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This study examines the structure present in interstate migration at the national level and interregional migration in the Western states in an attempt to identify the interrelationships that exist between the respective areal units. Places which act as important origins and destinations in the process are determined through the use of nodal and principal component analyses. It is found that the nation can be dichotomized into regions oriented towards the states of California and Florida and that the western part of the nation can also be regionalized into a small number of important migration fields. The centers of the majority of these fields are metropolitan areas. Such identification of the spatial organization provides a useful picture of the areal extents over which major attractive centers have influence.The author wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the Academic Senate Committee on Research, University of California, Santa Barbara, California.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the specification of distance and space in models of state-to-state population migration. Typically, space is captured by one or two simple variables that do not adequately model the spatial relationship between states. These are particularly poor measures for states with a common border, especially those with a metropolitan area located near the border. Four models of interstate population migration are developed, with increasingly complex specifications of space. The models are estimated using 1975 to 1980 migration data for the 48 contiguous states of the United States. Common borders and bordering metropolitan areas do influence interstate population flows. Models lacking a more detailed specification of space will lose explanatory power and suffer from biases.  相似文献   

A change in housing prices has a profound impact on households' housing equity and future moving decisions. While most previous studies focus on discussing the mobility lock-in effect due to housing price depreciation, revealing that there is a positive relationship between housing prices and migration, this study reexamines their relationship by using the panel cointegration method and city-level panel data for Taiwan during the 1994–2016 period. The empirical results reveal that migration and housing prices are cointegrated, and the influence of housing prices on migration is significantly positive in the long run. However, the influence of housing price changes on migration is not as significant as expected in the short run. To further examine their short-run relationships, we use quantile regression and the results show that the influence of housing price changes on migration is significantly negative below the 0.5 quantile, but it turns out to be significantly positive in the 0.9 quantile. The influence of housing price changes on migration is not significant between the 0.5 and 0.8 quantiles. We conclude that the influence of housing price changes on migration might be asymmetric in the short run.  相似文献   

The thrust of this study is to describe and contrast the determinants and outcomes of African-American interstate migration. We examine two types of migration outcomes – individual return to employment probability and household level return to poverty status. We investigate these motivations and outcomes based on a new typology of migration through the lens of household change that accompanies migration. We specify a pairwise two-stage probit model incorporating individual and state-level variables using Public Use Micro Sample data and various ecological data in the US. We show that independent migrants move to other states envisioning economic models of migration with migration as a derived response to opportunities, pressures, and constraints imposed by spatial inequalities in socioeconomic development. On the other hand, we demonstrate that linked migrants move to other states also for their economic need, but via kinship. In this case, the linked migrants' path does not follow the general pattern of economic circumstances. We show that household composition is an important factor that influences the destination choice for African Americans. While independent migrants are more concerned with diverse economic conditions at destinations, kinship, other ties and household structure at destinations are more significant factors for linked migrants. Received: June 2000/Accepted: June 2001  相似文献   

The topic of interstate migration and the effects of taxes on migration have been extensively studied. Prior research has examined not only many possible determinants of migration but also the migrations of various populations, including the elderly, African-Americans, and the college educated. The present study will attempt to differentiate itself from this prior research by looking at the effect of income taxes on the interstate migration of both whites and African-Americans at various ages. Another distinguishing feature of the present study is that it will use data from the NLSY-Geocode, a data set not used previously for this type of study. Results of the present study are similar to the results of prior works; income taxes have an effect on migration for most races and age groups. Individuals move from states with high income taxes to states with low income taxes; these results corroborate the results obtained from the use of aggregate, state-level data. In addition, results of the present study suggest that non-economic factors, such as ties to a particular state and changes in employment status, are also important factors in an individual’s migration decision.  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪对20种陶瓷地理标志产品中的砷、镉、铬、镍、铅、锑、锌、铜、锰等9种微量元素迁移量情况进行检测。结果显示,镉、铬、锑在20种地理标志产品陶瓷中均未检出;铅、锌、铜、锰迁移量在有釉瓷(陶)器的多数种类中检出,其中锌迁移量突出;砷、镍迁移量在无釉陶器中检出。  相似文献   

Plane DA 《环境与规划A辑》1994,26(10):1,545-1,561
The author analyzes the structure of temporal changes in U.S. internal migration over the period 1980-1988 using data from matched income tax returns. "A number of hypotheses are explored about how in-migration and out-migration fields wax and wane, thereby giving rise to the overall shifts in demographic effectiveness measured over the period. The results highlight the characteristics of recent (1980-88) shifts in U.S. internal migration patterns including net migration reversals from strong net in-migration to strong net out-migration for states with significant energy sectors, the stanching of net out-migration from many states of the American manufacturing belt, the turnaround to net in-migration for all of northern New England, and the continuance of highly effective net in-migration to the sunbelt states of Florida, Arizona, and Nevada."  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the Netherlands’ economic urban landscape has developed into a polynucleated urban structure. The resulting spatial distribution of job opportunities influences geographical job access at the individual level. This paper addresses the question, to what extent does spatial variation in job access within the Netherlands polynucleated urban structure influence job-related migration? First, it is shown that there are large differences in job access in the Netherlands in both the total number of jobs and in job levels. Scores on job access are higher in strategic residential locations in between the major cities in the polynucleated urban region of the Randstad than in the major cities themselves. Second, using data from the Netherlands Housing Demand survey and logistic regression models, it is shown that the probability of job-related migration decreases as the number of jobs within reach of the residence increases. The analyses control for both individual and household characteristics. The results show that strategic residential locations in between the major cities are as favourable as the cities themselves in terms of avoiding high spatial mobility costs.  相似文献   

