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Passive film and accelerated corrosion tests were performed on both wrought AISI 316L stainless steel and wrought Vitallium (Haynes Stellite 25) Charnley Type cement restrictors. The morphology and incidence of corrosion at the wire-wire crevices and the methacrylate-metal crevices were determined by scanning electron microscopy. The results are interpreted in view of the previously-documented crevice corrosion susceptibility of these two alloys.  相似文献   

The effects of Dachengqi decoction (DCQ) and Rhubarb (Rb) on spontaneous cellular electrical activities of guinea-pig's taenia coli has been studied by intracellular microelectrode technique. DCQ and Rb could both improve depolarization of cell membrane, speed up the burst of slow wave potential (when drug concentration was 1%, P > 0.05; 10% or 20%, P < 0.05), which was dose dependent. At the same concentration, the effects of Rb were more significant than that of DCQ. These results suggested that DCQ and Rb enhanced directly the cellular electrical excitability so as to strengthen the contraction of colon, is one of the mechanisms of these drugs in cellular level on diarrhea action. The ionic basis of the effects might be that DCQ and Rb reduced the K+conductance of cell membrane in rest state.  相似文献   

Skin reactivity to tuberculin has been studied during the course of experimental leptospirosis in guinea pigs. A depression of the delayed hypersensitivity to tuberculin was demonstrated in the infected animals. The depression was most pronounced when icterus had developed. The depression was not correlated with the amount of infectious units administered or with the demonstration of live leptospirae in the peritoneal cavity. In the infected animals there was no correlation between the initial and the final skin tests which is in contrast to findings in the control group.  相似文献   

A cell line (RCVC) in permanent culture was developed from adult rat ventricular cells; transformation was attained by incubation with conditioned media from UCHT1, a rat thyroid cell line. Immortalized ventricular cells have a doubling time of 20 h, contact inhibition of growth, and display some muscle markers such as a high glycogen content and positive immunoreaction for myoglobin, alpha-sarcomeric actin, alpha-actinin and desmin. A microsomal fraction from these cells was shown to bind 3H-nitrendipine with a maximal capacity of 295 fmol/mg protein and an equilibrium dissociation constant of 0.7 nM. Nifedipine-sensitive 45Ca2+ influx was evident in partially depolarized cells (40 mM K+ in the incubation medium). An equivalent influx, induced by the calcium channel agonist BAYK-8644 and CGP-28392, was obtained in normally polarized cells. Patch clamp studies show slow inward currents that can be completely blocked by 5 microM nifedipine; cells were induced to further differentiation by culturing in a hormone supplemented medium for 30 days. Under this condition, fast, inactivating inward currents and a large outward current became apparent. After 40-60 days, the cells exhibit La(3+)-sensitive fast and slow inactivating inward currents that resemble T and L-type Ca2+ currents. This cell line appears to be a good model system for the investigation of cardiomyocyte differentiation in situ.  相似文献   

We report a case of a previously undescribed benign neoplasm characterized by a poorly circumscribed proliferation of clear cells, arranged both singly and in elongated fascicles oriented in haphazard fashion within the middle and lower reticular dermis. The fascicles consisted of spindle-shaped cells that were periodic acid-Schiff positive and diastase labile. These cells were characterized by oval, hyperchromatic, cigar-shaped nuclei and clear cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells were diffusely positive for smooth muscle actin (1A4), common muscle actin (HHF-35), and vimentin. Immunoreactivity for fibronectin was also focally noted. The neoplasm, which we designated clear-cell smooth muscle tumor of the skin, should be distinguished from smooth muscle hamartoma and other smooth muscle proliferations at cutaneous level. We highlight in this case report the histopathologic differential diagnosis among other tumors with myofibroblastic, melanocytic, and neural differentiation.  相似文献   

