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Acetogenic carbon monoxide dehydrogenases catalyze the reversible oxidation of CO to CO2 and the synthesis of acetyl-coenzyme A, utilizing two novel Ni-Fe-S active sites (the C- and A-clusters, respectively) and an [Fe4S4]2+/1+ cluster (the B-cluster) that serves to transfer electrons. Enzyme samples were titrated under equilibrium conditions using various partial pressures of CO in Ar and CO2 atmospheres. EPR signal intensities from each cluster were analyzed as a function of potential using the Nernst equation. The presence of CO2 raised the reduction potentials of the A-, B-, and C-clusters, and it appeared to increase the strength of CO (substrate for acetyl-CoA synthesis) binding to the reduced A-cluster. Carbon dioxide also appeared to stabilize an intermediate EPR-silent state of the C-cluster and alter the saturation/relaxation properties of the reduced B-cluster. Simulations assuming n values (number of e- involved in reduction) larger than appropriate for the individual reactions generally fit better to the titration data than those which assumed the appropriate n, indicating positive redox cooperativity. Carbon dioxide did not inhibit 1,10-phenanthroline from removing the labile Ni from the A-cluster, but it did inhibit the CO/acetyl-coenzyme A exchange activity, probably by causing CO to bind more tightly to the A-cluster. Taken together, these results indicate a significant CO2-dependent conformational change affecting the properties of all three clusters and both subunits. Since the enzyme operates in vivo in a CO2 environment, the CO2-induced conformation may be mechanistically important.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase catalyzes the first committed step in the biosynthesis of fatty acids. The Escherichia coli form of the enzyme consists of a biotin carboxylase protein, a biotin carboxyl carrier protein, and a carboxyltransferase protein. In this report the overexpression of the genes for the carboxyltransferase component is described. The steady-state kinetics of the recombinant carboxyltransferase are characterized in the reverse direction, in which malonyl-CoA reacts with biocytin to form acetyl-CoA and carboxybiocytin. The initial velocity patterns indicated that the kinetic mechanism is equilibrium-ordered with malonyl-CoA binding before biocytin and the binding of malonyl-CoA to carboxyltransferase at equilibrium. The biotin analogs, desthiobiotin and 2-imidazolidone, inhibited carboxyltransferase. Both analogs exhibited parabolic noncompetitive inhibition, which means that two molecules of inhibitor bind to the enzyme. The pH dependence for both the maximum velocity (V) and the (V/K)biocytin parameters decreased at low pH. A single ionizing group on the enzyme with a pK of 6.2 or lower in the (V/K)biocytin profile and 7. 5 in the V profile must be unprotonated for catalysis. Carboxyltransferase was inactivated by N-ethylmaleimide, whereas malonyl-CoA protected against inactivation. This suggests that a thiol in or near the active site is needed for catalysis. The rate of inactivation of carboxyltransferase by N-ethylmaleimide decreased with decreasing pH and indicated that the pK of the sulfhydryl group had a pK value of 7.3. It is proposed that the thiolate ion of a cysteine acts as a catalytic base to remove the N1' proton of biocytin.  相似文献   

Carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) from Rhodospirillum rubrum contains two metal centers: a Ni-X-[Fe4S4]2+/1+ cluster (C-center) that serves as the COoxidation site and a standard [Fe4S4]2+/1+ cluster (B-center) that mediates electron flow from the C-center to external electron acceptors. Four states of the C-center were previously identified in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and M?ssbauer studies. In this report, EPR-redox titrations demonstrate that the fully oxidized, diamagnetic form of the C-center (Cox) undergoes a one-electron reduction to the Cred1 state (gav = 1.87) with a midpoint potential of -110 mV. The reduction of Cox to Cred1 is shown to coincide with the reduction of an [Fe4S4]2+/1+ cluster in redox-titration experiments monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy. Nickel-deficient CODH, which is devoid of nickel yet contains both [Fe4S4]2+/1+ clusters, does not exhibit EPR-active states or reduced Fe4S4 clusters at potentials more positive than -350 mV.  相似文献   

