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Arsenite (As(III)) oxidation by manganese oxides (Mn-oxides) serves to detoxify and, under many conditions, immobilize arsenic (As) by forming arsenate (As(V)). As(III) oxidation by Mn(IV)-oxides can be quite complex, involving many simultaneous forward reactions and subsequent back reactions. During As(III) oxidation by Mn-oxides, a reduction in oxidation rate is often observed, which is attributed to Mn-oxide surface passivation. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) data show that Mn(II) sorption on a poorly crystalline hexagonal birnessite (δ-MnO?) is important in passivation early during reaction with As(III). Also, it appears that Mn(III) in the δ-MnO? structure is formed by conproportionation of sorbed Mn(II) and Mn(IV) in the mineral structure. The content of Mn(III) within the δ-MnO? structure appears to increase as the reaction proceeds. Binding of As(V) to δ-MnO? also changes as Mn(III) becomes more prominent in the δ-MnO ? structure. The data presented indicate that As(III) oxidation and As(V) sorption by poorly crystalline δ-MnO? is greatly affected by Mn oxidation state in the δ-MnO? structure.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the local structure of U(VI) within synthetic fluorapatite at a concentration of 2.3 wt %. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure indicates that U(VI) substitutes into the Ca1 site. To accommodate this substitution the apatite structure significantly distorts such that the Ca1 site approximates octahedral coordination, with six uniform U-0 distances of 2.06A. An X-ray adsorption edge structure, with two inflection points, and optical emission spectra are consistent with 6d orbital crystal field splitting. These results indicate that significant amounts of U(VI) can be accommodated in the apatite structure but with an unexpected coordination, which may bear on the ultimate development of apatite-hosted nuclear-waste forms.  相似文献   

Changes in techno-functional properties of buffalo milk were evaluated due to variation in calcium content. Decalcification resulted in significant variation in ζ-potential, casein size, colour and ηapp. However, calcium addition only influenced ζ-potential of milk. In case of acid gelation, the time and temperature required for coagulation decreased significantly for both calcium-depleted and -added milks. However, during chymosin gelation, only 20%–30% of calcium-depleted milk coagulated with an increased clotting time. Furthermore, calcium addition increased firmness, consistency and cohesiveness of both chymosin and acid-induced gelation.  相似文献   

Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy have been widely used for non-destructive and rapid monitoring of biological materials including agricultural produce and foods. Methods for decomposition of spectra of biological materials into that of each layer are demanded because the target of monitoring is in most cases limited to a single layer (e.g. sweetness of the flesh of a fruit, not the skin). Also, separation of light absorption and scattering properties is considered to lead more robust modeling of biological materials. Therefore, the potential of Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) on spatially resolved spectroscopy (SRS) has been investigated in this study. Spatially resolved spectra of 120 ‘Braeburn’ apples with difference in skin color (green and red) and storage condition (before and after 14 days shelf-life storage) were measured in the 400-1100 nm range using 7 detection fibers with different source-detector distance. PARAFAC on the whole data set could decompose the spatially resolved spectra into that of flesh and skin as factor 1 and 2 wavelength loadings, respectively. This result was validated by the facts that the factor 1 loading was almost identical to the ‘real’ spectra of flesh, which had been acquired by measuring peeled apples, and peaks observed in the factor 2 loading corresponded to absorption bands of pigments contained in apple skin. When PARAFAC was applied to individual sample data sets, difference in skin color and chlorophyll content as well as degradation of chlorophyll in skin during ripening and storage could be modelled as the change in factor 1 wavelength loading. These results support the potential of SRS combined with PARAFAC to decompose the spectra of multi-layered biological materials.  相似文献   

Pb(III) sorption to hydrous amorphous SiO2 was studied as a function of pH and ionic strength using XAS to characterize the sorption products formed. Pb sorption increased with increasing pH and decreasing ionic strength. The XAS data indicated that the mechanism of Pb(II) sorption to the SiO2 surface was pH-dependent. At pH < 4.5, a mononuclear inner-sphere Pb sorption complex with ionic character dominated the Pb surface speciation. Between pH 4.5 and pH 5.6, sorption increasingly occurred via the formation of surface-attached covalent polynuclear Pb species, possibly Pb-Pb dimers, and these were the dominant Pb complexes at pH > or = 6.3. Decreasing ionic strength from I = 0.1 to I = 0.005 M NaClO4 significantly increased Pb sorption but did not strongly influence the average local coordination environment of sorbed Pb at given pH, suggesting that the formation of mononuclear and polynuclear Pb complexes at the surface were coupled; possibly, Pb monomers control the formation of Pb polynuclear species by diffusion along the surface, or they act as nucleation centers for additional Pb uptake from solution. This study shows that the effectiveness of SiO2 in retaining Pb(II) is strongly dependent on solution conditions. At low pH, Pb(II) may be effectively remobilized by competition with other cations, whereas sorbed Pb is expected to become less susceptible to desorption with increasing pH. However, unlike for Ni(II) and Co(II), no lead phyllosilicates are formed at these higher pH values; therefore, SiO2 is expected to be a less effective sink for Pb immobilization than for these other metals.  相似文献   