Prolonged heart ischaemia causes an inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation and an increase of Ca2+ in mitochondria. We investigated whether elevated Ca2+ induces changes in the oxidative phosphorylation system relevant to ischaemic damage, and whether Ca2+ and other inducers of mitochondrial permeability transition cause the release of cytochrome c from isolated heart mitochondria. We found that 5 microM free Ca2+ induced changes in oxidative phosphorylation system similar to ischaemic damage: increase in the proton leak and inhibition of the substrate oxidation system related to the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. The phosphorylating system was not directly affected by high Ca2+ and ischaemia. The release of cytochrome c from mitochondria was caused by Ca2+ and 0.175-0.9 mM peroxynitrite but not by NO, and was prevented by cyclosporin A. Adenylate kinase and creatine kinase were also released after incubation of mitochondria with Ca2+, however, the activity of citrate synthase in the incubation medium with high and low Ca2+ did not change. The data suggest that release of cytochrome c and other proteins of intermembrane space may be due to the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, and may be partially responsible for inhibition of mitochondrial respiration induced by ischaemia, high calcium, and oxidants.  相似文献   

To investigate the factors that influence the probability of clinical cavitation at radiolucent areas of proximal surfaces of posterior teeth, 108 molars and premolars with varying depths of proximal radiolucency were examined clinically, after cavity preparation on the carious contiguous tooth surfaces. The data obtained were subjected to logistic regression analysis with cavitation as the dependent variable, while age, tooth type and past caries experience (DMFT and DFS) were independent variables. When proximal radiolucency was confined to the outer half of enamel, there was no cavitation, but when it extended to the amelodentinal junction and the outer and inner half of dentine, there was cavitation in 19.3, 79.1 and 100% of cases, respectively. Moreover, there was a statistically significant relationship between the probability of cavitation, depth of radiolucency and age, suggesting that these should be among the main factors considered when restorative management of a radiolucent proximal surface of a posterior tooth is contemplated.  相似文献   

Signal transduction in gastric and intestinal smooth muscle is mediated by receptors coupled via distinct G proteins to various effector enzymes, including PI-specific PLC-beta 1 and PLC-beta 3, and phosphatidylcholine (PC)-specific PLC, PLD and PLA2. Activation of these enzymes is different in circular and longitudinal muscle cells, generating Ca(2+)-mobilizing (IP3, AA, cADPR) and other (DAG) messengers responsible for the initial and sustained phases of contraction, respectively. IP3-dependent Ca2+ release occurs only in circular muscle. Ca2+ mobilization in longitudinal muscle involves a cascade initiated by agonist-induced transient activation of PLA2 and formation of AA, AA-dependent depolarization of the plasma membrane and opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. The influx of Ca2+ induces Ca2+ release by activating sarcoplasmic ryanodine receptor/Ca2+ channel and stimulates cADPR formation which enhances Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release. The initial [Ca2+]i transient in both muscle cell types results in Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent activation of MLC kinase, phosphorylation of MLC20 and interaction of actin and myosin. The sustained phase is mediated by a Ca(2+)-independent isoform of PKC, PKC-epsilon DAG for this process is generated by PLC- and PLD-mediated hydrolysis of PC. Relaxation is mediated by cAMP-and/or cGMP-dependent protein kinase which inhibit the initial [Ca2+]i transient and reduce the sensitivity of MLC kinase to [Ca2+]i. Relaxation induced by the main neurotransmitters, VIP and PACAP, involves two cascades, one of which reflects activation of adenylyl cyclase. A distinct cascade involves G-protein-dependent stimulation of Ca2+ influx leading to Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent activation of a constitutive eNOS in muscle cells; the generation of NO activates soluble guanylyl cyclase. The resultant activation of PKA and PKG is jointly responsible for muscle relaxation.  相似文献   

Myoglobin (Mb) has been believed to be absent generally from mammalian smooth muscle tissue. Examination of human rectal, uterine, bladder, colon, small intestine, arterial, and venous smooth muscle by immunohistochemical techniques shows that each of these tissues is immunopositive for both smooth muscle myosin and human Mb. Mb-specific primers were used for the polymerase chain reaction to generate cDNA from smooth muscle tissues. Southern hybridization with a Mb-specific probe gave a very strong signal with the cDNA from rectum, weaker signals from small intestine and uterus, a faint signal from colon, and no signal from bladder tissue. High performance liquid chromatography analysis coupled with sequence determination has shown that contaminating heme-binding serum albumin as well as hemoglobin in extracts of smooth muscle seriously compromise any heme-based or spectrophotometric assay of Mb. Combined affinity and size exclusion chromatography, however, provide the necessary resolution. The cDNA-derived amino acid sequence of human smooth muscle Mb was found to be identical to that of Mb from striated muscle.  相似文献   

