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ContextGenerating test cases based on software input interface is a black-box testing technique that can be made more effective by using structured input models such as input grammars. Automatically generating grammar-based test inputs may lead to structurally valid but semantically invalid inputs that may be rejected in early semantic error checking phases of a system under test.ObjectiveThis paper aims to introduce a method for specifying a grammar-based input model with the model’s semantic constraints to be used in the generation of positive test inputs. It is also important that the method can generate effective test suites based on appropriate grammar-based coverage criteria.MethodFormal specification of both input structure and input semantics provides the opportunity to use model instantiation techniques to create model instances that satisfy all specified constraints. The input interface of a subject system can be specified using a high-level specification scheme such as attribute grammars, and a transformation function from this scheme to an instantiable formal modeling language can generate the desired model instances.ResultsWe propose a declarative grammar-based input specification method that is based on a variation of attribute grammars and allows the user to specify input constraints in addition to input structure. The model can be instantiated automatically to generate structurally and semantically valid test inputs. The proposed method has the capability to specify test requirements and coverage criteria and use them to generate valid test suites that satisfy test coverage criteria requirements.ConclusionThe work presented in this paper provides a black-box test generation method for grammar-based software inputs that can automatically generate criteria-covering test suites.  相似文献   

External specification is currently approached by specification languages for describing and analyzing system requirements. The external specification can be defined during the early stages of the system development and can be very useful for: checking the class/system/subsystem requirements; checking the system composition; evaluating costs of reuse; defining validated reference requirements, histories, and traces for the final validation. The paper presents a collection of criteria in order to formally verify the external specification of reactive systems/subsystems. The verification criteria are grounded on the Tempo Reale object-oriented language (TROL) specification model for real-time systems. In TROL, the external specification is expressed in terms of ports and clauses with temporal constraints. The goal of the verification criteria presented is to check the completeness and consistency of the external specification with special attention to temporal constraints. These criteria can be applied to other real-time specification models and have been enforced in the tool object oriented machine state (TOOMS) tool. A practical example illustrates the verification process that embodies these criteria  相似文献   

Systematic testing and formal verification to validate reactive programs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of systematic testing and formal verification in the validation of reactive systems implemented in synchronous languages is illustrated. Systematic testing and formal verification are two techniques for checking the consistency between a program and its specification. The approach to validation is through specification: two system views are developed in addition to the program, a behavioural specification for systematic testing and a logical specification for formal verification. Pursuing both activities, reactive programs can be validated both more efficiently (in terms of costs) and more effectively (in terms of confidence in correctness). This principle is demonstrated here using the well known lift example.  相似文献   

A novel, model-based test case generation approach for validating reactive systems, especially those supporting richly structured data inputs and/or interactions, is presented. Given an executable system model and an extended symbolic grammar specifying plausible system inputs, the approach performs a model-based simulation to (i) ensure the consistency of the model with respect to the specified inputs, and (ii) generate corresponding test cases for validating the system. The model-based simulation produces a state transition diagram (STD) automatically justifying the model runtime behaviors within the test case coverage. The STD can further be transformed to produce an evolved symbolic grammar, which can then be used to incrementally generate a refined set of test cases. As a case study, we present a live sequence chart (LSC) model-based test generator, named LCT in short, for LSC simulation and consistency testing. The evolved symbolic grammar produced by the simulator can either be used to generate practical test cases for software testing, or be further refined by applying our model-based test generation approach again with additional test coverage criteria. We further show that LSCs can also be used to specify and test certain temporal system properties during the model simulation. Their satisfaction, reflected in the STD, can either be served as a directive for selective test generation, or a basis for further temporal property model checking.  相似文献   

Verifying that an implementation of a combinational circuit meets its golden specification is an important step in the design process. As inputs and outputs can be swapped by synthesis tools or by interaction of the designer, the correspondence between the inputs and the outputs of the synthesized circuit and the inputs and the outputs of the golden specification has to be restored before checking equivalence. In this paper, we review the main approaches to this isomorphism problem and show how to apply OBDDs in order to obtain efficient methods. Published online: 15 May 2001  相似文献   

