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采用湿法磷酸生产饲料级磷酸氢钙时,副产含硫酸钙废渣,用废渣磷石膏制备农用硫酸钾,是解决目前我国硫酸钾紧缺,变废为宝的一条有效途径。一、制备方法1.磷石膏的净化磷石膏的成份是含总 P_2O_51.5%、水溶磷0.4%、CaO 32%、SO_3 44.5%、Fe_2O_30.15%、Al_2O_3 0.08%、F0.22%、H_2O19.9%、酸不溶物1.4%。其中游离酸、氟化物等会影响磷石膏的直接利用,  相似文献   

辽宁某低品位磷铁矿石中可回收元素为铁和磷,铁品位8.69%、磷品位2.79%,铁和磷主要以磁铁矿和磷灰石形式存在。试验采用磁浮联合流程,磁选为一粗一精、浮选为一粗一扫三精正浮选流程,在磨矿细度为-0.074mm占70%,磁场强度12kA/m,碳酸钠为pH值调整剂,调pH至7.5,水玻璃用量1500g/t,捕收剂改性氧化石蜡皂用量1000g/t的条件下,获得铁精矿铁品位为66.97%、铁回收率为67.28%,磷精矿磷品位为35.97%、磷回收率为79.03%的选矿试验指标。  相似文献   

在已有除磷工艺的基础上,对其进行改良强化,探讨一种高效低能耗的强化生物除磷工艺,一种不同于传统生物除磷工艺的旁流式强化生物除磷工艺。研究结果显示,旁流比为20%、HRT为6h、曝4停2(h)时,脱氮除磷以及COD去除效果最佳,去除率分别达到93%、85%、73%、90.5%,出水C、N、P均满足一级A排放,此创新方法可在一定程度上为磷的高效去除及资源化利用提供技术与理论支撑。  相似文献   

杨心师  钟英 《磷肥与复肥》2015,30(12):12-14
为提高利用龙陵浮选磷砂矿生产过磷酸钙的磷转化率及产品质量,研究了磷砂矿细度及添加剂对磷转化率的影响。结果表明,降低矿粉细度、添加硝酸钾和硝酸均能提高磷砂矿的磷转化率及过磷酸钙产品质量;较优的硝酸钾和硝酸用量分别为占磷砂矿质量的0.50%~1.67%和5.0%~7.5%,所得过磷酸钙产品质量达到GB20413—2006一等品质量要求。  相似文献   

磷石膏的综合利用对磷化工行业可持续发展和长江流域生态保护具有重大意义。但是磷石膏中含有少量磷、氟以及有机物等有害杂质影响其应用性能,不能直接利用。因此,通过采用石灰中和、水洗、浮选3种净化除杂预处理工艺研究了云南安宁某公司磷石膏中水溶磷、水溶氟的脱除规律。结果表明,石膏调浆-石灰-母液循环预处理技术能有效脱除磷石膏中的水溶磷、水溶氟,脱除率分别为74.95%、76.20%,质量分数可降至0.090%、0.043%,满足GB/T 23456—2018《磷石膏》的二级品指标限值要求;三级逆流水洗工艺也能有效脱除磷石膏中的水溶磷、水溶氟,脱除率分别为78.81%、89.94%,质量分数可降至0.087%、0.018%,预处理后的磷石膏质量也可达到GB/T 23456—2018《磷石膏》的二级品指标要求;而“一粗二精”正浮选工艺不仅能实现石膏和石英的高效分离,而且也能实现水溶磷、水溶氟的有效脱除,从而提高了产品纯度,并且达到GB/T 23456—2018《磷石膏》的一级品指标要求。从经济可行性角度和当前磷石膏的低值化利用途径分析,研究形成的石膏调浆-石灰-母液循环磷石膏预处理工艺更具有适用性。  相似文献   

采用正交实验方案研究了对CBC磷石膏基胶凝材料性能的影响因素,影响因素有SH、磷渣、KZ、粉煤灰等因素。结果表明,SH为主要因素,因此进一步研究了SH对CBC磷石膏基胶凝材料性能的影响。同时得出了粉体的最佳配比为:8%SH、5%磷渣、8%粉煤灰、10%KZ、69%磷石膏。通过现有工艺技术的研究为磷石膏资源化提供了一种新的、切实可行的技术方法的一些基础理论数据。  相似文献   

张会孔  崔峻 《农药》1992,31(1):44-44
针对目前抗性棉蚜问题,1990年我们对久威磷、久胺磷农药,进行了防治棉蚜的药效对比试验,现将试验结果总结如下。一、试验材料与方法1.供试药剂:40%久效磷乳油,40%久胺磷乳油(有效成分为久效磷、磷胺);40%久  相似文献   

