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熄焦方式对焦炭热态性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熄焦方式直接影响着焦炭的冷态强度,干法熄焦与湿法熄焦相比,干熄焦的M40和M10分别比湿熄焦提高2%和0.8%。但熄焦方式对焦炭热态性能的影响,主要对焦炭反应性和反应后强度指标的影响研究不多。济钢焦化厂的技术人员利用现有的生产和试验设备,在配比和其他炼焦条件相同的条件下,  相似文献   

低水分熄焦是在常规湿法熄焦系统中采用专门设计的单一熄焦车,通过大口径喷头喷水使焦炭水分比常规湿法熄焦低且均匀。  相似文献   

张利  袁业旭 《燃料与化工》2003,34(3):136-137
我厂年产焦炭155万t,承担着为炼铁厂提供优质焦炭的任务,原熄焦工艺为一段喷水,焦炭的平均水分偏高,有时视操作条件和季节变化的影响,水分的波动较大。1存在的问题炼焦二车间熄焦系统原为一段喷水熄焦工艺,即:熄焦车接焦后进入熄焦塔,熄焦水泵自动接通电源,一次性喷水120s,控水10s,放入焦台凉焦后经皮带送入焦仓。结果发现,靠近熄焦车底部,有2m多长的焦炭熄不透,产生红焦放入焦台后再喷水处理,而位于车厢上部的焦炭则由于水分过大而发黑,造成焦炭水分极不稳定,炼铁厂对此意见较大,同时也增加了焦粉沉淀池的工作量。经分析认为,由于炽热的焦…  相似文献   

采用喷雾低水熄焦技术对原熄焦系统进行了改造,解决了喷嘴堵塞及喷淋效果不好等问题。熄焦时间缩短了50~80s,用水量减少了20%~40%,焦炭水分降低了1%。同时,还稳定了高炉操作,使焦比降低了1.2%。  相似文献   

梁轶  任进进 《煤化工》2014,(1):28-29,52
通过比较在装炉煤配比不变情况下,干熄焦炭和湿熄焦炭水分、粒度、机械强度和热态性能,表明干法熄焦明显改善焦炭品质,焦炭水分平均下降6.7%,40 mm粒级的量高出约6%,M40提高了4.4%,CSR提高了6.5%。  相似文献   

干法熄焦技术进展及应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李刚 《煤化工》2005,33(1):17-19,40
概述了湿法熄焦和干法熄焦的原理和工艺流程,通过对二者焦炭质量和筛分组成的对比以及对干法熄焦节能和环保效果的分析,得出了干法熄焦可以提高焦炭质量,缩短炼焦周期,提高焦炉生产能力,扩大炼焦配煤品种,提高节能和环保效果,认为干法熄焦技术有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

指出了包钢焦化厂1#~4#焦炉传统湿法熄焦工艺存在的问题,介绍了喷雾低水分熄焦的原理,详细介绍了喷淋系统的改造与熄焦泵的工艺设计。对传统湿法熄焦工艺的改进从根本上解决了该厂旧生产系统焦炭水分高而不稳定的问题,缩短了熄焦时间,为稳定高炉炼铁生产奠定了基础,在节能、环保、改善操作环境等方面呈现出良好的效果。  相似文献   

为利用焦化厂固体废弃物,结合迁安中化煤化工有限责任公司实际情况,在40 kg小焦炉上进行了配煤炼焦试验。焦化固体废弃物与三给瘦煤按1:6比例配成型煤,然后在加入型煤比例3%~9%时,进行焦炭冷热强度检测试验,试验结果表明,加入型煤比例在不高于7%时,可改善焦炭冷强度,并对焦炭热强度影响不大,配煤炼焦是可行的,并在工业生产中得到验证。焦化固体废弃物代替部分配合煤使用,可有效地解决该废弃物造成的环境污染问题,具有一定的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

介绍了济钢6m焦炉熄焦系统采用的新型熄焦工艺流程及生产应用情况。实施该工艺后,焦炭水分明显降低了2%,水分波动范围缩小30%~40%,并且减少了吨焦耗水量20%~30%和废气排放,达到了稳定高炉操作、降低焦比、保护环境和节约资源的目的。  相似文献   

