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移动情境感知及其交互研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合情境信息的移动应用和交互研究是普适计算领域中非常重要的内容.综合移动情境感知相关研究的发展,从人机交互研究的角度,提出了基于用户、环境和任务的情境信息分类方法.根据情境信息的数据获取、数据表示、系统架构、数据处理、服务应用和系统评价等六个方面,分析了移动情境感知应用研究的关键问题,总结了移动情境感知对人机交互研究中的研究方法、数据收集、用户控制感及交互方式等产生的影响.最后提出了当前移动情境感知及其交互研究中存在的问题和可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

Quality of Service (QoS) properties play an important role in distinguishing between functionally equivalent services and accommodating the different expectations of users. However, the subjective nature of some properties and the dynamic and unreliable nature of service environments may result in cases where the quality values advertised by the service provider are either missing or untrustworthy. To tackle this, a number of QoS estimation approaches have been proposed, using the observation history available on a service to predict its performance. Although the context underlying such previous observations (and corresponding to both user and service related factors) could provide an important source of information for the QoS estimation process, it has only been used to a limited extent by existing approaches. In response, we propose a context‐aware quality learning model, realized via a learning‐enabled service agent, exploiting the contextual characteristics of the domain to provide more personalized, accurate, and relevant quality estimations for the situation at hand. The experiments conducted demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, showing promising results (in terms of prediction accuracy) in different types of changing service environments.  相似文献   

为了简化普适计算环境原始特征的复杂度,方便该环境下的知识推理,采用核典型相关分析方法进行原始特征的二次提取,得到简约而重要的二次特征。在此二次特征的基础上施以模糊K近邻法计算待测模式相对于各类中心的隶属度,并按最大隶属度原则确定该模式所属上下文场景类。本算法致力于在不显著损失分类准确度的情况下尽可能地降低分类复杂度,从而解决普适计算环境中上下文变化感知的问题。  相似文献   

刘扬  郑逢斌  姜保庆  蔡坤 《计算机应用》2009,29(4):1182-1187
如何跨越低层特征描述到高层语义知识的“语义鸿沟”已成为跨媒体检索(CMR)问题的关键,提出一个基于多模态融合描述和时空上下文语义的跨媒体检索模型,对多模态融合的特征采用主成分分析(PCA)和独立成分分析(ICA)相结合的降维算法、采用基于支持向量机(SVM)和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的混合分类器进行语义映射,同时给出了时空模糊聚类分析方法和基于相关反馈的跨媒体检索算法。并在此基础上开发出基于该模型的原型系统,成功验证了该模型的可行性和正确性,可为相关系统的设计者提供思路。  相似文献   

The concept of distributed situation awareness (DSA) is currently receiving increasing attention from the human factors community. This article investigates DSA in a collaborative real-world industrial setting by discussing the results derived from a recent naturalistic study undertaken within the UK energy distribution domain. The results describe the DSA-related information used by the networks of agents involved in the scenarios analysed, the sharing of this information between the agents and the salience of different information elements used. Thus, the structure, quality and content of each network's DSA is discussed, along with the implications for DSA theory. The findings reinforce the notion that when viewing situation awareness (SA) in collaborative systems, it is useful to focus on the coordinated behaviour of the system itself, rather than on the individual as the unit of analysis and suggest that the findings from such assessments can potentially be used to inform system, procedure and training design. SA is a critical commodity for teams working in industrial systems and systems, procedures and training programmes should be designed to facilitate efficient system SA acquisition and maintenance. This article presents approaches for describing and understanding SA during real-world collaborative tasks, the outputs from which can potentially be used to inform system, training programmes and procedure design.  相似文献   

This paper argues that it is of crucial importance that information systems (IS) research and practice associates technology innovation with the context within which it is embedded. It identifies three principles to be followed in order to address the contextual processes involved in IS implementation: first, technology innovation should be considered in relation to socio‐organizational change; second, analysis should consider not only the local organizational, but also the national and international context; and third, analysis should consider both the technical/rational decisions and actions involved in the innovation process and the cultural, social and cognitive forces of such a process. These principles are demonstrated with the analysis of a case study of organizational reform in Cyprus.  相似文献   