The products of cooCTJ are involved in normal in vivo Ni insertion into the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) of Rhodospirillum rubrum. Located on a 1.5-kb DNA segment immediately downstream of the CODH structural gene (cooS), two of the genes encode proteins that bear motifs reminiscent of other (urease and hydrogenase) Ni-insertion systems: a nucleoside triphosphate-binding motif near the N terminus of CooC and a run of 15 histidine residues regularly spaced over the last 30 amino acids of the C terminus of CooJ. A Gm(r)omega-linker cassette was developed to create both polar and nonpolar (60 bp) insertions in the cooCTJ region, and these, along with several deletions, were introduced into R. rubrum by homologous recombination. Analysis of the exogenous Ni levels required to sustain CO-dependent growth of the R. rubrum mutants demonstrated different phenotypes: whereas the wild-type strain and a mutant bearing a partial cooJ deletion (of the region encoding the histidine-rich segment) grew at 0.5 microM Ni supplementation, strains bearing Gm(r)omega-linker cassettes in cooT and cooJ required approximately 50-fold-higher Ni levels and all cooC insertion strains, bearing polar or nonpolar insertions, grew optimally at 550 microM Ni.  相似文献   

Our studies indicate that a high concentration of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) does not interfere with the O2--carrying capacity of the blood. In dogs, both the transfusion of erythrocytes containing 80 percent COHb and the i.p. injection of carbon monoxide (CO) gas do not produce CO toxicity even though the COHb is above 50 percent. Dogs inhaling CO (13 percent in air) for 15 minutes died within 15 minutes to 65 minutes with an average COHb level of 65 percent. The probable toxic action of CO is on the cellular respiration taking place in the mitochondria when CO competes with O2 for cytochrome a3. The presence of dissolved CO in plasma, which is necessary for CO to enter the tissue, probably occurs when the exchange takes place between alveolar air and the blood in the lungs. When air containing CO is inhaled, there will be a significant CO tension in the blood when it leaves the lungs and when it reaches the organs especially the heart and brain. While COHb level is useful as a clinical measure of CO exposure, the most important mechanism by which CO causes toxicity is its combination with cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

The kinetics of anodic oxidation of carbon-containing materials in borosilicate melts is studied. A mechanism of the anodic process that takes into account the surface diffusion of adsorbed oxygen atoms is proposed. The kinetic characteristics of the process for various systems and experimental conditions are determined.  相似文献   

The mechanism of oxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH) has been investigated using the HLADH structure at 2.1 A resolution with NAD+ and pentafluorobenzyl alcohol in the active site [Ramaswamy et al. (1994) Biochemistry 33,5230-5237]. Constructs for molecular dynamics (MD) investigations with HLADH were obtained by a best-fit superimposition of benzaldehyde or its hydrate on the pentafluorobenzyl alcohol bound to the active site Zn(II)ion. Equilibrium bond lengths, angles, and dihedral parameters for Zn(II) bonding residues His67, Cys46, and Cys174 were obtained from small-molecule X-ray crystal structures and an ab initio-derived parameterization of zinc in HLADH [Ryde, U. (1995) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 21,40-56]. Dynamic simulations in CHARMM were carried out on the following three constructs to 100 ps: (MD1) enzyme with NAD+, benzaldehyde, and zinc-ligated HO-in the active site; (MD2) enzyme with NAD+ and hydrated benzaldehyde monoanion bound to zinc via the pro-R oxygen, with a proton residing on the pro-S oxygen; and (MD3) enzyme with NAD+ and hydrated benzaldehyde monoanion bound to zinc via the pro-S oxygen, with a proton residing on the pro-R oxygen. Analyses were done of 800 sample conformations taken in the last 40 ps of dynamics. Structures from MD1 and MD3 were used to define the initial spatial arrangements of reactive functionalities for semiempirical PM3 calculations. Using PM3, model systems were calculated of ground states and some transition states for aldehyde hydration, hydride transfer, and subsequent proton shuttling. With benzaldehyde and zinc-bound hydroxide ion in the active site, the oxygen of Zn(II)-OH resided at a distance of 2.8-5.5 A from the aldehyde carbonyl carbon during the dynamics simulation. This may be compared to the PM3 transition state for attack of the Zn(II)-OH oxygen on the benzaldehyde carbonyl carbon, which has an O...C distance of 1.877 A. HLADH catalysis of the aldehyde hydration would require very little motion aside from that in the ground state. Two simulations of benzaldehyde hydrate ligated to zinc (MD2 and MD3) both showed close approach of the aldehyde hydrate hydrogen to NAD+C4, varying from 2.3 to 3.3 A, seemingly favorable for the hydride transfer reaction. The MD2 configuration does not allow proton shuttling. On the other hand, when the pro-S oxygen is ligated to zinc (MD3), the proton on the pro-R oxygen averages 2.09 A from the hydroxyl oxygen of Ser48 such that initiation of shuttling of protons via Ser48 to the ribose 2'-hydroxyl oxygen to the 3'-hydroxyl oxygen to His51 nitrogen is sterically favorable. PM3 calculations suggest that this proton shuttle represents a stepwise reaction which occurs subsequent to hydride transfer. The PM3 transition state for hydride transfer based on the MD3 configuration has the transferring hydride 1.476 A from C4 of NAD+ and 1.433 A from the aldehyde alpha-carbon.  相似文献   

