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The low-temperature geothermal field of Nea Kessani, located in NE Greece, is characterized by a thermal reservoir made up of arkosic sandstones. The temperature distribution at depth, inferred from exploratory and productive wells, indicates that hot fluids rising from depth enter the arkosic reservoir in a restricted area of the field and flow towards local thermal springs. Well production tests have revealed the presence of hydrogeological boundaries within the arkosic reservoir.The geochemical characteristics of the thermal waters, which have an NaCl/HCO3 composition and salinity varying between 5 and 6 g/L, indicate that these waters undergo conductive cooling within the reservoir. No admixture of waters from the aquifers in the cover has been observed. The slight chemical differences existing between the thermal waters are probably caused by CO2, which represents about two thirds by volume of the discharged fluid. This CO2, as indicated by its isotopic composition, could originate from decomposition of marbles of the Paleozoic basement underlying the arkosic reservoir and may also affect the isotopic composition of the thermal waters, which exhibit an interesting positive oxygen shift. However, such a shift could also be the result of water-rock exchange processes at low temperatures, since the water feeding the field comes from a regional circulation which, as indicated by its deuterium content, has recharge areas on the Rhodope Chain. Alternatively, the shift could be attributed to the contribution of a deep-seated high-temperature geothermal reservoir, but a present there is no evidence of high-temperature resources in the region. A maximum temperature of 110°C has been estimated by quartz geothermometry.The physical, chemical and hydrogeological data available so far have permitted us to formulate a fluid circulation model for the Nea Kessani geothermal field.  相似文献   

Thermal waters from Quaternary volcanic rocks (predominantly andesites) discharge along faults in the Obama geothermal field of southwestern Japan. The chemistry of more than 100 thermal and ground water samples collected between 1936 and 2005 indicate that the Na–Cl hot spring waters are a mixture of “andesitic” magmatic, sea and meteoric waters. Mixing models and silica and cation geothermometry were used to estimate the SiO2 and Cl composition and the temperature (∼200 °C) of the reservoir fluids deep in the geothermal system. The isotopic data (18O and D) are consistent with a mixed origin interpretation of the waters feeding the Obama hot springs, i.e. a large proportion of meteoric and sea waters, and a small magmatic component. Temperatures and chemical concentrations of the thermal waters were affected by the 1944–1959 salt production operations, but have recovered after closure of the salt factories; now they are similar to their pre-1940 values. In the future, the Obama geothermal field may be suitable for electric power generation, although heat and fluid extraction will require careful management to prevent or minimize reservoir cooling.  相似文献   

The Republic of Djibouti, occupying an area of 23,180 km2, falls within the arid zone of East Africa and is located above the ‘Horn of Africa’, adjacent to the Red Sea. This country has several thermal springs and fumaroles distributed over three regions – Lake Assal, Lake Hanle and Lake Abhe. The most characteristic feature of Lake Abhe is the presence of several linear chains of travertine chimneys. The thermal waters are typical of the Na-Cl type near neutral waters rich in CO2. These waters show an oxygen shift, indicating reservoir temperatures>200°C. The chemical signature of the thermal springs and the geology of the Lake Abhe region are very similar to the Tendaho geothermal area of Ethiopia. The geology, temperature gradient and its proximity to Damah Ale volcano make the Lake Abhe region a potential site for geothermal power development.  相似文献   

A schematic model showing the sources of hot waters being discharged at the surface in the Kuju-Iwoyama of the Kuju volcano has been developed. Based on the isotopic characteristics of these fluids it is inferred that deep magmatic fluid mixes with thermal waters derived from rainwater in a shallow geothermal reservoir, and with local groundwaters in a deeper reservoir. These thermal waters feed hot springs that discharge waters with Cl/SO4 ratios that differ from that of the fumaroles on Kuju-Iwoyama, due to the addition of SO42− ions produced by the decomposition of native sulfur and mixing with magmatic fluid of high Cl content.  相似文献   

