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Topics in Catalysis - New composites formed by layered hybrid TiO2(stearic acid) (LHTiO2) and, Cu2O nanoparticles were studied as photocatalysts that extend the response range to light visible for...  相似文献   

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials - A mesoporous g-C3N4 with guanidine hydrochloride as precursor was prepared by molten salt assisted hard template of silica (SiO2)...  相似文献   

Mei  Haotian  Wang  Qi  Liu  Guanhong  Zhu  Xudong  Zhang  Meng  Huang  Kai  Lin  Kuangfei 《Catalysis Letters》2021,151(12):3532-3542
Catalysis Letters - Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) supported on polymeric graphitic carbon nitride (CN) composite (nZVI@CN) was synthesized via liquid phase reduction method as peroxymonosulfate...  相似文献   

Topics in Catalysis - With the goal of providing an economically viable method for reducing water pollution and health impact by the mezcal industry wastes, photocatalytic degradation of toxic...  相似文献   

Jiang  Xinxin  Fuji  Masayoshi 《Catalysis Letters》2022,152(11):3272-3283
Catalysis Letters - In the present work, non-precious Cu2O and Cu loaded hydrogenated black TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared, and the H2 evolution and the removal of a waterbased organic pollutant...  相似文献   

Wang  Hong  Li  Yaoyao  Liu  Zhongying  Liu  Jiawang  Yang  Renchun 《Catalysis Letters》2021,151(6):1707-1719

To achieve the well-dispersed Ni–NiS dual-cocatalysts anchored CdS, the samples have been successfully constructed by a cheap and convenient method of hydroxy acid assisted hydrothermal method. Based on the coordination and reduction effects of hydroxy acids, Ni2+ can be facilely transformed into the high dispersed dual-function sites of Ni0 electrons trap and NiS holes reservoir. The highly dispersed Ni–NiS dual-cocatalysts not only provide more dual-function active sites but also present distinctly enhanced visible light absorption, effectively separated electron hole pairs and quickly migrated charge carriers. The optimized Ni–NiS/CdS–CA presented an excellent photocatalytic H2 generation rate of 57.88 mmol·h?1·g?1, which is about 15.35 times higher than that of NiS/CdS. Moreover, the stability can be distinctly increased by modulating the surface cover of Ni–NiS with a suitable Ni/(Ni?+?Cd) atomic ratio. This work would provide a unique strategy to design the high effective photocatalysts with high dispersed bi-function dual cocatalysts.

Graphic Abstract

The well-dispersed Ni-NiS dual-cocatalysts anchored CdS in situ have been successfully constructed via the coordination and reduction effects of hydroxy acid assisted hydrothermal method. Ni-NiS/CdS-CA not only presents dual-function active sites but also exhibits distinctly enhanced visible light absorption, effectively separated electron hole pairs and quickly migrated charge carriers, resulting in a remarkable enhancement in photocatalytic H2 evolution activity.


开发高效非贵金属助催化剂是光解水产氢领域研究的重点.首次将Ni2P纳米颗粒作为高效助催化剂经一步热处理法修饰在KCa2Nb3O10超薄纳米片表面,成功构建了Ni2P/KCa2Nb3O10复合光催化剂,所制备的复合光催化剂展现出具有丰富异质界面的二维纳米结构,活性最佳的Ni2P/KCa2Nb3O10产物光催化产氢效率高达72.25μmol g-1 h-1,是纯相KCa2Nb3O10产氢效率的18.8倍.提供了一种负载其他非贵金属助催化剂制备高效KCa2Nb3O10基复合光催化剂的新策略.  相似文献   

Kuru  Cihan  Alaf  Mirac  Simsek  Yunus E.  Tocoglu  Ubeyd 《Catalysis Letters》2022,152(2):315-323
Catalysis Letters - Here, we successfully fabricated sulfurized Co-Mo alloy thin film electrodes with different compositions and studied their catalytic properties for hydrogen evolution reaction...  相似文献   

Herein the recent experiments performed by the authors on fabricated multi-walled BN nanotubes and monoatomic BN graphene-like nanosheets are reviewed. The results are presented in several sections, namely: (i) method for high-yield synthesis of thin, defect-free BN nanotubes of only a few-layers, with external diameters below 10 nm; (ii) verification of BN nanotube piezoelectrical behavior and its electrically-induced thermal decomposition under combined resistive heating and electrical charging in a transmission electron microscope; (iii) the first direct measurements of the true tensile strength and Young’s modulus of BN nanotubes, using newly developed nanotensile tests inside an electron microscope; the measured values were found to be ∼30 GPa and ∼900 GPa, respectively; and (iv) diverse kinetic processes taking place within the prepared monoatomic BN sheets (so-called “white graphenes”) affiliated with intensive knock-on B and N atom displacements under high energy electron beam irradiation in an aberration-corrected medium-voltage high-resolution transmission electron microscope.  相似文献   