TGV: theory, principles and algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents the TGV tool, which allows for the automatic synthesis of conformance test cases from a formal specification of a (non-deterministic) reactive system. TGV was developed by Irisa Rennes and Verimag Grenoble, with the support of the Vasy team of Inria Rhônes-Alpes. The paper describes the main elements of the underlying testing theory, which is based on a model of transitions system which distinguishes inputs, outputs and internal actions, and is based on the concept of conformance relation. The principles of the test synthesis process, as well as the main algorithms, are explained. We then describe the main characteristics of the TGV tool and refer to some industrial experiments that have been conducted to validate the approach. As a conclusion, we describe some ongoing work on test synthesis.  相似文献   

Stream X-machines are a state based formalism that has associated with it a particular development process in which a system is built from trusted components. Testing thus essentially checks that these components have been combined in a correct manner and that the orders in which they can occur are consistent with the specification. Importantly, there are test generation methods that return a checking experiment: a test that is guaranteed to determine correctness as long as the implementation under test (IUT) is functionally equivalent to an unknown element of a given fault domain Ψ. Previous work has show how three methods for generating checking experiments from a finite state machine (FSM) can be adapted to testing from a stream X-machine. However, there are many other methods for generating checking experiments from an FSM and these have a variety of benefits that correspond to different testing scenarios. This paper shows how any method for generating a checking experiment from an FSM can be adapted to generate a checking experiment for testing an implementation against a stream X-machine. This is the case whether we are testing to check that the IUT is functionally equivalent to a specification or we are testing to check that every trace (input/output sequence) of the IUT is also a trace of a nondeterministic specification. Interestingly, this holds even if the fault domain Ψ used is not that traditionally associated with testing from a stream X-machine. The results also apply for both deterministic and nondeterministic implementations.  相似文献   

Module Checking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In computer system design, we distinguish between closed and open systems. A closed system is a system whose behavior is completely determined by the state of the system. An open system is a system that interacts with its environment and whose behavior depends on this interaction. The ability of temporal logics to describe an ongoing interaction of a reactive program with its environment makes them particularly appropriate for the specification of open systems. Nevertheless, model-checking algorithms used for the verification of closed systems are not appropriate for the verification of open systems. Correct model checking of open systems should check the system with respect to arbitrary environments and should take into account uncertainty regarding the environment. This is not the case with current model-checking algorithms and tools. In this paper we introduce and examine the problem of model checking of open systems (module checking, for short). We show that while module checking and model checking coincide for the linear-time paradigm, module checking is much harder than model checking for the branching-time paradigm. We prove that the problem of module checking is EXPTIME-complete for specifications in CTL and 2EXPTIME-complete for specifications in CTL*. This bad news is also carried over when we consider the program-complexity of module checking. As good news, we show that for the commonly-used fragment of CTL (universal, possibly, and always possibly properties), current model-checking tools do work correctly, or can be easily adjusted to work correctly, with respect to both closed and open systems.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for specification‐based class testing that incorporates test case generation, execution, and evaluation based on formal specifications. This work builds on previous achievements in the areas of specification‐based testing and class testing by integrating the two within a single framework. The initial step of the method is to generate test templates for individual operations from a specification written in the Object‐Z specification language. These test templates are combined to produce a finite state machine for the class that is used as the basis for test case execution using the ClassBench test execution framework. An oracle derived from the Object‐Z specification is used to evaluate the outputs. The method is explained using a simple example and its application to a more substantial case study is also discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite State Machines (FSMs) are widely used for verification and testing of many reactive systems and many methods are proposed for generating tests from FSMs with the guaranteed fault coverage. However, some systems can only be properly described when time constraints are considered, advocating the adoption of models with the notion of time. In this paper, a method for deriving conformance tests with the guaranteed fault coverage from a Timed FSM (TFSM) with a single clock is presented. Test derivation is based on a given fault domain that allows the derivation of test suites with reasonable length. More precisely, the fault domain includes every possible faulty TFSM implementation with the known largest time constraints boundaries and minimal duration of time guards. Given a deterministic possibly partial TFSM specification, a complete test suite that guarantees the detection of all faulty implementations with respect to the above fault domain is derived. Experiments with randomly generated timed FSMs are conducted to determine length of obtained test suites and assess the impact of varying the TFSM specification parameters on length of obtained test suites. Further, experiments with both untimed and timed machines are conducted and these experiments show that similar patterns for timed and untimed machines are obtained with respect to varying the number of states, inputs, and outputs of machines.  相似文献   

