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Machine milking-induced changes in teat tissue condition, such as congestion and edema, have been associated with teat canal openness, penetrability, and thus susceptibility to new intramammary infections and diminished animal well-being. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the association of teat-end shape and machine milking-induced short-term changes in teat tissue condition. Our secondary objective was to study the association of udder-level milking characteristics and short-term changes. Data from 125 Holstein cows were analyzed in a longitudinal prospective cohort study. Cows were housed in freestall pens with sand bedding, fed a total mixed ration, and milked 3 times per day. Teat-end shape was classified into 3 categories: pointed, flat, and round. Udder-level milking characteristics were obtained from electronic on-farm milk meters. Short-term changes in teat tissue condition after machine milking were assessed visually. Multivariable generalized mixed model analysis showed an association between teat-end shape and short-term changes. Compared with teats with round teat-end shape, the odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for short-term changes was 1.68 (0.53–5.31) and 0.03 (0.004–0.19) in teats with pointed and flat teat-end shape, respectively. There was an association between milking characteristics and short-term changes such that higher milk flow rate during the first 15 s of milking decreased the likelihood of short-term changes. The adjusted probability of short-term changes for a milking observation of a mid-lactation cow and an average first 15-s milk flow rate of 0.5 and 1.5 kg/min was 53.0% (42.8–63.8) and 32.9% (15.2–57.3), respectively. Our results suggest that teat-end shape may be one of the risk factors that contribute to machine milking-induced short-term changes. Milking characteristics (e.g., first 15-s milk flow rate) may have the potential as a measure to indirectly monitor teat tissue changes associated with machine milking on a daily basis, though further research is needed to validate this hypothesis and to establish thresholds that could serve as on-farm guidelines.  相似文献   

A higher milking frequency, as a consequence of milking with an automated milking system, incorporates a threat to teat condition. To study the effect of transition from conventional to automated milking on teat skin and teat end condition, 40 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows and heifers from a high yielding dairy herd were randomly allocated to either a conventional or an automated milking system group. In the latter group, automated milking was initiated during the study period, while conventional milking was continued in the control group. Teat skin and teat end condition were evaluated weekly on quarter level for all animals from 5 wk before until 8 wk after transition. A high emollient iodine teat dip was used on all cows during the study period. Teat skin condition of the animals in the automated milking system group was consistent from before and during milking with the automated milking system. Rear teats had a better skin and end condition than front teats. Evolution of teat end condition over time between the automated and conventional milking groups was not statistically different. Heifers, however, seemed to be more sensitive to the change than multiparous cows, as their teat end condition slightly decreased.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study how machine milking (MM) carried out in appropriate conditions affects teat wall thickness and canal length and their return after milking to premilking conditions compared with other milk removal methods considered biological referents: kid suckling (KS), catheter removal (CATH), and hand milking (HM). Three Latin square experiments were designed, each divided into 2 periods. In the first period, the left glands of each animal were machine milked and the KS, CATH, and HM treatments were applied to the right glands in experiments 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Subsequently, in the second period, the removal methods were interchanged. Teat wall thickness, teat wall area, teat end wall area, and teat canal length were measured from the ultrasound images. Milk removal using the reference methods (KS, CATH, and HM) and by MM caused increases in teat wall thickness and teat canal length, which were greater with MM. The time needed for the teat walls and canal to return to their physiological conditions before milk removal was greater than 10 h in the reference methods and following machine milking.  相似文献   

