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作为目前发展十分迅猛的虚拟仪器的应用,论文主要介绍了微机监控系统的一个重要组成部分-模拟CC/RTU的功能、原理及其实现等。并结合实际的工程应用给出了具体的实现方案。  相似文献   

Electric energy is one of the most versatile and widely used forms of energy. Generation and delivery of this energy form requires diligence in safe work practices and procedures that are best established through proper training. This article reports on a survey of rural electric utilities and the responses provided on issues and practices relating to job training and safety for rural utility employees. A total of 3,075 surveys were mailed to rural utilities throughout the United States. Responses were received from 675 utilities, representing a 22% response rate  相似文献   

Electron-beam testing technique includes photoemissive probing; electrooptic sampling; charge density probing and photoexcitation are analyzed. Among these techniques an ideal contactless probing system is simple, inexpensive to operate and compatible with the existing test equipment. It will not perturb the circuit and would measure electric signals with minimum crosstalk. Experimental results demonstrate that multiple optical test vectors can be input on the periphery of a DUT (device under test) with negligible crosstalk using this technique. The bandwidth of the test system would be compatible with picosecond data pulses and it would not be limited to certain materials. The approach offers increased testability and measurement of the "chip under test".  相似文献   

The authors report on and analyze a survey of practices and experiences with time-delay back-up protection associated with unit-connected generators, predominantly rated 100 MVA and above. In addition, application and setting considerations are discussed. The survey covered large unit-connected installations, involving 47 respondents and 6698 unit-years of experience. Phase back-up, negative-sequence overcurrent, and high-side neutral overcurrent protection were considered. The majority of respondents were found to apply all three classes of back-up protection: phase, negative-sequence, and high-side neutral overcurrent  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、现代通信技术、网络技术的迅速发展,数据通信测试仪器的发展也是日新月异。从平台构建到协议分析,软件设计是数据通信协议测试系统中的关键,通过对不同协议测试模块软件平台的功能设计,协议分析解码技术、RFC2544测试技术等关键技术的分析,在全面分析传统平台构建技术的同时,利用自顶向下的方式对基于CPCI总线和多CPU架构的以太网、ARINC429、RS232、V.35、X.21等协议的测试软件平台进行了设计,提出了一种新型的数据通信协议软件测试平台构建方法。  相似文献   

Results of a survey of industry practices regarding shielding of substations against direct lightning strokes are presented and analyzed. The survey is based on responses from 114 companies, including consultants and utilities both from within and from outside North America. The survey identifies the shielding design methods in use, the factors affecting the selection of a shielding method, the shielding design criteria and the governing factors, the performance of the different shielding methods and miscellaneous related aspects. The survey revealed a large number (35) of shielding failure incidents; 34 occurred in systems designed using either the fixed-shielding angle method or Wagner's 1942 method  相似文献   

基于组件的继电保护测试软件研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了组件技术的优点,并针对继电保护测试软件应用的特点,运用组件化的设计思想,提出了基于组件技术的继电保护测试软件的构架方案和体系结构;提高了软件的可重用性、可扩展性、可维护性。  相似文献   

嵌入式软件测试系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着嵌入式技术的发展,如何对它进行快速有效的测试已经成为现在的一大热点.本文提出了一种通用的嵌入式软件测试系统的基本框架图,该测试系统分为五个功能模块: 功能测试模块,代码性能测试模块,数据分析和文档报告模块和通信接口转换模块.并且使用程序插桩的方法,设计并实现了基于汇编的嵌入式自动测试系统.有效的解决了传统手工测试程序带来的一些问题,满足了国内用户对嵌入式汇编进行测试的需求.  相似文献   

随着嵌入式技术的发展,如何对它进行快速有效的测试已经成为现在的一大热点。本文在嵌入式汇编语言覆盖测试的基础上,设计并实现了嵌入式软件覆盖测试系统的原型。该原型系统主要完成了嵌入式软件的语句覆盖和分支覆盖率的计算、时间性能分析和内存分析。有效地解决了传统手工测试程序效率低、繁琐等问题,满足用户对嵌入式汇编测试的需求。可用于航天和航空等领域。  相似文献   