In this study an attempt has been made to construct a destination choice model for those families who migrated to California from other states between the years 1965 and 1970.The empirical work is based on a Public Use Sample of Basic Records from the 1970 Census; the technique of estimation used in this study is McFadden's maximum likelihood (multinomial logit technique which often is referred to as conditional logit).Our findings confirm the hypothesis that various groups of migrants respond somewhat differently to the geographic and economic stimuli in selecting their destinations in California. While white family migrants pay attention to the level of expected earnings in selecting their destinations, black family migrants are more concerned with the expansion of economic opportunities (i.e., growth rates of income and employment).  相似文献   

The study of moisture migration in a layered structure made of distinct building materials is of great importance for the understanding of its hygrothermomechanical response and for the design consideration of long-term structural integrity and durability. Modeling of moisture migration in an fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite upgraded masonry structure is particularly necessary, since the interfacial adhesive between the reinforcing FRP laminate and the host masonry can be susceptible to moisture damages. In this study, a generic theoretical formulation based on the framework of the Fourier moisture diffusion model was developed for a layered structure. The resulting governing equation was expressed in terms of humidity potential state variable whose relation with the moisture content state variable of the constituent material was defined in the sorption isotherm material property. Finite element implementation of the humidity potential formulation was also carried out. The finite element humidity migration modeling scheme was then utilized to perform two case studies. It was shown that the moisture migration processes in a concrete slab with a reinforcing FRP laminate partially covering one surface as well as in an FRP reinforced URM unit with air cavity can be captured in details when these structures are subjected to outdoor/indoor isothermal humidity gradients.  相似文献   

"This paper is an investigation of the variation in household structure at the census tract level in twenty US cities between 1970 and 1980. Results indicate that households were, in 1980, more likely to reside in proximity to households with different compositions. In 1980 the most genuinely diverse census tracts, in terms of household composition, were in neighborhoods with recently constructed, single-family housing."  相似文献   

"Because of a special tabulation recently completed by the US Bureau of the Census for the 1965-1970 period, interareal migration flows--for the first time--can be examined on the level of the 3,140 counties.... Preliminary results, restricted to six (of a theoretically possible 3,139) levels, are discussed here. They provide some indications of the full results, as well as an upper bound (40,000) on the number of largest doubly standardized values it is necessary to consider in the full clustering."  相似文献   

Eleven input–output tables are used for analysing the technological changes of the US construction industry from 1947 to 2002. Over the years, the industry has been characterized by a significant input shift that reflects the evolution of the USA towards services and away from a manufacturing‐based economy. This evolution is also reflected in the 1997 adoption of a new classification system of the US industries by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Changes are also found in analysing the direct requirements of two key sectors of the industry, residential and highway construction, during the 1967–1997 period. New materials and labour‐saving machinery have been some of the major drivers in the changing input structure of the two considered sectors. The study demonstrates the importance of using very long series of data and input–output tables with more than 400 industries for the further understanding of the secular changes of the construction industry and its constituent sectors.  相似文献   

Conclusions It was found that for the three functions examined, local schools, highways, and health and hospitals, wider variations existed for the capital outlay component than for the current expenditure component.Despite these wide variations in capital outlay, in the case of local school and highway expenditures, the independent variables were able to account for 64 percent and 85 percent of the variance in capital outlay respectively. In short, although wide variations existed in capital outlays, these variations were explained largely by systematic rather than random factors. In the case of highway expenditures our systematic variables explained more of the variation in capital outlay (R2=0. 853), than of the variation in current expenditures (R2=0.678). However, for local school expenditures, our systematic variables explained a larger proportion of the variation in current expenditures than in capital outlay (R2=0.750 and R2=0. 641, respectively). Only 27 percent of the health and hospital capital outlay were explained, while 50 percent of the current expenditures were accounted for. Further study might improve upon our results for health and hospitals.Finally, it is of significance to note that when comparing our equations for capital outlay with current expenditure for the same function that, in general, the explanatory variables differ. This may have important policy implications which past studies concentrating on aggregates of current and capital outlays, failed to uncover.  相似文献   

50多年来,有轨电车已在大多数美国城市中消失,不过现在的情况有很大的变化,大约有40个城市正在规划或建造有轨电车,包括华盛顿特区、西雅图、亚特兰大、新奥尔良、盐湖城等.据专家们估计,2年内将有22个城市会建造新的有轨电车线路.形势的变化有两个原因,一是奥巴马政府对政策作出修正,二是波特兰有轨电车的成功经验.  相似文献   

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