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The objective of this study was to investigate milk yield and frequency of visits to the milking station of primiparous versus multiparous cows at different stages of lactation on farms with automatic milking systems (AMS) in the Upper Midwest United States. Forty farms were included in the study, and daily AMS software data were collected for 18 mo. For the investigation of milk yield and milking visits, stage of lactation was categorized into 14 periods, 7 d in length for the first 28 d in milk (DIM) and 30 d in length thereafter until 328 DIM. Cow traffic flow to the AMS (free or guided) was included in the model. For the evaluation of failures and refusals, stage of lactation was categorized into 6 periods, 7 d in length each for the first 28 DIM, and 2 periods of 150 d in length each thereafter until 328 DIM. Failures are milking station visits where a cow fails to be milked due to lack of machine attachment although it is time for the cow to be milked. Refusals are milking station visits before adequate time has passed since previous milking, thus the cow leaves the milking station without being milked. Data from lactation days beyond 328 DIM were excluded from the study. Primiparous cows in free-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows until the 11th stage of lactation and produced more milk from the 12th stage until the end of the study period. Primiparous cows in guided-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows all 14 stages of lactation, but were approaching the milk yield of multiparous cows at the end of the study period. This was a biologically normal lactation curve for primiparous cows. However, estimated peak ratio (primiparous vs. multiparous cows' peak milk yield) was lower than industry standards. Both traffic flow systems had fewer milking visits for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows in early lactation. This lower milking frequency persisted until the 11th stage of lactation in free-flow systems. In guided-flow systems, primiparous cows were milked less frequently until the 5th stage of lactation, had similar milking frequency in the 6th stage of lactation, and were milked more frequently thereafter. Failures were greater for primiparous cows during all stages of lactation. However, the greatest differences were detected in the early stages of lactation. Primiparous cows had 0.067 more failures/cow per day on average than multiparous cows during wk 1 of lactation. For the remaining lactation stages, differences in failures ranged from 0.003 to 0.039. Refusals were less frequent (0.4 to 0.6/d) for primiparous cows during the first 2 wk of lactation, similar for wk 3 of lactation, and more frequent for the remaining lactation stages (0.10 to 0.14/d). Failures and refusals were only evaluated in free-flow systems. These findings appear to indicate a potential lagging performance for primiparous cows in early lactation as compared with multiparous cows. Additional investigation into improving the adaptation of primiparous cows to AMS in early lactation may be warranted.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1225-1241
We investigated the effects of environmental factors on average daily milk yield and day-to-day variation in milk yield of barn-housed Scottish dairy cows milked with an automated milking system. An incomplete Wood gamma function was fitted to derive parameters describing the milk yield curve including initial milk yield, inclining slope, declining slope, peak milk yield, time of peak, persistency (time in which the cow maintains high yield beyond the peak), and predicted total lactation milk yield (PTLMY). Lactation curves were fitted using generalized linear mixed models incorporating the above parameters (initial milk yield, inclining and declining slopes) and both the indoor and outdoor weather variables (temperature, humidity, and temperature-humidity index) as fixed effects. There was a higher initial milk yield and PTLMY in multiparous cows, but the incline slope parameter and persistency were greatest in primiparous cows. Primiparous cows took 54 d longer to attain a peak yield (mean ± standard error) of 34.25 ± 0.58 kg than multiparous (47.3 ± 0.45 kg); however, multiparous cows yielded 2,209 kg more PTLMY. The best models incorporated 2-d lagged minimum temperature. However, effect of temperature was minimal (primiparous decreased milk yield by 0.006 kg/d and multiparous by 0.001 kg/d for each degree increase in temperature). Both primiparous and multiparous cows significantly decreased in day-to-day variation in milk yield as temperature increased (primiparous cows decreased 0.05 kg/d for every degree increase in 2-d lagged minimum temperature indoors, which was greater than the effect in multiparous cows of 0.008 kg/d). Though the model estimates for both indoor and outdoor were different, a similar pattern of the average daily milk yield and day-to-day variation in milk yield and milk yield's dependence on environmental factors was observed for both primiparous and multiparous cows. In Scotland, primiparous cows were more greatly affected by the 2-d lagged minimum temperature compared with multiparous cows. After peak lactation had been reached, primiparous and multiparous cows decreased milk yield as indoor and outdoor minimum temperature increased.