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An autosomal genome scan for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk production traits was carried out on the Norwegian Dairy Cattle population. Six half-sibling families with a total of 285 sons organized according to a granddaughter design were analyzed by a multiple marker regression method. Suggestive QTL for one or several of the five milk traits (milk yield, protein percentage, protein yield, fat percentage and fat yield) were detected on chromosomes 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 18 and 20. Among these results, the findings on chromosomes 3, 6, and 20 are highly supported by literature. The most convincing result was found close to marker FBN9 on chromosome 6, where a QTL was detected with alleles that cause a marked reduction in both protein and fat percentages and an increase in milk yield. The results for fat and protein percentage were highly significant even after accounting for multiple testing across the genome. Using bootstrapping, a 95% confidence interval for the position of the QTL for the percentage traits on chromosome 6 was estimated to 16 cM.  相似文献   

A whole genome scan of Finnish Ayrshire was conducted to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk production. The analysis included 12 half-sib families containing a total of 494 bulls in a granddaughter design. The families were genotyped with 150 markers to construct a 2764 cM (Haldane) male linkage map. In this study interval mapping with multiple-marker regression approach was extended to analyse multiple chromosomes simultaneously. The method uses identified QTL on other chromosomes as cofactors to increase mapping power. The existence of multiple QTL on the same linkage group was also analyzed by fitting a two-QTL model to the analysis. Empirical values for chromosome-wise significance thresholds were determined using a permutation test. Two genome-wise significant QTL were identified when chromosomes were analyzed individually, one affecting fat percentage on chromosome (BTA) 14 and another affecting fat yield on BTA12. The cofactor analysis revealed in total 31 genome-wise significant QTL. The result of two-QTL analysis suggests the existence of two QTL for fat percentage on BTA3. In general, most of the identified QTL confirm results from previous studies of Holstein-Friesian cattle. A new QTL for all yield components was identified on BTA12 in Finnish Ayrshire.  相似文献   

An extension of our previous genome scan of a North American Holstein-Friesian population was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting conformation traits. Resource families consisted of 1404 sons of 10 elite sires. Genome coverage was estimated to be 2713.5 cM (90%) for 406 markers using a granddaughter design. Regression interval mapping was used to detect QTL affecting 22 conformation traits, including body, udder, feet and legs, and dairy conformation as well as calving ease. Analysis of the families jointly identified 41 chromosome-wise significant QTL influencing conformation traits and 3 significant QTL influencing calving ease on 20 chromosomes. The false discovery rate method was used to account for multiple testing and 3/4 of the suggestive and 5/6 of significant QTL should be real effects. Fourteen of the 44 QTL were significant at the genome-wise level. Comparison of these results with other published reports identifies common QTL affecting conformation traits. Regions on 10 chromosomes appear to affect multiple traits, including conformation, milk production, and somatic cell score, within these particular US Holstein families. Additional work is needed to determine the precise locations of the QTL and select positional candidate genes influencing these traits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting health traits in Swedish dairy cattle. A genome scan covering 17 chromosomes was performed. Ten grandsire families were used in a granddaughter design. Nine of the families belonged to the Swedish Red and White breed, which is related to other Nordic Ayrshire breeds, and one family was of the Swedish Holstein breed. A total of 417 bulls were genotyped for 116 microsatellite markers distributed over 17 chromosomes. Daughter yield deviations for clinical mastitis, somatic cell count (SCC), and other diseases (OD) were included in the analysis. Least squares interval mapping using putative QTL as cofactors was applied both within and across grandsire families. Significance thresholds were set by permutation tests. In the across-family analysis, we detected 8 suggestive QTL and 3 QTL significant at the genome level. The QTL affecting clinical mastitis were found on 3 chromosomes (9, 11, and 25), 4 QTL for SCC were found (on chromosomes 5, 9, 11, and 23), and we detected 4 QTL for OD (on chromosomes 9, 11, 15, and 25). In addition, we found several QTL that segregated within single families but where the QTL effect was not significant in the across-family analysis. In conclusion, we were able to locate QTL for all 3 analyzed traits, and overlapping QTL for several traits were observed.  相似文献   

