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This article addresses the impact of neoliberal thought on curriculum reform in New Zealand. A new rhetoric of neutrality and fairness, grounded in a view of the market as a 'level playing field' for maximizing student choice, is identified. Particular attention is paid to allegations by a powerful lobby group, the New Zealand Business Roundtable (NZBR), of political correctness in The New Zealand Curriculum Framework. While NZBR critics have portrayed the curriculum reform process as a victory for the politically correct Left, the paper suggests that those on the Right have been far more influential in shaping the overall direction of education policy in New Zealand. It is argued that although some members of the NZBR advance a number of legitimate criticisms against The New Zealand Curriculum Framework, the Roundtable systematically ignores the political correctness inherent in its own view of the world.  相似文献   

This paper traces writing by middle-class women involved in organising and teaching kindergartens in the USA and Canada from about 1860 to 1910. It is suggested that it is possible to construct several stories from these texts, and that post-structuralist strategies for textual analysis are invaluable in doing so. In order to write feminist accounts of kindergarten work, however, historians need also to attend to the social relations and historical conditions in which texts were produced, read and used, and in which they became consequential for women and children.  相似文献   

This article maps the contentious question of 'national curriculum' in Australia. It explains both why there is no national (i.e. Australian) curriculum, and analyses the history of curriculum formation with a view to documenting the changing significance and status of 'national' (i.e. nation-building) curriculum. The analysis is informed by an historical sociology perspective which begins by considering curriculum in relation to the national question in Australia and then moves on to examine the role of curriculum in the contemporary re-design of education as a social institution and a regulatory device within the Australian national jurisdiction.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the introduction of the National Curriculum (England and Wales) and standardised assessment procedures on the culture and curriculum of a large culturally diverse secondary school in London during the period 1993-1995. It examines the processes through which centrally controlled definitions of knowledge and its assessment are imposed on teachers and learners through state control of curricula and assessment in a market led system of education. Drawing on material from interviews with teachers, it discusses the incursion of the state into the daily life and culture of a particular school. It uses the imagery of alchemy to question the hegemonic role of a national curriculum in crushing the expression of cultural difference and excluding other possible curricula which recognise and celebrate the knowledge and experience which pupils bring with them into school.  相似文献   

Food security is not a new concern, but has taken on new dimensions in recent years. Here we position food security in a broader context relating to the use and management of global biomass resources, and specifically the push to develop a ‘bio-based economy’. We note a growing focus on plants as a source of innovative solutions to complex problems including food security, energy security, climate change and global environmental health. However, we also note that plants are a renewable but finite resource, and propose that renewed enthusiasm for plants is resulting in an increasingly complicated ‘politics of plants,’ as competition for limited land and biomass resources intensifies—the clash between food security and energy security over biofuels being an obvious example. Plants are a common thread across many policy domains including agriculture, energy, environment, health, and industry, and as such we suggest that they might provide a focal point for joined-up thinking and governance. We identify this broader picture as an important backdrop for discussions regarding food security, and from our proposed framework develop a number of recommendations for further investigation.
Emma FrowEmail:

Emma Frow   is a Research Fellow at the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum at the University of Edinburgh, where she runs a work programme on plant genomics and the bioeconomy. Her research interests also include the emerging field of synthetic biology. Now working in Science and Technology Studies, Emma trained as a natural scientist and completed her PhD in the Department of Medicine at the University of Cambridge, where her research focused on cell signalling and cell migration in inflammatory disorders. Before joining the Genomics Forum in 2006, Emma worked for the journal Nature. David Ingram   has researched and taught plant pathology, biotechnology and botany in the Universities of Hull, Glasgow and Cambridge. He was Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh from 1990–1998, and the Royal Horticultural Society Professor of Horticulture. David served as Master of St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge from 2000–2006. He is currently an Honorary Fellow at the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum, and Honorary Professor in the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. David has also been Deputy Chair of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, and Chair of the Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species. Wayne Powell   is a plant geneticist and plant breeder, currently Director of the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) at the Aberystwyth University. From 2004–2008 he was Director and CEO of the UK National Institute of Agricultural Botany. He also served as Foundation Head of the School of Agriculture and Wine at the University of Adelaide, was Deputy Director of the Scottish Crop Research Institute, and has worked for DuPont in the USA. Wayne’s research interests are at the interface of plant genetics, genome science, plant breeding and conservation of genetic resources, with a strong emphasis on the delivery of ‘public good’ outcomes. Deryck Steer   is Managing Director of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), the statutory adviser to the UK Government on national and international nature conservation. He is a Trustee and Treasurer of the National Biodiversity Network Trust (NBN) and a Director of BioD Services Ltd. Prior to joining the JNCC in 1998, Deryck worked for English Nature in a number of different business areas, and also served as General Manager with a mixed portfolio of national responsibilities. Johannes Vogel   is Keeper and Head of the Department of Botany at the Natural History Museum in London. He is in charge of a scientific staff of 65, and a collection of more than 5 million specimens, from diatoms to trees. His personal research is into plant evolutionary biology and the biogeography of bryophytes, ferns and selected flowering plants, as well as Science and Technology Studies and Citizen Science work. Steven Yearley   works at the University of Edinburgh as Director of the Genomics Policy and Research Forum, and as Professor of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge within the School of Social and Political Science. His main research interests are in the sociology of environmental issues and the sociology of science; many of his studies examine areas where these topics intersect—for example over public responses to GM food and plants, or over citizen engagement in environmental modelling. Recent book-length publications include Making Sense of Science (Sage 2005) and Cultures of Environmentalism (Palgrave Macmillan 2005, appearing in paper in 2009).   相似文献   

