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In order to increase the power of virtual environments, several different attempts have been made to incorporate sound interactivity in some form. For example, several implementations of virtual environments permit the playing of a previously recorded soundfile upon the triggering of an associated event. The user may then, for instance, perceive the sound of a creaky door when one is opened. However, a relatively more effective system for entertaining joint audio and visual response may be derived by using physical modelling techniques. We have undertaken a pilot investigation in which virtual objects are implemented in a manner such that they implicitly possess vibration properties analogous to that of the real world. Consequently these objects are able to vibrate in response to stimulus. The vibrations may be visually perceived as, for example, wave patterns on the surface of an object, and acoustically perceived by mapping values representative of surface displacement to a loudspeaker. This paper discusses the current state of the project.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for automatically generating sound effects for an animation of branches and leaves moving in the wind. Each tree is divided into branches and leaves, and an independent sound effect generation process is employed for each element. The individual results are then compounded into one sound effect. For the branches, we employ an approach based on the frequencies of experimentally obtained Karman vortex streets. For the leaves, we use the leaf blade state as the input and assume a virtual musical instrument that uses wave tables as the sound source. All computations can be performed independently for each frame step. Therefore, each frame step can be executed on completion of the animation step. The results of the implementation of the approach are presented and it is shown that the process offers the possibility of real‐time operation through the use of parallel computing techniques. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于运动捕获数据的虚拟人动画研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
随着三维游戏等行业对计算机动画制作需求的增加,在三维动画制作软件中人工调整虚拟人动作的工作方式已经不再适合现在的计算机动画制作。运动捕获技术是直接记录物体的运动数据并将其用于生成计算机动画,具有高效率、所生成的动画真实感强等优点,因而获得了广泛应用。提出了一种利用运动捕获数据来生成动画的方法,基于运动捕获得到的数据建立并驱动三维骨架模型,从而产生骨架的运动,形成动画。该方法可以充分利用现有的大量运动捕获数据,因此具有较大的应用前景。  相似文献   

Today's computer animators have access to many systems and techniques to author high-quality motion. Unfortunately, available techniques typically produce a particular motion for a specific character. In this paper we present a constraint-based approach to adapt previously created motions to new situations and characters. We combine constraint methods that compute changes to motion to meet specified needs with motion signal processing methods that modify signals yet preserve desired properties of the original motion. The combination allows the adaptation of motions to meet new goals while retaining much of the motion's original quality. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural locomotion of virtual characters is very important in games and simulations. The naturalness of the total motion strongly depends on both the path the character chooses and the animation of the walking character. Therefore, much work has been done on path planning and generating walking animations. However, the combination of both fields has received less attention. Combining path planning and motion synthesis introduces several problems. In this paper, we will identify two problems and propose possible solutions. The first problem is selecting an appropriate distance metric for locomotion synthesis. When concatenating clips of locomotion, a distance metric is required to detect good transition points. We have evaluated three common distance metrics both quantitatively (in terms of footskating, path deviation and online running time) and qualitatively (user study). Based on our observations, we propose a set of guidelines when using these metrics in a motion synthesizer. The second problem is the fact that there is no single point on the body that can follow the path generated by the path planner without causing unnatural animations. This raises the question how the character should follow the path. We will show that enforcing the pelvis to follow the path will lead to unnatural animations and that our proposed solution, which uses path abstractions, generates significantly better animations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在基于PC的虚拟训练系统中,3D的声音仿真能够大幅度的提高VR系统的能力.然而,现实的3D仿真非常昂贵,而且计算混响,阻塞和延时效果需要配置具有强大运算能力的系统.因此,必须提供一个低成本的方案,使其能在更广的范围内得到应用.对一个低成本3D声音仿真系统的评测进行了重点阐述.实验设置基于常规的立体声耳机和一个可跟踪的头戴式设备,实验中使用不同信号在虚拟训练环境中来定位声音,最后从精度和速度来表述实验结果.  相似文献   

