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随着社会的发展,人们的食品安全和环境保护意识不断提高,对无毒可降解食品包装材料的需求不断增加。针对此现状,该文综述了涂布型食品包装纸生物聚合物基质的分类及应用的研究进展,分析了纸基材料作为食品包装的优势及性能缺陷,介绍了作为纸张涂料的生物聚合物基质(多糖、蛋白质、复合基质)及纸基材料所具有的功能特性,总结了涂布型纸张在食品包装方面的应用。将涂布纸作为食品包装,能有效地保持食品的品质,赋予纸张的功能特性还能够延长食品保质期,具有巨大的市场价值,有望为食品工业进一步开发绿色和可持续的纸基包装材料提供参考。  相似文献   

Plastic pollution is a significant concern nowadays due to wastes generated from non-biodegradable and non-renewable synthetic materials. In particular, most plastic food packaging material ends up in landfills, creating mass wastes that clog the drainage system and pollute the ocean. Thus, studies on various biopolymers have been promoted to replace synthetic polymers in food packaging and consequently, the high number of research in biopolymers food packaging, especially in the characterization, properties and also the development of the biopolymer. For biopolymer-based food packaging, silk fibroin (SF) has been highlighted because of its biodegradability and low water vapor permeability properties. This review focuses on the different properties of SF films prepared through solution casting and electrospinning for food packaging. Discussions encompassed chemical properties, mechanical properties, permeability, and biodegradability. This review also discussed the studies that used SF as the biomaterial for food packaging.  相似文献   

随着全球环保意识的提升,以来源广、可再生、成本低的淀粉为原料制备的淀粉基抗菌包装膜取代传统石油基包装材料的研究受到了广泛的关注。淀粉基抗菌膜通常是以天然淀粉/改性淀粉为原料加入塑化剂和抑菌剂并经热加工制备,其中抑菌剂的性质是决定抗菌膜抑菌活性的关键因素。此外,淀粉基抗菌膜的制备方法和材料性能也受到抑菌剂的来源和性质的影响。本文综述了基于不同抑菌剂制备的淀粉基抗菌膜的材料性能和抑菌活性,并提出在未来仍需研究安全性高、材料性能好和抑菌能力强的淀粉基抗菌材料,以期为开发绿色环保、性能优异的淀粉聚合物基抗菌食品包装材料提供指导。  相似文献   

The preparation and characterization of biodegradable bilayer films from isolated soy protein (SPI) and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) were carried out in this work. The films showed high transparency and strong adhesion between layers without adding an extra component, or without chemically modifying the film surfaces. The application of the PLA layer largely increased the mechanical properties of the films with respect to those of pure SPI films. Furthermore, the hydrophobic characteristics of the PLA layer improved film performance under conditions in which water was involved, markedly decreasing the amount of total soluble matter, the swelling index and the water vapor permeability. The biodegradation under soil burial conditions was evaluated measuring weight loss as a function of time, showing a two-step degradation and a faster degradation rate for the protein component compared to those of PLA layer. The films prepared were evaluated as active packaging by incorporation of an antifungal and an antibacterial agent (natamycin and thymol, respectively) to the SPI layer, showing a marked growth inhibition of mold, yeast and two strains of bacteria by in-vitro microbiological assays.  相似文献   

壳聚糖作为一种生物可降解聚合物因具有优良的包装特性和独特的抗菌性能而成为可替代传统石油基塑料的理想食品包装材料之一。同时,借鉴智能包装可以监测包装食品性状和食品周围环境的特点,使得壳聚糖基智能食品包装引起广泛的关注。本文首先简要介绍了壳聚糖的结构与来源,然后详述了壳聚糖作为食品包装材料所具备的包装性能和功能特性,最后重点阐述了指示型壳聚糖基智能食品包装在食品贮藏中的研究进展,尤其是在指示水产品、肉和肉制品及乳制品等易腐败食品新鲜度方面的应用,并对壳聚糖基智能指示包装材料的发展方向和趋势进行了展望,为基于壳聚糖的智能指示型食品包装的研发和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

This review summarizes the latest developments in the design, fabrication, and application of various Cu-based nanofillers to prepare biopolymer-based functional packaging films, focusing on the effects of inorganic nanoparticles on the optical, mechanical, gas barrier properties, moisture sensitivity, and functional properties of the films. In addition, the potential application of Cu-based nanoparticle-added biopolymer films for fresh food preservation and the effect of nanoparticle migration on food safety were discussed. The incorporation of Cu-based nanoparticles improved the film properties with enhanced functional performance. Cu-based nanoparticles such as copper oxide, copper sulfide, copper ions, and copper alloys affect biopolymer-based films differently. The properties of composite films containing Cu-based nanoparticles depend on the concentration of the filler, the state of dispersion, and the interaction of the nanoparticles with the biopolymer matrix in the film. The composite film filled with Cu-based nanoparticles effectively extended the shelf life by maintaining the quality of various fresh foods and securing safety. However, studies on the migration characteristics and safety of copper-based nanoparticle food packaging films are currently being conducted on plastic-based films such as polyethylene, and research on bio-based films is limited.  相似文献   

