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本文基于底部框架砌体房屋结构易损性分析 ,并结合以往的震害资料及设计实践 ,就这类结构抗震设计中的几个问题进行了研究 ,给出了一些看法和建议 ,供参考  相似文献   

通过学习新规范及有关资料,并结合设计经验,就底部框架—抗震墙砌体房屋抗震设计中需重点注意的问题,进行了论述。  相似文献   

对8度(0.2g)区一栋建于1960年的4层底部框架-抗震墙砌体房屋进行抗震加固设计。原结构未经抗震设计,构造柱及圈梁设置偏少,抗震能力明显不足,且底部框架-抗震墙为薄弱层。经二次鉴定,1~2层楼层综合能力指数均不满足现行规范要求。选择合理的加固方案进行加固设计:底部增加嵌砌于框架之间的填充墙,以增加其侧向刚度;采用双面钢筋网水泥砂浆面层法和高延性混凝土单面加固法进行墙体抗震性能加固。加固后,结构抗震性能满足现行规范的要求。  相似文献   

采用截面纤维模型对南水北调中线工程中的某典型渡槽的支撑框架结构进行了罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性动力时程分析,分析结果表明,该渡槽在罕遇地震作用下,没有明显的薄弱部位,最大层间位移角在限值以内,具有良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

底部框架-抗震墙砌体结构(底框结构)底层钢筋混凝土框架与上部砌体墙之间刚度差异较大,底层钢筋混凝土框架在地震中易发生破坏。针对底框结构抗震性能较差的缺点,采用屈曲约束支撑对某幢底框结构房屋进行抗震加固,建立设置屈曲约束支撑的底框结构计算模型,应用反应谱及时程分析方法对该结构进行计算分析。结果表明,设置屈曲约束支撑能够有效减小底框结构刚度差异,降低结构地震响应,提高底框结构抗震性能;采用屈曲约束支撑加固方案具有施工简单、周期短等优点,可供底框结构抗震加固时参考使用。  相似文献   

在总结底部框剪砖房和配筋砌块砌体的抗震性能研究成果的基础上,对底部框剪上部配筋砌块砌体结构的抗震特性进行了初步研究。采用层间剪切模型和三折线骨架曲线恢复力模型,分别按6、7、8度区的多遇烈度、基本烈度和罕遇烈度,输入ElCentro地震波,模拟此类房屋的线性和非线性地震反应。通过分析加速度和位移地震反应,恢复力和层间位移角的变化,考察了该结构的抗震性能和抗震能力。结果表明:底部两层框剪上部六层配筋砌块砌体结构(高25.5m)可用于8度地震区,这种结构的底部框剪层是薄弱部位;应提高框剪层的水平地震剪力设计值,增强延性设计,提高抗倒塌能力。  相似文献   

偏心支撑框架与纯框架相比,有更大的抗侧移刚度及极限承载力,与中心支撑框架相比,可有效地降低地震作用.国内外学者对偏心支撑性能做了较多研究,但实际工程中鲜有应用,我国现有钢结构建筑大多为中心支撑框架或纯框架,结合一工程实例,对高层偏心支撑钢框架进行弹塑性时程分析和抗震性能研究.  相似文献   

本文对某框架和砌体相连的混合结构进行地震作用分析,以了解这种混合结构的抗震性能及承重墙体的抗震承载力情况,并根据抗震分析结果对其进行抗震加固改造,经过分析加固效果能满足抗震要求.  相似文献   

讨论了应用ANSYS进行无粘结支撑实体模型的非线性分析,给出了建模方法及应注意的问题,对无粘结支撑进行了参数分析,得出了相应的建议。通过荷载位移曲线,可以看出无粘结钢支撑(UBB)稳定的耗能性能和受压承载力。最后,用ETABS进行杆系模型算例计算分析,得到增加UBB后能提高结构抗震性能的结论。  相似文献   

