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图数据模型广泛应用于各种具有复杂关联数据的领域.针对现有音乐数据模型与查询语言在功能上的缺陷,首先提出了一个基于图的音乐数据模型Gra-MM,用图数据模型对复杂音乐数据进行建模,定义了图逻辑数据结构以及相关的图代数操作,然后给出了建立在Gra-MM之上的音乐数据查询语言Gra-MQL,定义了查询语言的BNF定义.Gra-MQL能够较好地处理音乐数据之间的复杂关联,同时具有音乐元数据检索和音乐内容数据检索能力,从而满足用户对音乐数据不同层次的查询需求,克服了传统图数据查询语言对复杂关联数据的表达能力有限、不能直接应用于音乐内容检索等不足.最后对实现的音乐数据库原型系统进行了介绍,对原型系统进行测试并给出实验数据,证明了模型以及查询语言的可行性.  相似文献   

不确定Skyline查询技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前不确定数据广泛存在于诸如传感器网络、RFID网络、基于位置服务、移动对象管理网上购物和市场监控等各种实际应用中.不确定Skyline查询作为不确定数据管理的一个重要方面,由于其在决策制定、市场分析、环境监控和数据挖掘等方面的重要作用,近年来在数据库和网络计算领域受到广泛关注.首先,概述了各种不确定数据类型上的Skyline查询定义,包括离散、连续概率分布模型以及不完全数据上的Skyline查询定义;其次,分析了不确定Skyline查询的特点,并在此基础上综述了现有的各种不确定数据集上的集中式和分布式Skyline查询方法,重点分析了各种算法的原理和优缺点;再次,介绍了不确定数据流上的Skyline查询定义并综述了各种不确定数据流上的Skyline查询方法;最后,基于最新研究动态指出了未来不确定Skyline查询研究的趋势.  相似文献   

在不确定数据的处理中,不确定图作为典型的数据模型得到了广泛的关注,研究的内容包括基于不确定图的子图匹配、最近邻查询及连接查询等,本文研究基于距离阈值的不确定图可达性查询,即给定不确定图及图中任意两点s、t和距离阈值d,返回s和t的d可达的概率.提出一种基于随机抽样的可达性查询处理算法.定义了一种不确定图可能图实例的分类树模型.为了提高图实例分类的获取效率,提出基于双向遍历的优化分类树模型.设计了基于图实例类抽样的可达性查询处理算法并通过理论分析和实验验证了算法的性能.  相似文献   

局部相关空间不确定数据越来越受到许多实际应用的关注.提出了一种新颖的定义在不确定数据库的多个快照上的概率频繁近邻查询,目的是在多个快照数据上找到以一定概率频繁成为查询点最近邻的那些对象.应用现有的基于传统数据和基于不确定数据上的近邻查询算法直接处理这种查询会产生昂贵的开销.为了很好地解决这一问题,提出了一般的处理框架,...  相似文献   

云边端协同架构中数据类型多样,各级存储资源与计算资源存在差异,给数据管理带来新的挑战,现有数据模型或者数据模型的简单叠加都难以同时满足云边端中多模态数据管理和协同管理需求.因此,研究面向云边端协同的多模态数据建模技术成为重要的问题.其核心在于如何高效地从云边端三层架构中得到满足应用所需的查询结果.本文从云边端三层数据的数据类型出发,提出了面向云边端协同的多模态数据建模技术,给出了基于元组的多模态数据模型定义,设计了六种基类,解决多模态数据统一表征困难的问题;还提出了云边端协同查询的基本数据操作体系,以满足云边端业务场景的查询需求;并且给出了多模态数据模型的完整性约束,为查询优化奠定理论基础.最后,给出了面向云边端协同多模态数据模型的示范应用,并从数据存储时间、存储空间和查询时间三个方面对所提出的数据模型存储方法进行了验证.实验结果表明,所提方案能有效地表示云边端协同架构中的多模态数据.  相似文献   