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the associations of rumination time (RT) and health status with milk yield and milk composition. This study used 339 dairy cows from 4 commercial dairy farms in Ontario, Canada (first lactation, n = 107; second lactation, n = 112; ≥third lactation, n = 120). Rumination time was monitored (24 h/d) using an automated system from 1 to 28 d in milk (DIM). Cows were milked 3×/d on each farm, and 2 farms recorded milk weights at each milking to determine daily milk yield (n = 170). Cows were also monitored for milk composition (fat and protein content) 1×/wk. Last, subclinical ketosis (SCK) was diagnosed 1×/wk; cows with at least one blood sample with β-hydroxybutyrate ≥1.2 mmol/L postcalving were diagnosed with SCK. Cases of retained placenta, metritis, milk fever, or mastitis during the study period were also recorded. Cows were categorized into 1 of 4 groups: healthy cows that had no SCK or any other health issue (HLT; n = 139); cows that were treated for at least one health issue other than SCK (HLT+; n = 50); SCK cows with no other health problems during transition (HYK; n = 97); or cows that had SCK and one or more other health problems (HYK+; n = 53). All data were summarized by week across cows, and the associations between rumination time and milk yield (n = 170) and milk composition (n = 339) were modeled. Across all lactations, and including all health categories, milk yield increased by week, whereas fat and protein content both decreased by week. A positive association was found between summarized RT and milk yield in first-lactation (+0.006 ± 0.003 kg/min of RT) and second-lactation (+0.015 ± 0.004 kg/min of RT) cows from 4 to 28 DIM, as well as in ≥third-lactation cows; however, the relationship between RT and milk yield differed across weeks in those cows. A negative association between RT and milk fat content was found in ≥third-lactation cows (?0.002 ± 0.00059 percentage points/min of RT). From 4 to 28 DIM, ≥third-lactation HYK and HYK+ cows produced less protein (0.11 ± 0.051 and 0.13 ± 0.056 percentage points, respectively) than HLT cows. Over the 4-wk observation period, first-lactation HYK+ cows tended to deposit 0.11 ± 0.056 percentage points less protein in their milk compared with HLT cows. Second-lactation HYK+ cows produced less milk than HLT cows each week during early lactation. In summary, RT was positively associated with milk yield in early-lactation dairy cows, across all lactations, and negatively associated with milk fat content in ≥third-lactation cows. Further, the results showed that early-lactation cows that experience SCK, particularly with one or more other health problems, might have decreased milk yield and milk protein content.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were to examine effects of automatic cluster remover (ACR) settings on milk yield and machine-on time, and to describe variation in cow body weight (BW) associated with day of bovine somatotropin (bST) cycle. Automatic cluster removal settings of 0.48, 0.6, and 0.8 kg/min were used to regulate the end of milk removal. The setting was changed every 2 wk for 12 wk and followed the sequence 0.8, 0.6, 0.48, 0.48, 0.6, and 0.8 kg/min. Milk yield, machine-on time, and BW were measured for 60 Holstein cows at each milking. Milk yield averaged 19.7, 19.9, and 19.3 kg/cow per milking for ACR settings of 0.48, 0.6, and 0.8, respectively. There was a 2.5% reduction in milk yield at the high setting, but yields were similar for the others. Machine-on time was 6.3, 5.9, and 5.6 min for ACR settings of 0.48, 0.6, and 0.8, respectively. There was an 11.1% reduction in milking time between the 0.8- and 0.48-kg/min settings. The middle ACR setting yielded a shorter milking time than the low setting without reducing production. Milk yield and cow BW increased over the 14-d bST cycle, peaking by d 8, and then declining through d 14. Automated collection of milk yield, milking time, and BW at each milking can be used to establish normal patterns for individual animals, which could be useful in making management decisions.  相似文献   

