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By using the quail-chicken chimera system, we have previously shown that during development of the spinal cord, floor plate cells are inserted between neural progenitors giving rise to the alar plates. These cells are derived from the regressing Hensen's node or cordoneural hinge (HN-CNH). This common population of HN-CNH cells gives rise to three types of midline descendants: notochord, floor plate, and dorsal endoderm. Here we find that HNF3beta, an important gene in the development of the midline structures, is continuously expressed in the HN-CNH cells and their derivatives, floor plate, notochord, and dorsal endoderm. Experiments in which the notochord was removed in the posterior region of either normal chicken or of quail-chicken chimeras in which a quail HN had been grafted showed that the floor plate develops in a cell-autonomous manner in the absence of notochord. Absence of floor plate observed at the posterior level of the excision results from removal of HN-CNH material, including the future floor plate, and not from the lack of an inductive signal of notochord origin.  相似文献   

We have tested whether the orientation of axons sprouting from bipolar dorsal root ganglion neurons is influenced by diffusible cues from surrounding tissues. Surface ectoderm, dermomyotome, and notochord exert strong chemorepulsion on axons growing in collagen gels, operating at separations beyond those found in vivo and active in cocultures of chick and mouse tissues. Basal and alar plates of the neural tube are devoid of activity, as is the posterior-half-sclerotome, which repels in a contact-dependent manner. When ganglia are sandwiched between dermomyotome and notochord placed at a distance, axon growth is channeled in a bipolar trajectory. These results show that gradients of diffusible repulsion molecules flanking axon pathways can generate linear patterns of axon growth. We suggest that such "surround repulsion" may function generally, in concert with contact-dependent guidance mechanisms, to guide axons in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

The present studies test the hypothesis that microtubules (MTs) are transported from the cell body into the axons of growing neurons. Dissociated sympathetic neurons were cultured using conditions that allow us to control the initiation of axon outgrowth. Neurons were injected with biotin-labeled tubulin (Bt-tub) and then stimulated to extend axons. The newly formed axons were then examined using immunofluorescence procedures for MTs with or without Bt-tub. Because the Bt-tub is fully assembly competent, all MTs that assemble after injection will contain Bt-tub. However, MTs that exist in the neuron at the time of injection and persist during the subsequent incubation will not contain Bt-tub. Because the neurons were injected before extending axons, MTs without Bt-tub are initially localized to the cell body. We specifically determined whether these MTs appeared in the newly formed axon. Such a result can only be explained by the transport of these MTs from their initial location in the cell body into the axon. The newly formed axons of many neurons contained MTs both with and without Bt-tub. MTs without Bt-tub were detected all along the axon and in some neurons represented a substantial portion of the total polymer in the proximal and middle regions of the axon. These results show that MTs are transported from the cell body into growing axons and that this transport is robust, delivering MTs to all regions of the newly formed axon.  相似文献   

Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were used to characterize the membrane properties and ion channel complement of floor plate neuroepithelia in embryonic and neonatal rats. The average resting potential was close to -60 mV, the capacitance was approximately 7 pS and the membrane time constant averaged 31 ms, in both neonates and embryos. Two types of K+ current were identified (i) a slowly activating, slowly inactivating current that was present in all cells, and (ii) a rapidly inactivating current that was present in 39% of cells from neonates and 64% of cells from embryos. K+ currents were significantly larger in neonates than embryos. Na+ currents were absent from all neuroepithelial cells examined. In contrast, the majority of floor plate cells exhibited a significant Ca2+ current. Biophysically this current activated at potentials positive to 60 mV and exhibited fast, voltage-dependent, inactivation. The Ca2+ current was equipermeant to Ca2+ and Ba2+, sensitive to 40-120 microM Ni2+ and only slightly inhibited by 100 microM Cd2+. These and other observations indicated this current is mediated by low-voltage-activated (i.e. T-type) Ca2+ channels. The majority of floor plate cells tested also exhibited responses to the neurotransmitter GABA which produced robust inward currents at negative membrane potentials, in chloride-loaded cells. Both the pharmacology and voltage-dependence of the GABA-activated currents indicated they arose from activation of GABA(A) receptors.  相似文献   