复合膜包装是20世纪70年代末开始在我国迅猛发展起来的新兴行业, 这得益于科学技术的发展和高分子化学工业的发展。食品包装用复合膜作为人们日常接触的食品包装, 被广泛使用, 其质量状况受到人们广泛关注。经过多年的技术积累, 复合膜产品质量越来越好, 品种也非常的多, 但是复合膜产品质量受到多方面因素影响, 在实际生产中会出现很多问题。同时, 由于复合膜产品生产企业存在企业规模小、效益低、技术水平低、管理水平低等原因, 复合膜产品质量仍旧良莠不齐, 监督抽查工作需要被常抓不懈。本文从食品包装用复合膜质量现状、国家监督抽查结果、国内外关注风险项目指标、新旧标准技术指标要求差异等方面, 分析食品包装用复合膜产品质量状况, 并从标准的角度提出建议。  相似文献   

Rosemary essential oil (REO) was used to develop an active film from chitosan. The effects of REO concentration (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% v/v) on film properties were studied by measuring the physical, mechanical and optical properties of the REO‐loaded films. Scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were used to study microstructure and the interaction of the chitosan‐based films. The solubility and water gain of the chitosan film decreased about 25% and 85%, respectively, by REO incorporation, up to 1.5% v/v, because of the interaction between hydrophilic groups of chitosan and REO as confirmed by FTIR. It was determined that REO improved the transparency of the films from 4.97 in neat chitosan up to 7.61; moreover, it reduced the films’ light transmission in UV light more than 25%. Films containing REO showed more antibacterial activity and total phenol content. The films containing REO showed potential to be used as active film in food preservation.  相似文献   

在白色污染和石油危机日趋严重的今天,具有生态友好特征和可持续性的生物基质-生物分解塑料有望替代部分石油基塑料成为一种新型基础原材料,在农业、包装、生物医用等领域已开始显示出巨大的市场潜力。本文介绍了聚乳酸、淀粉基塑料、聚羟基烷酸酯等几类最有可能率先实现产业化并用于食品包装材料的生物基质-生物分解塑料,对其在食品包装材料应用方面所具有的优势和存在的问题进行了评价,并对目前国内外在这几类材料的生产和应用技术及产业化等方面的最新进展进行了归纳。  相似文献   

李继鸿 《食品与机械》2019,(11):126-128
针对塑料、纸质、金属等食品包装材料各自的弊端和问题,阐述了食品包装材料减量化、单一化、轻型化、无毒无害化发展趋势,指出天然包装材料在食品包装中的应用范围及性能,揭示了天然包装材料的审美价值,提出了天然包装材料的选用原则和应用原则。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to improve functionality of chitosan films by introducing the primary antioxidant property to chitosan molecule. Grafting of gallic acid (GA) on chitosan was most efficient when chitosan, GA, carbodiimide, and N-hydroxysuccinimide were used in the ratio 2·10−4:1:0.05:0.05. There was no significant difference in grafting efficiency when the reaction lasted 6 or 24 h. Chitosan with 80% degree of deacetylation (DDA) was efficiently grafted and increase in DDA did not improve grafting. Non-grafted, native chitosan had insignificant 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging ability (9.4%) and no reducing power. The GA-grafted chitosan had 34.26 mg GA/g, DPPH scavenging ability of 89.5%, reducing power of A700 = 0.51, and was soluble in aqueous acetic acid. During storage of ground peanuts under stress conditions (50 °C, 20–30% RH), both chitosan and GA-chitosan pouches provided significant reduction in oxidation reactions. Furthermore, the GA-grafted chitosan reduced level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), peroxide, and conjugated trienes formation as compared to polyethylene bags. GA-grafted chitosan shows promise as a candidate for multifunctional food packaging material.  相似文献   

明胶是一种天然生物高分子,来源广泛,价格低廉,具有良好的成膜性、生物相容性、生物降解性等。作为膜材料,单一成分的明胶膜存在着热稳定性差、机械强度低、对水敏感、潮湿环境下易变质等缺陷,通常需要对其进行改性处理。明胶通过与蛋白质、糖类、脂类复合,或添加活性功能成分可以改善明胶基膜的性能,从而使明胶基膜具有广阔的应用前景。本文综述了明胶与生物聚合物、活性功能成分复合制备明胶基复合膜的研究进展及其在食品包装上的应用。   相似文献   