The milk production of a dairy cow is characterized by lactation production, which is calculated from daily milk yields (DMY) during lactation. The DMY is calculated from one or more milkings a day collected at the farm. Various milking systems are in use today, resulting in one or many recorded milk yields a day, from which different calculations are used to determine DMY. The primary objective of this study was to develop a mathematical function that described milk production of a dairy cow in relation to the interval between 2 milkings. The function was partly based on the biology of the milk production process. This function, called the 3K-function, was able to predict milk production over an interval of 12 h, so DMY was twice this estimate. No external information is needed to incorporate this function in methods to predict DMY. Application of the function on data from different milking systems showed a good fit. This function could be a universal tool to predict DMY for a variety of milking systems, and it seems especially useful for data from robotic milking systems. Further study is needed to evaluate the function under a wide range of circumstances, and to see how it can be incorporated in existing milk recording systems. A secondary objective of using the 3K-function was to compare how much DMY based on different milking systems differed from that based on a twice-a-day milking. Differences were consistent with findings in the literature.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of lameness, measured by serial locomotion scoring over a 12-mo period, on the milk yield of UK dairy cows. The data set consisted of 11,735 records of test-day yield and locomotion scores collected monthly from 1,400 cows kept on 7 farms. The data were analyzed in a multilevel linear regression model to account for the correlation of repeated measures of milk yield within cow. Factors affecting milk yield included farm of origin, stage of lactation, parity, season, and whether cows were ever lame or ever severely lame during the study period. Cows that had been severely lame 4, 6, and 8 mo previously gave 0.51 kg/d, 0.66 kg/d, and 1.55 kg/d less milk, respectively. A severe case of lameness in the first month of lactation reduced 305-d milk yield by 350 kg; this loss may be avoidable by prompt, effective treatment. Larger reductions can be expected when cases persist or recur. Evidence-based control plans are needed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of lameness in high yielding cows to improve welfare and productivity.  相似文献   

An accurate estimation of the daily milk yield of dairy cows milked in an automatic milking system is not obvious because of variations in milking intervals and frequencies. Daily harvested milk varies substantially, and developing a method to be used for estimating daily milk production is of great importance. Three calculation methods (simple, semiadvanced, and advanced) were used. The simple method calculated rough daily milk production by summing up the yield per day. The semiadvanced used yield in combination with time since last milking to calculate the milk production per hour between milking; an average of the milk production per hour over the day was calculated and multiplied by 24. The advanced method calculated the milk production from midnight to midnight by using information about yield and time since last milking to calculate the exact milk production. The results show a clear preference for the advanced calculation method because the variation [variation for the advanced method = ln(1.79) for first lactation and ln(2.28) for later lactations] between days was reduced significantly (3 to 4 times lower compared with the simple method). Variation in daily harvested milk can be used as a management tool.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the effects of an automatic milking system (AMS) on milk yield and composition of buffalo (Mediterranean-type Bubalus bubalis) cows. Performed from January 2015 to December 2015 in an organic buffalo dairy farm equipped with both a traditional tandem milking parlor and an AMS, the study involved 90 primiparous buffaloes randomly allotted to a tandem or AMS group from 5 to 10 d of lactation onward. Number of milkings per day and daily milk yield of each cow were recorded, and individual milk sampling was carried out twice a month. Compared with the tandem, the AMS group showed significantly higher daily milk yield and persistence of lactation. Use of the AMS resulted in higher protein and casein contents, and lower somatic cell and total bacterial counts, whereas fat, freezing point, and pH were unaffected by the system. We conclude that, in terms of milk yield and quality, automatic milking may be a suitable alternative to conventional milking for buffaloes.