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In North Carolina, the Rutherford County Family Planning Council obtained funds from a special grant for levonorgestrel implants for women not eligible for medical assistance benefits. The Council approved the following approaches to promoting responsible sexual behavior and preventing unwanted pregnancy: creation of an interagency council to monitor the program, education in the schools on responsible sexual behavior, establishment of an information-sharing network for social service agencies, and expanded, low-cost or free family planning services. During 1992-1993, clinicians at the county health department and in private practices inserted implants in 287 women aged 13-37 living mainly in Rutherford County but also in McDowell and Polk counties. A survey was also conducted in the public high school to obtain self-assessment and information about family planning from female adolescents. Age distribution of the acceptors of the contraceptive implants was 40% for 13-19 year olds (the initiative's target group), 34% for 21-25 year olds, and 32% for 18-20 year olds (32%). The two-year insertion rate for women aged 10-19 was 17.3/1000 compared to 20.8/1000 for women aged 20-29. The implantation rate was greatest among 18-25 year olds and lowest among women aged 26 and older. The method of payment for implantation was medical assistance in 69% of cases and a philanthropic foundation for women not eligible for medical assistance in 29% of cases. 8% had the implants removed during the study period. The leading reason for removal was psychological distress (25%), followed by headaches (20.8%), desire to conceive (16.7%), bleeding (12.5%), and medical contraindication (12.5%). The interval between implantation and removal ranged from less than 3 months to more than 12 months. 2.3% of the female high school students used implants. Among the 596 students who were sexually active, 4.2% used implants, 1.85% used a diaphragm, 27.5% used condoms, and 15% used oral contraceptives. The implant acceptors attended 65% of scheduled 3-month follow-up visits.  相似文献   

In 1978, the Bangladesh family planning program launched a national program of outreach services that continues to the present. Young married women were hired and trained to visit women in their homes, offer contraceptive services, provide information, and support sustained use over time. This report uses data from two rural districts to assess the effect of the household visitation program on the continuity of contraceptive use. Results of a multivariate analysis show that household outreach has had a pronounced net effect on the continuity of contraceptive use throughout the study period and that the magnitude of this effect has increased with time. This finding suggests that sustained contraceptive use continues to benefit from home-based outreach even after a decade of service encounters. Policy implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effects of socioeconomic development, the status of women, and family planning on fertility and the extent to which these effects vary among the nineteen districts of Bangladesh. The 1983 and 1991 Bangladesh Contraceptive Prevalence Survey data are used to examine the effects of these factors on differences in contraceptive use among currently married women aged 15-49. The proportion of currently married women aged 15-49 using contraception was 46.3 per cent in 1991, a considerable increase from 26.5 per cent in 1983. Contraceptive use rates for all the districts increased substantially over the period between 1983 and 1991 and the gap between Dhaka's rate and those of other districts was narrower in 1991 than in 1983. An analytical model composed of socioeconomic development, status of women, and family planning variables is tested using logistic regression. The logit model is used to evaluate the effects of a selected group of variables on the probability of using contraceptive methods. The analysis demonstrates clearly that socioeconomic development and women's status significantly impact the use of contraceptive methods in Bangladesh. The results also suggest that better-educated, employed women are more likely to use contraception than those who have little or no formal education and who are not employed. In 1983, rural-urban differences in contraceptive use were significant, but in 1991 area of residence was not significant, which suggests that family planning programs may have played an important role in providing contraceptive information and technology to rural areas. Our analysis also suggests that family planning programs operated more efficiently in some districts than in others, and regional differences remained important in 1991 as they were in 1983. Decomposition analysis suggests that shifts in population structure favored increased contraceptive use in Bangladesh. This analysis also indicates that change in rate is also important, contributing about 21 per cent of the overall increase in contraceptive use.  相似文献   

Long-term care provided by family members is the central care of our current health care system. The purpose of this article is to review the family's role in long-term care. Issues such as cost containment and inequities in our current social policy are reviewed. Suggestions for future directions in social policy are presented.  相似文献   

