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This paper presents a linkage between the Markov Chain model of housing vacancy transfers and two types of behavioral choice model. First, it shows how vacancy transition probabilities can be computed from the estimated parameters in a household's house choice model. Then it shows how the transition probabilities can be directly estimated from a model of the seller's choice of highest bid among households. The latter also provides information on the expected benefit of a household move among sectors of an urban housing market, which is indispensable in using the vacancy multiplier for policy evaluation.  相似文献   

王瀛 《人类居住》2007,(1):12-13
最近以色列国防军对黎巴嫩人的大屠杀既不正当,其合法性也令人置疑,悲惨的是,这是长达数世纪的、沉痛的平民屠杀史上最新的一次屠杀。那些平民,以及他们的家园和土地,承受了暴力武装冲突的主要恶果,住房权与反迫迁中心(COHP~E)执行主任ScottLeckie说道。[编者按]  相似文献   

小产权房问题反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国土部表态“小产权房不受法律保护”,使千万民众成为非法物业的业主,本文反思其缘由,认为:高房价、建立以经济适用房为主的住房供应体系政策未能得到有效执行,住房供给结构失衡、以及深层次的农村集体土地权能不完全性和主体虚位等原因,导致“小产权房”在目前社会状态下必然出现。  相似文献   

The focus of the article is on the relationship between local housing policy and residential segregation. The former is specified as decisions concerning type of tenure and the location of new dwellings, the latter in terms of class and income. Three structurally similar Swedish cities are compared. The results show that, the more market orientated local housing policy and the less “mixed housing” is, the stronger residential segregation. One planning implication seems to be that the development of housing segregation according to class and income, indeed, may be influenced by local planning. If desegregation is given a high priority in a city, housing production should be directed to accomplish this aim.  相似文献   

Housing policy in the European Union is the exclusive domain of national governments. European authorities, however, are using their powers in the area of competition more and more to exert a far-reaching influence on policy areas where the Member States should be autonomous.In the Netherlands the Housing Act of 1901 forms the public framework for housing associations, which combine public functions with more or less commercial activities. These hybrid organizations fulfil in the Netherlands the public function not only of housing the households with modest incomes, but also of fostering variety in the housing stock and reducing spatial segregation. Apparently the European Commission underestimates the significance and logic of hybrid organizations. It is important that Member States exercise their autonomous right to shape their own housing policies to the full. European competition policy, in itself a necessary and useful policy domain, must not be misused to thwart national housing aspirations.  相似文献   

Driven by a concern about the negative side effects of ethnic concentration neighbourhoods, many European governments aim to create more ethnically and socio-economically mixed neighbourhoods. At the same time, housing policy aims to give tenants more choice in how and where they live. The objectives of these two policies might conflict as offering people choice has the potential to increase self-segregation, especially across ethnic groups. This paper studies the effect of choice-based letting on (self) segregation in housing association stock in England. We analyse whether households who let their property under choice-based letting end up in neighbourhoods with different levels of ethnic concentrations than households who are matched to a dwelling using the traditional allocation system. We focus on how the effect of choice-based letting differs for ethnic minority households and non-ethnic minority households. Using unique data on all lettings made in the housing association sector in England in 2006/2007 and an ordered logit regression model we show that ethnic minority households are more likely to let a property in an ethnic concentration neighbourhood than non-ethnic minority households. Ethnic minorities letting their property under choice-based letting are the most likely to accept a dwelling in an ethnic concentration neighbourhood.  相似文献   

苏宁 《山西建筑》2010,36(25):238-239
通过阅读相关的文献资料,对厦门市20多年的保障性住房政策及建设情况进行了分析总结,并叙述了保障性住房规划历程,同时积累了相关经验,对城市规划和社会保障性住房的建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在分析当前物业消防安全管理存在问题的基础上,提出了加强物业消防安全管理的措施。  相似文献   

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - In recent years, scholars have explained the factors driving the conversion of residential accommodation to retail units in African cities from an...  相似文献   

Public Housing and Private Property 1970–1984. by Stephanie Cooper. Aldershot: Gower. 1985. pp. 178. £18.50.

Low Cost Home Ownership. edited by Philip Booth and Tony Crook. Aldershot: Gower. 1985. pp. 264. £18.50.