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed to evaluate differences in milk yield between an automatic milking system (AMS) and a conventional herringbone milking parlor system. Two herds of Italian-Friesian cows were reared in the same barn, located in the Po Valley in northern Italy. Twenty-five primiparous cows and 10 multiparous cows were milked with an AMS, while at the same time 29 primiparous and 9 multiparous were milked twice daily in a milking parlor on the other side of the barn. A selection gate allowed cows to access the AMS only if the interval from last milking was >5 h. Multiparous cows in the AMS yielded more milk than multiparous cows in the milking parlor (34.2 ± 0.7 vs. 29.4 ± 0.6 kg/d). There was no difference in milk yield between primiparous cows in the AMS and in the milking parlor (28.9 ± 0.4 vs. 28.8 ± 0.3 kg/d). Milking frequency in the AMS was significantly higher in primiparous (2.8 ± 0.03) than in multiparous cows (2.5 ± 0.04). The hot season negatively affected milk yield; the milk yield reduction was higher for cows milked with the AMS (−4.5 ± 0.6 kg/d) than in the milking parlor (−3.0 ± 0.8 kg/d). In the AMS, milking frequency decreased during the hot season in primiparous cows (−0.3 ± 0.1). We concluded that a positive AMS effect on milk yield is possible, but that steps must be taken to alleviate the discomfort involved with attracting cows to the AMS.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the associations of lying time (LT) during the first 14 d in milk (DIM) with milk yield, cyclicity (CYC), culling within 60 DIM (CULL), and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. A total of 1,052 Holstein cattle (401 nulliparous heifers and 651 parous cows) from 3 commercial dairy farms had electronic data loggers (IceQube, IceRobotics, Edinburgh, UK) placed on a hind leg 14 ± 3 d before the expected parturition date and removed at 14 ± 3 DIM to assess their LT. Serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate were determined at 7 ± 3 and 14 ± 3 DIM. Cases of retained placenta, metritis, mastitis, pneumonia, and digestive disorders within 30 DIM were recorded and lactating cows were categorized into 1 of 4 groups: (1) nondiseased (ND, n = 613; cows without ketosis or any other diagnosed health condition); (2) cows with only ketosis (KET, n = 152); (3) sick cows experiencing ≥1 health conditions but without ketosis (SICK, n = 198); or (4) cows with ketosis plus ≥1 health condition (KET+, n = 61). Ultrasound was performed at 28 ± 3 and 42 ± 3 DIM to assess ovarian cyclicity (presence or absence of corpus luteum). Milk yield at first Dairy Herd Improvement Association test was not associated with LT during the first 14 DIM, but it was negatively correlated with the coefficient of variation of LT during the first 14 DIM. Lactating dairy cows experiencing KET+ had the lowest milk yield compared with ND, regardless of parity. Parity, health status, and season were significantly associated with CYC and CULL. Lying time had a significantly linear association with the risk of being culled: for every 1-h increment of LT during 0 to 14 DIM, the risk of culling within 60 DIM increased by 1 percentage point. Lying time had a negative quadratic association with cyclicity at 42 DIM. Multiparous cows with a LT of 9 to 13 h/d had a significantly greater probability of pregnancy up to 300 DIM compared with cows with a LT >13 h/d. Regardless of parity, KET+ cows had significantly higher proportion of culling within 60 DIM and decreased probability of pregnancy up to 300 DIM compared with ND cows. These findings suggest that there is an optimum daily LT range for early postpartum cows housed in freestall barns, different from that reported for mid-lactation cows, with the potential for improved survival, health, and the overall performance (milk yield and reproduction).  相似文献   

Previously observed strong relationships between dry matter (DM) intake and milk yield in dairy cows were the basis for this meta-analysis aimed to determine the influence of intake of specific dietary nutrients on milk yield and milk protein yield in Holstein dairy cows. Diets (563) from feeding trials published in the Journal of Dairy Science were evaluated for nutrient composition using 2 diet evaluation programs. Intake of nutrients was estimated based on DM intake and program-derived diet composition. Data were analyzed with and without the effect of stage of lactation. Models based on intake of nutrients improved prediction of milk yield and milk protein yield compared with DM intake alone. Intake of net energy of lactation was the dominant variable in milk yield prediction models derived from both diet evaluation models. Milk protein yield models also improved prediction over the DM intake model. These models were dominated by ruminally undegradable protein intake and included a number of energy-related intake variables. In most models, incorporating stage of lactation improved the model fit.  相似文献   