Regionally expressed cell surface molecules are thought to mediate contact-dependent interactions that regulate pattern formation and axon pathfinding in the developing vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). We recently isolated monoclonal antibody (mAb) CARO 2 through a screen for positional markers in the developing rat CNS. Between embryonic day (E)11.5 and E13, mAb CARO 2 specifically labels both the floor plate and notochord in the developing spinal cord. In contrast to the distribution of several well-characterized ventral midline markers, mAb CARO 2 labeling is restricted to the apical portion of the floor plate and the outer surface of the notochord. The anterior limit of mAb CARO 2 immunoreactivity corresponds to the midbrain/hindbrain border. Floor plate labeling persists throughout embryogenesis, whereas notochord labeling is not detectable after E13. During later stages of embryonic development (E16-E20) apically restricted floor plate labeling is present only in the rostral spinal cord. In postnatal rats, mAb CARO immunoreactivity is not present in any region of the CNS. Immunoblot analyses show that mAb CARO 2 recognizes an epitope on a 28-kD protein that is enriched in the floor plate, transiently expressed during embryogenesis, and membrane-associated. Consistent with the latter result, mAb CARO 2 labels the surfaces of floor plate cells. These findings suggest that the CARO 2 antigen is a new cell surface marker of the floor plate and notochord which may participate in neural cell patterning and/or axon guidance in the developing rat spinal cord.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation of the vertebrate brain: principles and mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wide variety of sexual dimorphisms, structural differences between the sexes, have been described in the brains of many vertebrate species, including humans. In animal models of neural sexual dimorphism, gonadal steroid hormones, specifically androgens, play a crucial role in engendering these differences by masculinizing the nervous system of males. Usually, the androgen must act early in life, often during the fetal period to masculinize the nervous system and behavior. However, there are a few examples of androgen, in adulthood, masculinizing both the structure of the nervous system and behavior. In the modal pattern, androgens are required both during development and adulthood to fully masculinize brain structure and behavior. In rodent models of neural sexual dimorphism, it is often the aromatized metabolites of androgen, i.e., estrogens, which interact with estrogen receptors to masculinize the brain, but there is little evidence that aromatized metabolites of androgen play this role in primates, including humans. There are other animal models where androgens themselves masculinize the nervous system through interaction with androgen receptors. In the course of masculinizing the nervous system, steroids can affect a wide variety of cellular mechanisms, including neurogenesis, cell death, cell migration, synapse formation, synapse elimination, and cell differentiation. In animal models, there are no known examples where only a single neural center displays sexual dimorphism. Rather, each case of sexual dimorphism seems to be part of a distributed network of sexually dimorphic neuronal populations which normally interact with each other. Finally, there is ample evidence of sexual dimorphism in the human brain, as sex differences in behavior would require, but there has not yet been any definitive proof that steroids acting early in development directly masculinize the human brain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The hedgehog (hh) family of secreted signaling proteins is responsible for developmental patterning in a variety of systems, including the neural tube, limbs and somites. Within the neural tube, at the level of the spinal cord, products of the vertebrate gene sonic hedgehog (shh) are proposed to function as a ventral patterning influence, with the capability of inducing floor plate and motor neurons. RESULTS: We report the isolation of tiggy-winkle hedgehog (twhh), a novel member of the zebrafish hh gene family. Both twhh and shh are expressed in the ventral midline of the embryonic zebrafish neural tube and brain, but twhh expression becomes limited to the neural tube, whereas shh is also expressed in the notochord. Both genes are expressed in the developing brain, in domains that include a discrete region in the floor of the diencephalon, located between the sites of the future optic stalks. Using pax-2 and pax-6 as markers of proximo-distal fate within the developing eye, we found that ectopic expression of either hh gene promoted proximal fates and suppressed distal fates. In contrast, proximal fates were lost in cyclops mutant embryos, which lack twhh- and shh-expressing forebrain cells. Both twhh and shh proteins undergo autoproteolytic processing in vivo; a fragment corresponding to the amino-terminal cleavage product was sufficient to carry out all signaling activities associated with twhh in eye and brain development. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that secreted signals encoded by members of the hedgehog gene family, emanating from the ventral midline of the neural tube, not only play important roles in dorso-ventral patterning of the brain but also appear to constitute an early patterning activity along the proximo-distal axis of the developing eyes.  相似文献   