To obtain greater insight into the interaction of Ca, citrate and phosphate ions with casein, 31PNMR measurements were performed on combinations of these ions with alphas- and kappa-caseins. It was found that addition of alphas-casein to a Ca phosphate solution in D2O at 27 degrees C and pD 6.4 resulted in a downfield shift of the 31P singlet. An almost identical shift was observed with kappa-casein, but no shift was found when only phosphate ions were present or when Ca2+ were added to phosphate ions in the absence of casein. Separate experiments with poly-L-lysine, mol. wt approx. 35,000, resulted in similar downfield 31P chemical shifts of Ca phosphate as with both caseins, whereas no shift was observed when poly-glycine was added. From these results it can be concluded that Ca and phosphate ions associate with casein in a co-operative manner, probably in the way described by ter Horst (1963) as a complex with the NH3+-groups of lysine or arginine in a structure such as: (casein--NH3+)--PO43---Ca2+. The formation of this complex may be enhanced by citrate ions, since preliminary results have shown that addition of Na citrate to a solution of alphas-casein with added Ca phosphate produces a broadening of the 31P signal as well as a chemical shift.  相似文献   

Despite its pivotal role in determining the risks and time frames associated with contaminant release, metal speciation remains a poorly understood aspect of biosolids chemistry. The work reported here used synchrotron-based spectroscopy techniques to investigate the speciation of copper and zinc in a range of Australian biosolids. High resolution element mapping of biosolids samples using micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy revealed considerable heterogeneity in key element associations, and a combination of both organic and inorganic copper and zinc binding environments. Linear combination fitting of K-edge X-ray absorption spectra indicated consistent differences in metal speciation between freshly produced and stockpiled biosolids. While sulfide minerals play a dominant role in metal binding in freshly dewatered biosolids, they are of lesser importance in dried biosolids that have been stockpiled. A degree of metal binding with iron oxide minerals was apparent but the results did not support the hypothesis that biosolids metals are chiefly associated with iron minerals. This work has potential implications for the long-term stability of metals in biosolids and their eventual fate following land application.  相似文献   

Caseins belong to a larger group of secreted calcium phosphate-binding phosphoproteins that have a natively unfolded conformation. Nearly all members of the group are involved in aspects of calcium phosphate biology and nearly all have recognition sites for phosphorylation by the Golgi protein kinase. In the caseins these are often close together in the primary structure, forming the so-called phosphate centres. Certain highly phosphorylated phosphopeptides derived from the calcium-sensitive caseins will combine with amorphous calcium phosphate to form defined chemical complexes called calcium phosphate nanoclusters. Both the substructure of casein micelles and the partition of salts in milk can be explained quantitatively by the ability of the calcium-sensitive caseins to sequester calcium phosphate and form nanocluster-like structures. A simple stability rule for milk can be derived by applying equilibrium thermodynamics to the process of calcium phosphate sequestration. In principle, the stability rule can be extended to problems of instability encountered in milk-processing operations and to the formulation of other types of high calcium foods.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) evidence was obtained on the chemical environment of 99Tc(IV) atoms formed upon introduction of TcO4- into four types of laboratory-scale synthetic and natural systems which mimic in situ natural reducing conditions in humic-rich geochemical environments: (a) magnetite/pyrite in synthetic groundwater in the absence of humic substances (HSs), (b) magnetite/pyrite in natural Gorleben groundwater in the presence of HSs, (c) Boom clay sediment mixed with synthetic groundwater, and (d) Gorleben sand mixed with natural Gorleben groundwater. The investigated systems obey to pH 8-9 conditions, and all measured samples show similar EXAFS spectra for Tc, which could be fitted by a hydrated TcO2 x xH2O phase. The results are interpreted as follows: upon introduction of high concentrations (millimolar to micromolar) of TcO4-to chemically reducing environments, small Tc(IV) oxidic polymers are formed, which either may aggregate into larger units (colloids) and finally precipitate or may interact in their polymeric form with (dissolved and immobile) humic substances. This latter type of interaction--Tc(IV) colloid sorption onto HSs--differs significantly from the generally accepted metal--humate complexation and therefore offers new views on the possible reaction pathways of metals and radionuclides in humic-rich environments.  相似文献   