Lameness is an important factor for culling animals. Strong legs and feet improve herd life of dairy cows. Therefore, many countries include leg and feet conformation traits in their breeding programs, often as early predictors of longevity. However, few countries directly measure lameness related traits to include these in a breeding program. Lameness indices in 3 different lactations and 5 leg conformation traits (rear legs side view, rear legs rear view, hock quality, bone quality, and foot angle) were measured on granddaughters of 19 Danish Holstein grandsires with 33 to 105 sons. A genome scan was performed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on the 29 autosomes using microsatellite markers. Data were analyzed across and within families for QTL affecting lameness and leg conformation traits. A regression method and a variance component method were used for QTL detection. Two QTL each for lameness in the first [Bos taurus autosome (BTA); BTA5, BTA26] and second (BTA19, BTA22) lactations were detected. For the 5 different leg conformation traits, 7 chromosome-wise significant QTL were detected across families for rear legs side view, 5 for rear legs rear view, 4 for hock quality, 4 for bone quality, and 1 for foot angle. For those chromosomes where a QTL associated with 2 different traits was detected (BTA1, BTA11, BTA15, BTA26, and BTA27), a multitrait-1-QTL model and a multitrait-2-QTL model were performed to characterize these QTL as single QTL with pleiotropic effects or distinct QTL.  相似文献   

Impaired fertility is the main reason for involuntary culling of dairy cows in Sweden. The objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing fertility and calving traits in the Swedish dairy cattle population. The traits analyzed were number of inseminations, 56-d nonreturn rate, interval from calving to first insemination, fertility treatments, heat intensity score, stillbirth, and calving performance. A genome scan covering 20 bovine chromosomes was performed using 145 microsatellite markers. The mapping population consisted of 10 sires and their 417 sons in a granddaughter design. Nine of the sires were of the Swedish Red Breed, and one was a Swedish Holstein. Least squares regression was used to map loci affecting the analyzed traits, and permutation tests were used to set significance thresholds. Cofactors were used in the analyses of individual chromosomes to adjust for QTL found on other chromosomes. The use of cofactors increased both the number of QTL found and the significance level. In the initial analysis, we found 13 suggestive QTL that were mapped to chromosomes 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20, and 29. When cofactors were included, 30 QTL were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 18, 19, 22, and 25, in addition to the 8 previously mentioned chromosomes. Some of the results from the cofactor analysis may be false positives and require further validation. In conclusion, we were able to map several QTL affecting fertility and calving traits in Swedish dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Although numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies involving milk protein percent (PP), milk yield (MY), and protein yield (PY) have been carried out, there has not been any systematic evaluation of the effects of individual QTL on these 3 interrelated traits. Consequently, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects on MY and PY of QTL for PP previously mapped in various laboratories. The study, based on selective DNA pooling of milk samples, included 10 Israeli Holstein artificial insemination bulls, each the sire of 1,800 or more milk-recorded daughters. For each sire-trait combination across the 10 sires, milk samples of the highest and lowest daughters with respect to estimated breeding values for PP, PY, and MY were collected for pooling. A total of 134 dinucleotide microsatellites distributed over 25 bovine autosomes were used. An empirical standard error for marker-QTL linkage testing was calculated based on the variation among split samples within the same tail. Threshold comparison-wise error rate P-values were set to control proportion of false positives at P = 0.10 level for declaring significant effects at the marker-trait level. Estimates of the number of true null hypotheses for each trait were obtained from the histogram of marker comparison-wise error rate P-values. Based on these estimates, effective power of the experiment at the marker-trait level was estimated as 0.75, 0.41, and 0.73 for PP, PY, and MY. The proportion of heterozygosity at the QTL was estimated as 0.46, 0.39, and 0.40, respectively. After correcting for incomplete power and proportion of false positives, it was estimated that 38.7 and 37.5% of the markers affecting PP and MY, respectively, also affected PY. Of the markers affecting PY, 68.9 and 76.5%, respectively, also affected PP and MY. Apparently, none of the significant markers affected PY exclusively, and only 6.5 and 16.0%, respectively, affected PP or MY exclusively. Thus, almost all significant markers, and by inference almost all QTL, had effects on at least 2 of the 3 traits.  相似文献   