A crossover study design was used in five commercial dairy herds to study the effect of altering the switch point settings for automatic cluster remover units on the average duration of unit attachment, milk flow, and milk yield. Automatic cluster remover switch point settings were alternated, for 1-wk periods, between 0.50 and 0.64 kg/min (1.1 and 1.4 lb/min) in one herd and between 0.73 and 0.82 kg/min (1.6 and 1.8 lb/min) in the four remaining herds. Parlor data were captured at 329 separate milking sessions (range 39 to 92 per herd), representing 239,393 individual cow milkings. While increasing the automatic cluster remover switch point setting was not associated with a change in average milking duration in one herd, it had the effect of significantly reducing the average milking duration by between 10.2 and 15.6 s per cow in the remaining four herds. Milk flow was significantly increased at higher switch point settings for all five herds. Higher automatic cluster remover switch point settings did not have a negative effect on milk yield in any of the herds studied and, in fact, were associated with increased milk yield in two of the five herds. Decreasing milking duration while either maintaining or increasing the volume of milk harvested should ultimately lead to improved milking efficiency and parlor performance. Modifying systems to increase automatic cluster remover switch point settings offers an important potential opportunity to increase parlor efficiency in commercial dairy herds.  相似文献   

Feed management is one of the principal levers by which the production and composition of milk by dairy cows can be modulated in the short term. The response of milk yield and milk composition to variations in either energy or protein supplies is well known. However, in practice, dietary supplies of energy and protein vary simultaneously, and their interaction is still not well understood. The objective of this trial was to determine whether energy and protein interacted in their effects on milk production and milk composition and whether the response to changes in the diets depended on the parity and potential production of cows. From the results, a model was built to predict the response of milk yield and milk composition to simultaneous variations in energy and protein supplies relative to requirements of cows. Nine treatments, defined by their energy and protein supplies, were applied to 48 cows divided into 4 homogeneous groups (primiparous or multiparous × high or low milk potential) over three 4-wk periods. The control treatment was calculated to cover the predicted requirements of the group of cows in the middle of the trial and was applied to each cow. The other 8 treatments corresponded to fixed supplies of energy and protein, higher or lower than those of the control treatment. The results highlighted a significant energy × protein interaction not only on milk yield but also on protein content and yield. The response of milk yield to energy supply was zero with a negative protein balance and increased with protein supply equal to or higher than requirements. The response of milk yield to changes in the diet was greater for cows with high production potential than for those with low production potential, and the response of milk protein content was higher for primiparous cows than for multiparous cows. The model for the response of milk yield, protein yield, and protein content obtained in this trial made it possible to predict more accurately the variations in production and composition of milk relative to the potential of the cow because of changes in diet composition. In addition, the interaction obtained was in line with a response corresponding to the more limiting of 2 factors: energy or protein.  相似文献   