A strategy has been developed for quantitatively "translating" the distributions of cooperative free energy between different oxygenation analogs of hemoglobin (Hb). The method was used to resolve the cooperative free energies of all eight carbon monoxide binding intermediates. These parameters of the FeCOHb system were determined by thermodynamic transformation of corresponding free energies obtained previously for all species of the Co/FeCO system, i.e., where cobalt-substituted hemes comprise the unligated sites [Speros, P. C., et al. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 7254-7262]. Using hybridized combinations of normal and cobalt-substituted Hb, ligation analog systems Co/FeX (X = CO, CN) were constructed and experimentally quantified. Energetics of cobalt-induced structural perturbation were determined for all species of both the "mixed metal" Co/Fe system and also the ligated Co/FeCN system. It was found that major energetic perturbations of the Co/Fe hybrid species originate from a pure cobalt substitution effect on the alpha subunits. These perturbations are transduced to the beta subunit within the same dimeric half-tetramer, resulting in alteration of the free energies for binding at the nonsubstituted (Fe) sites. Using the linkage strategy developed in this study along with the determined energetics of these couplings, the experimental assembly free energies for the Co/FeCO species were transformed into cooperative free energies of the 10 Fe/FeCO species. The resulting values were found to distribute according to predictions of a symmetry rule mechanism proposed previously [Ackers, G. K., et al. (1992) Science 255, 54-63]. Their distribution is consistent with accurate CO binding data of normal Hb [Perrella, M., et al. (1990b) Biophys. Chem. 37, 211-223] and also with accurate O2 binding data obtained under the same conditions [Chu, A. H., et al. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 604-617].  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the gas nitric oxide can modulate the secretion of a number of hypothalamic hormones, and may be co-localized particularly to oxytocin-containing neurons. Another gas, carbon monoxide (CO), has also been suggested to play a role in neural signaling in the brain, and the synthetic enzyme responsible for the generation of carbon monoxide has been reported to be present in the rat hypothalamus. In this study, we have therefore investigated whether CO has the ability to modify the release of oxytocin from acute rat hypothalamic explants. Hemin, a specific CO precursor through the enzyme heme oxygenase (the enzymatic pathway synthesizing endogenous CO, was found to inhibit KCl-stimulated oxytocin release, with a maximal effect at 10(-5) M, while showing no effect on basal oxytocin secretion. The stimulation of oxytocin by serotonin 10 ng/ml was also significantly antagonized by hemin 10(-7) M. An inhibitor of heme oxygenase, zinc-protoporphyrin-9, had no effect on basal or stimulated oxytocin release. When hemin and zinc-protoporphyrin-9 were given together, the hemin-induced inhibition of oxytocin was completely antagonized by the enzyme inhibitor. Ferrous hemoglobin A0, a substance known to bind CO with high affinity, had no effect on either basal or stimulated oxytocin release, but when hemin and ferrous hemoglobin A0 were given together the hemin-induced inhibition of oxytocin was completely blocked. These findings provide evidence that endogenous CO may play a role in the control of oxytocin release and that, by analogy with nitric oxide, CO may represent a major new neuroendocrine modulator.  相似文献   