Canine tracheal mucus was dissolved by a number of mucolytic agents, including disulfide bond reducing agents, hydrogen bond breaking agents, and chaotropic ions, and their effect on rheological properties was assessed. Sodium thiocyanate led to 85-100% dissolution with the maximum retention of elasticity. Thiocyanate exposure did not result in demonstrable alterations in the size or shape of the mucus glycoproteins. Sodium thiocyanate is therefore recommended as a suitable dispersing agent for physiochemical studies of glycoprotein secretions.  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1994, 42 patients with circumferential skin avulsion of lower extremities were treated with full-thickness skin graft from defatted avulsed flap. Among them, 39 patients were run over by rubber tires during car accidents; the remaining 3 patients were victims of industrial accidents by roller machines. The full-thickness skin grafts were prepared from the avulsed skin flap in attachment to avoid junctional hypertrophic scarring. They were then secured with multiple skin staples to their anatomical position to improve skin graft take. Initial take of graft averaged 91 percent (ranged from 75 percent to 100 percent). Twelve patients underwent secondary overgrafting after tangential excision of non-viable skin graft. Follow-up averaging 2.6 years revealed stable wounds in most of the patients. Ten patients experienced occasional breakdown of skin graft in the patella and popliteal fossa, which was treated conservatively. Except for five who had deformed contours of the leg due to muscle transfers, the patients were satisfied with the cosmetic appearance of their legs. Compared with conventional methods, this approach provided better appearance and less contracture.  相似文献   

Any substantial change in brain size requires a change in the number of neurons and their supporting elements in the brain, which in turn requires an alteration in either the rate, or the duration of neurogenesis. The schedule of neurogenesis is surprisingly stable in mammalian brains, and increases in the duration of neurogenesis have predictable outcomes: late-generated structures become disproportionately large. The olfactory bulb and associated limbic structures may deviate in some species from this general brain enlargement: in the rhesus monkey, reduction of limbic system size appears to be produced by an advance in the onset of terminal neurogenesis in limbic system structures. Not only neurogenesis but also many other features of neural maturation such as process extension and retraction, follow the same schedule with the same predictability. Although the underlying order of event onset remains the same for all of the mammals we have yet studied, changes in overall rate of neural maturation distinguish related subclasses, such as marsupial and placental mammals, and changes in duration of neurodevelopment distinguish species within subclasses. A substantial part of the regularity of event sequence in neurogenesis can be related directly to the two dimensions of the neuraxis in a recently proposed prosomeric segmentation of the forebrain [Rubenstein et al., Science, 266: 578, 1994]. Both the spatial and temporal organization of development have been highly conserved in mammalian brain evolution, showing strong constraint on the types of brain adaptations possible. The neural mechanisms for integrative behaviors may become localized to those locations that have enough plasticity in neuron number to support them.  相似文献   

Dual-label immunocytochemical procedures were employed to provide ultrastructural evidence for the presence of substance P (SP) in afferents to estrogen-receptive neurons in the medial preoptic area (MPO) of the female rat. SP-immunoreactive axon terminals were observed to innervate the periventricular (PvPO) and medial (MPN) preoptic nuclei of the MPO densely, and to form synaptic connections at these sites with neurons which contain estrogen receptors in their nucleus. These results indicate that estrogen-receptive preoptic neurons may be regulated by SP-containing neuronal pathways via synaptic mechanisms.  相似文献   

