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Previous studies demonstrated that variability in oral processing behaviors impacts bolus properties and consequently texture and flavor perception. However, most studies followed a prescribed mastication protocol during the products’ sensory evaluations. A better understanding of how variability in habitual eating behavior impacts sensory perception of foods is needed. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of habitual eating speed (slow vs. fast eaters) on dynamic sensory perception of composite foods. Habitual oral processing behavior of different composite foods was quantified in 105 participants. Participants were divided in fast (n = 53) and slow (n = 52) eaters using a median split. Three formulations of strawberry jams varying in viscosity and sugar content (High Sugar/Low Pectin [Control], High Sugar/High Pectin, Low Sugar/Low Pectin) were used. Composite foods were prepared by spreading jams on breads. Dynamics of dominant sensory attributes of strawberry jams presented with and without breads were evaluated using Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS). Dynamic sensory perception of jams and jam–bread combinations differed only slightly for short periods of time between habitual slow and fast eaters. The addition of breads to jams reduced especially the ability of the fast eaters to discriminate between jams differing in formulation. Slow eaters discriminated between different formulations of jams better than fast eaters, regardless of whether jams were presented alone or in combination with breads. We conclude that differences in habitual eating speed between consumers lead to small differences in dynamic sensory perception and discrimination ability of composite foods.  相似文献   

Here we provide a comprehensive review of the knowledge base of soft tribology, the study of friction, lubrication, and wear on deformable surfaces, with consideration for its application toward oral tribology and food lubrication. Studies on “soft-tribology” have emerged to provide knowledge and tools to predict oral behavior and assess the performance of foods and beverages. We have shown that there is a comprehensive set of fundamental literature, mainly based on soft contacts in the Mini-traction machine with rolling ball on disk configuration, which provides a baseline for interpreting tribological data from complex food systems. Tribology-sensory relationships do currently exist. However, they are restricted to the specific formulations and tribological configuration utilized, and cannot usually be applied more broadly. With a careful and rigorous formulation/experimental design, we envisage tribological tools to provide insights into the sensory perception of foods in combination with other in vitro technique such as rheology, particle sizing or characterization of surface interactions. This can only occur with the use of well characterized tribopairs and equipment; a careful characterization of simpler model foods before considering complex food products; the incorporation of saliva in tribological studies; the removal of confounding factors from the sensory study and a global approach that considers all regimes of lubrication.  相似文献   

We discuss food oral processing research over the last two decades and consider strategies for quantifying the food breakdown model, originally conceptualized by Hutchings and Lillford. The key innovation in their seminal 1988 paper was shifting the focus from intact food properties, measured in the lab, toward strategies to capture the dynamic nature of eating. This has stimulated great progress in the field, but a key aspect missing in oral processing research is the conversion of the Hutchings and Lillford breakdown path conceptual model into quantifiable parameters considered in the context of physiological factors such as saliva and oral movements. To address these shortcomings, we propose the following analysis: Hutchings's and Lillford's definitions of “Structure” and “Lubrication” are incomplete and they comprise many and varied physicochemical properties. We offer, here, a deeper analysis of each parameter, and propose strategies for researchers to consider in their quantification as an update of the Hutchings and Lillford Breakdown path.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to substitute (10–50%) sucrose with fructooligosaccharides (FOS) in cream caramel dessert and to study the rheological and sensory characteristics of the gels produced. Small deformation experiments showed that the substitution of sucrose with FOS led to a decrease in the solid character of the gels. Moreover, samples in which sucrose was substituted with 20% and 30% FOS exhibited lower gel strength, and sample containing 30% FOS showed more than three times lower gel strength than that with 100% sucrose. However, all samples, albeit fluids, already had a substantial gel‐like character at high temperature. According to large deformation experiments, the strength and rigidity of all samples increased with storage time. The values for both parameters were greater for the samples containing 100% and 90% sucrose. Triangle tests were performed for sensory evaluation. Panellists did not find significant differences in terms of sweetness when sucrose was substituted up to 30%. Storage was significant only for the sample with 100% sucrose, as the sensory characteristics of the sample with 10% FOS were not affected.  相似文献   

汪琦  朱扬  陈建设 《食品科学》2021,42(9):222-232
食品口腔加工是一个复杂的动态过程,包括食物持续破碎、食团尺寸减小、唾液分泌和食团形成等一系列过程。它既是食品的口腔物理处理过程,又是食品的感官感知过程。在此过程中,食品颗粒之间以及食品颗粒与口腔表面之间普遍存在着相对移动。因此,如何准确描述与该过程控制相关的物理原理,已超出了传统的流变学范畴,而且许多感官特性(如光滑感、脂肪感、油腻感、后余味等)亦不可用简单的流变学测量来表征。近年来兴起的口腔软摩擦研究被认为是研究食品口腔加工与口腔感官的可行技术手段。本文阐述了摩擦学基本原理和口腔软摩擦的基本知识,主要包括口腔软摩擦的生物学基础和测量方法,同时介绍了软摩擦技术在食品研发与感官品质评定中应用的最新进展。  相似文献   