通过对6个人字形无黏结内藏钢板支撑剪力墙试件的拟静力试验研究,对无黏结材料及支撑与墙板的间隙、墙板内钢筋配置、墙板端部加强构造以及钢板支撑周围有效宽度范围内采用普通混凝土,其余部分采用轻骨料混凝土的有效宽度墙板等因素对试件滞回性能的影响进行考察。试验结果表明,无黏结材料的均匀包裹、支撑与墙板间留有较小的间隙以及沿支撑轴向加密纵横向钢筋和拉结筋等构造措施,可以显著提高墙板局部抗弯和抗冲切承载力,改善试件的延性和耗能能力。支撑受压失稳时呈多波微幅弯曲变形状态,随压力增大,失稳半波数增多,支撑对墙板的局部冲切作用随之增大,使墙板局部弯曲或冲切破坏。直至破坏前,试件滞回曲线饱满稳定,骨架曲线基本呈现两折线的形式。试验还表明,当其他构造相同时,采用有效宽度墙板的试件和整个墙板均由普通混凝土制成的试件的滞回性能几乎相同,但前者自重轻,有利于墙板的安装和结构抗震。  相似文献   

刘英明 《混凝土》2012,(6):57-60
利用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS分析了T形截面钢骨混凝土柱在低周反复荷载作用下的受力性能,综合钢骨混凝土柱现有的试验研究成果,研究了T形截面钢骨混凝土柱在不同轴压比系数、配钢率、混凝土强度等级和长细比等参数对其延性的影响,得出了T形截面钢骨混凝土柱具有很好的延性性能,并提出了不同参数影响下T形截面钢骨混凝土柱满足一定延性要求的轴压比限值。  相似文献   

Steel bracing is able to improve progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) frames, but the bracing design is typically based on seismic retrofitting or lateral stability. There is no approach for design of steel bracing against progressive collapse. To this end, a retrofitting approach with steel braces is proposed based on analysis of macro finite element (FE) models with fiber beam elements. The FE models were initially validated through the experimental results of a braced frame and then used to investigate the effects of pertinent parameters on the progressive collapse resistance of planar frames. The results suggest the braces should be placed at the top story. Thereafter, macro FE models are built to investigate the dynamic responses of the three‐dimensional prototype RC frames under different column removal scenarios (CRS) and show the necessity of retrofitting. Accordingly, the design approach of steel bracing is proposed with incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and assuming independent contribution of braces and frames to resistance. Finally, the fragility analysis of the frames under a corner‐penultimate‐exterior CRS is conducted through IDA and Monte Carlo simulation, and the results confirm the validity of the proposed design approach for retrofitting RC frames.  相似文献   

通过墙板内置无黏结支撑钢框架结构的拟静力试验研究,考察了墙板内置支撑的构造、支撑与钢框架的连接、梁柱节点形式与节点区加强方式等对其滞回性能的影响。试验表明,总体上,采用组合墙板和组装墙板的两种新型墙板内置支撑均具有良好的延性,墙板无破坏时支撑的轴向累积非弹性变形能力均满足要求。钢板支撑端部焊接加劲肋后再与钢框架直接焊接连接是可行的,梁柱节点刚接时加强梁端的构造使钢框架和支撑均有稳定的受力性能。梁柱铰接节点因承受面内弯矩而使角钢出现裂纹并受拉断裂。支撑和钢框架分别在层间侧移角约1/355和1/75时进入屈服。总体上,梁柱铰接和刚接的结构在破坏前骨架曲线分别呈双折线和三折线。梁柱刚接的结构中,钢梁翼缘在侧移角约1/50时出现局部屈曲,并在随后更大幅值加载下出现裂纹和受拉断裂。试件最终因局部钢构件的断裂而破坏,破坏时侧移角远大于1/50,破坏前结构的滞回性能较稳定。  相似文献   

邢锦沅 《山西建筑》2009,35(27):70-71
介绍了用时程分析法进行抗震设计的基本思路及流程,研究了选择输入地震波时应考虑的几方面因素,并对其计算结果的处理进行了分析,结果表明:时程分析法能更准确地反映地震时结构物的反应。  相似文献   