介绍了一种不需要人工干预的运动融合方法,提出了基于关节运动规律的运动周期判别方法。通过分析运动捕获数据,计算双膝与臀部节点连线夹角的变化来确定运动周期,然后再进行时空变形、插值与约束重建,从而生成高质量的运动融合动画。实验结果表明本算法能够准确的计算出运动周期,并且使约束后的融合动作更加真实。  相似文献   

为了使人们对3维人体运动编辑与合成技术有个概略了解,对当前3维人体运动编辑和合成技术的研究现状进行了系统阐述。首先对4大类3维人体运动合成方法进行了分析比较;然后按照运动捕获数据的表示方法、运动编辑技术、运动合成技术3个方面着重分析了运动捕获数据驱动的运动合成方法的发展现状;最后对目前3维人体运动编辑与合成技术研究中的难点问题及未来研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an interactive character motion control interface that uses hands. Using their hands and fingers, the user can control a large number of degrees of freedom at the same time. We applied principal component analysis to a set of sample poses and assigned the extracted principal components to each degree of freedom of the hands (such as the hand positions and finger bending/extending angles). The user can control the blending weights of the principal components and deform the character's pose by moving their hands and bending/extending their fingers. We introduced pose and action controls, so that we can alter the standing pose and perform various actions with deformations. So that various types of actions were possible, we constructed a number of action models in advance. We introduced action model selection and action execution mechanisms. We developed methods for computing the feature vector, for applying principal component analysis, and for pose and action synthesis. In addition, we introduced a pose transition method for performing a step motion when necessary to prevent foot sliding. We present our experimental results and demonstrate the effectiveness of our interface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用力学预计算方法生成植物运动的真实感动画需要对形变数据作有效简化和压缩。针对植物及其运动天然具有层级性的特点,提出一种基于视觉感知层次的动态几何简化算法。依据植物的树型层级结构,将各级“子树”的运动作高低频分解;“低频运动”表征“子树”的主体运动,“高频运动”即为运动细节。按“广度优先”遍历植物层级结构,在某一“深度”(层级)上将所有“子树”的“低频运动”合成即获得原始运动在此层次的逼近。遍历深度递增将构成植物运动的渐进逼近;递减则为植物运动的逐步抽象化,这实质上实现了植物运动的细节层次控制。实验表明该算法可实现植物运动的高效简化和压缩,利于生成大规模植物场景的真实感动画。  相似文献   

基于插中的人体步行运动控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人体步行运动为研究对象,通过构造人体几何和运动模型,引入辅助关节角将插中原理与已有运动控制的方法结合起来,提出一种新的方法自动灵活地控制每个周期下的人体步行的姿态.最后通过仿真证实了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

It is a key feature to embed 3D realistic sound effect in the future multimedia and virtual reality systems.Recent research on acoustics and psychoacoustics reveals the important cues for sound localization and sound perception.One promising approach to generate 3D realistic sound effect uses two earphones by simulating the sound waveforms from sound source to eardrum.This paper summarizes two methods for generating 3D realistic sound and points out their inherent drawbacks.To overcome these drawbacks we propose a simplified model to generate 3D realistic sound at any positions in the horizontal plane based on the results of sound perception and localization.Experimental results show that the model is correct and efficient.  相似文献   

目的 从运动捕捉数据中直接检测足迹非常困难。目前,已有的方法不能在无人工交互条件下实现对任意平地运动数据的足迹自动检测,为此提出一种基于谱聚类的足迹自动检测方法,可应用于任意角色的平地运动。方法 首先,提取角色的脚部运动特征并表示为样本。然后,分析样本模长的变化规律并自适应计算谱聚类参数。最后,使用谱聚类方法检测出足迹帧。结果 实验应用于混合运动数据集后,足迹检测的准确性良好,检测的整体准确率可达98.72%。结论 对实验结果的分析以及与基准线法的比较,证明了本文方法的普适性和有效性。  相似文献   

