a moment method formulation revealed good agreement between the two formulations  相似文献   

Gaussian beam techniques for illuminating reflector antennas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple design procedures are presented for use when a Gaussian beam is used to illuminate a classical reflector antenna. Displacement of the location of the beamwaist toward the focusing element in the case of electrically small antennas where the aperture is in the near field of the feed was calculated together with modification of the required beamwaist radius. Dual reflector antennas were discussed and design procedures appropriate for systems with large and small focal length to diameter ratio developed. Cases where a reflector or subreflector is electrically small, or in the near field of a feed, are readily treated. For elliptical beam antennas, a simple illumination system using only a scalar horn and a single cylindrical lens can generally be found; this has no ray optics analogue. A configuration of this type is discussed, with a practical case study of a 28-by-80-λ elliptical Cassegrain antenna operating at a wavelength of 3 mm. The design process for designing the feed system is discussed in detail. Despite the small size and relatively large aperture blockage, an aperture efficiency of 0.48 was measured, which compared quite well with the expected efficiency of 0.53, thus verifying the validity of the Gaussian beam design approach  相似文献   

The calculation formulas of monostatic radar cross-section (RCS) of arbitrary re-flectors with arbitrarily polarized plane-wave incidence are derived, where the spicular field isobtained by geometrical optics (GO) and the edge-diffracted field is calculated by the method ofequivalent currents (MEC). Some typical calculated results are given by means of RCS spatialgraphs. For both horizontal and vertical polarizations, the theoretical results obtained in thispaper agree very well with the experimental results as well as the results from uniform theory ofdiffraction.  相似文献   

We present a solution adopted for the Noto antenna (Sicily) in order to overcome the degradation of antenna efficiency due to the gravitational deformation of the structure of large antennas. This new setup allows a substantial increase in the operating frequency, and eliminates the dependence of the antenna efficiency on elevation.  相似文献   

Single shaped reflector antennas for broadcasting satellites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For future direct broadcasting satellites in Japan, precisely contoured beam antennas will be required for onboard antennas. Single shaped-reflector antennas are suitable for that purpose, since they do not need complex feed networks. However, in a previous study, discontinuities in the reflector surface were observed. The problem of the discontinuity was circumvented in this work and the shaped reflectors were successfully designed to produce contoured beams for covering the Japanese islands for the downlink and feederlink antennas. The downlink antenna was fabricated, and the radiation pattern was verified by measurement. The radiation pattern meets the radio regulations imposed on the onboard antenna, such as sidelobe and cross-polarization characteristics  相似文献   

A THz transceiver using twin photoconductive dipole antennas fabricated on the same substrate chip has been demonstrated. With reduced photoconductive noise compared to that of a single photoconductive transceiver, signal-to-noise operation as good as that of a conventional separate emitter-receiver system was achieved. An interference effect due to the adjacent antennas was also observed  相似文献   

There is a need for high gain antennas that are capable of rapid scanning and multibeam operations. This paper presents a study of the double-spherical Cassegrain reflector to ascertain whether this antenna is practical for these purposes. Aperture blocking, spread of the field, and phase and amplitude distributions are examined using geometric optical techniques. Some radiation patterns are calculated to show the effects of illumination taper, aperture blocking, and phase errors.  相似文献   

The aperture blockage effects on both the copolarized and the cross polarized components of the front-hemisphere pattern of a typical quadrupod supported primary-feed paraboloidal reflector antenna are evaluated. A detailed numerical model of the scattering process which involves the feed, the feed supporting struts, and the reflector itself is employed to compute the blockage effect.  相似文献   

Various definitions for polarization-loss efficiency of Cassegrainian and front-fed reflectors are compared. The effects of flare angle, feed taper and the feed pattern asymmetry on the polarization-loss efficiency are investigated. The definitions based on aperture fields are shown to be inadequate and far fields must be used for calculating the polarization losses.  相似文献   

A simplified method of estimating the equivalent surface resistance of a reflecting mesh is presented. The equivalent resistance is obtained from the approximate mesh reflection coefficients, which are based on averaged boundary conditions. This resistance approximation allows an integral equation solution for the mesh reflector that is a simple extension of that for the perfectly conducting reflector. Paraboloid radiation patterns using physical optics in conjunction with the reflection coefficients are compared to an E-field integral equation solution for a resistive surface. The agreement is excellent for low to moderate resistance values, even in the sidelobe regions  相似文献   

A FORTRAN IV program to compute the field scattered by parabolic reflector antennas in a prescribed plane cut is presented. This program was executed on the UNIVAC 1100/80 at the University of Naples. A flowchart of the main program is provided  相似文献   

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