The results of a survey of North American Relay Engineers concerning their practices for testing protective and other relays and their personnel requirements are presented. Relay tolerances, training requirements, relay test schedules, relay test intervals, and relay test equipment are discussed  相似文献   

嵌入式软件白盒测试系统的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着嵌入式技术的发展,如何对它进行快速有效的测试已经成为现在的一大热点。本文设计与实现的嵌入式软件白盒测试系统分为4部分:程序的自动插桩、测试用例的自动生成、测试结果的分析和动态信息的集成环境。本文利用软件虚拟插桩的方法主要完成了嵌入式软件的语句和分支覆盖率的计算,有效的解决了传统手工测试程序带来的一些问题,基本满足了国内用户对嵌入式汇编进行测试的需求。  相似文献   

集成电路测试系统通用测试软件的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种集成电路测试系统通用测试软件的设计方法和软件组成。利用多层次、模块化的软件结构设计方法,令描述被测器件的参数和测试程序互相分离,并以图形化的方式利用测试模块构建测试序列文件,使得该集成电路测试软件具备良好的通用性,可维护性和可扩充性。  相似文献   

It should be pointed out that the dielectric strength of liquids as tested in accordance with current practices to some extent is determined by equipment parameters and not by the sample properties only. Therefore, it is desirable to continue efforts to refine and unify the standard practices to obtain more representative and reproducible test results. What is not always fully recognized is the influence of the test procedure itself and of the test equipment design and characteristics  相似文献   

Software testing is a popular and important technique for improving software quality. There is a strong need for universities to teach testing rigorously to students studying computer science or software engineering. This paper reports the experience of teaching the classification-tree method as a black-box testing technique at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, and Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. It aims to foster discussion of appropriate teaching methods of software testing.  相似文献   

通用软件平台,是测试系统实现通用化的核心。对于导弹测试,测试软件开发运行平台的标准化是军事装备测试系统接口兼容、测试程序及测试数据共享的保障。基于ATML/STD标准的通用导弹测试软件平台,保证了系统体系结构的开放性、运行稳定性、升级维护的可维护性和可扩展性。本系统采用成熟的底层测试执行引擎,提供便捷的测试流程管理和高效的执行功能,保障了测试程序集执行的安全稳定;针对导弹测试的特点,按照ATML标准体系结构对TPS研发和测试等角色进行分工; 并根据ATML模式定义TPS开发过程的数据类型和内容,降低了测试过程对人员的素质要求,最大程度的提高了自动测试系统信息及TPS内容信息的开放性。实现ATS信息共享、交换、互操作和TPS跨平台重 载移植。  相似文献   

基于目标机的嵌入式软件单元测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵌入式软件测试又称为host-target测试或Cross-Testing。嵌入式软件因具有实时和多任务处理,使得测试上有其自身的特点和难点。根据软件单元测试理论,介绍了一种基于目标机的嵌入式软件测试单元测试方法及步骤。  相似文献   

ATE软件平台中测试资源管理的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测试资源的管理是ATE软件平台重要的组成部分,它可管理ATE的所有测试资源,建立动态的资源管理机制,对测试资源可根据测试需求进行调整,从而使得TPS与测试仪器分离,大大地提高了ATE软件平台的通用性和可移植性。本文针对测试资源管理的设计与实现做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

In an industrial glass production plant, the manufacturing process can be described as follows. There is a closed vat that contains a thin layer of liquid tin. At the head of this vat, the glass paste is deposited onto the tin. After a mechanical process of extension, glass sheets of various thicknesses are obtained at the other end. This towing process, while necessary, also causes defects in the glass sheets. The reason is the tin currents created by the glass as its pulled along the layer. These currents create multiple paths for the molten glass to take as it heads toward the other end. These currents also generate different levels/patterns of thermal energy within the vat. The thermal patterns lead to heat imbalances and, thus, plastic deformations. Until now, these processes were controlled by human expertise. But to improve quality, a computer-based methodology must be implemented. The goal is to control the different mechanical and optical glass features to obtain optimal quality. The fluid-dynamic problem is debugged through simulation  相似文献   

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