Composite foods consist of combinations of single foods, such as bread with toppings. Single foods can differ considerably in their mechanical and sensory properties. This study aimed to investigate the effect of toppings on oral processing behavior and dynamic sensory perception of carrier foods when consumed as composite foods. Two carriers (bread, crackers) and three toppings (firm cheese, cheese spread, mayonnaise) were selected and six carrier-topping combinations were prepared. Mastication behavior, bolus properties (33, 66 and 100% of total mastication time) and dynamic sensory perception were determined for single carriers and all carrier-topping combinations. Both carriers with cheese spread and mayonnaise were chewed shorter and with fewer chews than single bread and crackers, although twice the mass of food was consumed. These toppings contributed to a faster bolus formation by providing moisture, so that less saliva was incorporated into the bolus during mastication. As a result of the moisture incorporation, carrier boli with toppings were softened and perceived less firm and less dry than carrier boli alone. The largest effects of toppings on oral processing behavior and perception were found for liquid-like mayonnaise, and these effects were more pronounced in dry crackers than in moist bread. We conclude that toppings assist saliva in bolus formation of carriers. Carriers drive oral processing behavior and texture perception whereas toppings drive overall flavor perception. This knowledge contributes to food design tailored for specific consumer segments and future personalized nutrition.  相似文献   

Modifying food and the textures of food has been done for decades within the food science and technology field. More recently, modifying the texture of foods has been used to manage swallowing disabilities (dysphagia). Swallowing disabilities are often associated with dehydration and malnutrition, thus nutritional intervention has formed part of serving texture-modified diets. The question remains whether these modification techniques are viable for individuals with swallowing disabilities living in majority world countries. This study used two modification methods on a widely used specialized nutritious food (SNF) to determine whether it may be modified and used in dysphagia management. The techniques had to be ergonomic and economically appropriate for individuals with swallowing disabilities living in majority world countries. The International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative's (IDDSI) standards were used to determine whether the texturally modified SNF is safe for swallowing. Rheological measurements were performed to determine apparent viscosity and structure recovery of each sample. The effects of two modification techniques, aeration and particle separation, on the rheological properties of the SNF were also measured and analyzed. It was determined that both milk and water could be used with this SNF to create a dysphagia diet, but only under certain conditions. The overall results indicated that heating the samples increased the apparent viscosity and exacerbated lumping. Room temperature samples had less lumps and could be classified to the desired levels of the IDDSI (Level 2 and Level 4). Using a whisk to aerate the samples reduced lumps significantly and using a sieve to separate particles of liquid samples eliminated lumps. This study provides new data on how texture modification techniques and the IDDSI framework could be adapted to individuals living in majority world countries. By using modification techniques that are ergonomic and economically viable and an SNF with longevity, this study could be useful in guiding future training of nursing staff and caregivers of individuals living in poverty or resource-constrained communities. This study also adds to the data on the rheological properties of dysphagia foods, although this study did not make use of commercial thickeners generally used in the modification of diets.  相似文献   

In today's market environment, an aging society is recognized as one of the megatrends in the world. The demographic change in the world population age structure has driven a huge demand in healthcare products as well as services that include the technological innovation for the health and wellness of the elderly. Dysphagia or swallowing difficulty is a common problem in the elderly as many changes in swallowing function come with aging. The presence of a strong relationship between swallowing ability, nutritional status, and health outcomes in the elderly leads to the importance of dysphagia management in the population group. Modification of solid food and/or liquid is a mainstay of compensatory intervention for dysphagia patients. In this regard, texture-modified foods are generally provided to reduce risks associated with choking, while thickened liquids are recommended for mitigating risks associated with aspiration. In this review, we discuss thickened liquids and other issues including the importance of their rheological and tribological properties for oropharyngeal dysphagia management in the elderly. The review focuses on both commercial thickeners that are either based on modified starch or xanthan gum and other potential polysaccharide alternatives, which have been documented in the literature in order to help researchers develop or improve the characteristic properties of thickened liquids required for safe swallowing. Furthermore, some research gaps and future perspectives, particularly from the nutrition aspect related to the interaction between thickeners and other food ingredients, are suggested as such interaction may considerably control the rate of nutrient absorption and release within our body.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between the structure of solid foods and their oral processing is paramount for enhancing features such as texture and taste and for improving health-related factors such as management of body weight or dysphagia. This paper discusses the main aspects of the oral processing of solid foods across different categories: (1) oral physiology related to chewing, (2) in-mouth food transformation, (3) texture perception, and (4) taste perception, and emphasis is placed on unveiling the underlying mechanisms of how food structure influences the oral processing of solid foods; this is exemplified by comparing the chewing behaviors for a number of representative solid foods. It highlights that modification of the texture/taste of food based on food structure design opens up the possibility for the development of food products that can be applied in the management of health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rocket salads (Diplotaxis tenuifolia and Eruca vesicaria) are presently highly appreciated salad vegetables. Related species are consumed as food plants in several regions, and may contribute to differentiation in the fresh food supply chain. Glucosinolates are well‐known healthy phytochemicals and responsible for positive and negative sensory properties of edible Brassicaceae. To investigate the potential for exploitation of new crops, Diplotaxis and Eruca germplasm was subject to sensory evaluation and glucosinolate analysis. RESULTS: Typical rocket salad flavour and pungency were perceived as positive sensory traits. Bitter, and especially herbaceous notes, characterised the groups of less accepted accessions. The groups classified as significantly unpleasant were characterised by high glucosinolate content, with either sinigrin (strong perceived pungency, flavour and several other additional sensory notes), or sinalbin/gluconapin (strong herbaceous note, low flavour perceived), as the dominant components. CONCLUSIONS: Low glucosinolate content, and a composition rich in recognised health‐promoting components (glucoerucin, glucoraphanin) were associated with higher acceptance. In relation to food uses, moderate glucosinolate content and high acceptance may be a better option to enhance the intake of healthy phytochemicals than high glucosinolates and potential rejection. High glucosinolate types may find better perspectives in the field of food integrators. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

