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介绍了采用硫磺与合成氨铜洗气为原料加氢合成硫化氢的中试,对工艺的主要过程进行了讨论并提出最佳的操作条件。  相似文献   

安全管理是石油化工行业一项重要的管理内容,文章旨在提升整体安全管理水平,保护生产作业人员的生命健康,预防硫化氢中毒事件的发生,通过中国石油庆阳石化公司硫磺回收装置关于预防硫化氢中毒安全管理的研究与分析,对于可能出现硫化氢中毒的区域、人员和作业过程进行分析,提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

八十年代初开发的硫磺及其混合悬浮剂,在国内已成为重要的杀菌新制剂之一,本文就硫磺混合悬浮剂的特点和发展作一概述。  相似文献   

史彬 《硫酸工业》2021,(4):50-53,56
介绍了中国石油天然气股份有限公司辽阳石化分公司炼油厂硫磺回收联合装置生产设备的腐蚀与防护,分析了脱硫装置、污水汽提装置和硫磺回收装置存在的腐蚀类型与腐蚀机理,结合具体腐蚀案例,提出了具体的防护措施.通过采取相应的防腐措施能有效地延缓设备腐蚀,延长装置运行周期.  相似文献   

针对原有硫磺回收装置下料系统的硫磺传输机检修频繁,作业环境极差,职工劳动强度大等缺陷,使用新加工的下料器取代了原设计的硫磺传输机,解决了硫磺在传输过程洒落现场难维护的问题,极大的降低了职工的劳动强度。  相似文献   

我厂回收车间的焦炉煤气净化工艺过程中产生的酸性气体进入焚烧炉回收硫磺,尾气经冷却器和气液分离器后进入吸煤气管道。 1 存在问题 自1995年9月装置投产以来,回收系统的操作一直不正常,分析其原因主要是硫磺工段经常停工。该工段的主要问题是尾气冷却器距硫磺工段的距离太远,其管道长度大于800m,且尾气温度高达154℃。因尾气中含有未反应的硫化氢、二硫化碳和未冷凝的元素硫,在低温与水蒸汽的作用下,不仅腐蚀管道设备,还易造成堵塞。故采用蒸汽套管输送,一般使用  相似文献   

介绍了世界硫磺和硫酸生产和消费,委内瑞拉的巨大硫磺潜在资源,加压法生产镍、钴的硫磺消费,硫肥和含硫废弃物的利用,酸性气体回注到地下等情况。  相似文献   

屋面雨水收集系统   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李春光 《净水技术》2006,25(3):74-75
通过对雨水收集系统的分类,介绍了屋面雨水收集系统的特点和组成,提出了储水设施的体积计算方法,对系统的推广提出了建议。  相似文献   

N,N-Dimethylaniline successively demethylates at 425 °C in the presence of hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide or sulphur to give successively N-methylaniline and aniline. For the dealkylation reaction, the rank order of promotors is S >SH2 >H2S >H2SH2 >H2.  相似文献   

Fluor公司开发的Fluor SO_2净化工艺具有广泛多样的工艺布局,可以通过经济的方式定制脱除烟气中的有害组成。该工艺几乎能去除全部SO_2并减少CO排放。Fluor SO_x净化工艺的主要步骤已在多套工业装置中得到成功的证实。除技术可行、经济合理之外,Fluor SO_x净化工艺不会产生任何有害副产物,也不会遇到与SO_3 有关的腐蚀问题。此外,该工艺生产高纯度可市售的元素硫。论述了Fluor SO_x净化工艺的特征、技术和成本优势、设计和操作的简易性以及实施的便利性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This work presents the use of nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide [AAO] for reflective interferometric sensing of volatile sulphur compounds and hydrogen sulphide [H2S] gas. Detection is based on changes of the interference signal from AAO porous layer as a result of specific adsorption of gas molecules with sulphur functional groups on a gold-coated surface. A nanoporous AAO sensing platform with optimised pore diameters (30 nm) and length (4 μm) was fabricated using a two-step anodization process in 0.3 M oxalic, followed by coating with a thin gold film (8 nm). The AAO is assembled in a specially designed microfluidic chip supported with a miniature fibre optic system that is able to measure changes of reflective interference signal (Fabry-Perrot fringes). When the sensor is exposed to a small concentration of H2S gas, the interference signal showed a concentration-dependent wavelength shifting of the Fabry-Perot interference fringe spectrum, as a result of the adsorption of H2S molecules on the Au surface and changes in the refractive index of the AAO. A practical biomedical application of reflectometric interference spectroscopy [RIfS] Au-AAO sensor for malodour measurement was successfully shown. The RIfS method based on a nanoporous AAO platform is simple, easy to miniaturise, inexpensive and has great potential for development of gas sensing devices for a range of medical and environmental applications.  相似文献   

在开发用甲烷还原法从闪速炉烟气中回收硫磺的新技术的过程中,设计了一种将天然气加入到烟气中的加料系统,以确保气体有效混合,使硫磺产率接近平衡值.根据对硫磺冷凝后还原气的色谱分析结果,将天然气消耗量自动保持在最佳水平.为保证SO2还原装置的正常运行采取了大量措施,以防止烟尘进入催化工段,其结果是大大提高了硫回收技术的效率.  相似文献   