The surface nature and the composition of AlN powder, as-received and exposed to binder burnout, were studied using XPS and TEM. The surface of as-received AlN powder was covered by a thin layer of aluminum oxynitride and oxide mixture. A small portion of residual carbon from binder burnout was bound to oxygen atoms on the AlN powder surface, and the majority of the carbon was amorphous graphitoid carbon which covered the AlN powder surface uniformly. AlN samples were made using tape casting and pressureless sintering. Surface-carbon-to-oxygen ratio of AlN powder after binder burnout was evaluated using XPS. The surface C/O atomic ratios were observed to correlate with the sintering behavior, the composition of the second phase, the second phases distribution, and grain-boundary composition, as well as thermal conductivity of AlN samples.  相似文献   

Wang  Shuang  Ge  Xingbo  Xiao  Juyi  Huang  Lieyuan  Liu  Jia  Wu  Jing  Yue  Wenjian  Yang  Xianhui 《Catalysis Letters》2021,151(6):1720-1727
Catalysis Letters - Catalytic materials without using precious metallic elements for electrocatalytic water splitting are a crucial demand to the renewable energy production. Cobalt molybdenum...  相似文献   

采用化学还原法制备了以椰壳活性炭(AC)为载体的Ni/AC电催化剂。运用SEM和XRD对Ni/AC电催化剂的形貌和结构进行了分析。研究了镍负载量、制备温度和还原剂N2H4与Ni2+的摩尔比对Ni/AC电催化剂析氢催化活性的影响。结果表明,负载在活性炭上的镍为面心立方晶系,其镍的负载量、制备温度和N2H4(还原剂)/Ni2+摩尔比对Ni/AC电催化剂的析氢催化活性有显著的影响。  相似文献   

二氧化钛光催化降解塑料研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从提高二氧化钛( TiO2)光催化效率及太阳光利用率的各种改性及TiO2固相光催化降解的机理等方面综述了近年来国内外TiO2光催化降解塑料的研究进展,探讨了光催化降解塑料的应用前景及存在的问题.  相似文献   

Polymeric carbon nitride, which was synthesized by polymerization of dicyandiamide at 500°C, was used as a nitridation reagent in the conversion of δ‐alumina (δ‐Al2O3) to aluminum nitride (AlN). The products obtained at various reaction temperatures were characterized by powder X‐ray diffraction, 27Al magic‐angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). δ‐Al2O3 began to convert to AlN at 900°C, which is the lowest temperature reported for the formation of AlN from Al2O3, and completely converted to AlN at 1400°C. The occurrence of reaction intermediates during nitridation was confirmed by 27Al MAS NMR and XPS. The change in Raman spectra with reaction temperatures indicated that lattice defects in AlN were reduced by calcining at higher reaction temperatures.  相似文献   

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials - A new template with no need for removing was presented in this work. Magadiite-supported carbon nitride (MAG/CN) was fabricated by...  相似文献   

利用水热法成功地制备了暴露{110}和{001}晶面的ZnO纳米催化剂(ZnO-001和ZnO-110),并采用XRD、TEM、SEM等技术对其晶相结构和形貌进行了表征,同时对其光催化产氢和光催化降解盐酸四环素性能进行了进一步研究.光催化实验结果表明:ZnO-110比ZnO-001具有更优异的光催化产氢和光降解盐酸四环素性能.进一步通过荧光、瞬态光电流、羟基自由基等表征技术,探索了ZnO-110表现出较高催化活性的原因.  相似文献   


In this work, a magnetically separated photocatalyst with great efficiency CuCe-Ferrite/TiO2 composite was prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Vis spectrophotometry, Fourier transformer infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Single-phase cubic spinel was formed by calcining the prepared sample at a temperature of 550 °C, according to the results. Different concentrations of reactive red 250 (RR250) dye photodegradation was evaluated using different doses of CuCe-ferrite/ TiO2 and TiO2 NPs. Higher efficiency of RR250 photodegradation up to 100% was obtained using CuCe-ferrite/ TiO2. The photodegradation efficiency was confirmed using chemical oxygen demand (COD) test of both treated and untreated samples. The oxidation process was mostly mediated by photogenerated .O2? according to scavenger test results. The catalyst possess higher photodegradation efficiency even after regeneration for ten times.

Graphical Abstract

Point defects are very important for semiconductor photocatalyst: promoting visible‐light absorption, tailoring energy bands, trapping photogenerated carriers, etc. As promising high efficient photocatalyst, BiOI could absorb most solar energy, and has high oxidization activity. However, its conduction band edge is lower than the reduction potential of H+/H2, thus BiOI could not achieve overall photocatalytic water splitting. In the present work, the crystal structure and electronic structure of BiOI with three different types of point defects are systematically investigated by density functional theory calculations, to find suitable strategy to solve above issue. Based on detailed analysis of calculated results, it is found that antisite defect of I@Bi (iodine occupies the bismuth site) and oxygen vacancy defect in BiOI could achieve above requirement: their conduction band and valence band edge positions are straddle the redox potential of water, resulting in as the promising photocatalyst candidates for overall water splitting driven by visible light. The findings could provide reasonable explanations for the reported experiments, and are beneficial to the development of novel bismuth oxyhalogenide‐based photocatalyst.  相似文献   

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