Hachijojima is a gourd-shaped volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean. Nishiyama and Higashiyama volcanoes consist of basalt lava and associated pyroclastic rocks. A promising geothermal resource was found in south Higashiyama, associated with an uplift of Tertiary rocks consisting of mainly andesite lava and related pyroclastic rocks, overlain by Quaternary volcanic rocks. Steep high-temperature (over 250°C) and high-pressure gradients occur in the deeper portion of the system near the Tertiary–Quaternary contact, indicating the presence of a cap rock. The cap rock formed by deposition of hydrothermal minerals. Geothermal fluid ascends from the deeper portions to shallow depths along vertical fractures through the cap rock. These vertical fractures form the geothermal reservoir in the Tertiary formation. Three wells were drilled into these vertical fractures, and approximately 30 t/h of superheated steam was obtained from each well during flow tests. The geothermal fluid is mainly a mixture of seawater and meteoric water in an approximate ratio of 1 to 2, based on chemical analyses, with a portion of volcanic gas included. At present a 3.3 MWe, geothermal power plant is being constructed here.  相似文献   

Deuterium and oxygen-18 (18O) have been measured in deep thermal, shallow thermal and non-thermal water samples collected at various times between 1982 and 1989 from the Meager Creek area, with the aim of assessing the origin of the thermal waters. The isotopic composition of the reservoir waters (δ18O = −13‰ and δD = −114.8‰) was calculated from data on post-flash deep thermal waters, using a two-stage steam loss model. The reservoir composition shows an oxygen shift of 2.4‰ relative to the local meteoric water line. The composition of the recharge, obtained by removing the oxygen shift, is isotopically heavier than the average local meteoric waters, suggesting that the recharge may be from an area to the west of Mt Meager where isotopically heavier ground-waters are likely to be found. The small δ18O shift of the deep high-temperature waters is indicative of dominance of fracture-related permeability in the reservoir. Analysis of the chemistry and the temperature of the waters from hot springs and shallow thermal wells suggests that these waters have evolved from the deep geothermal waters through dilution by meteoric waters and about 40°C adiabatic cooling (steam loss).  相似文献   

The Latera and Torre Alfina geothermal fields were discovered in the Vulsini Mts district (central Italy) in the 70s. The fluid produced by the two geothermal systems is a high pCO2 (around 7 MPa) sodium chloride solution (T.D.S. is 9200 ppm at Latera and 7800 at Torre Alfina), with high SiO2 and H3BO3 contents. The fluid temperature taken at well bottom is about 155°C at Torre Alfina, whereas at Latera it ranges from 200 to over 350°C. In spite of these temperatures, recorded in producing wells, previous geochemical prospectings using geothermometers in natural thermal manifestations had predicted temperatures no higher than 140°C in all the Vulsini district. This contrasting feature between real temperatures and those evaluated during prospecting is caused by the fast circulation of large amounts of meteoric waters in the aquifer located in the shallow parts of the carbonate reservoir formations, and by the short interaction between the latter and the deep geothermal fluids.In the present study a new geochemical survey on thermal and cold springs, stream samples, as well as natural gas emissions has been carried out. A critical review of the main geothermometers, some considerations about the hydraulic behavior of the reservoir formations, and the cross comparison between NH4+/B ratio, pCO2 and SiO2 content in both cold and thermal waters, have led to the conclusion that in the Vulsini Mts there are no shallow anomalous areas apart from those already discovered at Latera and Torre Alfina.The present method could be successfully applied in other geothermal systems, where the potential reservoir is represented by carbonate formations.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry and geothermal characteristics of the Tertiary White Lake basin are described in order to provide constraints on the hydrogeology and thermal regime of the basin. The basin can be divided into three flow subsystems on the basis of chemical and isotopic variations. The groundwaters evolve chemically from young Ca–Mg–HCO3 type waters in the shallow surficial sediments to Na-dominated waters in the deeper intermediate system. Surface waters and shallow groundwaters collected from wells completed in overburden have undergone extensive evaporation as evidenced by their enriched δ18O and δ2H composition. Minor evaporation identified in the isotope composition of groundwater from domestic wells completed in bedrock, as well as from springs, suggests a local to intermediate origin for these waters, and perhaps mixing with shallow evaporative waters. In contrast, the uniform isotope signatures of deep basin waters measured both spatially and vertically suggest recharge at higher elevations, and a much deeper circulation system that is essentially isolated from the shallow subsurface. Chemical geothermometry indicates that spring waters and bedrock well waters have equilibrated at temperatures of less than 20 and 60°C, respectively. Groundwaters encountered by deep diamond drill holes, with equilibration temperatures of less than 80°C, are representative of intermediate flow systems, and may serve to modify the heat flow regime in the basin. Regional groundwater flow within the basin is complex due to numerous faults that exert a strong influence on fluid circulation patterns. Transport of heat in the subsurface, which has resulted in variations in the measured thermal gradients across the basin, occurs either at depths greater than those investigated in this study or has been significantly influenced by the circulation of cooler groundwater in the central part of the basin.  相似文献   