目的 X光图像违禁物品检测一直是安检领域的一个基础问题,安检违禁物品形式各异,尺度变化大,以及透视性导致大量物体堆放时出现重叠遮挡现象,传统图像处理模型很容易出现漏检误检,召回率低。针对以上问题,提出一种融合多尺度特征与全局上下文信息的特征增强融合网络(feature enhancement fusion network, FEFNet)用于X光违禁物品检测。方法 首先针对特征主干网络darknet53,加入空间坐标的注意力机制,将位置信息嵌入到通道注意力中,分别沿两个空间方向聚合特征,增强特征提取器对违禁目标的特征提取能力,抑制背景噪声干扰。然后,将特征提取主干网络输出的特征编码为1维向量,利用自监督二阶融合获取特征空间像素相关性矩阵,进而获取完整的全局上下文信息,为视觉遮挡区域提供全局信息指导。针对违禁物品尺度不一的问题,提出多尺度特征金字塔融合模块,增加一层小感受野预测特征用于提高对小尺度违禁目标的检测能力。最后,通过融合全局上下文特征信息和局部多尺度细节特征解决违禁物品之间的视觉遮挡问题。结果 在SIXRay-Lite(security inspection X-ray)数据集...  相似文献   

In wireless networks, context awareness and intelligence are capabilities that enable each host to observe, learn, and respond to its complex and dynamic operating environment in an efficient manner. These capabilities contrast with traditional approaches where each host adheres to a predefined set of rules, and responds accordingly. In recent years, context awareness and intelligence have gained tremendous popularity due to the substantial network-wide performance enhancement they have to offer. In this article, we advocate the use of reinforcement learning (RL) to achieve context awareness and intelligence. The RL approach has been applied in a variety of schemes such as routing, resource management and dynamic channel selection in wireless networks. Examples of wireless networks are mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, cellular networks and cognitive radio networks. This article presents an overview of classical RL and three extensions, including events, rules and agent interaction and coordination, to wireless networks. We discuss how several wireless network schemes have been approached using RL to provide network performance enhancement, and also open issues associated with this approach. Throughout the paper, discussions are presented in a tutorial manner, and are related to existing work in order to establish a foundation for further research in this field, specifically, for the improvement of the RL approach in the context of wireless networking, for the improvement of the RL approach through the use of the extensions in existing schemes, as well as for the design and implementation of RL in new schemes.  相似文献   

Several researchers have identified the need to count on presence awareness in ubiquitous systems that support mobile activities, particularly when these systems are used to perform loosely-coupled mobile work. In such a work style, mobile users conduct face-to-face on-demand interactions, therefore counting on awareness information about the position and availability of potential collaborators becomes mandatory for these applications. Most proposed solutions that provide user presence awareness involve centralized components, have reusability limitations, or simply address a part of that service. This article presents a lightweight and fully distributed middleware named Moware, which allows developers to embed presence awareness services in mobile ubiquitous systems in a simple way. The article also describes the Moware architecture, its main components and strategies used to deal with several aspects of the presence awareness support. These design strategies can be reused by software designers to provide presence awareness capabilities into middleware and specific software applications. Moware services were embedded in a mobile ubiquitous system that supports inspectors during the construction inspection process. The preliminary results indicate that the middleware was easy to use for developers, and its services were useful for the end-users.  相似文献   

In many organizations, the performance of individuals and teams is negatively affected by human error. Studies have shown that these errors can be reduced or even prevented by learning from them and by developing an understanding of error causation and its consequences. The ability to detect, understand, and anticipate errors refers to situation awareness (SA). Although SA is not limited to human error and it is more closely linked with decision making, it is a prerequisite for error reduction in complex sociotechnical work settings. The main objectives of this study were threefold: First, a model that can explain the interrelations between human error, SA, and organizational learning in sociotechnical systems was developed. Secondly, functional and dysfunctional factors that affect human error, SA, and organizational learning were identified. Thirdly, a research methodology was selected and adapted to empirically test the model in a real‐world sociotechnical task environment. To do so, an SA performance test and a human error questionnaire were used to examine SA and respective learning modes of 108 assembly‐line workers in the manufacturing industry. The final test results supported the central assumptions of the applied model. The article concludes by discussing applications in the field of sociotechnical systems analysis, team training, human performance programs, and high‐reliability organizations.  相似文献   