随着信息化进程的推进,在很多重要应用领域发现了大量的不确定性数据,概率是解决不确定信息的比较适用的方法。经典关系数据库处理不了具有概率的数据,所以要对此种数据库在这方面加以推广,也就是概率数据模型。在概率数据库中使用传统的查询方法会使查询结果出现偏差,不能满足用户的需求。因此,基于不确定数据的查询处理受到了越来越多的关注。对此进行了研究。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,针对不同场景下如何保持数据高效查询受到持续关注,但是对通过改进数据的存储管理技术来提高查询效率还有待进一步研究。因此,结合图数据结构类型多变、应用场景丰富、数据集价值高等优势,提出了一种利用关系-图数据模型协同存储数据的模式,并设计了用户查询感知的自适应存储优化技术来解决多数据模型的数据存储冗余优化问题。通过分析不同引擎处理不同的查询得出每种引擎对应的不同查询性能和多数据模型存储存在的数据冗余问题,提出用户查询感知的自适应存储技术。再结合用户历史查询及查询特点,利用基于启发式规则的优化算法完成多数据模型的数据存储优化。  相似文献   

研究了采用网络距离的道路网上移动对象连续多范围查询处理技术。设计了道路网、移动对象和查询数据在内存中存储的数据模型。基于该数据模型提出了两种道路网上的移动对象连续多范围查询处理算法。其中,增量式范围查询算法(incremental range query algorithm,IRQA)通过使用扩张树和影响列表结构减少查询的重新计算;组范围查询算法(group range query algorithm,GRQA)利用同一路径上多查询的结果具有相关性这一特点减少查询的重新计算。实验结果表明GRQA算法在查询分布比较集中时性能较优,IRQA算法在查询均匀分布时性能较优,此外,两种算法均优于重新计算所有查询结果的原始算法。  相似文献   

不确定数据查询技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前不确定数据广泛存在于诸如传感器网络、RFID网络、基于位置服务以及移动对象管理等各种现实的不确定性应用中.不确定数据查询作为不确定数据管理的重要组成部分,在信息检索、数据挖掘、决策制定和环境监控等众多应用中发挥重要作用,目前已成为数据库和网络计算等领域的一个研究热点.从目前不确定数据查询研究的各种查询类型介绍和查询特点分析出发,主要综述了4种典型的不确定数据查询类型,即不确定Skyline查询、不确定Top-k查询、不确定最近邻(NN)查询以及不确定聚集查询;重点论述了各种不确定数据查询的定义,各类查询的特点,并分类介绍了当前各类不确定数据查询研究的现状和各种查询方法的优缺点;最后,基于当前不确定数据查询技术的最新研究动态指出了未来研究工作的趋势.  相似文献   

不确定图数据库中高效查询处理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
近年来,在多种领域中产生的大量数据都可以自然地建模为图结构,比如蛋白质交互网络、社会网络等.测量手段的不准确性以及数据本身的性质导致不确定性在很多图数据中普遍存在.文中研究不确定图数据库中的高效查询处理方法.首先给出一种数据模型来表示图的不确定性.鉴于对用户提交的查询图通常会产生大量匹配结果,高效得到概率最大的k个匹配常常更具有现实意义.因此文中形式化提出概率top-k子图匹配查询的问题.为了解决提出的查询问题,以附带概率信息的邻居子图为基础,设计了一种有效的索引结构.另外,提出一种高效的基于索引的查询处理方法.该查询处理方法的核心是一个基于搜索树的匹配算法,其中运用了一种概率剪枝技术来提高性能.实验结果表明,所提出方法具有良好的效率和可扩展性.  相似文献   