The Tengchong volcanic geothermal area is one of the areas in China which has powerful geothermal energy potential. The chemical compositions of the thermal waters discharged in this area were studied to obtain information on boiling and mixing relationships and average reservoir temperatures. Then a conceptual model of the Tengchong volcanic geothermal area was formulated. Hydrothermal areas have reservoir temperatures ranging from 90 to 150°C; such temperatures can be found in up to 60% of the 58 hydrothermal areas. Five hydrothermal areas have high temperatures, with an average reservoir temperature of more than 150°C, and occupy less than 10% of the total. The Hot Sea geothermal field is one of the five high temperature hydrothermal areas where a more detailed investigation was made.  相似文献   

Mineral alteration and fluid inclusion studies of drill cuttings and core samples indicate that the sedimentary basement rocks and the volcanic rocks associated with Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex have been the site of two distinct and major hydrothermal events. The complex, located in the eastern portion of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, is formed by the Pliocene Tulancingo Caldera and the younger (Pleistocene) Acoculco Caldera, which developed within the older depression. The volcanic rocks are underlain by Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Sierra Madre Oriental. The earliest important hydrothermal event occurred during the emplacement of Mid-Tertiary granitic intrusions that metamorphosed the sedimentary rocks; these intrusives are not exposed at the surface. However, granitic rocks were encountered at the bottom of exploratory borehole EAC-1, drilled within the Caldera Complex. The second main event occurred during the formation of the Tulancingo and Acoculco Calderas. Both episodes lead to secondary mineralization that reduced the permeability of the reservoir rocks. A possible third hydrothermal event may be associated with the recent magmatic activity within the Acoculco Caldera.Thermal logs from well EAC-1 display a conductive thermal gradient with maximum temperatures exceeding 300 °C at 2000 m depth. Although there are no active thermal springs in the area, there is extensive fossil surface hydrothermal alteration and cold gas discharges with high He3/He4 ratios.  相似文献   

Temperature evaluation of the Bugok geothermal system, South Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a variety of chemical geothermometers and statistical analysis, we estimate the temperature of a possible deeper geothermal reservoir at Bugok, Southern Korea. Shallow thermal aquifers (down to about 400 m depth) are under exploitation in this area; the temperatures (up to 78 °C) of the produced fluids are the highest found in South Korea. Based on hydrochemical data and occurrence, the groundwaters at Bugok can be classified under three groups: Na-SO4 thermal groundwaters (CTGW) occurring in the central (about 0.24 km2) part of the area; Ca-HCO3 cold groundwater (SCGW) found in shallow peripheral parts of the CTGW; the intermediate-type groundwater (STGW). The CTGW type is typical of the Bugok thermal waters; they have the highest discharge temperatures and contain very high concentrations of Na (75.1–101.0 mg/L), K (2.9–6.9 mg/L) and SiO2 (62.0–84.5 mg/L) and are rich in sulfates.The major ion composition of the CTGW suggests that these waters are in partial equilibrium with rocks at depth. The application of various alkali-ion geothermometers yields temperature estimates in the 88–198 °C range for the thermal reservoir. Multiple-mineral equilibrium calculations indicate a similar but narrower temperature range (from about 100 to 155 °C). These estimates for CTGW are significantly higher than the measured discharge temperatures. Considering the heat losses occurring during the ascent of the waters, one can infer the presence of a deeper (around 1.8 km) thermal reservoir in the Bugok area that could be developed for district heating or other direct applications of geothermal heat.  相似文献   