烘焙食品市场规模巨大且保持着高速增长的趋势。原料组成、加工条件等因素的变化都会对烘焙制品品质产生影响,了解影响烘焙食品质量的因素,对高品质烘焙食品的加工和生产具有重要意义。本文综述了发酵条件、加工工艺、原料组成对烘焙食品品质的影响,其中涉及了对特殊营养成分添加或者低糖、无糖等功能型烘焙食品的研究,这些新型烘焙食品更符合当下人们对营养健康饮食理念的追求,以期为高品质烘焙食品的设计和生产提供参考,促进烘焙食品行业的发展和升级。  相似文献   

In this study, sugar beet pectin and soy protein were used to prepare the double‐network (DN) modified‐tofu by sequential laccase and microbial transglutaminase treatments. The mechanical properties of modified‐tofu were analysed by uniaxial compression test and texture profile analysis. The DN modified‐tofu exhibited greater mechanical toughness than the corresponding single‐network modified‐tofu, while the ratio of soy glycinin to soy protein isolate reached and exceeded 50%. The enhancement of mechanical toughness may be mainly ascribed to the hierarchical microstructure which is observed in DN modified‐tofu by scanning electron microscopy. DN modified‐tofu provided a distinctive mechanical and sensory tough texture as compared to other tofu samples. In addition, the oral processing measurements indicated that DN modified‐tofu required higher jaw‐closing muscle activities, a greater number of chews and longer chewing duration to be processed. Furthermore, the chewing pattern of DN modified‐tofu was different from other tofu samples.  相似文献   

调味品的感官特性与食品流变之间有着一定的关系.利用质构仪等仪器设备可以测定小调味品的某些特性,但是其不能像感官品评那样将调味品的特性综合的表达或描述出来;将调味品感官评价和食品流变学的原理相结合的方法综合起来,应用到新产品开发、工艺设计、设备选择等方面对调味品工业的发展可起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

The nature and origins of flavour in whiskies are reviewed with the aim of developing a revised and simplified flavour wheel for training of sensory assessors. Scotch whiskies are perceived as having distinctive characters, generally recognised in pattern recognition (perception, macroscopic brain processing), rather than being subjected to a deconstruction process of evaluating attributes (sensation, microscopic brain processing). Although consumers use simple recognition judgements on whisky flavour in categorical assimilation, industry has a requirement for monitoring spirit quality that necessitates a more reductionist approach. Whisky flavour wheels identify attributes, specific components of flavour character, which can be demonstrated to sensory assessors using reference standards. The advent of cyclodextrin bound reference standards has enabled communication of information on flavour character in training of assessors, as exploited in the brewing industry. A revised flavour wheel, with characters illustrated by reference standards, is proposed to assist sensory training on attributes of whisky flavour character.  相似文献   

Studies in food oral processing are becoming increasingly important with the advent of the aged society. The food oral processing model of Hutchings and Lillford (Journal of Texture Studies, 19, 1988, 103–115) describes the structural breakdown and lubrication of ingested food before the swallowing stage, and has been revisited in the present article. The instrumental technique texture profile analysis (TPA) purports to mimic the first two bites of mastication and its ease of use has lured some researchers to use it without a critical eye. In this article, we consider inconsistencies in the Hutchings and Lillford model with the hope that it might be further refined. With regard to TPA we question the validity of the data generated and urge authors caution before they publish results from the test protocol. If results are published then the x‐axis should be viewed as deformation or strain, and not time. Hardness should be represented by the breaking stress. Adhesiveness should be measured at a medium strain taking into account the surface properties of the plunger. The ratio of the energy estimated by the area under the curve obtained from the second and the first bites (A2/A1) should be called recoverability and not cohesiveness.  相似文献   

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