A pharmacological identification and characterization of cholinergic receptors was carried out in pial arteries of cats. In one series of experiments, the middle cerebral artery was suspended in an organ bath for recording fo circular motor activity. Parasympathomimetic compounds produced either a relaxation or a contraction. The relaxation occurred at low doses (up to 10(-6) M), and the response was inhibited in a competitive manner by atropine. The mean KB value (determined with acetylcholine as agonist) was 3.85 X 10(-11) M, and the corresponding pA2 value 10.43. At higher doses, the parasympathomimetics produced a contraction. This effect, too, was inhibited in a competitive manner with atropine. The calculated mean KB value with acetylcholine as agonist was 1.12 X 10(-11) M, and pA2 was 10.07. The motor responses did not require an intact perivascular sympathetic innervation, which shows that the effects were mediated by muscarinic type of cholinergic receptors present in the smooth musculature. In another series of experiments, pial arteries were preincubated in the presence of 3H-norepinephrine, and the amount of tritium efflux was measured in a superfusion system before or during electrical field stimulation (12 V, 1 msec pulse duration, 10 Hz). The efflux was minimized by sympathetic denervation, and the effect of transmural stimulation abolished by bretylium and guanethidine, which shows that the bulk of tritium overflow during stimulation originated from the perivascular sympathetic nerves. The marked elevation of tritium efflux during stimulation was enhanced by hexamethonium, and it was inhibited by nicotine and acetylcholine, whose effects were counteracted by hexamethonium (but not by atropine). This finding indicates the presence of nicotinic type of cholinergic receptors on the perivascular adrenergic nerves, allowing inhibition of norepinephrine by acetylcholine that may be liberated from the adjacent cholinergic terminals in the autonomic nerve plexus.  相似文献   

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases has 13 distinct members and seven ligands for these receptors have been described to date. These receptors and their ligands have been implicated in regulating neuronal axon guidance and in patterning of the developing nervous system and may also serve a patterning and compartmentalization role outside of the nervous system as well. The ligands are all membrane-attached, and this attachment appears to be crucial for their normal function; five of the known ligands are linked to the membrane via a glycosyl phosphotidylinositol (GPI) linkage, while two of the ligands are transmembrane proteins. Despite the large number of Eph family receptors and ligands, they can be divided into just two major subclasses based on their binding specificities. All the GPI-anchored ligands bind and activate one subclass of the Eph receptors (that represented by Eck) while the two transmembrane ligands bind and activate the other major subclass of receptors (represented by Elk). Here we report the identification and characterization of the third, and most divergent, member of the transmembrane group of Eph ligands, which we term Elk-L3 (Elk-related receptor ligand number 3). Elk-L3 is notable for its remarkably restricted and prominent expression in the floor plate and roof plate of the developing neural tube and its rhombomere-specific expression in the developing hindbrain. The Elk-L3 gene has been localized to mouse chromosome 11 and human chromosome 17.  相似文献   

The glutamate transporter GLT-1 is expressed in astrocytes of the mature brain and spinal cord. In the present study, we examined its expression in the developing mouse spinal cord. By in situ hybridization, 35S-labeled antisense oligonucleotide probes for GLT-1 mRNA consistently labeled the mantle zone/gray matter from embryonic day 11 through the adult stage. However, immunohistochemistry with a specific antibody visualized distinct regional and cellular localizations during the time between the fetal and postnatal stages. At fetal stages, GLT-1 immunoreactivity predominated in the marginal zone/white matter, observed as tiny puncta in cross-sections and as thin fibers in longitudinal sections. The GLT-1-immunopositive structures were also labeled for neuron-specific enolase, a glycolytic enzyme specific to postmitotic neurons and endocrine cells. By electron microscopy, GLT-1 immunoreactivity was detected in axons forming frequent enlargements and was focally localized on a small portion of the axolemma, particularly that facing adjacent axons. At early postnatal stages, GLT-1 disappeared from axons in white matter tracts and, instead, appeared in astrocytic processes surrounding various neuronal elements in the gray matter. Therefore, before switching to astrocytic expression, GLT-1 is transiently expressed in neurons and localized in differentiating axons. Together with our previous finding on the localization of glutamate transporter GLAST in radial glial fibers, GLT-1 and GLAST are thus localized during development on distinct directional cellular elements along which young neurons elongate their axons or move their cell bodies, respectively.  相似文献   

Vertebrate and invertebrate eye development require the activity of several evolutionarily conserved genes. Among these the Pax-6 genes play a major role in the genetic control of eye development. Mutations in Pax-6 genes affect eye development in humans, mice, and Drosophila, and misexpression of Pax-6 genes in Drosophila can induce ectopic eyes. Here we report the identification of a paired-like homeobox gene, DRx, which is also conserved from flies to vertebrates. Highly conserved domains in the Drosophila protein are the octapeptide, the identical homeodomain, the carboxyl-terminal OAR domain, and a newly identified Rx domain. DRx is expressed in the embryo in the procephalic region and in the clypeolabrum from stage 8 on and later in the brain and the central nervous system. Compared with eyeless, the DRx expression in the embryo starts earlier, similar to the pattern in vertebrates, where Rx expression precedes Pax-6 expression. Because the vertebrate Rx genes have a function during brain and eye development, it was proposed that DRx has a similar function. The DRx expression pattern argues for a conserved function at least during brain development, but we could not detect any expression in the embryonic eye primordia or in the larval eye imaginal discs. Therefore DRx could be considered as a homolog of vertebrate Rx genes. The Rx genes might be involved in brain patterning processes and specify eye fields in different phyla.  相似文献   