When an implementation under test (IUT) is state-based, and its expected abstract behavior is given in terms of a finite state machine (FSM), a checking sequence generated from a specification FSM and applied to an IUT for testing can provide us with high-level confidence in the correct functional behavior of our implementation. One of the issues here is to generate efficient checking sequences in terms of their lengths. As a major characteristics, a checking sequence must contain all β-sequences for transition verification. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of reducing the lengths of checking sequences by making use of the invertible transitions in the specification FSM to increase the choice of β-sequences to be considered for checking sequence generation. We present a sufficient condition for adopting alternative β-sequences and illustrate typical ways of incorporating these alternative β-sequences into existing methods for checking sequence generation to reduce the lengths. Compared to the direct use of three existing methods, our experiments show that most of the time the saving gained by adopting alternative β-sequences falls in the range of 10–40%.  相似文献   

Testing real-time systems using genetic algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The development of real-time systems is an essential industrial activity whose importance is increasing. The most important analytical method to assure the quality of real-time systems is dynamic testing. Testing is the only method which examines the actual run-time behaviour of real-time software, based on an execution in the real application environment. Dynamic aspects like the duration of computations, the memory actually needed, or the synchronization of parallel processes are of major importance for the correct function of real-time systems and have to be tested. A comprehensive investigation of existing software test methods shows that they mostly concentrate on testing for functional correctness. They are not suited for an examination of temporal correctness which is essential to real-time systems. Very small systems show a wide range of different execution times. Therefore, existing test procedures must be supplemented by new methods, which concentrate on determining whether the system violates its specified timing constraints. In general, this means that outputs are produced too early or their computation takes too long. The task of the tester is to find the inputs with the longest or shortest execution times to check whether they produce a temporal error. If the search for such inputs is interpreted as a problem of optimization, genetic algorithms can be used to find the inputs with the longest or shortest execution times automatically. The fitness function is the execution time measured in processor cycles. Experiments using genetic algorithms on a number of programs with up to 1511 LOC and 843 integer input parameters have successfully identified new longer and shorter paths than had been found using random testing or systematic testing. Genetic algorithms are able therefore to check large programs and they show considerable promise in establishing the validity of the temporal behaviour of real-time software.  相似文献   

The development of appropriate test cases is an important issue for conformance testing of protocol implementations and other reactive software systems. A number of methods are known for the development of a test suite based on a specification given in the form of a finite state machine. In practice, the system requirements evolve throughout the lifetime of the system and the specifications are modified incrementally. We adapt four well-known test derivation methods, namely, the HIS, W, Wp, and UIOv methods, for generating tests that would test only the modified parts of an evolving specification. Some application examples and experimental results are provided. These results show significant gains when using incremental testing in comparison with complete testing, especially when the modified part represents less than 20 percent of the whole specification.  相似文献   

This work suggests a method for systematically constructing a software-level environment model for safety checking automotive operating systems by introducing a constraint specification language, OSEK_CSL. OSEK_CSL is designed to specify the usage constraints of automotive operating systems using a pre-defined set of constraint types identified from the international standard OSEK/VDX. Each constraint specified in OSEK_CSL is interpreted as either a regular language or a context-free language that can be checked by a finite automaton or a pushdown automaton. The set of usage constraints is used to systematically classify the universal usage model of OSEK-/VDX-based operating systems and to generate test sequences with varying degrees of constraint satisfaction using LTL model checking. With pre-defined constraint patterns and the full support of automation, test engineers can choose the degree of constraint satisfaction and generate test cases using combinatorial intersections of selected constraints that cover all corner cases classified by constraints. A series of experiments on an open-source automotive operating system show that our approach finds safety issues more effectively than conventional specification-based testing, scenario-based testing, and conformance testing.  相似文献   