Technical success and effectiveness of teat cleaning and the management factors associated with them were evaluated in 9 automatic milking herds. In total, 616 teats cleaned with a cleaning cup and 716 teats cleaned with rotating brushes were included. Technical success and the effectiveness of teat cleaning, including the location and nature of the dirt, were evaluated visually. On average, 79.9% of teat cleanings with a cleaning cup, and 85.0% of those cleaned with brushes succeeded technically; that is, the teat was correctly positioned in the cleaning device throughout the whole cleaning process. The difference between use of teat cups and brushes was significant. However, because technical success of teat cleaning is strongly dependent on herd characteristics, these results should be interpreted with caution. Factors associated with the technical success of teat cleaning with a cleaning cup were herd, days in milk, behavior of the cow, teat color, and teat location. For rotating brushes, behavior of the cow, teat location, udder and teat structure, and days in milk were associated with technical success. Excessive udder hair and technical failure of the automatic milking machine also caused a few technically unsuccessful teat cleanings with a cleaning cup. Teats with technically successful teat cleanings were evaluated for the effectiveness of teat cleaning. From originally dirty teats, the cleaning cup had a significant advantage over the brushes in the percentage of teats that became clean or almost clean during the cleaning process (79.8 vs. 72.9%). Teat orifices were least effectively cleaned compared with the teat barrel and apex. Bedding material (peat, sawdust, or straw) on the teat was cleaned almost completely. Factors associated with the effectiveness of teat cleaning were teat cleanliness before cleaning, herd, teat cleaning method, and teat condition. The variation among herds indicates the likelihood that herd management factors can be adjusted to improve milking hygiene. There is also a need to improve the precision and effectiveness of the teat cleaning mechanisms of automatic milking systems.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(3):2044-2053
We conducted a prospective cohort study to investigate the associations of machine milking liner slip with (1) milking performance and (2) cow characteristics. Parlor data including milk flow characteristics and data on the occurrence of milking machine liner slips from a 4,000-cow dairy with a thrice-daily milking schedule were obtained with electronic on-farm milk meters over a 2-mo period. We analyzed data from a total of 686,330 milking observations. A multivariable general linear mixed model revealed no association between liner slip and milking unit on time. Least squares means (95% confidence intervals, 95% CI) were 237 (235–238) s for milking observations with and without a liner slip. We observed statistically significant differences in average milk flow rate; however, these were biologically irrelevant. Least squares means were 3.40 (3.37–3.42) kg/min for a milking observation with and 3.42 (3.40–3.44) kg/min without a liner slip. A multivariable generalized linear mixed model showed an association between liner slip and cow characteristics. Compared with late-lactation cows, the odds ratios (OR, 95% CI) of occurrence of a liner slip were 2.03 (1.59–2.59) in early lactation cows and 1.26 (0.97–1.64) in cows from 101 to 200 days in milk. Presence of a nonlactating quarter increased the odds of liner slip occurrence [OR, 95% CI: 10.35 (8.02–13.35)]. Bimodal milking observations had higher odds of occurrence of a liner slip compared with milking observations with a unimodal milk flow curve [OR, 95% CI: 1.05 (1.005–1.09)]. A 1-kg increase in 2-min milk yield increased the odds of a liner slip [OR, 95% CI: 1.26 (1.25–1.28)]. We conclude that, in the study cohort presented herein, the negative effect of liner slips on milking performance can be diminished. The identified cow characteristics could offer unique opportunities to identify and manage cows at increased risk of liner slips.  相似文献   

The optimal milking cluster should milk as gently as possible to minimize the mechanical effect on the teat tissue at an optimal milking performance and milk quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of liner shape (round vs. triangular) and type of cluster ventilation (claw vs. mouthpiece chamber; MPC) on milking performance and vacuum at the teat end and in the MPC. Our hypothesis was that liner shape and cluster ventilation affect milking performance and MPC vacuum. Six Holstein Friesian cows were milked twice daily over 12 d with a bucket milker, using 4 different cluster types that combined liner shape and type of cluster ventilation at 3 different system vacuum settings (35, 42, and 50 kPa) in an incomplete randomized block design. Milk flow and vacuum in the MPC, at the teat end (measured