Preliminary marker association results for quantitative trait loci affecting conformation traits using the granddaughter design and 8 large US Holstein grandsire families revealed strong associations in two families between the predicted transmitting abilities for dairy conformation and marker genotypes on bovine chromosome 27. Those results were based on single marker-trait associations in a genome-scan to identify broad chromosomal regions potentially containing genes affecting traits of interest. Results presented here describe continued study of quantitative trait loci on chromosome 27 for eventual incorporation into a marker-assisted selection program. Tests of marker associations for family 8 (91 sons) indicated an association with a microsatellite marker located near the telomere of chromosome 27. Interval analysis performed using additional marker genotypes generated for family 8 yielded further evidence for a quantitative trait locus in this region. No evidence was found for associations with milk production traits in this family in this region. An association was also detected in family 2 (240 sons) with a microsatellite marker located approximately 21 cM from the centromere of chromosome 27. Interval analysis performed for family 2 yielded evidence for a quantitative trait locus for dairy conformation near BMS689 with evidence of associations with fat percentage in the same region. Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting dairy conformation and fat components supports results reported by other groups, providing additional evidence that genes affecting fat metabolism are located on bovine chromosome 27.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to estimate the proportion of total genetic variance attributed to a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on Bos taurus autosome 6 (BTA6) for milk production traits in the German Holstein dairy cattle population. The analyzed chromosomal region on BTA6 spanned approximately 70 cM, and contained 6 microsatellite markers. Milk production data were obtained from routine genetic evaluation for 4500 genotyped German Holstein bulls. Technical aspects related to the estimation of model parameters for a large data set from routine genotype recording were outlined. A fixed QTL model and a random QTL model were introduced to incorporate marker information into parameter estimation and genetic evaluation. Estimated QTL variances, expressed as the ratio of QTL to polygenic variances, were 0.04, 0.03, and 0.07 for milk yield; 0.06, 0.08, and 0.14 for fat yield; and 0.04, 0.04, and 0.11 for protein yield, in the first 3 parities, respectively. The estimated QTL positions, expressed as distances from the leftmost marker DIK82, were 18, 31, and 17 cM for milk yield; 25, 17, and 9 cM for fat yield; and 16, 30, and 17 cM for protein yield in the 3 respective parities. Because the data for the parameter estimation well represented the current population of active German Holstein bulls, the QTL parameter estimates have been used in routine marker-assisted genetic evaluation for German Holsteins.  相似文献   

A genome scan for chromosomal regions influencing body conformation traits was conducted for a population of Spanish Churra dairy sheep following a daughter design. A total of 739 ewes from 11 half-sib sire families were included in the study. The ewes were scored for the 5 linear traits used in the breeding scheme of the Churra breed to assess body conformation: stature, rear legs-rear view, foot angle, rump width, and general appearance. All the animals, including the 11 sires, were genotyped for 181 microsatellite markers evenly distributed across the 26 sheep autosomes. Using the yield deviations of the raw scores adjusted for fixed factors as phenotypic measurements, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was performed on the basis of a multi-marker regression method. Seven suggestive QTL were identified on chromosomes Ovis aries (OAR)2, OAR5, OAR16, OAR23, and OAR26, but none reached a genome-wise significance level. Putative QTL were identified for all of the traits analyzed, except for general appearance score. The suggestive QTL showing the highest test statistic influenced rear legs-rear view and was localized on OAR16, close to the growth hormone receptor coding gene, GHR. Some of the putative linkage associations reported here are consistent with previously reported QTL in cattle for similar traits. To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the first report of QTL for body conformation traits in dairy sheep; further studies will be needed to confirm and redefine the linkage associations reported herein. It is expected that future genome-wide association analyses of larger families will help identify genes underlying these putative genetic effects and provide useful markers for marker-assisted selection of such functional traits.  相似文献   