To achieve a given motor task a single trajectory must be chosen from the infinite set of possibilities consistent with the task. To investigate such motor planning in a natural environment, we examined the kinematics of reaching movements made around a visual obstacle in three-dimensional space. Within each session, the start and end points of the movement were uniformly varied around the obstacle. However, the distribution of the near points, where the paths came closest to the obstacle, showed a strong anisotropy, clustering at the poles of a preferred axis through the center of the obstacle. The preferred axes for movements made with the left and right arms were mirror symmetric about the midsagittal plane, suggesting that the anisotropy stems from intrinsic properties of the arm rather than extrinsic visual factors. One account of these results is a sensitivity model of motor planning, in which the movement path is skewed so that when the hand passes closest to the obstacle, the arm is in a configuration that is least sensitive to perturbations that might cause collision. To test this idea, we measured the mobility ellipse of the arm. The mobility minor axis represents the direction in which the hand is most inertially stable to a force perturbation. In agreement with the sensitivity model, the mobility minor axis was not significantly different from the preferred near point axis. The results suggest that the sensitivity of the arm to perturbations, as determined by its inertial stability, is taken into account in the planning process.  相似文献   

Of the 63 Shigella strains isolated from stool cultures from 200 patients who attended a district hospital in Bangladesh with bloody diarrhoea, 37 (59%) were S. dysenteriae type 1, 25 (39%) were S. flexneri and only one (2%) was S. sonnei. Over half (54%) of the Shigella isolates came from children aged < 10 years. Most (89%) of the isolates of S. dysenteriae type 1 were resistant to ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, nalidixic acid, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. Although many (60%) of the isolates of S. flexneri were resistant to ampicillin and cotrimoxazole, only 4% of them were resistant to nalidixic acid. However, all of the S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri were sensitive to ciprofloxacin. The need for periodic monitoring to determine the resistance pattern in remote areas is emphasised.  相似文献   

The cadherins are a family of cell-cell adhesion molecules that mediate Ca2+-dependent homophilic interactions between cells and transduce signals by interacting with cytoplasmic proteins. In the hippocampus, immunostaining combined with confocal microscopy revealed that both neural- (N-) and epithelial- (E-) cadherin are present at synaptic sites, implying a role in synaptic function. Pretreatment of hippocampal slices with antibodies (Abs) raised against the extracellular domain of either N-cad or E-cad had no effect on basal synaptic properties but significantly reduced long-term potentiation (LTP). Infusion of antagonistic peptides containing the His-Ala-Val (HAV) consensus sequence for cadherin dimerization also attenuated LTP induction without affecting previously established LTP. Because the intense synaptic stimulation associated with LTP induction might transiently deplete extracellular Ca2+ and hence potentially destabilize cadherin-cadherin interactions, we examined whether slices could be protected from inhibition by N-cad Abs or HAV peptides by raising the extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Indeed, we found that high extracellular Ca2+ prevented the block of LTP by these agents. Taken together, these results indicate that cadherins are involved in synaptic plasticity, and the stability of cadherin-cadherin bonds may be regulated by synaptic stimulation.  相似文献   