Prevention of vertebrate neuronal death by the crmA gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme (ICE) is a mammalian homolog of CED-3, a protein required for programmed cell death in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The activity of ICE can be specifically inhibited by the product of crmA, a cytokine response modifier gene encoded by cowpox virus. Microinjection of the crmA gene into chicken dorsal root ganglion neurons was found to prevent cell death induced by deprivation of nerve growth factor. Thus, ICE is likely to participate in neuronal death in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Recent biochemical and immunocytochemical evidence indicates that a population of circadian and reproductive rhythm-entraining photoreceptors lies in the basal diencephalon of iguanid lizards. Here, we report the results of correlated light and electron microscopy of opsin-immunoreactive cells in the basal brain, and we discuss their ultrastructural relationship to known photoreceptors. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting bipolar neurons in the lizards Anolis carolinensis and Iguana iguana were immunolabeled with antisera generated against vertebrate retinal opsins and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Within the brain, opsin-immunoreactive cells were found exclusively in the ependyma of the basal region of the lateral ventricles (adjacent to nucleus paraolfactorius/nucleus ventromedialis and neostriatum/paleostriatum). Cells in the same anatomical location and with the same morphology were labeled with anti-VIP antisera. These cells possessed a dendritic process that extended toward the lateral ventricle, ending in a bulbous terminal that protruded into the ventricle. Axonal processes travelled ventrally and caudally. The entire cell, including the axonal process, exhibited opsin-like and VIP-like immunoreactivity. By light microscopy, opsin-like immunostaining appeared punctate, with immunoreactivity greatest in the bulbous terminal. Opsin- and VIP-immunostained thick sections were resectioned, and individual cells observed by light microscopy were then characterized using electron microscopy. We found that all immunostained cells were morphologically similar and that they were morphologically distinct from neighboring nonimmunoreactive cells. CSF-contacting opsin- and VIP-immunoreactive cells lacked the membranous stacks characteristic of retinal photoreceptors but were ciliated and contained numerous large electron-dense vesicles. Multiple synaptic contacts were made on the soma and putative dendritic processes of opsin- and VIP-immunoreactive CSF-contacting neurons. Our results provide the first ultrastructural characterization of opsin-immunostained encephalic CSF-contacting neurons in a vertebrate animal, and they indicate that these putative photoreceptors share structural features with pineal photoreceptors and with certain invertebrate extraretinal photoreceptors, but they are morphologically and biochemically distinct from visual photoreceptors of the retina.  相似文献   

Transplantation of oligodendrocyte (Ol) progenitor cells into the central nervous system is a promising approach for the treatment of myelin disorders. This approach requires providing adequate numbers of healthy cells with myelinating potential. We recently showed the successful transplantation of Ol progenitors into the myelin-deficient (md) rat brain. In the present work, CG4 cells, a cell line with properties of Ol progenitors, were labeled with fast blue and grafted into P3-P5 pups born to carrier mothers. Examination of host brains 2 weeks posttransplant indicated that CG4 cells display a much more extensive migration capacity than their wild-type counterparts. These cells synthesized myelin components. In addition, ultrastructural analysis showed myelin formation along axons of md hosts in various brain regions, including corpus callosum, cerebellum, and brainstem. Furthermore, in situ hybridization studies performed on sagittal sections revealed extensive expression of transferrin-mRNA within the md host parenchyma. The high survival and functional features displayed by CG4 cells after transplantation, together with their striking wide distribution within the host parenchyma, as assessed by the presence of myelinated fibers in mutant hosts, emphasizes the importance of using highly motile and proliferative Ol progenitor cells. Strategies to improve the condition and life span of md rat pups are currently under investigation.  相似文献   

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