对某地超贫钒钛磁铁矿中的铁及伴生磷进行了弱磁选回收铁、浮选回收磷的试验研究。结果表明,原矿在第一段磨矿细度为-200目占50%、第二段磨矿细度为-200目占80%的条件下,通过弱磁选可获得铁品位64.42%、回收率为55.45%的铁精矿;磁选尾矿经一次粗选三次精选一次扫选,可获得品位P2O535.36%、回收率93.83%的磷精矿。  相似文献   

为提高除磷药剂的利用率,研究了化学除磷产生的污泥(以下简称"化学除磷污泥")对二沉池出水水质的影响效果。结果表明:投加化学除磷污泥可有效去除二沉池内的TP,去除率可达16%,减少了后续深度除磷药剂的消耗量,节省了运营成本。同时,化学除磷污泥可改善二沉池内污泥沉降性能及出水水质,其中SVI降低了7%,SS,COD的去除率分别达到18%,10%。因此,化学除磷污泥的回用是一种有效可行的降低污水厂运营成本的办法。  相似文献   

通过对ABS基树脂化学镀镍一磷层的腐蚀黑化,得到反射率在0.5%以下的超黑表面.以不同磷的质量分数的镀层为研究对象,研究了腐蚀时间、镀层中磷的质量分数对镀层表面构造一种多孔结构的形貌特征的影响.通过对ABS树脂化学镀镍一磷层硝酸溶液腐蚀黑化前后电镜图,以及腐蚀镀层之间反射率的比较,得出磷的质量分数为5.2%~7.1%的镀层,在40℃硝酸溶液(1:1)中腐蚀20~50s,镀层表面可以得到超黑的效果.  相似文献   

由于高品位磷矿的紧缺,磷酸生产的过滤成为生产的瓶颈,为提高过滤强度,方法之一是加絮凝剂。介绍加絮凝剂的磷酸过滤工艺流程;絮凝剂的选用方法及应避免的误区;SC-3450絮凝剂的应用效果:萃取率提高1.25%,洗涤率提高3%,磷矿、硫酸等消耗降低,磷酸产量提高。  相似文献   

贵州织金某磷矿原矿P2 O5品位为20.85%、MgO质量分数为7.50%,属高镁低硅磷矿.针对矿石性质,采用反浮选工艺,通过1粗1扫和1粗1扫1精加精扫两种工艺流进行选别,结果表明:,前者精矿MgO质量分数为1.80%左右,不能满足下游生产指标要求;后者可获得精矿P2O5品位为32.42%、MgO质量分数为0.92%...  相似文献   

Electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) was evaluated as a potential technique for characterizing the dissolution and assessing the chemical reactivity of contrasting phosphate rock (PR) materials. The types of rock used were: three reactive rocks, Sechura phosphate rock (SPR), North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR), and Chatham Rise phosphorite (CRP), which contains significant amounts of calcium carbonate; one unreactive rock, Tennessee phosphate rock (TPR); and one iron and aluminium phosphate, calcined Christmas Island C grade phosphate rock (Calciphos). Dissolution of SPR increased as the solution:solid ratio increased to 250:1, the voltage was increased from 0 to 400 V, and the ionic strength of the extracting solution was increased. The neutralizing effect of any CaCO3 present in PR materials, which is a major limitation with single chemical extraction procedures, does not appear to be a problem with EUF. A limitation of using de-ionized water as the extracting solution with EUF is the small amounts (1 to 6%) of total of P extracted. Addition of NaCl to the extracting solution increased the dissolution of all PR materials, although this varied with the PR. With both de-ionized water and NaCl as the extracting solution, EUF was inferior to 2% formic acid for assessing agronomic effectiveness of the PR materials. EUF appears to be of limited value in assessing the chemical reactivity of PR materials.  相似文献   

In a series of greenhouse experiments granulated phosphate fertilizers prepared by mixing triple superphosphate with phosphate rock and partially acidulated phosphate rock, ranging in their content of water souble P from 95 to 17 per cent of total P were applied to neutral and slightly alkaline (pH 6.9–7.8), sandy loam to clay soils ranging in calcium carbonate content from 2 to 35 percent. Dry matter yield of clover, alfalfa, millet or maize were obtained, P uptake determined and sodium bicarbonate extractable P in soil measured. In one field experiment triple superphosphate was compared to mixture of triple superphosphate and phosphate rock on maize. X ray difraction on one triple superphosphate — phosphate rock mixture and on one partially acidulated phosphate rock showed that both fertilizers contain mainly monocalcium phosphate and fluorapatite. After incubation in soil the dicalcium phosphate content rose and the monocalcium phosphate disappeared.Parameters received in greenhouse experiments and in the field indicate that phosphate fertilizers composed of superphosphate and up to 50 percent phosphate rock are as efficient source of P to plants on calcareous and slightly alkaline soils as superphosphate. If this indication would be proven in extensive field experimentation it would lead to savings in acid consumption and in fertilizer manufacturing plant capacity for calcareous soils.  相似文献   