目的 Kinect可实时获取运动数据且较传统的运动捕捉设备采集成本低廉,在运动数据捕捉方面得到了广泛应用。但Kinect获取的运动数据精度较低,现有运动数据处理算法难以适用。方法 针对运动数据处理的关键步骤足迹检测问题,提出面向Kinect运动数据的鲁棒足迹检测算法。首先使用自适应的双边滤波算法降低Kinect运动数据中的噪声;其次定义多种脚部运动特征并用于分类,优化分类效果;最后使用支持向量机(SVM)算法训练决策函数并用于足迹检测。结果 本文算法应用于多种类型运动数据后,可以有效地减少Kinect运动数据中的噪声,足迹检测的时间性能以及准确性良好,其中足迹检测的准确率比经典的基准线方法提高了10%左右,比K近邻方法提高了8%左右,检测一帧运动足迹的速度为K近邻方法的7倍左右。结论 对实验结果的分析证明算法具有良好的鲁棒性、时间性能以及准确率,可广泛应用于运动数据的处理之中。  相似文献   

Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is one of the most widely used delivery modalities for radiation therapy for cancer patients. A patient is typically treated in daily fractions over a period of 5-9 weeks. In this paper, we consider the problem of accounting for changes in patient setup location and internal geometry between the treatment fractions, usually referred to as interfraction motion. The conventional method is to add a margin around the clinical tumor volume (CTV) to obtain a planning target volume (PTV). A fluence map optimization (FMO) model is then solved to determine the optimal intensity profiles to deliver to the patient. However, a margin-based method may not adequately model the changes in dose distributions due to the random nature of organ motion. Accounting for interfraction motion in the FMO model essentially transforms the deterministic optimization problem into a stochastic one. We propose a stochastic FMO model that employs convex penalty functions to control the treatment plan quality and uses a large number of scenarios to characterize interfraction motion uncertainties. Some effects of radiotherapy are impacted mainly by the dose distribution in a given treatment fraction while others tend to manifest themselves over time and depend mostly on the total dose received over the course of treatment. We will therefore formulate an optimization model that explicitly incorporates treatment plan evaluation criteria that apply to the total dose received over all treatment fractions and ones that apply to the dose per fraction. Particularly when many structures fall into the former category, this can lead to significant reductions in the dimension of the optimization model and therefore the time required to solve it. We test an example of our model on five clinical prostate cancer cases, showing the efficacy of our approach. In particular, compared to a traditional margin-based treatment plan, our plans exhibit significantly improved target dose coverage and clinically equivalent critical structure sparing at only a modest increase in computational effort.  相似文献   

We describe a system for dynamically animating the locomotive behaviour of arthropods (insects, spiders and numerous other species) in real‐time, facilitating realistic and autonomous traversal across an arbitrary environment. By combining a decentralised reactive behavioural model with a hybrid approach to motion that utilises the comparative advantages of physical simulation and kinematic control, our system is capable of automatically generating complex organic motion over a wide range of surface features, independent of structural complexity. The reactive embodiment of the creature, combined with the physical simulation of the virtual world enables the formation of emergent behaviours that are entirely based on circumstance, including rigid‐body interaction, grip recovery and adaptive wall climbing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于为高校三维动漫教学提供良好的教学技术和实验平台,研究了三维动漫制作与虚拟现实技术相结合的方法,采用三维计算机图形技术CG(Computer Graphics)、影像技术和运动捕捉系统,实现高质量高效率的三维动漫制作。介绍了将动漫技术、虚拟现实VR(Virtual Reality)设备和网络技术相整合的交互动漫虚拟环境建设方案。  相似文献   

基于虚拟现实技术的虚拟旅游正蓬勃发展,正如导游在旅游业的重要地位一样,虚拟导游也是虚拟旅游技术的重要组成部分。该文利用计算机人物建模和动画技术,实现了基于计算机动画的虚拟导游,有效地增强了虚拟旅游场景的趣味性和真实感。讨论了基于计算机动画的虚拟导游的关键技术,并将其应用于虚拟旅游系统,效果良好。  相似文献   

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