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职业性汞中毒的诊疗措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了职业性汞中毒的诊断方法、治疗措施和络合综合征的处理办法。依据接触史、尿汞水平和临床表现,结合我国现行诊断慢性汞中毒的标准,可对接触汞职工进行汞中毒程度的诊断;驱汞治疗以二琉基丁二酸等络合剂为首选;通过减小用药剂量和补充必需微量元素,可降低络合综合征的发生。  相似文献   

一、前言在中子活化分析中通常采用密封石英瓶汞标准。然而,它并不是一种理想的辐照汞标准,还存在一些问题有待解决。据文献[1]报道首次将流基联在棉花的大分子链上,制成了用来吸附宫集有机汞、无机汞的巯基纤维。据此,我们制备了一种新的用于反应堆中子  相似文献   

在不同酸度下巯基棉可以从溶液中富集和分离Au、As、Ag、Br、Cu、Ca Co、InHg、Ni、Se、Sb、Sn、Pb、W、Fe和In等30多种元素。由于用巯基棉吸附待测元素后不必洗脱,因此大大提高了富集能力,可用于海水、地下水、地表水及工业废水中一些元素的测量。本文用巯基棉富集后进行中子活化分析测定水泥及其浸出水中的汞。  相似文献   

本文报道了狗的急性铀中毒和用 Tiron 进行急救治疗的实验结果。观察指标包括尿铀排除率、主要的临床生物化学指标、病理组织学以及病程经过。结果表明,Tiron 或 Tiron 与碳酸氢钠伍用,显示较好的急救治疗效果。  相似文献   

严重的局部放射损伤可导致患者出现肢体功能障碍及长期的慢性疼痛,明显降低患者的生活质量。本文介绍了肢体功能障碍及慢性疼痛的治疗研究现状。  相似文献   

A photochemically-induced valency adjustment method has been studied to remove Np from the mixed nitric acid solutions of Pu and Np in connection with the Purex reprocessing. The valencies of Pu and Np ions were adjusted to be Pu(HI) and Np(V) under the initial conditions and their concentrations were 1x10?4 and 1x10?3 mol·dm?3, respectively. The experiments were carried out under the various conditions changing the irradiation intensities of the Hg lamp in the various concentrations of HNO3. It was found that the rates of the redox reactions of the Pu ions were significantly affected by the irradiated light as well as the acid strength. Under the irradiation of the 0.015 W Hg lamp in 3 M HNO3 solution containing a tenfold excess of a hydroxylamine and hydrazine, more than 95% Pu(ID) was oxidized rapidly to Pu(IV) within 10 min irradiation and it remained at the same valency even after the continuous further irradiation.

On the other hand, the irradiation did not change the valency of Np(V) under the conditions studied. These valency conditions, i.e. Pu(IV) and Np(V), are appropriate for separating Np from Pu by the solvent extraction with TBP-n-dodecane.

The present results lead to the conclusion that the photochemical method has a high potential for removing Np from the mixed solution of Pu and Np. The photochemical redox reaction mechanisms of Pu and Np in the nitric acid solution were discussed from the stand-points of the thermodynamic and kinetic considerations related to the variation in their standard electrode potentials of the photo-excited ion species by the light irradiation.  相似文献   

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