Home Ownership in the Inner City: Salvation or Despair? by Valerie Karn, Jim Kemeny and Peter Williams. Aldershot: Gower. 1985. pp. 162. £16.50.  相似文献   

The recession has created significant challenges for the government with regard to providing affordable housing. Even during the UK’s housing boom the supply of housing failed to keep pace with demand. Therefore, increasing housing supply and improving affordability in a recessionary period will require the government to innovatively utilise their limited resources. Following the Comprehensive Spending Review in 2010 severe cuts to the housing budget were made and radical reforms to housing and planning policy have been proposed by the coalition government. The paper briefly discusses the UK housing market and affordable housing policy and practice recently employed in England. Subsequently a discussion of the coalition government’s recent reforms to housing and planning policy, concerning affordable housing, is presented.  相似文献   

This paper considers the risk and uncertainty attached to inner‐city environments and analyses the use of taxation incentives as a policy instrument in generating demand‐led residential development in such localities. Initially an international perspective is outlined; however, particular attention is focused on Dublin, Ireland, where taxation breaks specifically orientated at both owner and occupiers and investors have been a prime influence in stimulating private sector residential development on a major scale within the central core of the city. The case is presented for the imaginative use of tax incentives in achieving effective urban regeneration. Whilst it is recognised that housing policy and mechanisms cannot simply be replicated from one situation to another, there is need for policy‐makers, especially in Britain, to consider more innovative approaches to inner city housing renewal by integrating macro‐economic, fiscal and housing policy objectives.  相似文献   

本文提出了经济适用房制度的进一步完善,介绍了经济适用房规划建筑设计的特点,并进行了规划设计创新一些有益的探索,从而创造出一个具有经济性与实用性兼备的经济适用房社区。  相似文献   

Residential mobility is the outcome of housing market search. Mobility rates depend on the search intensity of the household, the arrival rate of opportunities in the market, and the rates of acceptance of these opportunities by the households. Micro-analytical models of overt mobility fail in decomposing the compound rate into its constituent parts and can therefore not distinguish between demand- or supply-driven changes in the housing market. Micro-analytical models of stated preferences are only partial and do not reflect the actual behaviour of households in a specific housing market context. Simulation models of residential mobility and housing market search offer a potential advantage over micro-analytical models, due to their flexible nature. By simulating demand, supply, and the actual match of households to vacancies, a full representation of the housing market can be given. TheLocSim model presented here is a micro simulation model of a local housing market and is illustrative of the potential for modelling residential mobility. This includes:
  • -the variation in search intensities of households, dependent on the motive for moving, including dependence on events in other than the housing career;
  • -the generation of supply, as an unintended outcome of the residential mobility of households that move to another dwelling;
  • -the adjustment of initial preferences, as households become aware of the opportunities and constraints in the local housing market during their search;
  • -the public choice, with respect to the creation of opportunities by stimulating the construction of dwellings and with respect to imposing constraints on the accessibility of social rented housing.
  • The application of this model to the specific group of young people in the process of household formation illustrates the sensitivity of the rates of residential mobility and out-migration to shortages and other constraints in the local housing market.  相似文献   

    The new Progressive Conservative (PC) government in Ontario is planning to sell the 84,500 units (using the UK model) of public housing that it owns. This paper presents an evaluation of the programs to sell off public housing in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. After a comparative evaluation, the author makes several recommendations for the Ontario government. The author argues that Canadian public-housing tenant characteristics are different from those in the UK. Ontario's public-housing tenants are too poor to purchase these units. They would be unable to maintain the unit and carry the costs (property tax, insurance, and utilities) even if the units were given to them free. The author concurs that the sale of public housing units in the USA and the UK may have generated some revenue and saved some costs. However, he points out that in the long run, the modest financial gains will be offset by higher operating costs. The sale of the best units and those that are easy to maintain, along with the loss of higher-income tenants, will no doubt result in higher average operating costs for the remaining Units. Such unintended consequences of the sale should be avoided by the Ontario government. The author recommends that the province develop a comprehensive and multi-purpose plan covering an array of programs (including the sale of some units) rather than concentrate exclusively on the sale.  相似文献   

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