Fertility models are constructed from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey (BFS) employing path analysis. These models are developed and interpreted for urban and rural situations. As a proxy for fertility, the number of children ever born is used, and age, religion, age at marriage, parental childhood residence, and education are considered as explanatory variables. The contribution that these variables give to explaining the 1989 Bangladeshi fertility is compared to the explanatory variables that Ahmed (1981) found suitable for Bangladeshi fertility in 1975. We find that in 1989, compared to 1975, childhood background and education of the mother and age at marriage exert a greater influence on urban fertility, and religion no longer has a significant effect. In the rural case, the effect of religion on fertility has increased since 1975, as has education and age at marriage.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on current levels and trends in fertility in Haiti and discusses some of the factors that determine the current situation. Particular attention is given to knowledge and use of contraception and the impact of the recently established national family planning program. The major source of data is the 1977 Haiti Fertility Survey, but more recent information on family planning program activities is also presented. Factors likely to influence future trends in fertility and family planning are presented in concluding.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the utilization of health services by disabled persons in rural Bangladesh and to identify associated factors to inform the development of appropriate health services. Household surveys were conducted in two villages of Bangladesh by a trained primary-care specialist who lived in the study area for 4 months. About 81% of the sample had utilized some form of health care with more than half consulting unqualified practitioners of modern medicine. Disabled persons whose families perceived they were disabled were 14 times more likely than others to seek treatment. Being male and in the economically productive age group, having an acquired disability and having some form of belief about disability causation were associated with utilization. The conclusions of the study are that social and cultural barriers prevent certain groups, notably women and demographically dependent age groups, from accessing health care. Those who are economically beneficial to the family usually utilize health services. A combination of educational and economic initiatives such as a disability benefits allowance would strongly promote the health of disabled persons and create a general awareness of disability in Bangladesh. A long-term programme which includes disability training for health-care workers and use of financial institutions and existing local government infrastructure for intensive rehabilitation will improve quality of life for disabled persons and is proposed for urgent implementation.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether genetic and environmental influences on global family conflict are explained by parents' personality, marital quality, and negative parenting. The sample comprised 876 same-sex pairs of twins, their spouses, and one adolescent child per twin from the Twin and Offspring Study in Sweden. Genetic influences on aggressive personality were correlated with genetic influences on global family conflict. Nonshared environmental influences on marital quality and negative parenting were correlated with nonshared environmental influences on global family conflict. Results suggest that parents' personality and unique experiences within their family relationships are important for understanding genetic and environmental influences on global conflict in the home. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Argues that family assessment in both research and clinical practice is most useful when it is explicitly guided by theory. The current state of theorizing about the family is considered, including psychological, sociological, and systemic perspectives. Links between theory and assessment are also discussed. The field of family psychology, which has a role to play in providing conceptual ground for researchers and clinicians from diverse disciplines interested in the family, is used as an example of how theory and assessment can be bridged. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of first-time use durations of the injectable contraceptive Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) for rural Bangladeshi women. The method's side effects were defined by 200 first-time users in Matlab district during lengthy, open-ended interviews. Women with many children used the method longer than did women of low parity. Those who experienced side effects had shorter use durations than those who did not, and those who cited heavy bleeding as their main problem discontinued use soonest. Women whose husbands approved of family planning had significantly longer use durations than those whose husbands disapproved. Respondents who adopted DMPA because of perceived positive aspects of the drug used it longer than those who chose it for other reasons. Results of the study underscore the importance of viewing side effects in a specific social and cultural context. Expanded side-effects counseling for women and their husbands is needed.  相似文献   

In January 1994 mass antibiotic prophylaxis was undertaken in the contiguous villages of Deir el-Asad and B'ine in northern Israel (combined population of 11600) in response to a prolonged outbreak of serogroup B meningococcal infection with an overall annual rate of 37.4 cases of infection per 100000 residents. The average case fatality rate in the villages was 23% compared with 11% in Israel during the same period. Neisseria meningitidis group B was identified in 9 of 13 (69%) cases. Seven of these were subtype P1.7,16. The persistence of the outbreak with its accompanying public reaction prompted the establishment of an intervention programme that included antibiotic prophylaxis for the whole community with monitoring for pharyngeal carriage of meningococci in a stratified sample of the population. The objectives were to achieve a reduction of carriage of the outbreak strain and to reduce morbidity and mortality. A total of 1036 pharyngeal swabs were taken 1 day before and 6 weeks after treatment. Antibiotic prophylaxis was administered in one dose: children under 5-years-old received ceftriaxone i.m.; all others received oral ciprofloxacin. Overall, 96% of the population received treatment. The carriage rate was 8.3% prior to treatment (three serogroup B:14:P1.7,16), and 1.3% afterwards (one serogroup B:14:P1.7,16). The intervention failed to eradicate carriage of the putative outbreak strain, or to reduce the incidence and fatality rates in the villages. The outbreak finally terminated in late 1996. Public health professionals should bear this experience in mind when faced with prolonged, localized, nonexplosive outbreaks of meningococcal disease associated with low carriage rates of the outbreak strain.  相似文献   

An integrated multimedia campaign featuring family planning messages saturated the 900,000-person city of Bamako, Mali, for three months during the spring of 1993. With traditional theater and music, family planning messages were repeatedly broadcast on radio and television that conveyed information about modern contraceptive methods, the need for male sexual responsibility, the health and economic advantages of family planning, the need for communication between spouses, and that Islam, the predominant faith of Mali, does not oppose family planning. A separate sample pretest-post-test quasi-experimental research design was used to evaluate the effects of the campaign and exposure to specific messages on changes in contraceptive knowledge, attitudes, and practice. Results indicate a high level of exposure to and agreement with the messages. A dramatic drop was found in the proportion of men and women who believe that Islam opposes family planning. Logistic regression results indicate that contraceptive knowledge and use and more favorable attitudes toward family planning are positively associated with intensity of exposure to the project interventions, after controlling for relevant variables.  相似文献   

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