文章提出了运用ACG(动漫游)二次元文化优化与创新乡土食品包装。同时,在对其进行设计上,应重视地域文化特性、展示品牌化和强调体验感,以此增强包装设计内涵性和实用性。  相似文献   

Active and intelligent packaging for food: Is it the future?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper gives an overview of the legal consequences of a new EU framework regulation on food contact materials which includes controls on active and intelligent packaging. Recent developments in active and intelligent packaging systems are described, two examples of which aim at achieving improvements in quality and safety of food products. The first one is an on-command preservative-releasing packaging system. The second system is an intelligent concept, based on the development of a non-invasive microbial growth sensor to monitor the sterility of food products.  相似文献   

研究经(0~2.5g/100m L)丙酸钙改性后的聚乙烯醇包装薄膜的各项包装性能和抗菌性能,结果发现,丙酸钙与聚乙烯醇薄膜相容性好,有良好的耐热性,丙酸钙的添加增加了薄膜的抗拉强度,降低了薄膜的断裂伸长率,影响了其光学性能,增加了薄膜的水蒸气透过系数、溶胀率和溶解率,提高了薄膜的热封温度。添加量为2.5g/100m L的丙酸钙改性薄膜对蜡样芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌、米曲霉菌产生了一定的抑菌效果。经丙酸钙改性后的聚乙烯醇薄膜有良好的包装性能和一定的抑菌性,可以作为一种新型的食品内包装材料。   相似文献   

王聪慧 《食品与机械》2023,39(2):109-112
萌宠治愈是指通过与可爱的动物或动物形象互动,达到情感共鸣,纾解心理压力,驱散负面情绪的过程。文章介绍了治愈系的起源和萌宠治愈的含义,分析了萌宠治愈元素与食品包装的契合性,研究了萌宠治愈元素在食品包装设计中的应用。  相似文献   

Electrospun nanofibers with structural and functional advantages have drawn much attention due to their potential applications for active food packaging. The traditional role of food packaging is just storage containers for food products. The changes of retailing practice and consumer demand promote the development of active packaging to improve the safety, quality, and shelf life of the packaged foods. To develop the technique of electrospinning for active food packaging, electrospun nanofibers have been covalently or non‐covalently functionalized for loading diverse bioactive compounds including antimicrobial agents, antioxidant agents, oxygen scavengers, carbon dioxide emitters, and ethylene scavengers. The aim of this review is to present a concise but comprehensive summary on the progress of electrospinning techniques for active food packaging. Emphasis is placed on the tunability of the electrospinning technique, which achieves the modification of fiber composition, orientation, and architecture. Efforts are also made to provide functionalized strategies of electrospun polymeric nanofibers for food packaging application. Furthermore, the existing limitations and prospects for developing electrospinning in food packaging area are discussed.  相似文献   

Significant interest has emerged in the introduction of food packaging materials manufactured from biodegradable polymers that have the potential to reduce the environmental impacts associated with conventional packaging materials. Current technologies in active packaging enable effective antimicrobial (AM) packaging films to be prepared from biodegradable materials that have been modified and/or blended with different compatible materials and/or plasticisers. A wide range of AM films prepared from modified biodegradable materials have the potential to be used for packaging of various food products. This review examines biodegradable polymers derived from polysaccharides and protein-based materials for their potential use in packaging systems designed for the protection of food products from microbial contamination. A comprehensive table that systematically analyses and categorizes much of the current literature in this area is included in the review.  相似文献   

The migration of antioxidant (AO) agents, carvacrol and thymol, from polypropylene (PP) packaging films containing the studied compounds at 80 g/kg separately and an equimolar mixture of them into food simulants was investigated. Fast and reliable analytical procedures were developed and validated for the analysis of the studied AOs in food simulants. For aqueous food simulants, solid phase extraction followed by GC–MS analysis was performed. Fatty food simulants were directly analysed by GC–MS and HPLC-UV for isooctane and ethanol 950 mL/L, respectively. The release of AOs from the films was dependent on the type of food stimulant and AO incorporated. In particular, high levels of migration were obtained for both AOs into isooctane, showing thymol higher migration. The release kinetics of AOs from PP films showed a Fichian behaviour with diffusion coefficients ranging from 1 to 2 × 10−14 m2/s; except for the diffusion into isooctane where 4-6 higher values were obtained. The antioxidant activity of migration extracts was confirmed by the DPPH method, showing thymol a higher antioxidant capacity especially into isooctane with a 42.2% of inhibition. The obtained results suggest that carvacrol and thymol show a potential use as AOs for active packaging for extending the shelf-life of food products.  相似文献   

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