This study compared feeding and milking behavior and milk yields for cows housed in the same barn, fed the same ration, but milked with a conventional milking parlor (parlor) or automatic milking system (robot). Behavioral data were videotaped hourly 1 d/mo for 9 mo. Feeding behavior patterns differed and were more variable for parlor cows than for robot cows. Both groups had low feeding rates at night and early morning. Feeding activity increased after milking and feed delivery for parlor cows. Milking and feeding activity in the robot system increased after human intervention at 7 a.m.; feed bunk activity peaked 3 h later and remained relatively constant from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Percentages of cows at the feed bunk were significantly greater for robot cows than parlor cows only at 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Batch milking of parlor cows with free access to feed, vs. sequential milking of robot cows, with restricted movement to feed by a one-way gate system, resulted in higher peak percentages of cows at the bunk for parlor cows. Lower, more consistent percentages of cows eating at one time suggests that less bunk space may be needed for cows in robotic milking systems. Higher percentages of cows were observed in the robot from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 3 to 7 p.m. Percentages of cows in the robot holding area were greatest from 8 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. and were lowest from midnight to 6 a.m. Milk production over 39 d in summer for subsets of cows was slightly but significantly higher (26.4 vs. 25.8 +/- 0.2 kg/d) for cows in the robot group. Milking frequency, days in milk, parity, and maximum air temperature for 3 d (-2 d to day of observation) affected milk yield comparisons. Results have implications for design of feeding and handling facilities used with automated milking systems.  相似文献   

Periparturient hypocalcemia is frequently observed and considered as a gateway disease that is associated with various health issues. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of hypocalcemia with early-lactation milk yield, reproductive performance, and culling across a large number of different managerial systems. A prospective cohort study was conducted based on a convenience sample of 125 dairy herds from 8 federal states of Germany between February 2015 and August 2016. A blood sample was drawn from 1,709 animals within 48 h after parturition and analyzed for serum calcium concentration. After discarding cows (n = 283) with missing data, a total of 1,426 cows were considered for final analyses. The median time from calving to sampling was 14.0 h (interquartile range = 5.0–24.9 h). For each herd, a record of the herd management software was requested 150 d after the last cow was sampled. Serum calcium concentration of each cow was associated with early-lactation milk yield (Dairy Herd Improvement Association equivalent test 1 to 3), reproductive performance [days in milk (DIM) at first artificial insemination (AI), pregnancy at first AI, time to pregnancy within 150 DIM], and culling (until 60 DIM) data. Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze continuous or categorical data. Shared frailty models were used for time to event data. Five different thresholds were used to define hypocalcemia. Thresholds ranged from 1.8 to 2.2 mmol/L using 0.1-mmol/L increments. Clinical hypocalcemia was defined as serum calcium concentration <2.0 mmol/L in combination with clinical signs (e.g., recumbency). The effect of hypocalcemia on milk yield was conditional on parity. In primiparous cows a serum calcium concentration <2.0 mmol/L (6.4% of cows were below this threshold) had no effect on milk production, whereas there was a tendency for multiparous cows with a serum calcium concentration <2.1 mmol/L (63.2% of cows were below this threshold) to produce 0.80 kg/d more milk compared with multiparous cows at or above the threshold. Multiparous cows suffering from clinical hypocalcemia produced 2.19 kg/d less milk compared with normocalcemic cows in early lactation. Calcium status was not associated with days to first insemination. Cows with a serum calcium concentration <1.9 mmol/L (34.6% of cows below this threshold) had decreased odds (odds ratio = 0.56) of pregnancy at first AI. A serum calcium concentration <1.8 mmol/L (24.1% of cows below this threshold) had a significant effect on time to pregnancy. Compared with animals with a serum calcium concentration ≥1.8 mmol/L, the hazard of becoming pregnant within 150 DIM was reduced when cows had a serum calcium concentration <1.8 mmol/L (hazard ratio = 0.68). Cows with a serum calcium concentration <2.0 mmol/L (44.3% of cows were below this threshold) had a 1.69 times greater hazard of being culled within the first 60 DIM compared with normocalcemic animals. The present study shows that the association of hypocalcemia with milk yield was conditional on parity and serum calcium concentration measured once within 48 h after calving. Considering reproductive performance and culling in early lactation, a negative effect of postpartum hypocalcemia was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Reduced potential milk yield is an important component of mastitis costs in dairy cows. The first aim of this study was to assess associations between somatic