in the short milk tube), and in the short pulse tube were continuously recorded during milking. Milk flow was higher, and hence main milking time was shorter, with the round than with the triangular liners. The MPC vacuum was lower in round than triangular liners, which was caused by higher air leakage between teat and liner barrel in the triangular liners. The MPC vacuum, as well as its cyclic fluctuations, increased at the end of milking (immediately before cluster detachment) in all cluster types, with the highest amplitude of fluctuation in the triangular liners with MPC ventilation. The MPC ventilation reduced the MPC vacuum in both liner types at the end of milking, and also in triangular liners during peak milk flow. Despite the observed differences of MPC vacuum, the ventilation type did not affect milking performance. However, milking with triangular MPC-ventilated liners caused an increased proportion of foamed milk, which could potentially have a negative effect on milk quality.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(9):6551-6566
The objectives were to examine the effect of an automated premilking stimulation (APS) by means of a high pulsation frequency (300 cycles/min) without a reduction of the vacuum in the pulsation chamber or claw piece on (1) milking performance, (2) teat tissue condition, and (3) udder health in dairy cows. In a randomized controlled field study, Holstein cows (n = 427) from 1 commercial dairy farm with a milking schedule of 3 times per day were assigned to treatment and control groups over a 90-d period. Treatments consisted of a maximum of 80 s (APS80) or 99 s (APS99) of mechanical stimulation at a pulsation rate of 300 pulses per minute and a ratio of 25:75 (no reduction of the pulsation chamber or milking vacuum). Cows in the control group (CON) received traditional premilking stimulation by means of manual forestripping for 8 s. Milking characteristics were documented with on-farm milk meters. Short- and long-term changes in teat tissue condition induced by machine milking were assessed visually on a weekly basis. Composite milk samples were analyzed once per month to determine somatic cell count. Generalized linear mixed models were used to study the effect of the treatment on the outcome variables. We observed no meaningful differences in milk yield or milking unit-on time. Least squares means and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for cows in the APS80, APS99, and CON groups were 13.5 (13.1–14.0), 13.2 (12.8–13.7), and 13.2 (12.8–13.7) kg for milk yield and 222 (213–231), 219 (210–228), and 223 (214–232) s for milking unit-on time, respectively. The effect of treatment on bimodality was modified by milk yield such that the odds of bimodality increased in the treatment groups with increasing milk yield. Compared with cows in the CON group, the odds ratios (95% CI) of bimodality were 1.08 (0.62–1.89) in the APS80 group and 0.89 (0.55–1.42) in the APS99 group at a milk yield of 11 kg and 2.0 (1.24–3.22) in the APS80 group and 2.08 (1.29–3.35) in the APS99 group at a milk yield of 16 kg. We observed differences in short- and long-term changes in teat tissue condition between the treatment and control groups. Compared with cows in the CON group, the odds (95% CI) of short-term changes were 1.87 (1.35–2.58) for the APS80 group and 1.49 (1.08–2.07) for the APS99 group, and the odds of long-term changes were 1.52 (1.24–1.85) for cows in the APS80 group and 1.59 (1.31–1.94) for cows in the APS99 group. The least squares means (95% CI) for somatic cell counts (log10-transformed) were 4.74 (4.68–4.81) for the APS80 group, 4.77 (4.71–4.83) for the APS99 group, and 4.79 (4.73–4.86) for the CON group. We conclude that the APS system tested here had no negative effects on milk yield or milking unit-on time. However, differences in bimodality and teat tissue condition suggest that the APS system did not provide sufficient stimulation to facilitate a gentle milk harvest and adversely affects teat tissue condition.  相似文献   

Milking characteristics differ between the 4 quarters of a dairy cow udder. In particular, milking time is mostly prolonged in hind quarters compared with front quarters because of the usually higher amount of stored milk. The standard milking routine (STDMR) in both conventional and automatic milking systems (AMS) consists of teat preparation of all 4 quarters, followed by attachment of the 4 teat cups, regardless of the distribution of milk between quarters. In the current study, an alternative teat preparation and milking routine (ALTMR) in AMS was tested, which consisted of cleaning and starting the milking of hind teats before cleaning and attachment of front teats. The hypothesis was based on the fact that hind quarters have usually a longer milking time