The sulfur containing gluten proteins largely determine the baking quality of wheat. In order to probe the speciation of sulfur, gluten proteins [gliadin, high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) subunits of glutenin], stored glutenin subunits as well as flour were investigated in situ by S K-edge X-ray near edge absorption structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The spectra confirmed the existence of disulfide bonds in oxidised (oxygen stream) glutenin subunits, supporting their significance for the formation of gluten networks. Additionally, glutenin subunits, which were stored under ambient air and temperature conditions, predominantly contained sulfur of higher oxidation states (sulfoxide, sulfonic acid). The disulfide state and also sulfoxide and sulfonic acid states were detected after reoxidation of glutenin subunits with potassium bromate.  相似文献   

Interactive effects of casein micelle size and milk calcium and citrate content on rennet‐induced coagulation were investigated. Milk samples containing small (SM) and large (LM) micelles, obtained from individual Holstein cows, were modified by addition of calcium and/or citrate and milk coagulation properties were evaluated in a full factorial design. The results showed that LM milk had a higher relative proportion of casein, coagulated faster, and resulted in a stronger gel than SM milk. Addition of calcium slightly decreased casein micelle size, while addition of citrate slightly increased micelle size. Calcium addition resulted in a shorter coagulation time and the strongest gels, while citrate addition increased the coagulation time and resulted in the weakest gels. Addition of calcium and citrate in combination resulted in intermediate coagulation properties. The interactive effect of micelle size and citrate was significant for gel strength. Microstructural differences between the milk gels were consistent with the rheological properties, for example, the micrographs revealed that a more homogeneous network was formed when calcium was added, resulting in a stronger gel. A more inhomogeneous network structure was formed when citrate was added, resulting in a weaker gel. Thus, variations in casein micelle size and in calcium and citrate content influence rennet‐induced coagulation in bovine milk. The calcium and citrate contents in Swedish milk have changed over time, whereby calcium content has increased and citrate content has decreased. In practical cheese making, calcium is added to cheese milk, most likely altering the role of inherent citrate and possibly influencing casein micelle size. The observed interaction effect between casein micelle size and citrate in this study, suggests that larger micelles with moderate citrate level will result in firmer gels, whereas a higher citrate content reduced gel strength more in case of large than SM. Since firmer gels are likely to retain more protein and fat than less firmer gels, this interaction effect could have implications in practical cheese production.  相似文献   

Addition of calcium chloride to milk has positive effects on cheese-making because it decreases coagulation time, creates firmer gels, and increases curd yield. Although addition of calcium chloride is a widely used industrial practice, the effect of soluble calcium on the preliminary stages of gelation is not fully understood. In addition, it is not known whether the manner of addition and equilibration of the soluble calcium would affect the rennetability of the casein micelles. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to study the details of the coagulation behavior of casein micelles in the presence of additional calcium, and to elucidate whether the manner in which this cation is added (directly as calcium chloride or by gradual exchange through dialysis) affects the functionality of the micelles. Calcium was added as CaCl(2) (1 mM final added concentration) directly to skim milk or indirectly using dialysis against 50 volumes of milk. Additional soluble calcium did not affect the primary phase of the renneting reaction, as demonstrated by the analysis of the casein macropeptide (CMP) released in solution; however, it shortened the coagulation time of the micelles and increased the firmness of the gel. The turbidity parameter of samples with or without calcium showed that similar amounts of CMP were needed for particle interactions to commence. However, the amount of CMP released at the point of gelation, as indicated by rheology, was lesser for samples with added calcium, which can be attributed to a greater extent of calcium bridging on the surface or between micelles. The results also showed that the manner in which calcium was presented to the micelles did not influence the mechanism of gelation.  相似文献   