AIMS: A stimulating intestinal secretory effect is described in vitro and an inhibition with selective inhibitors of the different receptors of serotonin (5-HT), in vivo. But a direct effect, in vivo, in fully vascularized and innervated intestine has not yet been clearly evidenced. We studied the effect of 5-HT in anesthetized rats with ligated loops. This work, performed at 4 intestinal levels, allowed a comparison with the effects of a known stimulant of intestinal secretion, VIP, and a specific inhibitor of Na/H exchange, dimethylamiloride (DMA). RESULTS: 5-HT induced an inhibition of epithelial Na influx in agreement with the inhibition of Na/H exchanger, an inhibition of the influx of Cl, partially passive absorption following Na by paracellular route. A decrease of Na and Cl efflux was induced by 5-HT in duodenum, jejunum and ileum while in colon, a stimulation was obtained by intraluminal but not intravenous route. CONCLUSION: Even though 5-HT induced a liquid accumulation in all intestinal segments, the effect differed according to the intestinal level, either inhibition of absorption in the small intestine, or stimulation of secretion in the colon. The comparison of the effect of 5-HT with that of DMA shows that the inhibition of absorption is not only due to Na/H exchanger inhibition.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to determine the effects of dopamine (DA) antagonists and DA depletions on progressive-ratio responding for food reinforcement. On this schedule, ratio requirement increased by one response after each reinforcer was obtained, and rats were tested in 30-min sessions. Response rates and highest ratio completed were reduced in a dose-related manner by systemic injections of the D1 antagonist SCH 23390, and also by the D2 antagonists haloperidol and raclopride. Drug-treated rats also showed reductions in time to complete the last ratio, demonstrating that they had stopped responding before the end of the session. DA depletions produced by injections of 6-OHDA directly into the nucleus accumbens substantially decreased both the number of responses and the highest ratio completed. The deficits in response number and highest ratio completed induced by DA depletions persisted through the first 3 weeks of postsurgical testing, with some recovery by the fourth week. However, the deficits resulting from dopamine depletions were largely a manifestation of a decrease in response rate; although time to complete the last ratio was significantly reduced by dopamine depletions in the first few days of testing, rats recovered on this measure by the fifth day after surgery. Although previous work has shown that performance on several schedules (e.g., continuous, low value ratios, variable interval) is relatively unaffected by accumbens DA depletions, the present data demonstrate that such depletions do produce a substantial and persistent impairment of progressive ratio response output. Rats with accumbens DA depletions appear to have deficits in maintaining the high work output necessary for responding at large ratio values. The relative sparing of responding on some simple schedules, together with the present progressive ratio results, suggest that rats with accumbens DA depletions remain directed toward the acquisition and consumption of food, but they show deficits in work output for food.  相似文献   

1. The current-voltage relation of the smooth muscle cell membrane of rabbit aorta was determined by the partition method. 2. No anomalous rectification was observed in any of the following solutions: normal Krebs, Na free choline, Na sulphate, and high K-Na free sulphate. 3. Delayed rectification was seen on application of depolarizing current in both normal Krebs solution and Na free choline solution. 4. High concentration of K made the steady-state current-voltage relation almost linear in a voltage range of about 0 to -20mV. This effect, and steady-state cathodal rectification which was seen in physiological solution, could be explained qualitatively by constant field theory without involving channels capable of anomalous rectification. 5. A slow decrease in K conductance, during application of large and long-lasting hyperpolarizing currents, which occurs in skeletal muscle and is attributed to the tubule system, was never observed in the arteries either in Krebs, Na-free choline, or Na sulphate solution.  相似文献   