cell count (SCC) during the first lactation, and cumulative milk yield over the first lactation and subsequent lifetime of cows in Irish dairy herds. The second aim was to assess the association between SCC at 5 to 30 d in milk during parity 1 (SCC1), and SCC over the entire first lactation for cows in Irish dairy herds. The data set studied included records from 51,483 cows in 5,900 herds. Somatic cell count throughout the first lactation was summarized using the geometric mean and variance of SCC. Data were analyzed using linear models that included random effects to account for the lack of independence between observations, and herd-level variation in coefficients. Models were developed in a Bayesian framework and parameters were estimated from 10,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. The final models were a good fit to the data. A 1-unit increase in mean natural logarithm SCC over the first lactation was associated with a median decrease in first lactation and lifetime milk yield of 135 and 1,663 kg, respectively. A 1-unit increase in the variance of natural logarithm SCC over the first lactation was associated with a median decrease in lifetime milk yield of 719 kg. To demonstrate the context of lifetime milk yield results, microsimulation was used to model the trajectory of individual cows and evaluate the expected outcomes for particular changes in herd-level geometric mean SCC over the first lactation. A 75% certainty of savings of at least €199/heifer in the herd was detected if herd-level geometric mean SCC over the first lactation was reduced from ≥120,000 to ≤72,000 cells/mL. The association between SCC1 and SCC over the remainder of the first lactation was highly herd dependent, indicating that control measures for heifer mastitis should be preferentially targeted on an individual-herd basis toward either the pre- and peripartum period, or the lactating period, to optimize the lifetime milk yield of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Effect of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis on milk yield in dairy cows   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Our objective was to estimate the effects of the first occurrence of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis (CM) on milk yield in 3071 dairy cows in 2 New York State farms. The pathogens studied were Streptococcus spp.,Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Arcanobacterium pyogenes, other pathogens grouped together, and "no pathogen isolated." Data were collected from October 1999 to July 2001. Milk samples were collected from cows showing signs of CM and were sent to the Quality Milk Production Services laboratory at Cornell University for microbiological culture. The SAS statistical procedure PROC MIXED, with an autoregressive covariance structure, was used to quantify the effect of CM and several other control variables (herd, calving season, parity, month of lactation, J-5 vaccination status, and other diseases) on weekly milk yield. Separate models were fitted for primipara and multipara, because of the different shapes of their lactation curves. To observe effects of mastitis, milk weights were divided into several periods both pre- and postdiagnosis, according to when they were measured in relation to disease occurrence. Another category contained cows without the type of CM being modeled. Because all pathogens were modeled simultaneously, a control cow was one without CM. Among primipara, Staph. aureus, E. coli, Klebsiella spp., and "no pathogen isolated" caused the greatest losses. Milk yield generally began to drop 1 or 2 wk before diagnosis; the greatest loss occurred immediately following diagnosis. Mastitic cows often never recovered their potential yield. Among older cows, Streptococcus spp., Staph. aureus, A. pyogenes, E. coli, and Klebsiella spp. caused the most significant losses. Many multipara that developed CM were actually higher producers before diagnosis than their nonmastitic herd-mates. As in primipara, milk yield in multipara often began to decline shortly before diagnosis; the greatest loss occurred immediately following diagnosis. Milk loss persisted until at least 70 d after diagnosis for Streptococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., and A. pyogenes. The tendency for higher producing cows to contract CM may mask its impact on cow health and production. These findings provide dairy producers with more information on which pathogen-specific CM cases should receive treatment and how to manage these cows, thereby reducing CM impact on cow well being and profitability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify housing and management factors associated with productivity on automatic