than front quarters. Starting the milking of hind quarters while the front teats are being cleaned may reduce the difference in the end of milking between front and hind quarters and thus reduce total milking time. Both routines were tested on 5 Swedish dairy farms equipped with AMS in a 4-wk experiment in which treatments were alternated weekly. Total milk yield did not differ between treatments. Machine-on time (MOT) was longer in ALTMR than in STDMR because the difference in milking time between hind and front quarters was less than the time needed to prepare the front teats. However, the longer MOT in ALTMR was compensated by a shorter total preparation time, including the attachment of the first teat cup, as only the hind teats (instead of all 4 teats) were cleaned before milking was started. This resulted in a similar total milking time from start of cleaning of the first quarter until the end of milking of the last quarter in both treatments. Because of the prolonged MOT, average milk flow rate was lower in ALTMR than STDMR. Peak flow rate was higher in ALTMR than STDMR, but only in teat cups 1 (first attached, hind quarter) and 3 (third attached, front quarter), whereas main milk flow was higher in ALTMR than STDMR in both front quarters. In conclusion, splitting teat cleaning and the start of milking between hind and front quarters does not prolong total milking time, including teat cleaning. The partially positive effect on peak and main milk flow indicates that the ALTMR is a suitable milking routine in AMS. In herds with a greater difference of milk stored in hind compared with front quarters, a reduced total milking time can be expected for ALTMR.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare a vacuum control system that increases milking system vacuum during the peak flow period of milking to conventional constant vacuum control technology regarding its effect on milk flowrate and milking duration. Further objectives were to study the effects of flow-controlled vacuum on milking parlor performance. An observational study was conducted on a commercial dairy farm milking from 848 to 896 cows per day over the study period using a 60-stall rotary milking parlor. The flow-controlled vacuum control system was applied for 3 wk. Milking performance and teat condition were compared with 3-wk periods prior and subsequent to the test period using conventional vacuum control. Statistical analysis was performed assuming a cross-sectional study design during each period. Flow-controlled vacuum increased peak milk flowrate by 12% and increased average milk flowrate by 4%. The decrease in individual cow milking duration was proportional to milk yield per milking. Postmilking teat condition was good during the entire study period. The occurrence of rough teat ends was slightly reduced during the flow-controlled vacuum period with no meaningful difference in the occurrence of teats with blue color, palpable rings, or petechia. The combination of reduced vacuum during the low flow period of milking and the decrease in milking duration are likely factors that are protective of teat tissues. Bioeconomic modeling of the use of flow-controlled vacuum on the performance of rotary milking parlors, using the data that were collected during the study, showed that the reduction in milking duration of individual cows allows a higher rotary parlor speed. Modeled parlor throughput increased by 5.0% to 419 cows/h, 6.8% to 407 cows/h, and 4.2% to 326 cows/h when 80%, 95%, and 99% of the cows were finished milking at the end of the rotation for a 60-stall parlor. Model results showed that increased parlor throughput resulted in increased labor efficiency, reduced labor costs for milking, and a positive benefit-cost ratio on the investment for all but the smallest herd and parlor sizes considered.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this experiment was to assess the effect of mouthpiece chamber vacuum on teat-end congestion. The secondary objective was to assess the interactive effects of mouthpiece chamber vacuum with teat-end vacuum and pulsation setting on teat-end congestion. The influence of system vacuum, pulsation settings, mouthpiece chamber vacuum, and teat-end vacuum on teat-end congestion were tested in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The low-risk conditions for teat-end congestion (TEL) were 40 kPa system vacuum (Vs) and 400-ms pulsation b-phase. The high-risk conditions for teat-end congestion (TEH) were 49 kPa Vs and 700-ms b-phase. The low-risk condition for teat-barrel congestion (TBL) was created by venting the liner mouthpiece chamber to atmosphere. In the high-risk condition for teat-barrel congestion (TBH) the mouthpiece chamber was connected to short milk tube vacuum. Eight cows (32 quarters) were