Effect of dopamine on the esophageal smooth muscle in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the method 133Xe clearance we investigated blood flow and calculated vascular resistances simultaneously in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities in 58 patients following successful surgical correction of aortic coarctation carried out at age 11.5 (+/- 2.9) years. The interval from operation to investigation was 11.5 (+/- 4.5) years. Resting and maximal ischemic exercise blood flows in the upper extremity were decreased and the duration of maximal blood flow was shortened. Values recorded from the lower extremities did not differ from normal controls. The difference between upper and lower extremities was statistically significant. Vascular resistance during maximal blood flow was higher in the upper extremities than in the lower. Differences between upper and lower extremities did not change after vasodilation elicited by amyl nitrite. The degree of differences was not dependent upon the age at operation, the age of the patients at investigation, or on the time interval between operation and investigation.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin bound phosphatase (MBP) purified from chicken gizzard, which is a holoenzyme of type 1 delta protein phosphatase and dephosphorylated intact myosin, catalyzed the dephosphorylation of calponin phosphorylated by protein kinase C (PK-C). The Km of MBP for calponin was 0.6 microM and the Vmax was 350 nmol/min/mg. All of the multiple sites of phosphorylation by PK-C of calponin were completely dephosphorylated by MBP. Functionally, calponin dephosphorylated by MBP recovered its inhibitory effect on the actin-activated Mg(2+)-ATPase activity of myosin. Therefore, these results suggest that a type 1 delta protein phosphatase causes relaxation of smooth muscle by the dephosphorylation not only of myosin but also of calponin.  相似文献   

Effects of diltiazem on electrical and mechanical activities of isolated guinea pig taenia coli were studied by means of the double sucrose-gap method. In the spontaneously active preparations, diltiazem (2.2 X 10(-6) M) suppressed both electrical activity and isometric contraction, while electrical and mechanical activities evoked by the depolarizing current pulse were not affected at the concentration of 2.2 X 10(-6) M. In the presence of 2.2 X 10(-5) M diltiazem, the evoked contractile force and the number of repetitive firings during depolarization were reduced, whereas the single spike was almost unchanged or somewhat inhibited. At 2.2 X 10(-4) M diltiazem, both electrical and mechanical activities were almost abolished. The contractile force and single spike suppressed by diltiazem were partly reversed by the addition of 5 mM CaCl2. There was little significant change in membrane potential and membrane resistance. Similar but somewhat weaker effects were observed when NaCl was replaced with sucrose. In some preparations, 2.2 X 10(-4) M diltiazem reduced the contractile force without significant influence on the electrical activity in Na+-free Locke solution. CoCl2 (3 mM) inhibited the evoked activities in both normal and Na+-free solutions. Possible mechanisms for the relaxing effects of diltiazem on isolated guinea pig taenia coli were discussed.  相似文献   

Transient kinetic methods were used to study interactions between actin, MgADP, and smooth muscle (chicken gizzard) myosin subfragment 1 (smS1). The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of actin for smS1 was 3.5 nM, tighter than that of skeletal S1 (skS1). Actin binding to smS1 was weakened 5-fold by saturation with ADP compared to 30-60-fold for skS1. The Kd of ADP for smS1 was increased from 1.2 to 5 microM by actin, whereas for skS1 values increased from 2 to 100 microM. Thus, coupling between ADP and actin binding is weaker for smS1. Previous studies show that release of ADP from actin.smS1.ADP produces a tilt of the regulatory domain [Whittaker, M., Wilson-Kubalek, E. M., Smith, J. E., Faust, L., Milligan, R. A., and Sweeney, H. L. (1995) Nature 378, 748-751]. This result was confirmed by independent structural methods; tilting was absent for skS1, and the Kd for ADP was in agreement with the values measured here [Gollub, J., Cremo, C. R., and Cooke, R. (1996) Nat. Struct. Biol. 3, 796-802; Poole, K. I. V., Lorenz, M., Ellison, P., Evans, G., Rosenbaum, G., Boesecke, P., Holmes, K. C., and Cremo, C. R. (1997) J. Muscle Res. Cell Motility 18, 264]. We discuss tilting upon ADP release with respect to our measurements, previous measurements with skS1, and nucleotide concentrations in smooth muscle. We propose that these data suggest a strain-dependent ADP release mechanism that may be accentuated in smooth muscles.  相似文献   

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