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针对不同电价对水电站装机容量影响的决策问题,通过水力发电过程相关物理参数的数学建模,揭示了水电站投入产出关系曲线的凸性,利用经济学的边际分析原理,得出在利润最大化的原则下,水电站年化投资的边际单位电度成本等于电价时,水电站取得最优投资和最优装机容量,从而阐明了电价与水电站装机容量相互影响的内在规律,为选择水电站装机容量提供了技术经济理论依据。  相似文献   

烟岗水电站装有2台单机容量为60MW的水斗式立轴水轮发电机组,电站总装机容量为120MW。对烟岗电站水轮机的基本特性、各主要部件的结构设计和应用功能做了简要的介绍,同时对水轮机的安全保护装置的组成部分和各组成部分的动作方式进行了做了简要的说明。  相似文献   

目前,水电站厂内负荷准实时优化分配在中小型水电站得到了较好的应用,而在巨型水电站却缺乏深入研究。基于巨型水电站的实际生产运行情况,充分考虑其所担负的电网调峰、调频任务,增加了避免机组负荷大面积转移的约束条件;设计了巨型水电站厂内负荷准实时优化分配模块;采用改进动态规划算法,以水电站耗水量最小为目标,建立了巨型水电站厂内负荷准实时优化分配模型,并将该模型应用于四川省瀑布沟巨〖JP3〗型水电站(3 600 MW)。结果表明,通过厂内负荷准实时优化分配运行,电厂日发电耗水率由2.678 m3/(kW·h)〖JP〗下至降2.599 m3/(kW·h);厂内经济运行效益提高近3%;平均计算耗时0.102 s。该结果为研究巨型水电站厂内负荷优化分配提供了可靠参数,其建模思路也可供类似巨型水电站借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

水电机组在带负荷运行过程中,水力机械振动会引起机组不稳定运行。为了掌握水电厂机组运行稳定性情况,需对其进行变负荷真机试验。在某水电厂3#混流式水轮机机组空载、满负荷等13种运行工况下进行试验,现场实测各运行工况下振动、摆度和压力脉动的变化,并分析机组运行稳定性及存在的缺陷。结果表明,从机组振动、摆度、压力脉动数据和现场评估综合分析,该试验机组稳定运行区间为25~40 MW。研究为机组安全、稳定运行提供了一定的技术依据。  相似文献   

以洪家渡水电站为例,探讨了粒子群算法在水电站中长期优化调度的应用方法及效果。实例计算结果表明,该算法可以求解复杂约束条件的非线性水库优化调度,精度高、收敛速度快,为解决水电站中长期优化调度问题提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

基于检修计划的水电站群联合调峰优化问题,在优化调峰效益时充分考虑电网的实际水电负荷需求,以负荷爬坡阈值平抑锯齿,得到平稳的水电调峰系数曲线;同时,考虑机组额定容量、预想出力、可用台数等限制,构建了完整的水电站群中期联合优化调峰效益最大模型。该模型求解采用DDDP-DPSA混合算法,通过优化—检验—调整—再优化的循环模式对线路和机组的检修计划进行校验和调整,最终获得水电站群中期联合调峰优化方案。  相似文献   

随着电力系统的扩大,尖峰负荷越来越突出。水电机组是最好的调峰电源,应采取扩大装机容量,降低年利用小时,以低电量换取调峰容量。  相似文献   

T. Blackler  M.T. Iqbal   《Renewable Energy》2006,31(4):489-502
The largest commercial thermal generating plant in Newfoundland is in Holyrood, Conception Bay. It has a generating capacity of 500 MW of electricity. During peak generation (winter months), the plant runs at near capacity with generation reaching as high as 500 MW. In addition to thermal generation about 900 MW is supplied to the grid by a number of hydro plants. This paper presents a pre-feasibility study of 25% of thermal power generation using wind turbines in the Holyrood area. Purpose of supplementing power generation from the thermal plant is to reduce emissions and fuel costs. Simulation results indicate that 16 Enercon's E-66, 2 MW wind turbines if installed near the site will provide a 25% renewable fraction. Supplementing 25% of the generation at Holyrood with wind power will reduce the cost of energy by CA$0.013/kWh. It will also reduce carbon emissions by almost 200,000 tons/year. This study indicates that a wind farm project at the Holyrood thermal generation station site is feasible.  相似文献   