This work described in situ combustion synthesis method for depositing CuO-CeO2 on the FeCrAl honeycomb supports.The in-fluence of the solution concentration and the role of the additive were studied and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),X-ray diffractometer (XRD),and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) techniques.The results showed that 200 g/L of the active solution was the most appropriate concentration for preparing the monolithic catalysts,and the additives of praseodymium and lanthanum improved the adhesion stability of the monolithic catalysts.The addition of Pr did not greatly affect the catalytic performance,but CO could not be totally converted into CO2 after the addition of La into the CuO-CeO2/Al2O3/FeCrAl catalysts.  相似文献   

Variations of intracellular concentrations of isocitrate and NADP+ were measured throughout all growth phases of the marine bacterium Pseudomonas nautica. The intracellular isocitrate concentration tracked the intracellular protein concentration throughout all phases of growth. It rapidly increased in early exponential phase to a maximum and fell to nearly zero in parallel with pyruvate exhaustion in the culture medium. The intracellular NADP+ and protein concentrations increased in parallel during the exponential phase but were poorly correlated. Even after carbon exhaustion, the intracellular NADP+ concentration stayed high, as did protein levels. The results demonstrated that the intracellular isocitrate concentration, but not the intracellular NADP+ concentration, was affected by the carbon availability in the culture. They also suggest that, because of its variability, isocitrate, but not NADP+, plays the larger role in the control of the respiratory CO2 production rate (RCO2). From initial rate studies, bisubstrate Michaelis constants and the dissociation constant were determined for NADP+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) from P. nautica. These studies support the hypothesis that the mechanism of IDH's activity involves the ordered addition of the substrates, D-isocitrate and NADP+. Furthermore, the results support the use of a bisubstrate enzyme kinetic equation to model RCO2 in P. nautica.  相似文献   

This work described in situ combustion synthesis method for depositing CuO-CeO2 on the FeCrAl honeycomb supports.The in-fluence of the solution concentration and the role of the additive were studied and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),X-ray diffractometer (XRD),and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) techniques.The results showed that 200 g/L of the active solution was the most appropriate concentration for preparing the monolithic catalysts,and the additives of praseodymium and lanthanum...  相似文献   

On the assumption that the reaction between reducing gas (carbon monoxide) and oxide melt containing Me n O m ions is electrochemical, the kinetic equation for the reduction rate is derived. This equation takes account of the physicochemical properties of the contacting phases. The results obtained from this equation are consistent with experimental data for CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 melt with up to 5.7% Fe2O3 into which gas is injected with a CO partial pressure of 5.0 × 102 MPa at 1623 K.  相似文献   

杨卫 《冶金能源》2005,24(4):60-62
介绍一种制备高纯CO气体方法。其原理是CO2在高温下与木炭反应,再经净化得到CO气体。产气过程中两个还原炉前后串联,具有产气稳定,气量可调,设备简单,CO纯度高等特点。  相似文献   

Two forms of the gamma subunit of G protein were purified from bovine lung, and were identified as gamma10 and gamma11 by analyses of partial amino acid sequences and reactivity with specific antibodies. The N-terminal amino acid residue of gamma11 was an unmodified Pro2, and the purified gamma11 was freed from beta even under non-denaturing conditions. Western blots with specific antibodies against gamma10 and gamma11 showed that both gamma subunits are present in a variety of tissues in the rat, with a particular abundance of gamma11 in the platelets.  相似文献   