不确定数据的查询处理是数据库领域近年来的热点研究课题.提出一种不确定数据上的范围受限的最近邻查询.给定不确定数据集D={o1,o2,…,on},范围约束R是一个简单多边形,q为一固定的查询点,范围受限的最近邻查询返回的是在数据集D中,既满足范围约束R,又能成为查询点q的最近邻的对象集合.为处理该查询,提出了范围受限的最近邻核心集的概念和范围受限的最近邻核心集的查找算法.并提出一种计算范围受限的最近邻候选集的优化方法,降低了查询代价.最后通过实验验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Fast Nearest-Neighbor Query Processing in Moving-Object Databases   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
A desirable feature in spatio-temporal databases is the ability to answer future queries, based on the current data characteristics (reference position and velocity vector). Given a moving query and a set of moving objects, a future query asks for the set of objects that satisfy the query in a given time interval. The difficulty in such a case is that both the query and the data objects change positions continuously, and therefore we can not rely on a given fixed reference position to determine the answer. Existing techniques are either based on sampling, or on repetitive application of time-parameterized queries in order to provide the answer. In this paper we develop an efficient method in order to process nearest-neighbor queries in moving-object databases. The basic advantage of the proposed approach is that only one query is issued per time interval. The time-parameterized R-tree structure is used to index the moving objects. An extensive performance evaluation, based on CPU and I/O time, shows that significant improvements are achieved compared to existing techniques.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of efficiently computing distributed geographical k-NN queries in an unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) system,in which each peer is managed by an individual organization and can only communicate with its logical neighboring peers.Such queries are based on local filter query statistics,and require as less communication cost as possible,which makes it more difficult than the existing distributed k-NN queries.Especially,we hope to reduce candidate peers and degrade communication cost.In this paper,we propose an efficient pruning technique to minimize the number of candidate peers to be processed to answer the k-NN queries.Our approach is especially suitable for continuous k-NN queries when updating peers,including changing ranges of peers,dynamically leaving or joining peers,and updating data in a peer. In addition,simulation results show that the proposed approach outperforms the existing Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR.)-based query approaches,especially for continuous queries.  相似文献   

组最近邻查询是空间对象查询领域的一类重要查询,通过该查询可找到距离给定查询点集最近的空间对象.由于图像分辨率或解析度的限制等因素,空间对象的存在不确定性广泛存在于某些涉及图像处理的查询应用中.这些对象位置数据的存在不确定性会对组最近邻查询结果产生影响.本文给出面向存在不确定对象的概率阈值组最近邻查询定义,设计了高效的查询处理机制,通过剪枝优化等手段提高概率阈值组最近邻查询效率,并进一步提出了高效概率阈值组最近邻查询算法.采用多个真实数据集对概率阈值组最近邻算法进行了实验验证,结果表明所提算法具有良好的查询效率.  相似文献   

Sensors are often employed to monitor continuously changing entities like locations of moving objects and temperature. The sensor readings are reported to a database system, and are subsequently used to answer queries. Due to continuous changes in these values and limited resources (e.g., network bandwidth and battery power), the database may not be able to keep track of the actual values of the entities. Queries that use these old values may produce incorrect answers. However, if the degree of uncertainty between the actual data value and the database value is limited, one can place more confidence in the answers to the queries. More generally, query answers can be augmented with probabilistic guarantees of the validity of the answers. In this paper, we study probabilistic query evaluation based on uncertain data. A classification of queries is made based upon the nature of the result set. For each class, we develop algorithms for computing probabilistic answers, and provide efficient indexing and numeric solutions. We address the important issue of measuring the quality of the answers to these queries, and provide algorithms for efficiently pulling data from relevant sensors or moving objects in order to improve the quality of the executing queries. Extensive experiments are performed to examine the effectiveness of several data update policies.  相似文献   

Skyline queries are widely used in location-based service systems. In recent years, various application queries in Manhattan road network have received considerable attention. Considering the uncertain continuous movement of objects in road networks, we mainly research the problem of continuous probabilistic Skyline queries for uncertain moving data points in Manhattan road networks. In such queries, the query point is considered to be stationary, and the objects in road network are treated as moving data points, which are described by the probability density function. First, we acquire the initial Skyline result set according to the initial location and static attributes of the data points, then, calculate the events that could cause the Skyline result set to change by the domination relations among those moving data points, and at last, update the probability Skyline result set according to the calculated events order so as to achieve continuous probability Skyline query. Experimental results show the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed methods.  相似文献   