In this article the author discusses what he considers to be an ultrastructure of Michel Foucault's pedagogisation of sex, which is the expanding normative imagination of bodies and sexualities as and in curricula. Here the author proposes an inclusive reading of 'curriculum' that departs from the specific scholastic definition, one that embraces the total cultural apparatus that prescribes bodies' chronologies. Body curricula are explored by their being implied in diverse pedagogical paradigms articulating a body's development, specifically its sexual development. As a test-case, he illustrates how alternating stories of 'first sexual experiences' correspond to alternating tales of the body in/as a curricular order, the order that renders bodies 'curricular' and, as such, subject to pedagogical praxis. In an attempt to open up such body curricula to an anthropological digestion, he describes three paradigms of storying virginity, alternatively plotted as a 'war', a 'complex' and a 'ride'.  相似文献   

This paper examines the politics and values of the secondary school curriculum in Greece and attempts to find out the influences of cultural tradition and centralized control on curriculum development. In particular, it studies the decision-making process and the politics of educational control, employing some theoretical elements from centralist and corporatist literature, and presents the valued knowledge of the curriculum through a historical perspective. Additionally, it investigates the politics of curriculum change taking into account the tradition of curriculum content and the power of central control on education. In conclusion, it is pointed out that in the current context of social flexibility Greek secondary school curriculum must aim at the development of a culture of learning and reflect on values and visions.  相似文献   

The politics and science behind GMO acceptance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question of nutritional quality has arisen in the International Community over the last few years along with other important issues such as population aging, multipopulation societies, and political conflicts. The nutritional issue is questioned both quantitatively and qualitatively. It is well known that the planet faces enormous problems with food that is available. Nowadays 20% of the population consumes approximately 80% of the produced energy and natural resources. During the last 15 years, a series of food scares and crises (BSE, dioxin, foot and mouth disease, bird flu) have seriously undermined public confidence in food producers and operators and their capacity to produce safe food. As a result, food safety has become a top priority of the European legislative authorities. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is the new food safety concern which despite the intense reactions from Non Governmental Organizations and consumer organizations have entered our lives with inadequate legislative measures to protect consumers from their consumption. The GMO issue will be the issue for discussion in the long run not only for the European Community but also for the international community as far as scientific, economical, political, ideological, ethical, and human issues are concerned. These issues are discussed in this paper along with a case of study of GM fish.  相似文献   

八叉树模型的改进及其实体表示方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对八叉树模型表示复杂物体时精度不高的缺陷,使用增加边界信息的方法对传统八叉树模型进行了改进,实现了与Brep模型的相互转换,将其应用到数控(NC)仿真的刀具行进过程,达到了预期目的.  相似文献   

This article analyses conflict over multicultural education in the United States as an example of what Pierre Bourdieu terms 'classification struggle'. By classification struggles, the author means struggles over those symbolic representations of social divisions that help to construct a hierarchical social order. In particular, following Bourdieu, efforts that 'aim at retrospectively reconstructing a past fitted to the needs of the present' are emphasised. Consequently, the author focuses particularly on contests over the reconstruction of United States history. To begin, he asks what is at stake in how a nation and its past are symbolically constructed. He then identifies specific ways in which multiculturalism engages in classification struggle and consider the nature of resistance to those efforts. Next, he illustrates limitations in multiculturalism's success in effecting changes in symbolic classification. Finally, he concludes by suggesting the implications of the analysis for answering the question 'In what sense, can a curriculum be imagined as a national curriculum?'  相似文献   

研究正整数方幂和Sk(n)=n∑a=1ak的多项式表示.结合初等数论及组合的方法,证明了正整数方幂和S2k-1(n)可展开为包含因子n(n+1)且关于n(n+1)的k阶有理多项式;S2k(n)可展n开为包含因子n(n+1)(2n+1)且关于n(n+1)的k阶有理多项式,并且给出Sk(n)=n∑a=1ak展开成多项式后系数的确切计算公式.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to offer an analysis of the political and social role of the curriculum in a modern democratic society. It seeks to show how the assumptions embedded in inherited curriculum ideologies are impeding the potential of the curriculum in modern democratic societies from becoming a curriculum 'for democracy', that is a curriculum which would be constitutive of a more democratic form of social life.  相似文献   

Puckett R 《Food management》1991,26(7):104-7, 112, 116-7 passim
Recently, Shands Hospital at the University of Florida in Gainesville completed a $14-million foodservice renovation, one element in an 11-year-long, $100-million hospital-wide expansion project. Having successfully finished the work in her department, Food & Nutrition Services Director Ruby Puckett offers advice to her colleagues about how to stay in control of the renovation process from beginning through to the end.  相似文献   




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