The established plume model for the atmospheric fluidized-bed combustor is here extended to sulphur capture by bed solids. The model accounts for two mechanisms for sulphur capture: (1) the oxidation of sulphur to SO2, followed by retention by limestone, all in the oxidizing regions of the combustor; and (2) the retention of released sulphur-hydrogen compounds by solids in the unburned plume rising through the bed. Calculations show that there is a significant difference in sulphur retention efficiency predictions between the plume model with its reducing and oxidizing zones and those models which do not consider the occurrence of plumes of unburned volatiles.  相似文献   

Aquathermolysis of bitumen occurs when it is thermally cracked in the presence of water. Current in situ technologies for bitumen production, such as Cyclic Steam Stimulation and Steam‐Assisted Gravity Drainage, inject high pressure, high temperature steam in the reservoir to heat the bitumen which in turn lowers its viscosity enabling flow to a production well. Thus, the major physical effect of steam is the heating of bitumen which mobilises it. Beyond physical interactions, chemical effects also result: steam heating produces acid gases, such as carbon oxides, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide along with small amounts of hydrogen and methane. For steam‐based in situ bitumen recovery processes, nearly all analyses, including simple drainage theories and thermal reservoir simulations, focus solely on the physical processes: heat transfer, fluid flow and thermodynamic equilibrium. However, steam chambers are also underground reactors: bitumen aquathermolysis occurs due to high temperatures and water saturation. Here, we describe a new in situ aquathermolysis reaction scheme for Athabasca bitumen to predict hydrogen, methane, carbon oxides, hydrogen sulphide and other heavy molecular weight hydrocarbons. Reaction parameters were fitted against one experimental data set and validated against other independent experimental data sets, both from the literature. Our results indicate that, to more accurately predict gas compositions and rates, the effects of aquathermolysis should be taken into account in reservoir modelling. © 2012 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the effect of sulphidation method of supported molybdenum catalysts used in the reduction of SO2 with Ch4 was carried out. Two sulphidation methods, one using H2S and the other using a mixture of SO2/CH4, are compared. The methods are evalauted with respect to molybdenum retention, extent of molybdenum sulphidation, and catalytic activity. Mo/Al2O3 catalysts sulphided with H2S are superior to those sulphided under SO2 and CH4 reaction conditions. Although complete sulphidation is never achieved in either of the two cases, the higher activity found with H2S-sulphided catalysts is attributed to a higher degree of molybdenum sulphidation resulting in a higher MoS2 content. The 15% Mo/Al2O3 catalyst sulphided with H2S at 600°C showed the highest activity and had the highest MoS2 content.  相似文献   


A new monomer was prepared in the reaction of bis(4-chloromethylphenyl)sulphide with potassium salt of methacrylic acid. The monomer was characterized by elementary analysis, IR, 1 >H-NMR and 13C-NMR analyses. After determination of the structure, studies on its solubility with common as well as vinyl solvents such as styrene, methyl methacrylate, butyl acrylate, acrylonitrile, and divinylbenzene were carried out. Besides, a hardening system for styrene solutions of bis(4-methacryloylmethylphenyl)sulphide (BMMPhS) was chosen. Combinations of the following components: benzoyl peroxide, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, N,N-dimethylaniline, and cobalt naphthenate were used for hardening. Polymerization of the following styrene solutions of BMMPhS: 50,40,30, 20 and 10% was performed. The obtained copolymers were tested for mechanical properties like: Young's modulus, tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness of Shore's and Brinnell's methods. For the chosen copolymers, thermal properties were determined.  相似文献   

SULFO2BAY——一种近零排放硫酸生产新工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍一种用硫磺和纯氧为原料、以BAYQIK高浓度SO2转化技术为基础的硫酸生产新工艺——SULFO:BAY工艺,并从技术和经济两方面对SULFO2BAY@工艺与传统二转二吸工艺进行了比较。结果表明,SULFO2BAY工艺的主要技术优势在于SO2排放量可减少99%以上,能量利用率可提高到97%;该工艺的主要经济优势在于投资可减少约50%,因而相应的NPV比更高。从目前来看,高昂的氧气采购费用是一个不利的因素,将来如能通过利用高性能膜分离技术改变这种状况,SULFO:BAY工艺有望成为一种现代化的制酸工艺。  相似文献   

A generic computer-aided framework for systematic design of a process monitoring and control system for crystallization processes has been developed to study various aspects of crystallization operations. The systematic design framework contains a generic crystallizer modelling toolbox, a tool for generation of the supersaturation set-point for supersaturation control, as well as a tool for design of a process monitoring and control system (also called Process Analytical Technology (PAT) system). This systematic design allows one to generate the necessary problem-chemical system specific model, the necessary supersaturation set-point as well as a PAT system design including implementation of monitoring tools and control strategies in order to produce the desired target product properties notably crystal size distribution (CSD) and shape for a wide range of crystallization processes. Application of the framework is highlighted through a case study involving the design of a monitoring and control system for a potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystallization process, where also the one-dimensional CSD and two-dimensional CSD modelling features are highlighted.  相似文献   

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