We present ProTest, an automatic test environment for B specifications. B is a model-oriented notation where systems are specified in terms of abstract states and operations on abstract states. ProTest first generates a state coverage graph of a B specification through exhaustive model checking, and the coverage graph is traversed to generate a set of test cases, each being a sequence of B operations. For the model checking to be exhaustive, some transformations are applied to the sets used in the B machine. The approach also works if it is not exhaustive; one can stop at any point in time during the state space exploration and generate test cases from the coverage graph obtained so far. ProTest then simultaneously performs animation of the B machine and the execution of the corresponding implementation in Java, and assigns verdicts on the test results. With some restrictions imposed on the B operations, the whole of the testing process is performed mechanically. We demonstrate the efficacy of our test environment by performing a small case study from industry. Furthermore, we present a solution to the problem of handling non-determinism in B operations.  相似文献   

The paper suggests a method for synthesis of adaptive tests with guaranteed coverage for checking functioning of discrete systems whose behavior is described by nondeterministic finite state machines. In contrast to other known methods, we do not represent the complete test as a tree but list test cases one by one and check functioning of the finite state machine on each test case. The complete test detects all defective systems that are r-distinguishable from the reference system. Besides, the test detects other defective systems containing traces that are not present in the specification; but detection of all such systems that are r-compatible with the specification is not guaranteed.  相似文献   

MongoDB is one of the first commercial distributed databases that support causal consistency.Its implementation of causal consistency combines several research ideas for achieving scalability,fault tolerance,and security.Given its inherent complexity,a natural question arises:"Has MongoDB correctly implemented causal consistency as it claimed?"To address this concern,the Jepsen team has conducted black-box testing of MongoDB.However,this Jepsen testing has several drawbacks in terms of specification,test case generation,implementation of causal consistency checking algorithms,and testing scenarios,which undermine the credibility of its reports.In this work,we propose a more thorough design of Jepsen testing of causal consistency of MongoDB.Specifically,we fully implement the causal consistency checking algorithms proposed by Bouajjani et al.and test MongoDB against three well-known variants of causal consistency,namely CC,CCv,and CM,under various scenarios including node failures,data movement,and network partitions.In addition,we develop formal specifications of causal consistency and their checking algorithms in TLA+,and verify them using the TLC model checker.We also explain how TLA+ specification can be related to Jepsen testing.  相似文献   

模型检验输出的反例提供了一种自动产生测试用例的有效途径。提出了一种用模型检验进行构件数据流测试的方法。利用构件状态机描述构件的外部行为,用带有变量定义和使用标记的Kripke结构描述构件状态迁移中的数据流信息;给出了从构件状态机到Kripke结构的转换方法,并建立了全定义覆盖和全使用覆盖准则的陷阱性质构造公式。陷阱性质将使模型检验器NuSMV输出反例,从而产生构件的数据流测试序列。  相似文献   

Some accounting studies have focused on logistic regression relationships between exact/fuzzy inputs/outputs. However, intuitionistic fuzzy sets find application in many real studies instead of fuzzy sets. On the other hand, semi-parametric partially linear model also has attracted attentions in recent years. This study is an investigation of intuitionistic fuzzy semi-parametric partially logistic model for such cases with exact inputs, intuitionistic fuzzy outputs, intuitionistic fuzzy smooth function and intuitionistic fuzzy coefficients. For this purpose, a hybrid procedure is suggested based on curve fitting methods and least absolutes deviations to estimate the intuitionistic fuzzy smooth function and intuitionistic fuzzy coefficients. The proposed method is also compared with a common fuzzy logistic regression model as a real fuzzy data set. It is shown that the proposed intuitionistic fuzzy logistic regression model performs better and efficient results in regard to some goodness-of-fit criteria suggest that the proposed model could be successfully applied in many practical studies of intuitionistic fuzzy logistic regression model in expert systems.  相似文献   

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