Internet uses and gratifications: A survey in the Indian context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, aids in the assessment of peoples’ motivations for media usage, access and to understand their attitude towards a particular medium. In this paper this theory has been applied to derive the Internet gratification structure of Internet users in the Indian context. This study proceeds in four stages. First, six gratifications for Internet use namely self development, wide exposure, user friendly, relaxation, career opportunities, and global exchange were identified using the exploratory factor analysis. Then the factors were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Next with the use of t-tests the study identified the gratifications on which males and females differ significantly. Finally, with the use of discriminant analysis it has been shown that the light and heavy users of Internet differ on some of the gratification factors obtained in the study.  相似文献   

Mutual Awareness, which measures understanding of the behaviors and status of other members in a team is supposed to influence team decision-making process in safety-critical tasks/systems. This study aims to explore enhancement of mutual awareness by adding a Mutual Awareness Tool (MAT) on a user interface and examining its effects on team diagnosis performance in emergency situations of a simulated nuclear power plant system. According to the experimental results, the embedded MAT on the operation interface enhanced team mutual awareness significantly, and improved incident diagnosis performance. The results also showed that the increase in mutual awareness led to a reduction of individual situation awareness, possibly due to the limited mental resources.  相似文献   

The development of AI has enabled the fault detection of industrial components to be achieved through the combination with deep learning. A detection method combined with deep learning has also emerged for the fault detection of fan blades, such as models based on neural networks using the appearance or sound of the blades. However, the detection model obtained from a single data type often has limitations, such as low accuracy and overfitting. This is also the problem with fan blade detection. In contrast, multimodal data fusion detection models are often more stable. The modality diversity of blade diagnosis is strong, and it can be achieved from multiple modalities such as image, sound, and vibration. To improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis of fan blades, this article proposes a multimodal double-layer detection system (MTDS) based on decision-level and feature-level fusion. The system includes a wind turbine simulation platform and a multimodal detection system. It mainly obtains different modal data of the simulated wind turbine from the image, sound, and vibration signals, including blade images through unmanned aerial vehicle photography, blade vibration signals through electronic vibrators, and blade sound signals through microphones. The highly correlated sound and vibration modal data are fused at the feature level, and a detection model based on the sound and vibration mixed mode is implemented using a sound-vibration-CNN (SV-CNN) proposed in this case. Then, a detection model of the image mode is trained based on the blade image using a Convolution Block Attention Module ResNet (CBAM-ResNet) network. Finally, the detection input of the two modal models is fed into a perceptron to obtain the final prediction result, and the decision-level fusion is implemented to achieve fan blade detection based on multimodal, namely the implementation of MTDS.  相似文献   

Collisions between different road users make a substantial contribution to road trauma. Although evidence suggests that different road users interpret the same road situations differently, it is not clear how road users' situation awareness differs, nor is it clear which differences might lead to conflicts. This article presents the findings from an on-road study conducted to examine driver, motorcyclist and cyclist situation awareness in different road environments. The findings suggest that, in addition to minor differences in the structure of different road users' situation awareness (i.e. amount of information and how it is integrated), the actual content of situation awareness in terms of road user schemata, the resulting interaction with the world and the information underpinning situation awareness is markedly different. Further examination indicates that the differences are likely to be compatible along arterial roads, shopping strips and at roundabouts, but that they may create conflicts between different road users at intersections. Interventions designed to support compatible situation awareness and behaviour between different road users are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on collaborative learning traditionally assumes a certain degree of symmetry between the learning partners in terms of both their learning-relevant traits and their individual learning outcomes. However, if one collaborative partner is clearly more able, skilled, or knowledgeable than the other partner, then it remains unclear who profits more from the collaboration. The present study aimed to explore this issue by manipulating symmetry in prior knowledge within small groups of online learners (dyads) and measuring their problem-solving efficiency and incidental learning gain on an individual and dyad level. Awareness of this symmetry/asymmetry was manipulated, too, to discern it as a potential moderator. Dyads with symmetrical and asymmetrical prior knowledge performed equally well on most measures. Moreover, on average, the more and the less knowledgeable partners in the asymmetrical conditions had equal learning gains. However, while in dyads with symmetrical knowledge learning gains were correlated between the partners, in the asymmetrical dyads they were not. Awareness of symmetry/asymmetry did not act as a moderator, but, overall, dyads with awareness of each other's knowledge learned more from each other than dyads without such awareness. The benefit of awareness was, however, specific to the learning content exposed via awareness. We conclude that researchers and practitioners should be careful when choosing or assigning collaborative partners to each other, as only for partners with symmetrical prior knowledge can a symmetrical increase in knowledge be expected. We further discuss the implications of these findings for research on knowledge awareness and collaboration.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of defining social roles in multi-agent systems. Social roles provide the basic structure of social institutions and organizations. We start from the properties attributed to roles both in the multi-agent systems and the Object Oriented community, and we use them in an ontological analysis of the notion of social role. We identify three main properties of social roles. First, they are definitionally dependent on the institution they belong to, i.e. the definition of a role is given inside the definition of the institution. Second, they attribute powers to the agents playing them, like creating commitments for the institutions and the other roles. Third, they allow roles to play roles, in the same way as agents do. Using Input/Output logics, we propose a formalization of roles in multi-agent systems satisfying the three properties we identified.  相似文献   