used in the experiment conducted during 0400 h milkings. All cows received all treatments over the entire experimental period. Teatcups were removed after 150 s for all treatments to standardize the exposure period. Calculated teat canal cross-sectional area (CA) was used to assess congestion of teat tissue. The main effect of the teat-end treatment was a reduction in CA of 9.9% between TEL and TEH conditions, for both levels of teat-barrel congestion risk. The main effect of the teat-barrel treatment was remarkably similar, with a decrease of 9.7% in CA between TBL and TBH conditions for both levels of teat-end congestion risk. No interaction between treatments was detected, hence the main effects are additive. The most aggressive of the 4 treatment combinations (TEH plus TBH) had a CA estimate 20% smaller than for the most gentle treatment combination (TEL plus TBL). The conditions designed to impair circulation in the teat barrel also had a deleterious effect on circulation at the teat end. This experiment highlights the importance of elevated mouthpiece chamber vacuum on teat-end congestion and resultant decreases in CA.  相似文献   

A technology of automatically applying a postmilking teat dip via the milking machine prior to machine detachment was compared to manual postmilking teat dipping with a teat dip cup for effects on new IMI and iodine content in milk. One hundred twenty Holstein cows were experimentally challenged in a 22-wk trial with Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus and 148 Holstein cows were experimentally challenged with Streptococcus uberis in another 22-wk trial. The bacterial suspensions were applied to teats of all of the cows after premilking udder preparation and immediately prior to milking machine attachment. In both trials, cows were divided among four treatments: no postmilking teat dipping; manual postmilking teat dipping with a proven efficacious iodophor teat dip; manual postmilking teat dipping with an iodophor teat dip formulated for an automatic postmilking teat dipping system; and automatically postmilking teat dipping via milking machines with an iodophor teat dip formulated for the automatic postmilking teat dipping system. The postmilking teat dipping treatments reduced new Staph. aureus IMI by 64.5, 76.5, and 88.2%; new Strep. agalactiae IMI by 61.5, 77.8, and 94.4%; and new Strep. uberis IMI by 63.5, 82.5, and 93.8%, respectively, against the treatment of no postmilking teat dipping. The treatment applying the postmilking teat dip automatically via milking machines had the lowest number of new IMI caused by the three pathogens. Teat end and teat skin condition were characterized as normal at the end of the study with no differences between treatments. There were no differences with regard to iodine content in milk between treatments.  相似文献   

Prototypes of the automatic-dipping system Apollo were tested with the IQ milking cluster (GEA Farm Technologies GmbH, Bönen, Germany) to determine the teat-dip residues in the milk and the dipping performance (number of dipped teats) of the system compared with manual (hand) dipping. A laboratory trial and a field trial at a dairy farm were performed to determine the iodine level in the milk when an iodine-based teat dip was used. In the laboratory trial, the mean difference between the 53 paired samples (sampling upstream and downstream of the cluster) was 18.9 ± 3.18 μg of iodine/kg. A field trial at a 300-cow commercial dairy farm consisted of taking 2 sets of individual cow milk samples 6 wk apart. Three weeks before the second test day, the iodine-based teat dip was replaced by an iodine-free teat dip. The mean difference between the 2 sets of 55 samples was 25.1 ± 5.22 μg/kg. Compared with manually applying an iodine-based teat dip, the increase in the iodine content resulting from the use of the tested cluster with automatic dipping was very low and would not be an issue of food safety. The dipping performance tests were completed on the same 300-cow commercial dairy farm as the field iodine level trial was performed. In total, 4,541 teats from 307 cows were observed on 4 consecutive days, showing a 91.6 ± 1.3% success rate.  相似文献   