改进熄焦方式 降低焦炭水分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对焦炉生产中的熄焦过程进行了分析,指出了原熄焦系统由于采用小水流喷洒方式熄焦而使熄焦水分偏高,提出了一种新型熄焦方式高压喷雾嘴喷洒熄焦,分析了其工作原理及相关问题,并付诸实施。降低了焦炭水分,取得了明显经济效益。  相似文献   

由于煤气质量不能满足甲醇生产的要求,我公司焦炉煤气制甲醇装置投产后,甲醇生产不稳定。通过技术改造,增加了电捕焦油器、低温水洗、栲胶脱硫、焦炭过滤器等煤气处理方式,提高了煤气质量,满足了甲醇生产的要求。  相似文献   

湿法与干法熄焦过程对环境影响的评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡承祐 《燃料与化工》1999,30(6):267-269
根据德国凯撒斯图尔焦化厂的湿熄焦与干熄焦装置的生产操作情况,将两种熄焦过程对环境的影响作了对比与评述,从而肯定了干熄焦技术的环境效益。  相似文献   

In this work, we present results of a study of gas absorption into a falling film on a vertical substrate. The film flow is accompanied by the formation of nonlinear waves which strongly influence the diffusion layer that develops from the film surface. As a result, significant enhancement of mass transfer has been observed in experiments. We use recent advances in modelling of the hydrodynamics and solve a two-dimensional convective-diffusion equation for the solute concentration. Numerical solutions for the finite-amplitude wave regimes and associated integral absorption rates are obtained for a range of flow conditions. Our results show clearly the influence of waves on the development of the diffusion layer and, in particular, the enhancement of absorption due to the waves; the existence of optimal conditions for maximizing the absorption rate is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The formation of a gas film around an electrode is at the origin of the electrochemical discharges in aqueous solutions and in molten salts. The study of the electrochemical discharge phenomenon from the current signal point of view is conducted to identify the gas film formations and the following discharges. This is performed using the wavelet analysis as a denoising tool with the discrete Meyer wavelet as base function. The proposed algorithm allows to measure experimentally the gas film life time and its necessary building time prior to each series of discharges. The accuracy of the algorithm is evaluated using generated signals and its application to real data is demonstrated. From the experimental data, it is concluded that the gas film is more stable at high terminal voltages whereas its formation time decreases with it. Electrochemical and thermal interpretations for the measured statistics are proposed.  相似文献   

滕岩 《聚酯工业》2011,24(3):53-54
PET薄膜为干膜光阻层的载体,起保护作用,主要是隔绝氧气、分层和避免机械划伤,在曝光之后显影之前除去。其厚度呈现逐渐变薄的趋势,主要为15~19μm。  相似文献   

气淬粒化高炉熔渣液膜流动特性数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

随着干熄焦技术的引进,热管换热器在干熄焦装置中也逐步得到应用。随着干熄焦设备国产化率越来越高,热管换热器作为干熄焦循环气体二次降温设备,减少了投资,改善了操作,稳定了工艺。  相似文献   

AlN whiskers in mullite-silicon carbide refractories were synthesized under the simulated conditions of service temperature and nitrogen flow in a coke dry quenching (CDQ) furnace. Nanoscale Fe powder and Si3N4-Fe powder were added as catalysts to the raw materials of the mullite-silicon carbide refractory containing metallic Al powder. The correlation between the microstructures and the sample properties were studied; the results showed that the formation and interaction of AlN whiskers in situ in the matrix improved the strength, thermal shock resistance, and toughness of the refractory. Nanoscale Fe powder was more effective as a catalyst for the formation and growth of AlN whiskers. The formation temperature of AlN whiskers in the samples containing nanoscale Fe powder was successfully decreased from 1000 to 850 °C under nitrogen flow.  相似文献   

用5kg实验焦炉进行配煤炼焦实验,研究了废弃活性炭的添加量与粒径大小对焦炭质量的影响,结果表明:配入一定量的废弃活性炭替代瘦煤进行配煤炼焦是可行的,废弃活性炭的配入量和粒径分别控制在0.5%~2%、0.5~1.0mm时,对焦炭的冷态强度与热态强度不产生影响。用废弃活性炭替代瘦煤炼焦,可以降低配合煤成本,有效解决资源浪费以及环境污染等方面的问题。  相似文献   

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