Standard animal model programs can be modified to include the effect of a quantitative gene, even if only a fraction of the population is genotyped. Five methods to estimate the effect of a diallelic quantitative gene affecting a quantitative trait were compared to a standard animal model (model I) on simulated populations, based on mean squared errors and bias. In models II, III, and IV complete linkage between a single genetic marker and the quantitative trait gene was assumed. In models II and III the elements of the incidence matrix for the gene effect were 0 or 1 for genotyped individuals, and the probabilities of the possible candidate gene genotypes for individuals that were not genotyped. In model III segregation analysis was used to compute these probabilities. If only some of the cows were genotyped, the model III estimates were nearly unbiased, while model II underestimated the simulated effects. When only sires were genotyped, model II overestimated the simulated effect. In models V and VI two markers bracketing the quantitative gene with recombination frequencies of 0.1 and 0.2 with the quantitative gene were simulated, and the algorithm of Whittaker et al. (1996) was used to derive estimates of gene effect and location. In model V marker allele effects were included in the animal model analysis. In model VI, the model I genetic evaluations were analyzed. Model V estimates for both effect and location of the quantitative gene were unbiased, while model VI estimates were only 0.25 of the simulated effect.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for functional traits was performed in the German Holstein cattle population. For this purpose, 263 genetic markers across all autosomes and the pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosomes were genotyped in 16 granddaughter-design families with 872 sons. The traits investigated were deregressed breedingvalues for maternal and direct effects on dystocia (DYSm, DYSd) and stillbirth (STIm, STId) as well as maternal and paternal effects on nonreturn rates of 90 d (NR90m, NR90p). Furthermore, deregressed breeding values for functional herd life (FHL) and daughter yield deviation for somatic cell count (SCC) were investigated. Weighted multimarker regression analyses across families and permutation tests were applied for the detection of QTL and the calculation of statistical significance. A ten percent genomewise significant QTL was localized for DYSm on chromosome 8 and for SCC on chromosome 18. A further 24 putative QTL exceeding the 5% chromosomewise threshold were detected. On chromosomes 7, 8, 10, 18, and X/Yps, coincidence of QTL for several traits was observed. Our results suggest that loci with influence on udder health may also contribute to genetic variance of longevity. Prior to implementation of these QTL in marker assisted selection programs for functional traits, information about direct and correlated effects of these QTL as well as fine mapping of their chromosomal positions is required.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) is a highly phosphorylated glycoprotein whose gene has been cloned and sequenced in different species. Several whole genome scans have identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk production traits on bovine chromosome 6 close to the osteopontin gene (OPN) location. The presence of OPN in milk and its elevated expression in mammary gland epithelial cells together with previous QTL studies have prompted us to investigate the effects of OPN variants on milk production traits in the Holstein dairy cattle population. A single nucleotide polymorphism in intron 4 (C/T) was detected and primers were designed to amplify genomic DNA from 1362 bulls obtained from Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository and from 214 cows from the University of Wisconsin herd. For the Repository population, the C allele was associated with an increase in milk protein percentage and milk fat percentage. Correlation between milk protein percentage and milk fat percentage was about 0.57. For the University of Wisconsin herd, the estimates of the effects of allele C were in the same direction as for the Repository population, although these estimates did not reach statistical significance. Our results are consistent with other studies that showed a significant association of the microsatellite markers in the region of OPN with milk protein percentage and other correlated traits.  相似文献   

A longitudinal-linkage analysis approach was developed and applied to an outbred population. Nonlinear mixed-effects models were used to describe the lactation patterns and were extended to include marker information following single-marker and interval mapping models. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the shape and scale of lactation curves for production and health traits in dairy cattle were mapped in three U.S. Holstein families (Dairy Bull DNA Repository families one, four, and five) using the granddaughter design. Information on 81 informative markers on six Bos taurus autosomes (BTA) was combined with milk yield, fat, and protein percentage and somatic cell score (SCS) test-day records. Six percent of the single-marker tests surpassed the experiment-wise significance threshold. Marker BL41 on BTA3 was associated with decrease in milk yield during mid-lactation in family one. The scale and shape of the protein percentage lactation curve in family four varied with BMC4203 (BTA6) allele that the son received from the grandsire. Some map locations were associated with variation in the lactation pattern of multiple traits. In family four, the marker HUJI177 (BTA3) was associated with changes in the milk yield and protein percentage curves suggesting a QTL with pleiotropic effects or multiple QTL in the region. The interval mapping model uncovered a QTL on BTA7 associated with variation in milk-yield pattern in family four and a QTL on BTA21 affecting SCS in family five. The developed approach can be extended to random regressions, covariance functions, spline, gametic and variance component models. The results from the longitudinal-QTL approach will help to understand the genetic factors acting at different stages of lactation and will assist in positional candidate gene research. Identified positions can be incorporated into marker-assisted selection decisions to alter the persistency and peak production or the fluctuation of SCS during a lactation.  相似文献   