There are many empirical geothermometers that utilize the composition of the elements dissolved in water, yet it is difficult to judge just how reliable they are when applied to low enthalpy thermal systems.The main objective of this paper is to show how a reasonable estimate of the temperature of some typical thermal systems in Sardinia can be obtained from the calculation of the saturation indices of water with some silicates in the local rock matrix. Despite some uncertainties, mainly regarding possible mixing phenomena, the applied methodology appears to give more reliable reservoir temperature values than those given by the empirical geothermometers.The method has been applied to thermal waters circulating in the crystalline basement rocks (granites) and in the sedimentary cover rocks (mainly volcanic effusive products, andesitic lava, ignimbrites, etc.). The temperatures calculated for the hydrothermal systems range between 50 and 110°C.  相似文献   

Lesbos Island has several thermal manifestations linked to extensional active faults that act as channels for the ascent of deep thermal fluids.The present work describes detailed geochemical exploration aimed at evaluating the potential of the Lesbos Island geothermal resource. Exploration was carried out on the three sites (Kalloni-Stipsi, Petra-Argenos and Polichnitos) that have the most favourable hydrogeological and structural setting on the island.Hydrogeochemical data reveal the presence between Kalloni and Stipsi of a shallow thermal aquifer with temperatures below boiling point, which coincides with carbon dioxide and temperature anomalies in the overlying groundwaters. All the thermal waters in the study area have fairly similar physico-chemical features; their geochemical temperature is in the range 115–125°C. While low-medium enthalpy geothermal resources are relatively abundant in the three selected areas of Lesbos Island, the presence of a high enthalpy geothermal system is still the subject of debate.  相似文献   

Thermal spring waters and associated gases discharging on several volcanic islands and on mainland Greece along the Hellenic Volcanic Arc (HVA) in the south Aegean sea have been investigated. The chemical characteristics of most of the spring waters suggest that the water in their feeding aquifers is largely derived from seawater that enters the hydrological circuits and mixes with local neutral low-salinity bicarbonate waters. There are however discrepancies between the simple theoretical mixing line between local meteoric waters and seawater, and the actual mixing line. This mixing is accompanied by partial Mg and SO4 precipitation to secondary minerals and by the addition of K, Ca, HCO3, B, NH4, and SiO2 to the solutions as a result of water-rock interaction processes.At Milos and Nisyros, where active hydrothermal systems are present at shallow depth, the silica content of the thermal springs is much higher than that of springs on the other islands and mainland Greece. This suggests higher thermal gradients at depth there, and the ascent of geothermal fluids to the surface along fractures prevalently located in the fumarolic fields within the latest eruptive centers and calderas. The fact that the springs are anomalously enriched in silica only at Milos and Nisyros suggests indirectly that, apart from Santorini island, where steam vents are present at the surface, the fluids from the active high-enthalpy geothermal systems do not rise to the surface anywhere else along the HVA. If present, they are well confined under thick and impermeable covers.  相似文献   

Chemical geothermometry represents the most important tool for estimating reservoir temperatures in the exploration of geothermal resources. Chemical equilibria between alteration minerals and solution are generally attained in geothermal systems for all major components except chloride. For the interpretation of analyses of natural waters involving geothermometry major emphasis should be placed on assessing the overall water composition with respect to mineral equilibria, rather than attempting to distinguish geothermal waters from shallow waters by a classification involving the relative abundance of major anions and major cations. Generally, cold waters may be distinguished from geothermal waters by low chloride (< 10 ppm), in conjunction with relatively low pH (6–7) and low Na/K ratios (same as the associated rock), calcite undersaturation and low √Ca2+ H+ activity ratios.  相似文献   

Luca Bolognesi 《Geothermics》2011,40(3):181-189
The oxygen isotope compositions of CO2 and water vapor samples collected from Larderello geothermal wells after the start of the fluid reinjection program suggest that if the oxygen isotope exchange in the vapor phase does, in fact, exist, it is a very slow process when compared with the residence time of the fluids in the geothermal reservoir. This is because carbon dioxide and water vapor phases could not have equilibrated significantly in the vapor-dominated reservoir. This conclusion implies that the oxygen isotope composition of carbon dioxide may possibly be used as a tool in geothermal exploration for revealing the presence of liquid water in deep geothermal systems. Based on the interpretation of the oxygen isotope data of the CO2, I propose that the origin of the low oxygen isotope ratios of carbon dioxide at Larderello is the high-temperature exchange with liquid water in the lower reservoir. In Larderello, the liquid water–rock interaction in the lower reservoir may have increased the 18O/16O ratio of the recharge meteoric component. By contrast, lack of high-temperature liquid water in the upper reservoir suggests that the large “δ18O shift” described for the upper-reservoir steam during the last decades reflects varying degrees of dilution of the lower-reservoir fluid by the low-18O vaporized liquid water of meteoric origin that recharges the field at shallow depth, with local contribution from still deeper high-18O water vapor of magmatic origin. The low oxygen isotope composition of the Mesozoic carbonaceous rocks that form the upper reservoir, consequently, likely represents a “fossil” record of the past hot-water geothermal stage.  相似文献   

