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牙膏纸箱堆码抗压可靠性设计初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李玉盛  殷明 《包装工程》2003,24(4):50-52
模拟牙膏纸箱实际堆码进行长时间抗压试验,获得纸箱压溃临界蠕变变形量,采用数理统计方法确定了该种纸箱压溃临界蠕变变形量的概率分布及其数字特征,提出了牙膏纸箱堆码抗压可靠性设计参数。  相似文献   

为了研究在不同工况下牙膏纸箱的堆码层数和堆码时间的关系,指导牙膏纸箱的储运,通过对样本的堆码试验,利用统计分析方法对其堆码中产生整体蠕变的时间数据进行处理,然后在一定置信度下进行参数和区间估计,从而得出牙膏纸箱堆码时产生蠕变的大小和堆码时间的关系,确保牙膏纸箱堆码整体蠕变时间确定的可靠性.  相似文献   

钢制内压容器的静强度试验要在最严格的压力试验前提下进行其可靠度的分析,要构建完善的钢制压力容器的模糊可靠性理论体系。本文主要研究在有差别的失效准则下,从控制钢制压力容器在试验压力与正常操作两种情况下静强度的可靠度范围,到探索钢制压力容器的静强度可靠度和试验压力及安全系数之间的关系。  相似文献   

对瓦楞纸箱包装的各种堆垛方式进行受力分析,阐述堆垛方式对堆垛强度的影响,得出纵横交错式堆垛的耐压强度最低,而齐平式堆垛其耐压强度最高的结论。  相似文献   

基于实例推理的印刷机传动系统振动分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
要进一步提高印刷机械的工作速度,必须减小振动对其工作稳定性的影响。通过对印刷机械实验台的振动分析和对高速卷筒纸印刷机工作的振动研究,利用丹麦BK公司的振动测试系统,得到了印刷机械工作时,滚筒不平衡、弯曲变形、加工精度等一系列因素引起的相关振动信号。根据这些振动信号的量度幅值,可以确定印刷机设计时所要控制的重要参数。  相似文献   

尖轨作为铁路道岔的薄弱环节,其密贴和爬行位移变化关系到列车行车安全,需要定时检测和严格控制。本文提出了一种尖轨密贴爬行测量方法,并搭建了相应系统。利用动作引导杆引入尖轨密贴爬行位移变化,并将其转换为直线位移和小角度角位移。建立密贴爬行位移解算模型,并给出了标定方法。设计了专用的数据采集与发送电路,实现了对尖轨密贴间隙和爬行量的采集和监测。实验结果表明该系统测量误差小于0.2 mm,可有效满足尖轨密贴爬行高精度测量需求。  相似文献   

工程图学在堆垛方式与堆垛强度研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鄢腊梅 《包装工程》2000,21(5):41-43
指出了堆垛强度的计算方法,阐述了堆垛方式对堆垛强度的影响,得出了齐平式堆压强度最高,而交错式堆垛稳定性最好的结论,计算机辅助设计使计算更准确、合理。  相似文献   

Under incentivized contractual mechanisms such as availability‐based contracts, the support service provider and its customer must share a common understanding of equipment reliability baselines. Emphasis is typically placed on the information technology‐related solutions for capturing, processing and sharing vast amounts of data. In the case of repairable fielded items, scant attention is paid to the pitfalls within the modelling assumptions that are often endorsed uncritically and seldom made explicit during field reliability data analysis. This paper presents a case study in which good practices in reliability data analysis are identified and applied to real‐world data with the aim of supporting the effective execution of a defence avionics availability‐based contract. The work provides practical guidance on how to make a reasoned choice between available models and methods based on the intelligent exploration of the data available in practical industrial applications. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

果蔬在冷藏期间的水分耗散是影响其贮藏品质和经济性的一个重要因素。本文运用CFD分析方法,探讨了果蔬的四种堆放方式对冷库内空气区平均速度、各区域平均温度、相对湿度及果蔬冷藏期间水分耗散的影响。结果表明:对于降低货物区的温度,减少果蔬冷藏期间的水分耗散,垂直间距形堆放是最佳的堆放方式。  相似文献   

唐跃华  吴锋 《工业工程》2002,5(2):49-53
针对不同的客户需求,存在两种不同的定制生产,即完全定制和批量化定制生产。本文简要分析了两种不同定制的差异,然后通过两个实际案例(计算机主板与可旋转座椅)说明批量化定制在制造业中的应用,本文还探讨了在产品种类有较大变化时,如何利用批量化定制思想控制成本的途径。  相似文献   

Reliability evaluation and selection of rolling element bearings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A procedure based on graph theory and matrix approach has been developed for the reliability evaluation and selection of a rolling element bearing for an application. The reliability of the bearing is evaluated considering reliability of its elements and their connections. This is modeled in terms of Reliability Graph of a Rolling Element Bearing. This graph is represented by an equivalent matrix called Rolling Element Bearing Reliability Permanent Matrix to obtain a matrix function-Reliability Permanent Function. This function is the characteristic of reliability of the rolling element bearing for the application. Reliability Index (RI) of the bearing is also defined. It is a numerical measure of the bearing reliability and is obtained by substituting reliability value of the bearing elements and their connections in the matrix function. The paper also suggests how to assess these reliability values to obtain the index. The proposed procedure is useful for designers and practicing engineers for selection of an optimum bearing for a given application. The methodology is illustrated by means of an example.  相似文献   

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