在“钢骨截面延展性对高含钢率SRC柱静力性能的影响研究”的基础之上,该文通过一组含钢率为15%的SRC压弯构件反复加载试验,结合理论分析和有限元数值计算,研究了钢骨截面延展性对高含钢率SRC柱骨架曲线、滞回曲线、耗能能力和延性等抗震性能指标的影响,并分析了钢骨、钢筋和混凝土相互作用的机理。研究表明:①构件承载能力和耗能能力随钢骨截面延展性系数D提高而线性增加;②承载能力、耗能能力、延性和卸载刚度均随钢骨截面模量因子α的增大而显著增大;承载能力随约束混凝土因子β线性增加,但β对滞回曲线和变形能力的影响很小;③在加载后期,钢骨翼缘的局部屈曲和混凝土压溃退出工作是导致承载力下降的主要原因;构件的后期承载力、延性和耗能主要依赖于钢骨的贡献。 关键词:  相似文献   

Quasi-static tests for ten pieces of the unbonded steel plate brace encased in reinforced concrete panel, which is referred to as the panel buckling-restrained brace (panel BRB), have been carried out. The effects of some constructional details, such as unbonded material, clearance between the panel and the brace, configuration of the steel bar and the edge reinforcement, effective width of the panel, etc., on the hysteretic behavior of the panel BRBs are examined. The results indicate that the panel BRBs with evener unbonded materials, smaller clearance and additional steel bars and ties along the encased braces exhibit better ductility and energy dissipation capacity than the others. The brace under compression appears to exhibit small amplitude flexural buckling with multiple waves, and its ultimate axial force exceeds its yield load capacity significantly due to strain hardening and frictional action. All specimens of panel BRB exhibit a stable performance under the quasi-static loading until local failure of the panel occurs by either flexure or punching shear. The results also reveal that, with the same construction details mentioned above, the hysteretic behavior of the specimens with the effective width panel almost matches that of the specimens with normal weight concrete panel, however, the former kind of panel BRB would be advantageous in the aseismic performance of the buildings because of its lighter weight.  相似文献   

The peculiar building style and special structural system of the National Hall of China Pavilion for Expo 2010 Shanghai is a long‐span and large cantilevered steel–concrete hybrid structure with a shape of an inverted trapezoid in elevation and local discontinuity of floor slabs in plan for esthetic and functional considerations. Because of these characteristics, the building is classified as an irregular and complex structure. To investigate the seismic behavior of the structure, a refined finite element model was established by using NosaCAD. To simulate the nonlinear behavior of the members, the fiber section model was chosen for compression‐flexure frame members, and nonlinear flat shell element was chosen for tube wall. Nonlinear analysis was carried out to study the seismic behavior of the structure under the minor and major earthquakes at the level of intensity 7. With the analysis, the deformations, internal forces and damage states of the structure were investigated. Analysis results show that there is no damage on structure under minor earthquake, the structural system has sufficient capacity and ductility to resist major earthquake, and seismic performance objective of no damage under minor earthquake and no collapse under major earthquake can be reached. The deformation of the structure is less than the limit of the Chinese code. The order and distribution of damages on components of the tubes are reasonable, which can dissipate some dynamic energy. Finally, weak points were identified, and some corresponding suggestions were put forward to improve the overall seismic performance of this structure. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于模型的积分算法为新近提出的一类同时具有无条件稳定及显式两种特性的积分算法。为了更加深入地了解该类算法的计算流程及计算效果,使用一种基于模型的积分算法对钢框架进行地震作用下的非线性时程分析。采用基于刚度的纤维梁柱单元来建立钢框架的有限元模型,并采用基于模型的积分算法求解结构运动方程,详细地给出了分析步骤。根据美国规范,设计了一个四层钢框架。利用Matlab/Simulink编制了有限元数值仿真平台,建立了钢框架的有限元模型。同时,使用OpenSees软件建立了相同的结构模型,并采用Newmark常平均加速度法。OpenSees模型的分析结果作为参照。结果表明:在使用基于模型的积分算法时,不需要迭代。此外,即便积分时间步长较大时,基于模型的积分算法依然具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

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