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There is no immunological test for the prospective identification of alloimmune causes of miscarriage. We investigated whether activity of natural killer cells was predictive of subsequent abortion in women who had had unexplained recurrent abortions and had received no treatment. 24 women with high preconceptional NK activity, defined as mean plus 1 SD of NK activity of 47 controls, had a significantly higher abortion rate in the next pregnancy than 44 women with normal levels of NK activity (71 vs 20%; relative risk 3.5; 95% CI 1.8-6.5). The preconceptional evaluation of NK activity in women with recurrent miscarriages may thus be predictive of the risk of pregnancy loss at the next conception.  相似文献   

The essential elements of a P/CBDE program include the delineation of role-derived dietetic competencies, which are publicly stated in behavioral terms. The criteria used to measure the accomplishment of these competencies are criterion-referenced, and the student acquires the competencies at his own rate. Much confusion exists in differentiating between the essential characteristics and implementation modes. The use of modern technology and modular packaging of learning experiences does not automatically lead to a P/CBDE program. These are merely tools. The clear identification of competencies, objectives, and performance criteria are the essence of P/CBDE. Currently, dietetic educators are formulating competencies for their own programs. A national group of "experts" will need to be convened to develop competencies for the profession as a whole.  相似文献   

The process of learning in groups, as exemplified by the author's experience in a multidiscipline conference on a surgical ward of a general hospital has been examined. A sequence of six developmental states has been identified: initial ambivalence; passive receptivity; resistance; task orientation; the work group and consolidation. These findings have been compared with those of other studies dealing with sequential stages in group development. The psychiatric consultant's role in expediting these phases and some of the difficulties encountered have been mentioned.  相似文献   

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为探讨在体育教学中进行美育的可行性及效果,我们抽取了女生班学生进行教学实验。结果表明,体育教学中进行美育很有必要,其重点在于提高体育教师审美素质,着重对学生进行形体美的教育和训练,使美育与体育教学融为一体。  相似文献   

社会主义的高校是先进文化的传播和培育地.健康的、引人向上的文化艺术,是社会主义先进文化的重要组成部分,也是对大学生实施素质教育的重要内容.中共中央国务院<关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定>中指出:"实施素质教育,必须把德育、智育、体育、美育等有机地统一在教育活动的各个环节中.  相似文献   

高等职业教育不可忽视人文素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等职业教育的人才培养目标定位在面向地方经济建设和社会发展,适应就业市场的实际需要,培养生产、服务、管理一线需要的高级技术应用型人才.由于对目标定位理解得不够全面,一些高职院校存在着注重对学生进行应用技术能力的培养,而忽视人文素质教育的现象,使人文素质教育在高职教育中处于最薄弱的环节.笔者认为,高等职业教育要走出低谷,培养出适应社会发展需要的人才,只有把眼光放远,在可持续发展的理念指导下,加强人文素质教育,才是行之有效的出路.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本单位,是社会的细胞,它和整个社会有着密切的关系.社会的发展,人的社会化都是从家庭开始的.家庭除了它基本功能外,教育是一个重要功能.家庭又是对儿童进行教育的最基本、最重要的场所,家庭教育在少年儿童的成长过程中占有重要的位置,起着很大的作用.  相似文献   

The article evaluates the multimedia titles offer for IBM PC compatible computers for medicine teaching in comparison with the other titles serving mostly as information source for postgraduate studies. The author explains common forms and functions used for comfortable information exploitation. The conclusion is that the year 1995 in the break point in the computer assisted medicine teaching and now some disciplines can use tenths of programs already.  相似文献   

The focus of training in a competency-based residency program is on ensuring that all residents attain prespecified levels of competence for particular objectives in each training activity. The authors examine the components of a competency-based program and describe the phases of development that their department went through in creating such a program. They conclude that the competency-based training model directly faces the issue of certifying competence by holding itself accountable in a demonstrable way for ensuring that its residents have mastered specific areas of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.  相似文献   

高职教育应加强职业道德教育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一、高职教育必须加强职业道德教育 (一)高职教育加强职业道德教育是高等职业技术教育的性质决定的 教育部部长周济指出:"职业教育就是就业教育","根据经济和社会发展要求,培养多层次、多样化的技能型人才,造就数以千万计的高技能人才和数以亿计的高素质劳动者,这是职业教育的根本任务."职业教育作为一种目的在于从事职业的准备教育,一种以学习为将来职业生活所需的知识和技能为目的的教育,就要求高职学校在开展素质教育时应突出职业道德这一重点.因此,高职学校的学生作为准高技能人才和劳动者,他们不仅需要适应专业的知识和技能的学习,也需要适应社会的专业的道德素质的培养.所以,偏重一头的做法,是不能培养出合格的劳动者,也就不符合职业教育的目标.  相似文献   

终身教育体系中成人高等教育的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成人高等教育作为我国教育发展的一种类型,在满足成人的教育需求方面发挥了重要作用,促进了全民素质的提高.<中国教育改革和发展纲要>指出:"成人教育是传统学校教育向终身教育发展的一种新型教育制度,对不断提高全民族素质、促进经济和社会发展具有重要作用."进入21世纪,在全球教育发展的大背景下,终身教育赋予了成人教育新的内涵,它不再是学校教育的简单延伸,而是立足于成人的特点和需要,是自由的、非强制的教育.如何改变目前成人高等教育发展的现状,使其适应并引领终身教育体系的发展,是当今的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

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