To study the effects of a milking system that partially compensates for milk flow-dependent vacuum loss compared with a standard (high-line) milking unit in a tie-stall barn, milk flow and vacuum patterns were recorded in 10 cows during machine milking with 2 milking systems in a crossover design for 7 d each. Before and after each treatment period postmilking teat condition was recorded by ultrasound cross-sectioning. Additionally, 2 methods to measure teat tissue condition were compared: longitudinal teat ultrasound cross-sectioning and teat tissue density measurements with the spring-loaded caliper (cutimeter method). The partial compensation of milk flow-dependent vacuum loss caused an elevation of the peak flow rate (4.74 ± 0.08 vs. 4.29 ± 0.07 kg/min) and a shorter duration of plateau (1.57 ± 0.06 vs. 1.96 ± 0.07 min) compared with the standard milking system. Total milk yield, duration of incline and decline of milk flow, average milk flow, time until peak flow rate, main milking time, and total milking time did not differ between treatments (overall means: 13.75 ± 0.17 kg; 0.65 ± 0.01 min; 2.88 ± 0.09 min; 2.82 ± 0.05 kg/min; 1.65 ± 0.03 min; 5.23 ± 0.09 min, and 5.30 ± 0.10 min, respectively). The vacuum drop in the short milk tube during periods of high milk flow was less in the compensating vacuum than in the standard milking system (11 ± 1.1 vs. 15 ± 0.7 kPa). Teat measures as determined by ultrasound remained unchanged over the entire experimental period with both milking systems. Postmilking teat tissue measures including their recovery within 20 min after the end of milking show a correlation (0.85 and 0.71, respectively) between the methods used (ultrasound and cutimeter method). In conclusion, a more constant vacuum at the teat tip (within the short milk tube) during periods of high milk flow affected milk flow patterns, mainly increasing peak flow rate. However, the reduced vacuum loss did not increase the overall speed of milking. In addition, effects of higher vacuum stability on teat condition and udder health were not obvious.  相似文献   

Increasing milking frequency (MF) increases milk yield (MY) and farm profit, and optimal milking intervals (MI) prevent milk production decline. The objective of this experiment was to compare the MY effect of even and uneven 4 times daily (4×) MI in early lactation under increased MF. Fourteen multiparous and 6 primiparous cows were milked using unilateral frequent milking, with right udder halves milked 4× and left udder halves milked 2 times daily (2×) for 20 d in early lactation starting on d 5 postpartum. Ten (7 multiparous and 3 primiparous) cows were allocated evenly based on parity and assigned to either the even or the uneven MI groups distinguished by intervals of 9:3:9:3 h or 6:6:6:6 h. The left and right udder halves were milked at 0100 and 1300 h. The right udder glands were additionally milked at 0400 and 1600 h for the uneven MI group and at 0700 and 1900 h for the even MI group. Milk from each udder half was weighed and sampled for components on the final day of treatment and at 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 d in milk. The overall effect of 4× milking on the right udder halves was a 5.96 ± 0.70 kg/d increase in MY on d 21 of unilateral frequent milking compared with the 2× udder halves. This elevated MY continued through 300 d in milk and averaged 1.56 ± 0.70 kg/d. Increased MF in early lactation increased the udder half difference in total yield throughout a 300-d lactation by 508 kg for milk, 25 kg for milk fat, and 15 kg for milk protein. Increased MF in early lactation increased milk component yields, but there were no differences between MI groups. The lack of treatment difference may be beneficial to farmers. The ability to achieve the same increased MY effect with uneven MI may optimize labor efficiency because early-lactation cows could be milked at the beginning and end of milking sessions. Farmers would not have to add additional milking sessions to achieve the enhanced MY response regardless of normal milking session length.  相似文献   

Economic viability of automatic milking systems (AMS) within an Australian pasture-based farming system will be largely determined by the throughput (cows milked/h), which is the result of processes occurring while the cow is in the AMS milking crate. Premilking udder preparation is automated and optional on all AMS. Yet, very few conventional farms in Australia conduct premilking teat preparation regimens, with the majority (78%) strategically washing only visibly dirty teats before milking cup attachment. The objective was to determine the impact of udder preparation in an AMS on the total time spent by cows in the AMS milking unit (crate time). An experiment was conducted with 80 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows in a crossover design over two 5-wk periods to determine the effect of premilking teat preparation (no wash vs. wash) on milk yield, milk harvest rates, and total crate time per milking session in an AMS. Within this study there was no significant effect of treatment on quarter milk conductivity (no wash = 4,858 vs. wash = 4,829 ± SE = 17 μS/cm), milk blood concentration (no wash = 115.7 vs. wash = 112.3 ± 7.3 ppm) or test-day somatic cell counts (no wash = 2.044 vs. wash = 2.039 ± 0.025 log10 SCC). There was similar total daily milk yield for the 2 treatments (no wash = 