Being decades of study, the usability of database systems have received more attention in recent years. Now it is especially able to explain missing objects in a query result, which is called “why-not” questions, and is the focus of concern. This paper studies the problem of answering whynot questions on KNN queries. In our real life, many users would like to use KNN queries to investigate the surrounding circumstances. Nevertheless, they often feel disappointed when finding the result not including their expected objects. In this paper, we use the query refinement approach to resolve the problem. Given the original KNN query and a set of missing objects as input, our algorithm offer a refined KNN query that includes the missing objects to the user. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed optimizations and algorithms.  相似文献   

In data applications such as information integration, there can be limited access patterns to relations, i.e., binding patterns require values to be specified for certain attributes in order to retrieve data from a relation. As a consequence, we cannot retrieve all tuples from these relations. In this article we study the problem of computing the complete answer to a query, i.e., the answer that could be computed if all the tuples could be retrieved. A query is stable if for any instance of the relations in the query, its complete answer can be computed using the access patterns permitted by the relations. We study the problem of testing stability of various classes of queries, including conjunctive queries, unions of conjunctive queries, and conjunctive queries with arithmetic comparisons. We give algorithms and complexity results for these classes of queries. We show that stability of datalog programs is undecidable, and give a sufficient condition for stability of datalog queries. Finally, we study data-dependent computability of the complete answer to a nonstable query, and propose a decision tree for guiding the process to compute the complete answer.Received: 6 December 2001, Accepted: 25 November 2002, Published online: 3 April 2003Chen Li: This article combines and integrates some content in the technical report at Stanford University [25] and the paper presented in the 8th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), London, UK, January, 2001 [28]. In addition to the prior materials, this article contains more results and complete proofs that were not included in the original reports.  相似文献   

Xyleme is a huge warehouse integrating XML data of the Web. Xyleme considers a simple data model with data trees and tree types for describing the data sources, and a simple query language based on tree queries with boolean conditions. The main components of the data model are a mediated schema modeled by an abstract tree type, as a view of a set of tree types associated with actual data trees, called concrete tree types, and a mapping expressing the connection between the mediated schema and the concrete tree types. The first contribution of this paper is formal: we provide a declarative model-theoretic semantics for Xyleme tree queries, a way of checking tree query containment, and a characterization of tree queries as a composition of branch queries. The other contributions are algorithmic and handle the potentially huge size of the mapping relation which is a crucial issue for semantic integration and query evaluation in Xyleme. First, we propose a method for pre-evaluating queries at compile time by storing some specific meta-information about the mapping into map translation tables. These map translation tables summarize the set of all the branch queries that can be generated from the mediated schema and the set of all the mappings. Then, we propose different operators and strategies for relaxing queries which, having an empty map translation table, will have no answer if they are evaluated against the data. Finally, we present a method for semi-automatically generating the mapping relation.  相似文献   

This research investigates and approach to query processing in a multidatabase system that uses an objectoriented model to capture the semantics of other data models. The object-oriented model is used to construct a global schema, defining an integrated view of the different schemas in the environment. The model is also used as a self-describing model to build a meta-database for storing information about the global schema. A unique aspect of this work is that the object-oriented model is used to describe the different data models of the multidatabase environment, thereby extending the meta database with semantic information about the local schemas. With the global and local schemas all represented in an object-oriented form, structural mappings between the global schema and each local schema are then easily supported. An object algebra then provides a query language for expressing global queries, using the structural mappings to translate object algebra queries into SQL queries over local relational schema. The advantage of using an object algebra is that the object-oriented database can be viewed as a blackboard for temporary storage of local data and for establishing relationships between different databases. The object algebra can be used to directly retrieve temporarily-stored data from the object-oriented database or to transparently retrieve data from local sources using the translation process described in this paper.  相似文献   

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