A total of 5,459 Israeli Holstein cows, daughters of 11 sires, were genotyped for 29 microsatellites spanning chromosome 7 and analyzed by the daughter design for 9 economic traits: milk, fat, and protein yield, fat and protein percentage, somatic cell score, female fertility, herd life, and milk persistency. Quantitative trait loci at chromosome-wise 0.05 significance were obtained for fat and protein yield, fat percentage, somatic cell score, and female fertility. Peak F-values were obtained at 29 cM for fat and protein yield and fat percentage, at 60 cM for somatic cell score, at 74 cM for herd life, and at 11 cM for female fertility. The 0.95 confidence intervals for quantitative trait loci locations were 20 cM for kilograms of fat, 27 cM for fertility, and 51 cM for somatic cell score. Two loci affecting fertility at opposite ends of the chromosome are apparently segregating in the population. A quantitative trait locus for fertility near the centromere was confirmed by application of the modified granddaughter design to a single family. Estimated frequency of the economically favorable allele in the Israeli Holstein cattle was less than 0.5. Significant genetic gain for fertility seems possible by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Water buffalo is the second largest resource of milk supply around the world, and it is well known for its distinctive milk quality in terms of fat, protein, lactose, vitamin, and mineral contents. Understanding the genetic architecture of milk production traits is important for future improvement by the buffalo breeding industry. The advance of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) provides an opportunity to identify potential genetic variants affecting important economical traits. In the present study, GWAS was performed for 489 buffaloes with 1,424 lactation records using the 90K Affymetrix Buffalo SNP Array (Affymetrix/Thermo Fisher Scientific, Santa Clara, CA). Collectively, 4 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in 2 genomic regions were found to associate with buffalo milk production traits. One region affecting milk fat and protein percentage was located on the equivalent of Bos taurus autosome (BTA)3, spanning 43.3 to 43.8 Mb, which harbored the most likely candidate genes MFSD14A, SLC35A3, and PALMD. The other region on the equivalent of BTA14 at 66.5 to 67.0 Mb contained candidate genes RGS22 and VPS13B and influenced buffalo total milk yield, fat yield, and protein yield. Interestingly, both of the regions were reported to have quantitative trait loci affecting milk performance in dairy cattle. Furthermore, we suggest that buffaloes with the C allele at AX-85148558 and AX-85073877 loci and the G allele at AX-85106096 locus can be selected to improve milk fat yield in this buffalo-breeding program. Meanwhile, the G allele at AX-85063131 locus can be used as the favorable allele for improving milk protein percentage. Genomic prediction showed that the reliability of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) of 6 milk production traits ranged from 0.06 to 0.22, and the correlation between estimated breeding values and GEBV ranged from 0.23 to 0.35. These findings provide useful information to understand the genetic basis of buffalo milk properties and may play a role in accelerating buffalo breeding programs using genomic approaches.  相似文献   

