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We have generalized the existing expression for the trap-assisted tunneling current to include the effect of linearly varying electric field in the depletion region and self-consistently calculated steady-state trap occupation probability. We find that the magnitude and variation of current with voltage depend critically on these improvements.  相似文献   

Bake stability of long-wavelength infrared HgCdTe photodiodes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The bake stability was examined for HgCdTe wafers and photodiodes with CdTe surface passivation deposited by thermal evaporation. Electrical and electrooptical measurements were performed on various long-wavelength infrared HgCdTe photodiodes prior to and after a ten-day vacuum bakeout at 80°C, similar to conditions used for preparation of tactical dewar assemblies. It was found that the bakeout process generated additional defects at the CdTe/ HgCdTe interface and degraded photodiode parameters such as zero bias impedance, dark current, and photocurrent. Annealing at 220°C under a Hg vapor pressure following the CdTe deposition suppressed the interface defect generation process during bakeout and stabilized HgCdTe photodiode performance.  相似文献   

VLWIR HgCdTe detector current-voltage analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article details current-voltage characteristics for a very long wavelength infrared (VLWIR) Hg1−x CdxTe detector from Raytheon Vision Systems with a cutoff wavelength of 20.0 μm at 28 K. In this article, the VLWIR detector diode currents are modeled as a function of bias and temperature. This in-depth current model includes diffusion, band-to-band tunneling, trap-assisted tunneling (TAT), and shunt currents. The trap density has been extracted from the modeled TAT component of the current and was revealed to be relatively temperature-independent. An attempted incorporation of VLWIR detector susceptibility to stress has also been included through variation of the model parameter associated with the p-n junction electric field strength. This field variation accounts for stress induced piezoelectric fields. The current in this VLWIR detector was found to be diffusion-limited under much of the temperature and bias ranges analyzed. This modeling allows the scrutiny of both the dominant current-limiting mechanism and the magnitudes of the various current components as a function of both bias and temperature, allowing the straightforward determination of the ideal operating conditions for a given detector.  相似文献   

A combination of mechanical experiments and fabrication of very-long-wavelength infrared (VLWIR) HgCdTe-infrared detectors has been used to investigate the interaction between various unit-cell design and dry-etch process variables on final unit-cell dimensions and detector performance. Etch rate, which determines the process time required to achieve a specified etch depth, was found to be a function of both the trench width opening used to delineate an individual detector element in a focal-plane array (FPA) and the mesa profile observed during etching. Current-voltage (I-V) probe data at 78 K demonstrated the successful fabrication of 30 μm unit-cell, VLWIR-HgCdTe diodes with mesa delineation performed by dry etching. The breakdown performance of these diodes is sensitive to trench width and dry-etch process time.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the calculated results of the dark current and multiplication factor in MBE grown HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes with separate absorption and multiplication (SAM-APD). The device architecture used for this analysis comprises the following layers: p+ contact, p junction, n multiplication, n charge sheet, n absorber, and n+ contact. Various leakage current mechanisms are considered and the generation-recombination term is found to be the dominant one for this device structure. However, experimental reverse bias I-V characteristics reported earlier by T. de Lyon et al. shows a large deviation from ideality, which can not be explained in terms of bulk leakage current mechanism. To explain the large difference between experimental and theoretical data we consider that the dominant generation-recombination current is multiplied through impact ionization process. To validate this assumption, multiplication is calculated as a function of reverse bias. Electric field profile is obtained and the multiplication is computed using the ionization coefficients and avalanche gain equations. Breakdown voltage is found to be 85 V for room temperature operation in agreement with available data in the literature. The theoretical I-V curves considering multiplication are compared with the experimental ones and a close agreement is found which validate this model.  相似文献   

HgCdTe electron avalanche photodiodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exponential-gain values well in excess of 1,000 have been obtained in HgCdTe high-density, vertically integrated photodiode (HDVIP) avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with essentially zero excess noise. This phenomenon has been observed at temperatures in the range of 77–260 K for a variety of cutoff wavelengths in the mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) band, with evidence of similar behavior in other IR bands. A theory for electron avalanche multiplication has been developed using density of states and electron-interaction matrix elements associated with the unique band structure of HgCdTe, with allowances being made for the relevant scattering mechanisms of both electrons and holes at these temperatures. This theory is used to develop an empirical model to fit the experimental data obtained at DRS Infrared Technologies. The functional dependence of gain on applied bias voltage is obtained by the use of one adjustable parameter relating electron energy to applied voltage. A more quantitative physical theory requires the use of Monte Carlo techniques incorporating the preceding scattering rates and ionization probabilities. This has been performed at the University of Texas at Austin, and preliminary data indicate good agreement with DRS models for both avalanche gain and excess noise as a function of applied bias. These data are discussed with a view to applications at a variety of wavelengths.  相似文献   