A rare case of absence of the azygos vein associated with double superior vena cava is presented. Imaging findings on plain chest film and on contrast-enhanced computed tomography are described, and the embryology of azygos and hemiazygos veins is reviewed.  相似文献   

The oxidative decarboxylation of D-malate catalyzed by tartrate dehydrogenase has been analyzed by transient-state kinetic methods and kinetic isotope effect measurements. The reaction time courses show a burst of NADH formation prior to the attainment of the steady-state velocity. The binding of the inhibitor tartronate to the enzyme was examined by monitoring the quenching of the protein's intrinsic fluorescence; the tartronate concentration dependence of the observed rate constant for association was hyperbolic, supporting a two-step model for inhibitor binding. Analysis of the time courses for D-malate oxidation yielded values for many of the microscopic rate constants governing the reaction. The range of possible solutions for the microscopic rate constants was constrained by comparison of the time course for oxidation of unlabeled malate with that of deuterated malate; this analysis relied on the determination of the intrinsic isotope effect on hydride transfer via measurement of D(V/K), T(V/K), and the oxaloacetate partition ratio. The results of the transient-state kinetic analyses suggest that the rate of D-malate oxidation is largely limited by the rate of decarboxylation of the intermediate oxaloacetate which occurs at 11 s-1. Hydride transfer from D-malate to NAD+ occurs with a rate constant of 300 s-1, and (D)k for this step is 5.5. The agreement between experimentally measured steady-state kinetic parameters and kinetic isotope effects and their values calculated from the microscopic rate constants derived from the transient-state kinetic analyses was quite good.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas thermocarboxydovorans strain C2 is capable of using carbon monoxide as the sole source of carbon and energy. The key enzyme for CO utilisation is the molybdenum containing iron-flavoprotein carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH). This paper reports the DNA sequencing of a 4.7 kb region of the C2 genome which appears to encode the CODH enzyme. The genes for the three subunits of CODH, which we have named cut A, B and C, have been identified and they appear to form an operon. The predicted protein sequences of the three subunits have homology to the structurally related protein, xanthine dehydrogenase, from Drosophila melanogaster. By comparison with xanthine dehydrogenase it can be predicted that the molybdenum cofactor binds to the large subunit of CODH, the small subunit of CODH contains the iron-sulphur centers and the medium subunit binds FAD/NAD+.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the structures of glutamate dehydrogenase (GluDH) and leucine dehydrogenase (LeuDH) have suggested that two substitutions, deep within the amino acid binding pockets of these homologous enzymes, from hydrophilic residues to hydrophobic ones are critical components of their differential substrate specificity. When one of these residues, K89, which hydrogen-bonds to the gamma-carboxyl group of the substrate l-glutamate in GluDH, was altered by site-directed mutagenesis to a leucine residue, the mutant enzyme showed increased substrate activity for methionine and norleucine but negligible activity with either glutamate or leucine. In order to understand the molecular basis of this shift in specificity we have determined the crystal structure of the K89L mutant of GluDH from Clostridium symbiosum. Analysis of the structure suggests that further subtle differences in the binding pocket prevent the mutant from using a branched hydrophobic substrate but permit the straight-chain amino acids to be used as substrates. The three-dimensional crystal structure of the GluDH from C. symbiosum has been previously determined in two distinct forms in the presence and absence of its substrate glutamate. A comparison of these two structures has revealed that the enzyme can adopt different conformations by flexing about the cleft between its two domains, providing a motion which is critical for orienting the partners involved in the hydride transfer reaction. It has previously been proposed that this conformational change is triggered by substrate binding. However, analysis of the K89L mutant shows that it adopts an almost identical conformation with that of the wild-type enzyme in the presence of substrate. Comparison of the mutant structure with both the wild-type open and closed forms has enabled us to separate conformational changes associated with substrate binding and domain motion and suggests that the domain closure may well be a property of the wild-type enzyme even in the absence of substrate.  相似文献   

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