我国大型循环流化床锅炉机组运行现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
循环流化床锅炉因其燃料适应性广、负荷调节性强及环保性能优良等特性在我国得到了快速发展。经过短短的十几年,我国已是世界上装机数量最多、装机容量最大的国家。目前我国循环流化床锅炉机组的总装机容量已经超过了90 000MW,其中仅300MW级循环流化床锅炉机组已经投运40多台,在建与拟在建的300MW循环流化床锅炉机组超过了70台。通过对我国300 MW级循环流化床锅炉机组2008~2010年来的运行数据的调查,对机组的可靠性、经济性以及环保性作了全面的总结与分析,并与同等级的煤粉锅炉机组进行了比较。能够对今后更大型机组的设计以及运行提供较好的参考,甚至对我国循环流化床行业今后的发展起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

黄河龙羊峡以上干流水力资源集中于鄂陵湖出口一羊曲河段,十分丰富。龙羊峡上游开发方案共拟定14个梯级,总装机容量约8025.5MW。主要研究了宁木特、玛尔挡、尔多、茨哈峡、班多和羊曲6个梯级电站总装机容量6580MW水电站群的输电方案。结果表明:茨哈峡、班多和羊曲电站电力规划供应青海电网:宁木特、玛尔挡和尔多电站,将在满足青海电网负荷需求的前提下,与其他电站协调参与青海水电外送为西北和外区电网调峰。龙羊峡上游流域梯级水电开发在西北电网西电东送和能源资源优化配置中将发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

The Magat River Multipurpose project on the Luzon grid of the National Power Corporation of the Philippines consists of a four unit 450 MVA power-plant placed in service towards end of year 1983 and early 1984, providing an additional installed capacity of 360 MW to the existing generation peak capacity of 2478 MW [1] of the Luzon grid, which is the country' s largest grid with an installed capacity of 3906 MW, the other two being those of Visayas and Mindanao with a total installed capacity of 1095 MW.  相似文献   

During the past two decades, in particular the past decade, there has been a rapid rate of development of hydropower in China. It is foreseeable that the same rate of development will be maintained in the next decade. The total installed generation capacity of hydropower in China has now surpassed 200 GW and ranks first in the world. The unprecedented rate of expansion, development scale, emergence of large number of hydro plants with high head and huge capacity, and electric power transmission have led to significant changes in management and operation of large-scale hydropower systems which have become one of the significant factors in constraining the security and economic operation of power grid in China. This article gives an overview of the China's hydropower, analyses the new challenges that it faces, highlights the key scientific and technological issues that need to be solved, and pinpoints that the solution of these problems will be the key to the realization of energy saving and emission reduction by China in 2020.  相似文献   

330kV安(康)南(郊)同杆架设双回线是装机容量为800MW的安康水电站的主要外送线路。由于安康电站的水库较小,为不完全年调节,枯水季节全厂停机备用时间很多。全厂停机情况下,安南双回线就处在单侧电源方式下,线路的两套主保护将发生拒动。本文对拒动问题进行了分析,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity and Water installed 16 gas turbine (GT) units of 2000 MW total generating capacity at Azzour South power plant (PP) and Sabbyia PP. These units are operating as a simple GT cycle by gas or oil fuel. The GT unit power output in Azzour PP is 163 MW at 15 °C ambient temperature (ISO conditions), and 125 MW at 46 °C (design outside air conditions). This paper suggests four variants for better utilization of these GT units. The first variant is to utilize these GT during off-peak hours to operate seawater reverse-osmosis desalting system. This increases the badly needed installed desalting capacity, decreases the specific energy consumed for desalting, and solves the problem of low water-to-power production ratio. The second variant is to add heat recovery steam generator to produce steam. This steam is used to operate multi-stage flashing units for more desalted water with no additional fuel energy. In the third variant, a gas/steam combined cycle is proposed to increase significantly both the installed capacity and efficiency. The fourth variant deals with cooling intake air to the compressor to increase the unit capacity when needed in hot days.  相似文献   

建立超临界CO2布雷顿循环塔式太阳能热发电系统的热力性能和经济性能模型,比较不同装机容量下系统的年均效率,分析系统中各项成本占比及其随容量增长的变化规律,提出进一步降低发电成本的方法。结果表明,主要受镜场效率的影响,系统年均效率随装机容量增加先升后降,峰值为20 MW时的17.4%。发电成本随装机容量的增加而减小,由1 MW时的0.477 美元/kWh降至100 MW时的0.125 美元/kWh。减小镜场和储热的投资成本是降低大规模电站发电成本的关键。  相似文献   