Determining the chemical speciation of mercury in contaminated mining and industrial environments is essential for predicting its solubility, transport behavior, and potential bioavailability as well as for designing effective remediation strategies. In this study, two techniques for determining Hg speciation--X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy and sequential chemical extractions (SCE)--are independently applied to a set of samples with Hg concentrations ranging from 132 to 7539 mg/kg to determine if the two techniques provide comparable Hg speciation results. Generally, the proportions of insoluble HgS (cinnabar, metacinnabar) and HgSe identified by XAFS correlate well with the proportion of Hg removed in the aqua regia extraction demonstrated to remove HgS and HgSe. Statistically significant (>10%) differences are observed however in samples containing more soluble Hg-containing phases (HgCl2, HgO, Hg3S2O4). Such differences may be related to matrix, particle size, or crystallinity effects, which could affect the apparent solubility of Hg phases present. In more highly concentrated samples, microscopy techniques can help characterize the Hg-bearing species in complex multiphase natural samples.  相似文献   

膜技术分离脱脂乳中酪蛋白胶束和乳清蛋白工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对膜技术分离脱脂乳酪蛋白胶束和乳清蛋白工艺进行了研究,考察了不同筛分膜的分离效果,并研究了不同操作参数对渗透通量的影响.最终确定用切割分子量300kDa的陶瓷膜进行脱脂乳浓缩分离,酪蛋白胶束和乳清蛋白的分离效果较佳,透过液中乳清蛋白占真蛋白的百分比可达98.91%.确定了膜分离的最适操作压力为0.20MPa,最适操作温度为50℃.  相似文献   

定量分析加热后乳清蛋白与酪蛋白的结合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将复原脱脂乳在 70~ 90℃范围内加热 1 0~ 2 5min后 ,用超速离心分离出酪蛋白微粒 ,并用毛细管电泳法定量分析。结果显示 ,β-乳球蛋白更容易结合到酪蛋白微粒上。当加热条件为 70℃、1 0 min时就有相当多的 β-乳球蛋白发生了这种结合 ,这时酪蛋白微粒中没发现任何 α-乳清蛋白 ,只有当加热温度大于 75℃时才有少量 α-乳清蛋白与酪蛋白微粒结合。复原脱脂乳经 90℃、2 5min加热后几乎所有 β-乳球蛋白都已转入酪蛋白微粒部分 ,而只有近 50 %的α-乳清蛋白转入酪蛋白微粒。  相似文献   

Ketza River mine tailings deposited underwater and those exposed near the tailings impoundment contain approximately 4 wt % As. Column-leaching tests indicated the potential for high As releases from the tailings. The tailings are composed dominantly of iron oxyhydroxides, quartz, calcite, dolomite, muscovite, ferric arsenates, and calcium-iron arsenates. Arsenopyrite and pyrite are trace constituents. Chemical compositions of iron oxyhydroxide and arsenate minerals are highly variable. The XANES spectra indicate that arsenic occurs as As(V) in tailings, but air-drying prior to analysis may have oxidized lower-valent As. The EXAFS spectra indicate As-Fe distances of 3.35-3.36 A for the exposed tailings and 3.33-3.35 A for the saturated tailings with coordination numbers of 0.96-1.11 and 0.46-0.64, respectively. The As-Ca interatomic distances ranging from 4.15 to 4.18 A and the coordination numbers of 4.12-4.58 confirm the presence of calcium-iron arsenates in the tailings. These results suggest that ferric arsenates and inner-sphere corner sharing or bidentate-binuclear attachment of arsenate tetrahedra onto iron hydroxide octahedra are the dominant form of As in the tailings. EXAFS spectra indicate that the exposed tailings are richer in arsenate minerals whereas the saturated tailings are dominated by the iron oxyhydroxides, which could help explain the greater release of As from the exposed tailings during leaching tests. It is postulated that the dissolution of ferric arsenates during flow-through experiments caused the high As releases from both types of tailings. Arsenic tied to iron oxyhydroxides as adsorbed species are considered stable; however, iron oxyhydroxides having low Fe/As molar ratios may not be as stable. Continued As releases from the tailings are likely due to dissolution of both ferric and calcium-iron arsenates and desorption of As from high-As bearing iron oxyhydroxides during aging.  相似文献   