20.5 vs. wash = 20.1 ± 0.2 kg of milk), but a greater mean quarter milk flow rate resulting from the wash treatment (no wash = 0.950 vs. wash = 0.981 ± 0.013 kg of milk/min). The faster milking was not sufficient to counter the time associated with washing, resulting in longer crate time (no wash = 6.02 vs. wash = 7.12 ± 0.08 min/milking session) and therefore, lower harvest rate (no wash = 2.08 vs. wash = 1.74 ± 0.02 kg of milk/min crate time). Not washing teats would allow more efficient AMS utilization by potentially allowing more cows to be milked per machine, which would likely have a positive effect on the economic viability of this technology. The results indicate that a longer term study, investigating the effect of washing teats on udder health and milk quality, is warranted.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters of milking temperament (MT) and milking speed (MS) in Canadian Holsteins and to examine associations of bull proofs of MT and MS with other economically important traits. First-lactation data consisted of 1,940,092 and 2,620,175 cows for MT and MS, respectively. Milking temperament and MS were recorded on a scale from 1 to 5 from very nervous to very calm and from very slow to very fast, respectively. The linear animal model included the fixed effects of herd-year-season of calving, stage of lactation, age at first calving, and the random effects of animal and residual. Both single-trait and bivariate analyses were carried out to estimate genetic parameters of MT and MS. For genetic parameter estimation, 20,000 records from randomly selected herds were used. However, for breeding value estimation, all records were included. Heritability values were 0.128 and 0.139 for MT and MS, respectively. The genetic correlation between MT and MS was 0.247. Analysis of bull proof correlation of MT and MS with other traits indicated that these traits were lowly correlated with a wide range of traits such as production, reproduction, conformation, and auxiliary traits.  相似文献   

This experiment studied the effect of milking pipeline height (mid- vs. low-level milking system) on milking efficiency and milk composition. The experiment was of 8 wk duration: 2 wk preexperimental period and 6 wk experimental, in crossover design (2 x 2). Ewes were milked in a 2 x 12 milking parlor with 2 milking pipelines set at a milking vacuum of 36 kPa with a pulsation rate of 180 cycle/min and ratio of 50%. Height of the milkline had no effect on yield of milk at the time of milking, yield after stripping, milk composition, SCC, and number of teatcup fall-offs. Nor did milkline height have any effect on milk lipolysis or on the distribution of fatty acids. The level of free fatty acids was higher in evening than in morning milk (60.5 vs. 25.6 mg/L). Likewise, the increase in the degree of lipolysis between the receiver (40.4 mg/L) and the refrigeration tank (45.8 mg/L) underlines the importance of the milk delivery line design. The parameters (time and flow rate) that define the first peak in the milk emission kinetics were statistically different between lines, so care must be taken when comparing milk emission curves from both types of pipeline.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore whether, during automatic milking, milking interval or its variation is related to somatic cell count (SCC), even when corrected for effects of production, lactation stage, and parity. Data on milking interval and production level were available from the automatic milking systems of 151 farms. Data on SCC, parity, and lactation stage were derived from dairy herd improvement records of the same farms. Mainly due to incomplete records, data of 100 farms were used in the final analysis. For every cow, only 1 test day was used in the final analysis. Milking interval, the coefficient of variation of milking interval, production rate, the difference in production rate between short- and long-term, parity, days in milk, and some biologically relevant interactions were used in a linear mixed model with farm as random variable to assess their association with log10-transformed SCC. None of the interactions was significantly related to SCC, whereas all main effects were, and thus, stayed in the final model. The effect of milking interval was, although significant, not very strong, which shows that the effect of milking interval on SCC is marginal when corrected for the other variables. The variation in milking intervals was positively related with SCC, showing that the variation in milking interval is even more important than the milking interval itself. In the end, this study showed only a limited association between milking interval and SCC when milking with an automatic milking system.  相似文献   

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