milking system (AMS) dairy farms measured as daily milk yield/AMS and daily milk yield/cow. Management, housing, and lameness prevalence data were collected from 33 AMS farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin during a farm visit. All farms in the study used free-flow cow traffic. Mixed model analysis of cross-sectional data showed that farms with automatic feed push-up via a robot produced more milk per AMS/day and per cow/day than farms where feed was pushed up manually. New versus retrofitted facility, freestall surface, manure removal system, and the number of AMS units/pen were not associated with daily milk yield per AMS or per cow. Cow comfort index (calculated as number of cows lying down in stalls divided by total number of cows touching a stall) was positively associated with daily milk yield/cow. Prevalence of lameness and severe lameness, number of cows per full-time employee, depth of the area in front of the AMS milking station, and length of the exit lane from the AMS milking station were not associated with daily milk yield per AMS or per cow. Multivariable mixed model analysis of longitudinal AMS software data collected daily over approximately an 18-mo period from 32 of the farms found a positive association between daily milk yield/AMS and average age of the cows, cow milking frequency, cow milking speed, number of cows/AMS, and daily amount of concentrate feed offered/cow in the AMS. Factors negatively associated with daily milk yield/AMS were number of failed and refused cow visits to the AMS, treatment time (the time spent preparing the udder before milking and applying a teat disinfectant after milking), and amount of residual concentrate feed/cow. Similar results were also found for daily milk yield on a per cow basis; however, as it would be expected, average days in milk of the herd were also negatively associated with daily milk yield/cow. These findings indicate that several management and cow factors must be managed well to optimize AMS productivity.  相似文献   

发酵黄芪粉对奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发酵黄芪粉对奶牛产奶量及乳品质的影响.对照组奶牛饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组奶牛分别饲喂10、20和30 g/(头·d)的发酵黄芪粉基础日粮.结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组奶牛产奶量增加了0.95、1.45和1.58 kg/(头·d),但试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组组间差异不显著;可显著提高奶牛乳蛋白率,但对奶牛乳脂率、乳糖及非脂固型物均无显著影响;可降低奶牛乳体细胞数,其中试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组奶牛乳体细胞数显著低于对照组和试验Ⅰ组,但试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组组间差异不显著;可提高奶牛经济效益,各试验组奶牛经济效益分别高于对照组2.6、3.4和2.72元/(头·d).该试验条件下,发酵黄芪粉以20 g/(头·d)的添加量较好.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships of different insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) measures [5 distinct IGF1 concentrations on particular days, area under the curve (AUC), and linear regression coefficient] in the postpartum period in lactating dairy cows and reproductive performance. A total of 417 healthy multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows were enrolled in the study. Serum samples for the determination of the concentration of IGF1 were collected on d 0, 4, 10, 20, and 40 postpartum (pp). The concentration of total IGF1 in serum was determined by immunometric chemiluminescence immunoassay. All cows were examined for vaginal discharge as a sign of clinical endometritis at 20 d pp by external inspection and rectal palpation. The mean concentration of IGF1 ranged from 57 ± 18.9 ng/mL within the first 12 h pp to 74 ± 19.9 ng/mL at 40 d pp. On d 10 pp, first and all artificial insemination conception rates were greater in cows with IGF1 concentrations above the median compared with cows with IGF1 concentrations below the median. Cows with greater AUC (second to fourth quartile) conceived earlier (11.4, 16.0, and 18.8 d) than cows in the first IGF1 quartile (117.0 ± 43.6). Proportion of cows pregnant within 200 d pp increased significantly from the first to the third IGF1 quartile of AUC (58.7, 66.7, and 74.0%). The proportion of cows culled decreased from the first to the fourth IGF1 quartile. Correlations between IGF1 measures and days to pregnancy were significant (except for the linear regression coefficients) but low (R2 = 0.0009 to 0.025). Differences between single or composite measurements of IGF1 were not significant. We could also demonstrate a statistically significant correlation between the concentration of IGF1 in serum and the average 10-d milk production (31.6 to 44.0 kg). In conclusion, our study indicates that single or multiple measurements of IGF1 concentration in the postpartum period have very limited value to predict individual fertility in dairy cows.  相似文献   

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