通过对中小型水电站年负荷率变化特点及其预测问题的分析,建立了中小型水电站年负荷率预测的灰色数学模型,并就预测中样本序列的拓朴选择、预测的目标等问题提出了相应的策略,最后结合实例说明了本文方法的应用。结果表明,本文方法及分析思路对中小型水电站年负荷率的预测具有较好的应用和参考价值。  相似文献   

随着国内新能源机组装机容量增加,西南地区也相继开始进行煤电机组低负荷运行的尝试。对重庆某300 MW中储式制粉系统机组开展了30%、35%、40%额定负荷三个负荷段下的低负荷不投油稳燃试验。结果表明,三个负荷工况下锅炉能保证稳燃,转向室烟气温度没有明显下降趋势,SCR入口烟温能满足脱硝要求;试验过程中未投运磨煤机,因此避免了三次风对低负荷稳燃的干扰,但这种干扰在长期低负荷运行的过程中客观存在;随着负荷下降,锅炉效率变化不大,但汽机热耗率、发电煤耗及供电煤耗明显上升,严重影响机组的发电效率。对中储式制粉系统低负荷不投油稳燃运行工作的开展具有一定意义。  相似文献   

This article gives a general picture of the small hydropower (SHP) sector in the European Union's new Member States (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia—EU-10) and those wishing to join (Candidate Countries—CC)—Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey). The differences and similarities of the SHP sectors mainly related to the technical aspects, on one hand—the former EU-15, on the other hand—EU-10 and CC are revealed in particular (except legal, regulatory, environmental and other issues).SHP technical aspects expressed by quantitative estimates are briefly discussed here, namely: SHP potential; plants in operation and contribution to the gross and renewable electricity generation mix; manufacturing industry and support mechanism; SHP development environmental issues; forecast of SHP installed capacity and electricity generation. SHP legal, regulatory framework, economic and main barriers to the SHP promotion, which are crucial for sector development are also briefly considered in this article.The approach of this study was mainly focused on a questionnaire distributed to key SHP experts in each country. It addresses SHP, i.e. hydropower plants of installed capacity less than 10 MW. In most investigated countries this SHP capacity limit is officially approved. The indicated capacity is lower in Hungary and Poland—5 MW, in Latvia—2 MW and Estonia—1 MW.For more than 100 years SHP has been harnessed in most of the surveyed countries, with the exceptions of Malta and Cyprus. The leading countries are the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Slovakia. The biggest share of SHP economically feasible potential has been exploited in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia and Bulgaria (between 40% and 60%). A very small part of this potential has been harnessed in Turkey (only 3%). The remaining economically feasible potential amounts to some 26 TWh/year in the surveyed countries.There are approximately 3200 plants installed in these countries, corresponding to a capacity of about 1430 MW of SHP. Conversely, a much larger number of SHP plants are installed in the EU-15 (some 14 000 with the total capacity of 10 000 MW). The average size of a SHP plant is about 0.44 MW (0.70 MW in EU-15). In almost all analyzed countries hydropower is a dominant source of energy in renewable electricity production. SHP is the second largest (after large hydro) contributor. The Czech Republic and Slovenia are the main countries with highest levels of turbine manufacturing industry. In some surveyed countries some opposition to SHP, mainly related to fish protection, visual impacts, enlargement of protected areas, has been identified.The current technical state of the SHP sector in the surveyed countries in terms of generating capacities and contribution to total electricity generation is relatively low by comparing with that of the former EU-15. Despite the fact that in the EU-10 and CC so far has been exploited just about 30% and 6% of economically feasible potential, they will never achieve the strength in terms of generating capacities of the SHP sector of the former EU-15 (more than 82% developed so far). The CC may slightly bridge this gap by harnessing their untapped SHP potential (especially in Turkey).A brief profile of SHP sector of the surveyed countries is provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

针对洋河滩水电站竖井贯流水轮发电机组老化、效率偏低等问题,提出了立轴定浆式、卧式两种机组更新改造技术方案,并通过比选获得了较优的技术方案,提高了发电出力和效率,进而计算了改造后的效益,同时给出了增效扩容的辅助技术措施,对农村小水电站增效扩容及同类电站改造具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

小型水电站技术改造设计中由于受现有厂房布置、地下土建部分等因素限制,较新建电站的设计更为复杂。对此,以陆浑水库水电站增效扩容改造为例,在分析电站改造必要性和可行性的基础上,探讨了电站装机容量的确定及机组选型的设计思路,为工程设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

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