A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for milk fat content and fatty acids in both milk and adipose tissue has been detected on Bos taurus autosome 19 (BTA19) in several cattle breeds. The objective of this study was to refine the location of the QTL on BTA19 for bovine milk fat composition using a denser set of markers. Opportunities for fine mapping were provided by imputation from 50,000 genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) toward a high-density SNP panel with up to 777,000 SNP. The QTL region was narrowed down to a linkage disequilibrium block formed by 22 SNP covering 85,007 bp, from 51,303,322 to 51,388,329 bp on BTA19. This linkage disequilibrium block contained 2 genes: coiled-coil domain containing 57 (CCDC57) and fatty acid synthase (FASN). The gene CCDC57 is minimally characterized and has not been associated with bovine milk fat previously, but is expressed in the mammary gland. The gene FASN has been associated with bovine milk fat and fat in adipose tissue before. This gene is a likely candidate for the QTL on BTA19 because of its involvement in de novo fat synthesis. Future studies using sequence data of both CCDC57 and FASN, and eventually functional studies, will have to be pursued to assign the causal variant(s).  相似文献   

Five chromosomes were selected for joint quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses for clinical mastitis (CM) and somatic cell score (SCS) in 3 breeds: Finnish Ayrshire (FA), Swedish Red and White (SRB), and Danish Red (DR). In total, 19 grandsires and 672 sons in FA, 19 grandsires and 499 sons in SRB, and 8 grandsires and 258 sons in DR were used in the study. These individuals were genotyped with the 61 microsatellite markers used in any of the previous QTL scans on the selected chromosomes. Within-family QTL analyses based on linear regression models were carried out for CM and SCS to identify the segregating sires for each region. On the segregating families, joint single-trait and 2-trait analyses were performed using variance components models. The analyses confirmed that QTL affecting CM or SCS, or both, segregate on Bos taurus autosomes (BTA) 9, 11, 14, and 18, whereas a QTL on BTA29 could not be confirmed. Our results indicate that there may be at least 2 linked QTL on BTA9, one that primarily affects CM and a second that primarily affects SCS. On chromosomes BTA11, 14, and 18, the joint analyses were only significant for SCS.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of livestock populations can be achieved through detection and mapping of genetic markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL). With the completion of the bovine genome sequence assembly, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assays spanning the whole bovine genome and research work on large-scale identification, validation, and analysis of genotypic variation in cattle has become possible. A total of 462 Canadian Holstein Bulls were used to test the association between SNP and QTL. Single locus linkage disequilibrium regression model was implemented to perform a whole genome scan to identify and map QTL affecting conformation and functional traits. One thousand five hundred thirty-six SNP markers from introns and exons of potential QTL regions for economically important traits across the bovine genome were selected for association analysis. A total of 45 and 151 SNP were found to be associated with 17 conformation and functional traits at a genome- and chromosome-wise significance level, respectively. Among the 196 significant SNP, 169 of them are newly detected in this study, whereas 27 of them have been reported in previous literature and 161 of these were located in genes and are worth further investigating to potentially identify the causative mutations underlying the QTL. The single locus linkage disequilibrium regression method using SNP marker genotypes has proven to be a successful methodology for detecting and mapping QTL in dairy cattle populations.  相似文献   

We report putative quantitative trait loci affecting female fertility and milk production traits using the merged data from two research groups that conducted independent genome scans in Dairy Bull DNA Repository grandsire families to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting economically important traits. Six families used by both groups had been genotyped for 367 microsatellite markers covering 2713.5 cM of the cattle genome (90%), with an average spacing of 7.4 cM. Phenotypic traits included PTA for pregnancy rate and daughter deviations for milk, protein and fat yields, protein and fat percentages, somatic cell score, and productive life. Analysis of the merged dataset identified putative quantitative trait loci that were not detected in the separate studies, and the pregnancy rate PTA estimates that recently became available allowed detection of pregnancy rate QTL for the first time. Sixty-one putative significant marker effects were identified within families, and 13 were identified across families. Highly significant effects were found on chromosome 3 affecting fat percentage and protein yield, on chromosome 6 affecting protein and fat percentages, on chromosome 14 affecting fat percentage, on chromosome 18 affecting pregnancy rate, and on chromosome 20 affecting protein percentage. Within-family analysis detected putative QTL associated with pregnancy rate on six chromosomes, with the effect on chromosome 18 being the most significant statistically. These findings may help identify the most useful markers available for QTL detection and, eventually, for marker-assisted selection for improvement of these economically important traits.  相似文献   

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