In responding to an emergency, the actions of emergency response teams critically depend upon the situation awareness the team members have acquired. Situation awareness, and the design of systems to support it, has been a focus in recent emergency management research. In this paper, we introduce two interventions to the core processes of information processing and information sharing in emergency response teams to analyze their effect on the teams’ situation awareness: (1) we enrich raw incoming information by adding a summary of the information received, and (2) we channel all incoming information to a central coordinator who then decides upon further distribution within the team. The effect of both interventions is investigated through a controlled experiment with experienced professional responders. Our results show distinctly different effects for information enrichment and centralization, both for the teams and for the coordinators within the team. While the interaction effects of both conditions cannot be discerned, it is apparent that processing non-enriched information and non-centralized information sharing leads to a worse overall team situation awareness. Our work suggests several implications for the design of emergency response management information systems.  相似文献   

Learning teams in higher education executing a collaborative assignment are not always effective. To remedy this, there is a need to determine and understand the variables that influence team effectiveness. This study aimed at developing a conceptual framework, based on research in various contexts on team effectiveness and specifically team and task awareness. Core aspects of the framework were tested to establish its value for future experiments on influencing team effectiveness. Results confirmed the importance of shared mental models, and to some extent mutual performance monitoring for learning teams to become effective, but also of interpersonal trust as being conditional for building adequate shared mental models. Apart from the importance of team and task awareness for team effectiveness it showed that learning teams in higher education tend to be pragmatic by focusing primarily on task aspects of performance and not team aspects. Further steps have to be taken to validate this conceptual framework on team effectiveness.  相似文献   



This study tested the relationship between individual differences and Situation Awareness (SA) during training in a navigation simulator.


Simulators have become an important tool in the training and education of maritime personnel with a view to improving decisions and performance. There are a few, inconclusive empirical studies that have focused on mapping personality characteristics and their link to the ability to generate and maintain SA during simulator training.


Thirty-six first-year students from the Royal Norwegian Navy Officer Candidate School participated in the study. SA was measured using both subjective and observer ratings.


The results indicated that low scores on Neuroticism and high scores on Extraversion and Conscientiousness (resilient personality type) predicted both subjective and observer-rated SA. Furthermore, participants with high SA were able to modulate their Heart Rate Variability (HRV), with suppression of HRV during navigation training as well showing recovery of HRV.


The potential applications of this research include the assessment of personality differences as a tool in selecting navigators, and the use of HRV as an objective index of adaptability to environmental demands.  相似文献   

Control is necessary for aligning the actions of management (i.e., controllers) and subordinates (i.e., controlees) around common goals. The enactment of control often fails in practice; however, as controlee perceptions may not match those of controllers, leading to a myriad of possible outcomes. Through an interpretive case study of two inter-organisational IT projects, we reveal how controlees' appraisals and responses to controls are context-dependent and play out across multiple levels (e.g., personal, professional, project and organisational contexts). We build on a coping perspective of IS controls to theorise the ‘coping strategies’ that controlees pursued relevant to these contexts and the ‘coping routes’ followed when combining different consecutive coping strategies. We find the process need not end with the selection of a single strategy but can potentially continue as both the controller and controlees make ongoing readjustments. While Behavioural Control Theory traditionally assumes the presence of a single control hierarchy, interorganisational IT projects are multi-level entities that amalgamate different structures and cultures. Our study moves beyond the existing assumptions of Behavioural Control Theory to discuss how a controller's choice of activities shapes the salience of different contexts in controlee appraisals.  相似文献   

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