The volcano Chichontepeque (San Vicente) is one of the nine recent volcanoes making up the El Salvador sector of the WNW-ESE-trending active Central American volcanic belt. Thermal activity is at present reduced to a few thermal springs and fumaroles. The most important manifestations (Agua Agria and Los Infernillos Ciegos) are boiling springs and fumaroles located on the northern slope of the volcano (850 m a.s.l.) along two radial faults. The chloride acid waters of the Los Infernillos area are partly fed by a deep hydrothermal aquifer (crossed at 1100–1300 m by a geothermal exploration well), which finds a preferential path to the surface through the radial fault system. C02 is the most important gas (>90%) of the Los Infernillos Ciegos and Agua Agria fumaroles. Part of the Los Infernillos gases may also come from a deeper, hotter source, given their high HCl/Stot. ratio and their more reducing conditions. The application of geothermometric and geobarometric methods to the gases and thermal waters suggests that both thermal areas are linked to the identified 1100–1300 m reservoir, whose temperature (250°C), lateral extension and chemical composition, as resulting from this study, are of interest for industrial development.  相似文献   

R. Fancelli  S. Nuti 《Geothermics》1974,3(4):146-152
In the western and central part of Siena province some zones have been individuated for the first time as being of considerable interest to geothermal fluid research.Geochemical prospecting on the thermal manifestations in this area has permitted the delimitation of the zones where the Na-K-Ca ratio reveals high underground temperatures. On the other hand isotopic analyses show that, in these same localities, there is an isotopic exchange between the oxygen of the water and that of the rocks. This exchange has previously been noted in geothermal fluids.These observations lead to the conclusion that the thermal manifestations under study, which also seem to be situated where there are important basement fractures, are the result of a mixing of geothermal steam condensate and the shallow circulation waters.  相似文献   

Two well-equilibrated NaCl geothermal liquids are recognizable in the San Marcos area. Both have the same Cl concentration (540 mg/kg) and the same isotopic composition (δD of −66.5‰ and δ18O of −9‰) under reservoir conditions, but they come from two distinct aquifers with different temperatures, i.e. 240°C below La Cimarrona and 185°C below La Castalia. The numerous thermal NaCl to NaClHCO3 springs located in the San Marcos area originate through dilution and boiling of these two geothermal liquids and different degrees of re-equilibration at lower temperatures. Silica and K contents are useful in discriminating between dilution, boiling and re-equilibration phenomena. Thermal NaHCO3 waters, generated through conductive heat transfer or input of geothermal vapor or gases from below, delineate the extent of the geothermal reservoir(s) at depth.  相似文献   

The Cordón Caulle geothermal system is located in a NW-trending volcano-tectonic depression of the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone of Chile. Outflows of low chloride water were previously interpreted as the surface expression of a shallow steam-heated aquifer, with subsurface temperatures of 150–170 °C. Gas data from fumaroles and hot springs have been used to assess the nature and temperature of the deeper, underlying geothermal reservoir. Fumaroles at the northeastern border of Cordón Caulle have 3He/4He ratios typical of subduction margins (6–7 RA) and N2/Ar ratios of about 40, indicating deep convection of air-saturated groundwater. Fumaroles at the southwestern border have N2/Ar ratios >300, suggesting the presence of a deep volcanic component. Gas ratios of fumarole discharges yield equilibration temperatures >300 °C, whereas those of hot spring waters suggest temperatures of about 160 °C. Based on these data, and comparisons with well documented liquid and vapor-dominated geothermal systems, a model is proposed of a boiling liquid-dominated geothermal system overlain by a secondary steam-heated aquifer.  相似文献   

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