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张涵 《南方建筑》2014,(2):88-95
本文从中国古代城市营建史的学术视角研究了明清商丘古城的防洪御灾体系。通过对其地理位置、历史沿革及历代水患的梳理,探讨其在防洪御灾上采取的有效措施,包括选址、城墙外形、修筑圆形护城堤、巧筑排水涵洞、筑瓮城等方面。认为商丘古城是中国古城防洪的成功范例。  相似文献   

黄土高原以其雨量不均、水土流失、地质灾害多发等特点,塑造了其独特的自然和人文景观,本文以黄土沟壑区古城防洪系统为研究对象,探讨黄土沟壑区古城与当地水土的适应性机制,总结了黄土沟壑区古城雨洪治理系统的规律与特点,指出适水土而生深刻地反映了黄土沟壑地貌下真实的人地关系,对确保古城可持续发展以及今天的城市水系治理、防洪防灾规划及土地利用规划具有重要意义。  相似文献   

巩玉康 《山西建筑》2004,30(12):13-14
针对平遥古城的竖向布置问题,从古城的竖向选址、古城“礼制”的历史特征,古城防洪排水的实用功能等方面作了探讨,指出古城的竖向布置将自然和人文融入设计,同时又体现了自然和人文风貌。  相似文献   

中国古城防洪的成功范例——成都   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述成都古城在城市防洪和城市水利上的有效措施,包括城市选址、凿金堂峡、建都江堰以及建设城市水系等,也分析了成都城水患的原因和管理的重要性.认为成都古城是中国古城防洪的成功范例.  相似文献   

本文论述成都古城在城市防洪和城市水利上的有效措施,包括城市选址、凿金堂峡、建都江堰以及建设城市水系等,也分析了成都城水患的原因和管理的重要性。认为成都古城是中国古城防洪的成功范例。  相似文献   

台州古城位于浙江省临海县城关镇,地处东南沿海,自古为浙东重镇。台州古城兼有防御和防洪的功能。在防御方面除了城墙外,还利用城市布局的功能性加强防御上的薄弱环节,同时在沿海建卫所与台城相呼应,形成强固的海防体系。台州古城在防洪方面主要措施有:修筑坚固的能防洪抗冲的城墙,建立城内排泄潦涝的渠系统,开凿东湖。以上措施不仅利于军事防御,且利于调蓄洪水。  相似文献   

<正>城市河道是城市生态系统组成部分,河岸绿地是城市园林一部分,具有城市河岸景观与生态环境作用。绍兴城市历史悠久,水网密布,十多年来,在古城保护、防洪、旅游发展的同时,对古城内河、环城河、二环河及鉴湖水域等城市河道进行改造和修复,取得了河岸景观  相似文献   

通过对中国典型山地水城和世界文化遗产丽江古城相关历史文献、历史地图的整理,以及对丽江古城的土地利用、建筑群落、景观环境等实地调查获得相关城市空间和水系图纸的分析上,分别从古城选址、规划、空间格局和视觉美、防洪技术等方面探索了丽江古城建设与水文环境的关系。丽江古城“逐水而居”选址和“理水而兴”规划,形成了丰富的空间形态和场所:景观元素与聚落的特定场景联系在一起,形成“水城相融”的视觉美;护水、循环用水、防洪等与自然相适应的水利技术贯彻城市基础工程。这些蕴含了丰富的城市形态适应水文环境的生态智慧,表现在城市选址充分利用了水系资源,城市与水系实现了空间布局、功能过程的协同发展、城市工程方面主动与被动相结合,发挥水文环境的长处,规避短处。值得当今城市规划建设所关注和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文以聊城古城为研究对象,在历史地图和古籍资料收集整理的基础上,从区域 - 城市两个尺度探讨区域水环境影响下的漕运发展、古城变迁及城池内外的空间结构特征。区域尺度探讨黄河改道与大运河开凿对古城商贸及城市建设的影响,城市尺度从城水关系、古城边界、骨架结构、坊制脉络、功能空间五方面展开,从而建立区域水环境发展背景下聊城古城的多尺度研究框架。进而总结出漕运影响下的三级古城商贸发展特征、漕运与礼治秩序影响下的古城格局、城墙 - 水门 - 护城河 - 堤坝结合的防洪防御体系及商贸发展影响下的中心转移与功能分区四方面古城空间格局营建智慧,并提出古城保护与发展策略,旨在为我国其他历史文化名城的保护提供一定参考。  相似文献   

通过整理收集古籍资料,对泸州古城的迁徙过程进行梳理,从军事安全以及人居环境共同构成的城市安全角度,从防洪、防御等方面对泸州古城三座城址的营造评估进而研究城市安全的影响要素,总结探索泸州古城的选址问题。  相似文献   

遵循自然过程的河流防洪规划——以浙江台州永宁江为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着当前世界性资源与环境危机的陡现,人们对洪水及防洪的认识也发生着根本性的变化。一些国家的防洪理念逐步从抵抗洪水向自然防洪转变。针对中国人多地少、社会经济活动密集的现实,应探讨既尊重洪水自然过程,又考虑土地有效利用的防洪途径。在对相关理论进行总结的基础上,分析了国内外相关案例,并以浙江台州永宁江为例,对基于自然防洪思想的河流防洪规划作了初步实证研究。  相似文献   