Selective sequential extractions (SSE) and, more recently, X-ray absorption fine-structure IXAFS) spectroscopy have been used to characterize the speciation of metal contaminants in soils and sediments. However, both methods have specific limitations when multiple metal species coexist in soils and sediments. In this study, we tested a combined approach, in which XAFS spectra were collected after each of 6 SSE steps, and then analyzed by multishell fitting, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear combination fits (LCF), to determine the Zn speciation in a smelter-contaminated, strongly acidic soil. In the topsoil, Zn was predominately found in the smelter-emitted minerals franklinite (60%) and sphalerite (30%) and as aqueous or outer-sphere Zn2+ (10%). In the subsoil, aqueous or outer-sphere Zn2+ prevailed (55%), but 45% of Zn was incorporated by hydroxy-Al interlayers of phyllosilicates. Formation of such Zn-bearing hydroxy-interlayers, which has been observed here for the first time, may be an important mechanism to reduce the solubility of Zn in those soils, which are too acidic to retain Zn by formation of inner-sphere sorption complexes, layered double hydroxides or phyllosilicates. The stepwise removal of Zn fractions by SSE significantly improved the identification of species by XAFS and PCA and their subsequent quantification by LCF. While SSE alone provided excellent estimates of the amount of mobile Zn species, it failed to identify and quantify Zn associated with mineral phases because of nonspecific dissolution and the precipitation of Zn oxalate. The systematic combination of chemical extraction, spectroscopy, and advanced statistical analysis allowed us to identify and quantify both mobile and recalcitrant species with high reliability and precision.  相似文献   

Zinc–protoporphyrin (Zn–pp), which has been identified as the major pigment in certain dry-cured meat products, was extracted with acetone/water (75%) and isolated from the following meat products: Parma ham, Iberian ham and dry-cured ham with added nitrite. The quantification of Zn–pp by electron absorption, fluorescence and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy was compared (concentration range used [Zn–pp] = 0.8–9.7 μM). All three hams were found to contain Zn–pp, and the results show no significant difference among the content of Zn–pp quantified by fluorescence, absorbance and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for Parma ham and Iberian ham. All three methods can be used for quantification of Zn–pp in acetone/water extracts of different ham types if the content is higher than 1.0 ppm. For dry-cured ham with added nitrite, XRF was not applicable due to the low content of Zn–pp (<0.1 ppm). In addition, XRF spectroscopy provides further information regarding other trace elements and can therefore be advantageous in this aspect. This study also focused on XRF determination of Fe in the extracts and as no detectable Fe was found in the three types of ham extracts investigated (limit of detection; Fe ? 1.8 ppm), it allows the conclusion that iron containing pigments, e.g., heme, do not contribute to the noticeable red colour observed in some of the extracts.  相似文献   

牦牛或奶牛酪蛋白CPPs粗制品,经阴离子交换精制后获得的高磷组分具有相似的高效分子排阻层析(HPSEC)谱图,均分离出3个峰,分子量依次在15000-16500u之间、4000-5000u之间及2500u左右。采用体外消化模拟实验研究了CPPs样品的促钙吸收能力,证实牦牛与奶牛酪蛋白CPPs在促钙吸收能力方面无明显差异。探讨了CPPs制品的促钙吸收能力与r(N/P)、分子量大小分布之间的关系,结果表明:牦牛与奶牛酪蛋白CPPs的r(N/P)值越小其促钙吸收能力越强,而且分子量小于5000u组分在CPPs制品中所占百分率增加,则其r(N/P)呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the bioavailability, toxicity, and mobility of trace metals are highly dependent on complexation reactions with functional groups in natural organic matter (NOM). In this study, the coordination chemistry of Cd in NOM was investigated by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Soil organic matter (SOM) from different types of organic soils and dissolved organic matter (DOM) from an organic and a mineral soil horizon of a Spodosol and aquatic DOM from Suwannee River were investigated. In SOM samples (1000-25000 microg of Cd g(-1), pH 4.6-6.6), Cd was coordinated by 1.0-2.5 S atoms at a distance of 2.49-2.55 A and by 3.0-4.5 O/N atoms at a distance of 2.22-2.25 A. In DOM samples (1750-4250 microg of Cd g(-1), pH 5.4-6.3), Cd was coordinated by 0.3-1.8 S atoms at a distance of 2.51-2.56 A and 3.6-4.5 O/N atoms at a distance of 2.23-2.26 A. In both SOM and DOM samples a second coordination shell of 1.7-6.0 carbon atoms was found at an average distance of 3.12 A. This is direct evidence for inner-sphere complexation of Cd by functional groups in NOM. Furthermore, ion activity measurements showed that less than 1% of total Cd was in the form of free Cd2+ in our samples. Bond distances and coordination numbers suggest that Cd complexed in SOM and DOM is a mixture of a 4-coordination with S (thiols) and 4- and 6-coordinations with O/N ligands. Given that Cd-S associations on average are stronger than Cd-O/N associations, our results strongly indicate that reduced S ligands are involved in the complexation of Cd by NOM also at native concentrations of metal in oxidized organic-rich soils and in humic streams.  相似文献   

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