An automated iterative nonlinear fitting program has been developed to model current-voltage (I–V) data measured on HgCdTe infrared (IR) detector diodes. This model includes the ideal diode diffusion, generation-recombination, band-to-band tunneling, trap-assisted tunneling (TAT), and avalanche breakdown as potential current limiting mechanisms in an IR detector diode. The modeling presented herein allows one to easily distinguish, and more importantly to quantitatively compare, the amount of influence each current limiting mechanism has on various detectors’ I–V characteristics. Longer cutoff wavelength detectors often exhibit significant current limitations due to tunneling processes. The temperature dependence of these tunneling characteristics is thoroughly investigated for two diodes.  相似文献   

Laser-beam-induced current (LBIC) is being investigated as an alternative to electrical measurements of individual photodiodes in a two-dimensional array. This is possible because LBIC only requires two electrical contacts to an array and the two-dimensional scanning of a focused laser beam across the array to image the entire array. The measured LBIC profiles, obtained from linear arrays of HgCdTe photodiodes, will be used to study the uniformity of photodiodes in the array and to extract the R0A of the photodiodes. It will be shown that the shape of the LBIC signal is correlated to the electrical performance of the photodiode, with R0A related to the spreading length of the photodiodes. Linear arrays of n-on-p, mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long wave-length infrared (LWIR) devices were formed in liquid-phase epitaxy HgCdTe epilayers using a plasma junction-formation technique. The LBIC profiles were measured on each of the devices at various temperatures. For the MWIR devices, the extracted spreading length shows no correlation with R0A. However, the LBIC signal does detect nonuniform devices within the array. For the case of the LWIR devices, the spreading length is extracted as a function of temperature, with the R0A subsequently calculated from the spreading length. The calculated R0A, obtained without requiring contact to each photodiode in the array, agrees well with electrical measurements. Asymmetry of the LBIC signals for certain devices in the arrays is shown to be a result of localized leakage at the photodiode junction or from the contact pads through the passivation layers. These results are confirmed by numerical modeling of the device structures.  相似文献   

We present extended results on the use of a hydrogen plasma to passivate the effects of defects in long-wave ir HgCdTe/Si. Annealed and as-grown epilayers, in situ doped with indium, were exposed to a hydrogen plasma generated in an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) reactor. Secondary ion mass spectrometry was used to measure the extent of hydrogen incorporation into the epilayers. Hall and photoconductive lifetime measurements were used to assess the efficacy of passivation. The passivation of defects responsible for the scattering and recombination of electrical carriers was observed for most ECR conditions over a range of dislocation densities.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the feasibility of very long infrared wavelength (VLWIR) (12–18 μm) focal plane arrays using n-on-p planar ion-implanted technology. To explore and analyze the feasibility of such VLWIR detectors, a set of four Cd x Hg1−x Te LPE layers with an 18 μ cutoff at 50 K has been processed at Defir (LETI/LIR–Sofradir joint laboratory), using both our “standard” n-on-p process and our improved low dark current process. Several 320 × 256 arrays, 30-μm pitch, have been hybridized on standard Sofradir readout circuits and tested. Small dimension test arrays characterization is also presented. Measured photonic currents with a 20°C black body suggest an internal quantum efficiency above 50%. Typical I(V) curves and thermal evolution of the saturation current are discussed, showing that standard photodiodes remain diffusion limited at low biases for temperatures down to 30 K. Moreover, the dark current gain brought by the improved process is clearly visible for temperatures higher than 40 K. Noise measurements are also discussed showing that a very large majority of detectors appeared background limited under usual illumination and biases. In our opinion, such results demonstrate the feasibility of high-performance complex focal plane arrays in the VLWIR range at medium term.  相似文献   

Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns of HgCdTe surfaces etched with bromine methanol are diffuse with a faint ring pattern indicative of an overlayer consisting of a mixture of oxides and amorphous Te. Exposure to an atomic hydrogen flux results in a RHEED pattern indicative of a high quality, two-dimensional surface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements indicate a rms surface roughness less than 1 nm. CdTe grown on this surface at 80°C maintains the streaky RHEED pattern and smooth surface as indicated by AFM. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicate that the etched surfaces contain both an oxide layer and a metallic Te overlayer which were removed by continued exposure to atomic hydrogen. Further exposure results in significant HgTe depletion, which appears to be a near-surface phenomenon. Preliminary device results indicate that use of atomic hydrogen is a viable approach for low temperature cleaning of etched HgCdTe surfaces.  相似文献   

A new, nondestructive junction depth measurement technique for HgCdTe photovoltaic devices is investigated. The technique uses a scanning laser microscope to obtain laser beam induced current (LBIC) data from which information regarding the junction depth is extracted, and is applicable to both homojunction and heterojunction diodes. For implanted heterojunction photodiodes, the position of the n-p junction relative to the heterojunction is an important factor determining completed device performance, with blind photodiodes resulting if the n-p junction is incorrectly placed. At present, the only methods available for junction depth determination (e.g., secondary ion mass spectroscopy and differential Hall) are destructive and not applicable as routine process monitoring techniques. It is envisaged that the development of a nondestructive routine process monitoring procedure will help improve yield and reduce the cost of HgCdTe photovoltaic devices. In this paper, experimental and theoretical results are presented in order to assess the sensitivity of the new technique to the effects of junction doping density, illumination wavelength, frontside/backside illumination, and test structure geometry.  相似文献   

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