The fens of eastern England rely on flood defences for their existence, and planning for flood risk has always had a high priority. A new focus was given with the issue of Planning Policy Guidance 25, and this paper presents experience from a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment of South Holland District, in Lincolnshire. The assessment pioneered the examination of fenland flood risk in terms of risk zones related to flood hazard and standard of protection. Methods for evaluating the risk zones are described; they consider flooding from embanked rivers which are subject to tide locking, internal drainage systems, tide level and wave action. The methods would be appropriate for many lowland areas of the UK where conventional flood analysis cannot be used.  相似文献   

Coastal Resilience Solutions for East Boston and Charlestown outlines near- and long-term strategies to protect vulnerable neighborhoods from flooding in two of Boston’s most disadvantaged areas. The resilience strategy embraces layered flood control and integrated green infrastructure measures that mitigate the effects of climate change, and create social, environmental and economic benefits to the people of East Boston and Charlestown and to all who share in the health of the city and the harbor. It creates a strong vision for districtlevel flood protection including clearly identified design opportunities in the short- and long-term and robust roadmaps for implementation, and in doing so, sets the stage for additional future efforts to be undertaken by the City of Boston.  相似文献   

The Room for the River project around Nijmegen, The Netherlands is one of the most integrated and most complex cases in the national flood safety strategy. Along the Waal River in Nijmegen, a bypass channel and a new urban river park were created that not only reduce flood risks, but also offer recreational, ecological and aesthetic values.  相似文献   

目前,我国很多城市都在大规模进行地下空间的开发利用,随着地下空间开发利用的深入,城市地下空间的排水与防洪功能的重要性也日益凸显,但目前尚无成熟有效的地下空间防洪标准可供参考。本文介绍了国内外地下空间排水与防洪功能的现状,指出我国城市地下空间防洪排水的重要性,并结合山地城市的特点,分析地下空间防洪排水的主要影响因素,对山地城市已运行的防排水系统的特点进行研究,总结山地城市地下空间防洪排水的策略,并提出具体的改进建议,为预防和减少城市地下空间的洪涝灾害事故提供借鉴和参考,对平原城市地下空间的排水与防洪也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

鹤大高速江源牡丹江大桥工程的兴建,将对该河段的行洪断面产生一定影响,引起河道水位壅高,会对本河段的防洪、河道演变造成一定的影响。为此,就牡丹江大桥工程进行了水文分析计算。在本次水文工作中,阐述了河道基本情况,分析了河道演变规律,涵盖水文计算、冲刷计算等。根据河段的防洪任务与防洪要求、水利规划及分布情况等,结合河道演变分析成果、数学模型计算结果,以及有关法律、法规、技术规范、技术标准等的要求,对工程实施所产生的汛期防洪影响进行了分析,并对拟建桥梁孔径及标高、基础埋置深度提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

结合新一轮济南市城市总体规划——城市防洪规划的编制,探讨了基于科学发展观编制城市防洪规划的热点问题:一是合理利用土地,即城市建设不与洪水争地;二是确定城市防洪标准时必须合理与适度,不应一味地追求所谓的高标准,而城市除涝标准应大幅度提高;三是强调雨洪资源化利用,将雨洪灾害转变为资源;四是变堵为疏,重视滞蓄洪区的规划,给洪水以出路;五是河道治理采用生态型河道,体现由以往的改造自然转变为回归自然、顺应自然的治理理念;六是广泛利用防洪非工程措施。  相似文献   

This study deals with an assessment of flood vulnerability zones in the Niger Delta region by using a hydrological technique based on some measurable physical characteristics of flooding and vulnerability factors. On the basis of these factors, 18 settlements randomly selected across the three ecological zones in the region were assessed. Three flood risk zones emerged from the analysis. These are severe flood risk zones, moderated flood risk zones and low flood risk zones. Strategies for mitigating the hazard of flooding in the region are recommended.  相似文献   

刘滨谊  温全平 《中国园林》2003,19(10):66-69,T001
在我国,防洪规划一般都是由水利部门编制,其主要目的在于确保排洪安全。以石家庄市滹沱河为例,探讨了多学科合作,编制科学合理的生态性的防洪规划,并分析了我国现阶段滨水地带性建设可持续发展的途径。  相似文献   

Over the course of history, development in and around London has encroached significantly into the River Thames floodplain. As a result, approximately 116 km2 of heavily urbanised land between Teddington Weir and Dartford Creek is at risk of tidal flooding. This area is currently protected from overtopping for levels in excess of the 1:1000-year flood event by an integrated system of static and moveable defences. However, the residual risk due to the probability of defence failure (through breaching) and the resulting consequences of such a failure remains high.
To effectively manage this risk the Environment Agency needs to be able to prioritise investment in the defence system, predict probable flood extents as a result of a breach event, issue timely warnings and ensure that the response to an event is an appropriate one. Currently, this is not possible due to a distinct lack of information regarding the propagation of floodwaters through the complex urban topography in and around London.
This paper details a 2D floodplain modelling project, currently underway within the Environment Agency, which was initiated to address these issues. The paper highlights the constraints and problems associated with urban flood modelling, suggests potential solutions and outlines how this type of modelling system could be used to inform future flood risk management tools.  相似文献   

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