我国磷矿资源形势与可持续供应的对策建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
磷矿石是生产磷肥的重要原料 ,作为世界上重要的磷矿生产国和消费国 ,我国磷矿储量虽然总量不少但质量不好 ,高品位富矿仅占 8%左右 ,仅能满足国内至 2 0 15年的需求 ,而且集中在交通不便的西南地区。为实现磷矿资源可持续供应 ,促进我国磷肥工业可持续发展 ,必须采取措施加强磷矿资源保护与合理利用。  相似文献   

邢梅 《磷肥与复肥》2017,32(9):31-33
由于湿法磷酸产能的提升,磷矿浆细度的提高,导致磷矿浆在浓密机内难沉降,磷矿浆相对密度降低,水分升高,对下游生产带来极大不便,影响其经济效益。分析主要原因,并介绍采取的相应措施,改造后,矿浆w(H_2O)由41%降为40.89%,降低了生产成本,为下游生产带来了良好的效果。  相似文献   

The 1990s mark the centenary of the earliest work to identify the value of rock phosphate fertilizers for Western Australian agriculture. This review summarizes this and subsequent work. We arrive at a simple conclusion: rock phosphates are ineffective fertilizers because they do not dissolve rapidly in Western Australian soils.The effectiveness of different types of rock phosphate fertilizers has been compared with the effectiveness of superphosphate in several long-term field experiments on a variety of non-leaching soils in south-western Australia. These experiments have consistently shown that, all types of rock phosphate fertilizers are between one twentieth to one third as effective as freshly applied superphosphate both in the year of application and in subsequent years. Glasshouse experiments produce similar results. Laboratory studies of soils from these experiments have shown that the poor effectiveness of the rock phosphates is primarily due to the small extent of dissolution of these fertilizers in Western Australian soils. Several factors are responsible for the inability of adequate amounts of rock phosphate to dissolve in these soils. The soils are only moderately acid (pH in water > 5.5) and generally have low pH buffering capacities so can not rapidly contribute a large supply of protons to promote extensive dissolution of rock phosphate. The soils also have low capacities to adsorb the P and Ca released during dissolution of rock phosphate. They also have low water-holding capacities, and in the field under the Mediterranean climate the soil near the surface rapidly dries between rains thereby restricting dissolution of rock phosphates. In the laboratory it has been shown that rock phosphate dissolution is considerably enhanced in permanently-moist, acid soil with high pH buffering capacity, and high P and Ca buffer capacities.Thus the low extent of dissolution of rock phosphate fertilizers in Western Australian soils is responsible for the poor agronomic effectiveness of these fertilizers measured in the field experiments.  相似文献   

世界磷矿资源形势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
磷矿是重要的非金属矿资源,主要分布在非洲、北美、南美、亚洲及中东地区。近年受需求拉动,全球磷矿石产量逐年增加,2006年,中国取代美国成为最大的磷矿石生产国。据统计,全球90%的磷矿石用于生产磷肥,亚洲及南美洲的发展中国家将成为磷矿石的重要消费国。以目前全球磷矿生产能力及保有资源量估算,世界磷矿能满足99年的需求。我国富矿石保有量不足,且开发利用过程存在一些问题,为此提出了相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

<正>引言 磷矿是磷肥生产的主要原料,对于它的品位评价,不仅决定于其中所含磷酸盐的量,亦决定于其杂质矿物的含量。特别是,铁铝杂质的含量是评价磷矿品位重要条件之一。因为这些杂质矿物对磷肥生产十分有害。它非但使生产加工过程发生困难,而且使磷肥的质量降低,甚至不合标准。因此,在选择磷矿原料时,对其中所含铁铝杂质矿物的含量有严格的限制。例如,在过磷酸钙或萃取磷酸生产中,磷矿原料中铁的含量不能超过如下的规定:  相似文献   

细菌和真菌分解低品位磷矿   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了枯草芽孢杆菌、假单孢菌和曲霉对低品位磷矿粉的分解作用. 结果表明,3种菌株均显著促进了磷矿粉中磷的浸出,磷的浸出率最高可达7%,其中曲霉的解磷能力远强于枯草芽孢杆菌和假单孢菌,进一步证实了真菌的解磷能力强于细菌. 磷矿粉用量越低,磷的浸出率越高. 随培养时间增加,磷的浸出率逐渐升高,但培养到15 d后磷的浸出几乎达到饱和. 另外,碳源浓度为3%时,枯草芽孢杆菌和假单孢菌培养液中磷的浸出率最高,而碳源浓度为2%时曲霉培养液中磷的浸出率达到最高,浓度过高或过低均抑制磷的浸出.  相似文献   

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